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Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2012, 15:42
by oumve
Hi everybody

I tried to access to CCGHQ MTG English Pics Fulls

But the account is suspended.

Any informations ?


Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2012, 22:21
by Huggybaby
The file (CCGHQ MTG DVD (Duel Decks Divine vs. Demonic) Crops violates the MediaFire Terms of Service. Due to it being distributed from your account, it has been removed. Also, a Strike has been placed against your account and can lead to a termination of service.
This is what I warned about a few weeks ago. Don't expect it to be back.

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2012, 22:27
by skibulk
Is this the end or will we continue working on this project?

We've discussed hosting the files elsewhere, either via a new torrent or via Arc's website (as he previously offered).

The real question is if WotC initiated this or if MediaFire did. In the former case if we simply relocate the images, WotC will likely serve a cease and desist.

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2012, 22:34
by Huggybaby
This is no surprise so the project will continue, and it was a good run while it lasted!

The torrent must be refreshed, but I don't know who will do it.

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 14 Jul 2012, 22:58
by skibulk
Perhaps we should withhold new set releases (I believe Planechase 2013 is on the worktable right now) until we get an experienced volunteer to create and maintain the torrent?

I've already contributed on multiple fronts to this site... but I don't have the proper knowledge to create a torrent. Our core group of contributors already has enough on their plates. It seems time for somebody else to step up to the plate...

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2012, 12:22
by davizca
It was only a matter of time, i dont see any problems with implementing torrents as the alternate method to DL... Indeed, its really good.

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 10 Aug 2012, 17:03
by skibulk
If you're looking to download something NOW you can use MTGathering's CCGHQ Mirror.

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 10 Aug 2012, 19:45
by Huggybaby
That's sweet, I didn't know it existed.

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2012, 04:49
by raphael75
Tried the MTGathering's CCGHQ Mirror link and got a "can't establish a connection to the server at" error. Is there any other way to download the HQ images?

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2012, 09:37
by skibulk
RobbieG posted them here and here in a format compatible with Cockatrice. They're not named properly for MWS, but hey.

Re: Mediafire account suspended

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2012, 22:48
by raphael75
Awesome, thank you!