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Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v9 (07/7/2012)

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Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v9 (07/7/2012)

Postby thefiremind » 31 Mar 2012, 21:07

Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC

Yes, it's finally here! After solving the problem with card pictures' dimensions, I'm ready to share my work.

Some things you have to know:
  1. The decks you'll find in my DLC are made mostly for fun, not for winning. My aim was to preserve balance when playing against the decks that the game already offers. Some of the decks I made resemble decks that I had in "real" paper Magic and on which I never invested lots of money.
  2. I didn't use any card that produces mana tokens (incidentally, because of this reason you don't need any other custom DLC in order to play with my DLC). I already discussed about this choice: basically I don't like how this system feels out of place when paired with basic lands that auto-tap. Don't ask me to make decks that include those cards (i.e. Birds of Paradise, Dark Ritual, dual lands...), because the answer is no. Sorry.
  3. In the TEXT_PERMANENT directory of my DLC there's an XML file that fixes some translation errors in the card queries, but also overwrites the names of the owners of the decks found in the deck packs. For example, the Knights' deck has the picture of Knight Exemplar but they called her Elspeth... she's not Elspeth! #-o If you don't want this change, you can delete OVERRIDE_TEXT_1999.XML.
  4. Just for your information: my decks' filenames all start with 1999. For this reason, my decks will be listed before any deck whose name starts with letters. I did it on purpose so that I don't have to browse through the default decks in order to reach my decks.
  5. Cards with hybrid mana: hybrid mana is bugged in DotP2012. My hybrid cards don't use hybrid mana, they just adapt their cost according to the available mana. I wrote the real cost on the card text, so you can check it whenever you want. The game experience should be the same, but if something goes wrong let me know.
  6. Transform mechanic: I'm proud to say that I'm the first modder who succeeded in making a good approximation of the transform mechanic. You can't look at the other side of the card and there's no sun/moon card frame, but the cards work as expected. I had to make 3 different cards for each transforming card: if you want to include one in a custom deck of yours, you have to use the version that has "DECK" in its filename.
  7. Full localised text: my cards have localised text for all languages, so you don't have to switch the game language to English for my DLC. I took the translations from and some of them have the old wording ("in play" instead of "on the battlefield", "remove from game" instead of "exile", and so on), but I think it's better than not having a translation at all. Where the translation wasn't available, I wrote the English text. If you find some wrong translation and/or you want to contribute with a translation that was missing, just reply here and tell me.
  8. Custom starting screen and rarity symbols: unless you have a mod with a number higher than 1999 that replaces them as well, while using my mod you'll see a starting screen with the Deadly Allure picture (one of my favs 8)), and rarity symbols with "M" instead of "D12". The rarity symbols are copied from kevlahnota's new mod, so thanks to him! =D>

What you need in order to play:
  1. DotP2012 with expansion and deck packs. Some decks should work even without deck packs, but I suggest to have them.
    About the deck packs: I'm sorry, but it seems I lost them, so I can't provide a link.
  2. A modified executable that allows custom DLC's. If you don't know where to find one, you can use this: ... =65&t=6185 (it will unlock a secret menu with some garbage inside, but you can ignore it).
Just unzip my Data_DLC_1999.WAD in the same directory as the other WAD files and you are ready to go.

IMPORTANT! Incompatibility with sadlyblue's mod (Data_DLC_5555):
Due to a different assignment of the creature types, you could experience strange behaviours of the game while having both my mod and sadlyblue's mod installed, especially while playing with my Full Moon deck. Look at the post in the following link for more information: ... 478#p89478

