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600 DPI (or higher) scans

PostPosted: 06 Jul 2013, 23:45
by keatonic
Hi there,

I read on this forum somewhere that the team scans at 600 DPI, but doesn't release them as such due to file size.

Is there a way for me to get these images for my collection? I would even be willing to host them for a download if the team desired.

If this is possible, would I be getting the "fixed" images (i.e. scan artifacts, dust, etc removed) or the raw scans? Either is fine, I can fix them myself if need be.

If the team is unable to provide these, is there another place to find them, perhaps? I want a collection of all the images at 600 DPI+, but obviously don't have every card to scan.


Re: 600 DPI (or higher) scans

PostPosted: 07 Jul 2013, 18:29
by operations
I second that!

I can also host them!

Re: 600 DPI (or higher) scans

PostPosted: 12 Jul 2013, 01:39
by Yord
I would also like this. Specifically for the Innastrad block and up

Re: 600 DPI (or higher) scans

PostPosted: 17 Jul 2013, 21:14
by extreme
We've released maybe half of them in 300dpi and we'll probably do all of them. I think that's largely sufficient.
Why would anyone want 600 dpi for ?

Re: 600 DPI (or higher) scans

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2013, 19:57
by woogerboy21
I started collecting sets from M10 and beyond and have them in paper form that could be scanned if the desire to setup such a repository is of interest. I have had the thought of doing this myself but never really explored it very far. Were people thinking a finished product of 600DPI or like the actual RAW scan images (or some were in between). My thought was having a perspective cropped repository which would allow for the team (or others) to produce any type of final product they would like.

I would guess an average .tiff file size is 7Mb I would think to store an entire card block of images would be 7GB. Making it 14GB raided for security of course. (Someone check my math).

Re: 600 DPI (or higher) scans

PostPosted: 14 Aug 2013, 20:09
by extreme
Like I've already said before, we have everything perspective cropped in 600 dpi jpgs. That's quite enough.