Deck list:
  • Believe in Etherium (U/W/B): this deck is mostly composed by coloured artifacts. Quite funny when it runs well.
  • Bestial Rush (G/R/W): a Beast deck whose aim is to lower the cost of the Beasts in order to cast fatties quickly.
  • Bloodied Night (B/R): a Vampire deck updated to Innistrad, now with some nice additions from Dark Ascension. Even if it isn't packed with rares, it can become hard to beat.
  • Bushido Way (W/R): classic Samurai deck. It can be quite fast.
  • Demonic Rituals (B/R): an attempt to make a Demon-focused deck. Sometimes it remains harmless for too many turns, but it's funny when you can summon some powerful Demons.
  • Exalted Legions (W/U): what should I say... Exalted deck, you know how fast it can be.
  • Elemental Fury 2.0 (R): this time it's more focused on its primary objective, so it works much better. Use your Elementals as burn spells, by summoning them with Sneak Attack or Incandescent Soulstoke and attacking immediately.
  • Fairyland (U/B): this tribal Faerie deck is interesting: even if it's not packed with pure power, it often becomes overwhelming in a few turns.
  • Full Moon (G/R): a Werewolf deck packed with transforming creatures!
  • Goblin Charge (R): Goblin tribal deck: probably one of the most powerful decks in this DLC.
  • Grave Tactics (B/G): a classic Dredge deck, without predominant combos. Just enjoy yourself scavenging your graveyard!
  • Gruul Reloaded (G/R): a Gruul guild deck, similar to the one I had for real. Even if "Hard to Stop" should be the new aggressive G/R deck, I kept (and updated a little) this one, too, for historical reasons.
  • Hard to Stop (G/R): a Warrior deck with some good legends to fetch by using Time of Need. Power up Champion of Lambholt and be ready to have unstoppable creatures!
  • Heroes' Path (U/W): based on level-up creatures.
  • Horror and Sacrifice (B): a weird but funny Horror tribal deck. Nuisance Engine is here to supply permanents to sacrifice.
  • Human Beings (B/R): a Human deck with token generation and other tricks involving Humans (like Kessig Malcontents).
  • I'll Be Right Back (G): mono-green Undying deck. Let your creatures come back from the graveyard, then get rid of their +1/+1 counters and make them come back again!
  • Infiltration (U/B): you'll find many creatures that do something when they deal combat damage to a player, and many ways to let them do it.
  • Life Thieves (B/W): this deck always tries to steal your opponent's life, with Lifelink and other similar effects.
  • Little Soldiers Grow (W): a Soldier deck based on powering up creatures.
  • Macro Machine (U): a very underpowered Affinity+Modular deck. It rarely worked as intended because it's quite slow.
  • Many Heads, Many Troubles (G/R): I'm pretty sure this is an extravagant idea, but it's a Hydra deck. Just ramp mana and play big Hydras with big X payments.
  • Maximum Risk (B): I'm sure you'll have a good laugh when you see the contents of this deck for the first time... it follows the "loner" idea (Homicidal Seclusion can explain what I mean), but it adds risky creatures like the good old Juzam Djinn and its "son" Plague Sliver... and if the simple plan of beating the opponent is going bad, you have a chance to reverse the match with Magus of the Mirror.
  • Might of Woods (G/W/B): Treefolk deck that revolves around Doran. More powerful than it seems.
  • Myr Invasion (W): this Myr deck should swarm the field quite fast. Thanks to marcus00005 for the idea!
  • Pleasures of Life (W): a deck built on life gaining. When you play Cradle of Vitality it becomes a bomb.
  • Power to Tokens (G/W): a classic token generation deck. Now with Doubling Season and Beastmaster Ascension!
  • Rakdos Chaos (B/R): a Rakdos guild deck. You'll be surprised to see the perfectly timed plays of Ignorant Bliss by the AI.
  • Rebellion (W/B): a Rebel tribal deck. Drag creatures directly from the deck, and when you have plenties on the battlefield, make a big attack.
  • Rebirth Reborn (B/W): a reanimation deck featuring Reya Dawnbringer, similar to a deck I had for real. The AI doesn't play it really well, I suppose there's too much think-ahead involving the graveyard.
  • Send Me an Angel (W): I'm not sure if it works, but it's an Angel deck that tries to ramp mana and play expensive Angels fast. It has some hidden tricks (Avacyn + Magus of the Disk = :shock:).
  • Slivers' Revenge (G/R/W): I always loved Slivers: an "ignorant" deck (a term I use to describe a deck where you can just play whatever you have in hand without thinking) that works wonders.
  • That's the Spirit! (G/W): a Kamigawa block Spirit deck. Even without the Splice onto Arcane mechanic, it's effective enough.
  • The New Mill (U/B): classic milling deck: everything is there to reduce your opponent deck's size. Now with Traumatize.
  • Thinking Big (R/W): a Giant deck. It's fun when you have to stay ahead of the enemy in terms of mana cost because of Favor of the Mighty: it leads to weird situations.
  • Zombie Farm (B/U): a Zombie deck with some of the new Dark Ascension Zombies. I didn't test it much, and it probably needs more tuning.

Code: Select all!CToEVCqR!8qBDdvOshxQ7Bh7lIv6kRyneroIzgDwxym0wEMjAdog
I know that some combinations of browser/antivirus flag as dangerous. I've never had any problem downloading from it, though, and the links seem to live forever, so it saves me a lot of trouble. Use JDownloader 2 as download manager if you have problems.

  • Version 9: Re-added illustration for Doubling Season and substituted other illustrations with better versions.
  • Version 8: Fixed a bug reported by yuriap and enhanced the quality of some card pictures by taking them from DotP2013. There are also some new cards in the card pool.
  • Version 7: Two new decks... actually three if we count the return of Elemental Fury. I also recoded some existing cards, I hope I didn't add any bug to those. It could be the last content update before DotP2013 (of course I'll still release bug fixes if you let me know about them).
  • Version 6: Lots of news in this one: tons of new cards, some new decks, some little tweaks to existing decks, full localised text, custom starting screen and rarity symbols... too much for going deep in details here. The Elemental Fury deck has been retired (I'll come up with some idea to revive it someday, I promise! :lol:).
  • Version 5: I released this version because in the previous one I could have bugged some cards unintentionally while I was pasting the localised text. I also fixed a bug with Terrain Generator (strange that nobody noticed that), added some cards that aren't used in decks (for now :wink:), and compressed using WadProgram, so the WAD itself is about the same size as the ZIP file. Card localisation is at a good point: I still have to localise cards from P to W.
  • Version 4: Fixed some bugs and added the "portraits" of the 2 new planeswalkers Tamiyo and Tibalt (it's always nice to see "official" planeswalkers as opponents). The full localisation of the cards is still in progress, so you still need to set the language to English... but this will change someday! 8) Still no deck tweaks... localisation has the priority now.
  • Version 3: Added 2 decks: "Little Soldiers Grow" and "Send Me an Angel". I had to rush things because I wanted to refresh the dead link as soon as possible with the new content ready, that means no tweaks to the other decks (hopefully next time) and high chance of bugs on the new cards. Keep your eyes open! :lol:
  • Version 2: Fixed the reported bugs, and added some cards to the pool (including Nyxathid), but without adding new decks because I wasn't satisfied after trying to build them. I released this version mostly to get rid of the bugs, anyway feel free to build decks in your personal DLCs using my cards!
  • Version 1: First public release, with more than 20 decks and more than 500 cards.

Known bugs:
  • Final-Sting Faerie isn't coded properly: I used SetCardInstance, so it will allow to target only 1 creature that received damage even if there's more than one. At the moment I don't have better ideas to code it (I can't use the "badge #31 trick" in the TARGET_DETERMINATION block), so you'll have to accept the card as it is.
  • The AI never chooses to pay {2} for Rootwater Thief. I couldn't find a way to fix this, so you'll have to accept the card as it is.

Please report any bug you find, and I'll fix them as soon as I have time. Have fun! :wink:
Last edited by thefiremind on 11 Oct 2018, 11:04, edited 43 times in total.
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby Aborash » 31 Mar 2012, 21:23


wesome!!!! :lol:

I'll give it a shot tomorrow and post again for some feedback, I bet they are terrible fun to play.
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby yuriap » 31 Mar 2012, 22:58

:shock: OMG! [-o<

=D> =D> =D>
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby Eglin » 01 Apr 2012, 05:42

Lots of decks with some very interesting cards - good work! Thanks for sharing.

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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby elminster63500 » 01 Apr 2012, 08:16

Thanks a lot, a lot and a lot !!

Some very great cards (like Heartless Summoning : try combo Heartless summoning + Rune-Scarred Demon + Phyrexian Metamorph - competitive deck !!) : Geralf's Messenger (To include in Zomby deck !) - Grimgrim - Guul Draz Assassin + Anowon + Kalitas and Slivers (true, you play the deck without cogiting !! i like this) -

Great, great job !! =D> =D> =D>

Is Nyxathide Card is doable ? We have many cards to make discards decks and nohands decks - the Nyxathide Card would be great (and the deck powerful ! i use it in tournaments - unusual deck yes but fun !) The Glissa, The Traitor card would be great too to make the Black Kessig deck. Think Twice card too.

Thanks again
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby thefiremind » 01 Apr 2012, 08:29

elminster63500 wrote:Is Nyxathide Card is doable ? We have many cards to make discards decks and nohands decks - the Nyxathide Card would be great (and the deck powerful ! i use it in tournaments - unusual deck yes but fun !)
Yeah, Nyxathid can be done. I was thinking about making a discard deck, and then also a deck where you draw a lot... but I still have to decide how to use the big hand to win (probably lots of creatures Maro style, and I'll figure out something more).

P.S.: You're welcome! :D
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby Persee » 01 Apr 2012, 08:32

Thx for sharing
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby Phage8 » 01 Apr 2012, 09:29

really nice DLC!!!i'd like to see an urzatron tooth and nail deck in this list(it's my fav deck)and something about simics XD...then it would be perfect!!!!
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby elminster63500 » 01 Apr 2012, 09:34

For Big hand deck, Maro Creatures are great. And cards like Underworld Dreams, Iron Maiden, Howling Mine and The Black Vise are great too to damage the opponent (4 Underworld Dreams + 4 Howling Mine = 10 Points of damage per turn minimum with counting the damage of Black vise and Iron Maiden: OUCHH ! It hurts ) 8-[
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby thefiremind » 01 Apr 2012, 09:40

Phage8 wrote:really nice DLC!!!i'd like to see an urzatron tooth and nail deck in this list(it's my fav deck)and something about simics XD...then it would be perfect!!!!
Urza's lands definitely need mana tokens to be coded properly, because the normal mana ability can't be stopped with the AVAILABILITY tag, so they are out of my business. :lol: About Simic, I already thought about making a Simic deck, but Experiment Kraj is impossible to code, and the deck would lose a lot of appeal without it. :(

elminster63500 wrote:For Big hand deck, Maro Creatures are great. And cards like Underworld Dreams, Iron Maiden, Howling Mine and The Black Vise are great too to damage the opponent (4 Underworld Dreams + 4 Howling Mine = 10 Points of damage per turn minimum with counting the damage of Black vise and Iron Maiden: OUCHH ! It hurts ) 8-[
I'm thinking about this big hand deck right now. I'll probably throw in Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur, too. Hand limits can't be modified in this game (only totally removed or not modified at all), but I can just make the opponents discard their hand at their cleanup step if they have no limit-removing effect (Spellbook) on their side.
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby Eglin » 01 Apr 2012, 10:24

thefiremind wrote:
Phage8 wrote:really nice DLC!!!i'd like to see an urzatron tooth and nail deck in this list(it's my fav deck)and something about simics XD...then it would be perfect!!!!
Urza's lands definitely need mana tokens to be coded properly, because the normal mana ability can't be stopped with the AVAILABILITY tag, so they are out of my business. :lol: About Simic, I already thought about making a Simic deck, but Experiment Kraj is impossible to code, and the deck would lose a lot of appeal without it. :(
I agree, and it sucks. I wanted to do Conley Woods' Ooze and Ahs deck.
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby sadlyblue » 01 Apr 2012, 17:53

First, thanks for the new decks, and cards (some i imagine weren't easy).

thefiremind wrote:1) The decks you'll find in my DLC are made mostly for fun, not for winning. My aim was to preserve balance when playing against the decks that the game already offers. Some of the decks I made resemble decks that I had in "real" paper Magic and on which I never invested lots of money.
Don't take this the wrong way, but to tell the truth, i can hardly win with them on campaign mode. They could use a little tweak. Never even tried against the revenge decks, think i'll be slaughtered.
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby thefiremind » 01 Apr 2012, 18:45

sadlyblue wrote:Don't take this the wrong way, but to tell the truth, i can hardly win with them on campaign mode. They could use a little tweak. Never even tried against the revenge decks, think i'll be slaughtered.
I guess that's what happens when someone dedicates more time to bug testing than deck tuning... I'm pretty sure you haven't seen crashes or MOTHER.TXT errors (except if you used the bugged Emeria), but there's a price for that.
I never used my decks outside the free duel. Now that you make me think about it, the AI in the free duel uses the same decks available to the players, but at the original state (without changes from the unlocks), so they aren't very performing and the matches against them probably gave me wrong feedbacks. Things would get better by adding unlocks, and there was a time when I planned to do that, but I gave up when I realized that I couldn't add campaigns properly, and without a campaign where I could set powerful versions of the deck, mirror matches with an unlocked deck against a standard deck wouldn't be fun.

But, aside from that... have you tried all of my decks already? They are more than 20... are you sure you didn't just pick the worst ones for bad luck? I know that some of them don't work as intended, but the Goblin Charge, for example, always seemed pretty solid to me.

If you manage to tweak some of my decks without ruining the main theme, share your versions: I'm open to suggestions.
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby sadlyblue » 01 Apr 2012, 19:29

Of course i didn't tried them all. There so many. You have spent a lot of time, i imagine.
And, has i said before, some cards aren't that easy to code.
Only played like 7-8 games, with 4-5 decks so far. And at least once or twice was bad luck that the opponnet had that particular card at that time.
And some of the decks just need a tweak in mana. The multicolor decks, that have many cards with card with 2 specific mana can be a little trouble.
The next weeks i will not have the same amount of time available, but if i find some themed change i'll let you know.
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Re: Thefiremind's DotP2012 DLC v1 (31/03/2012)

Postby keitofu » 02 Apr 2012, 07:45

Thanks a lot for your work !!
Aside from adding new decks, it'll help a lot for coding cards :)
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