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Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

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Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

Postby HarePaiR » 11 Dec 2014, 16:46

TL;DR - As a pet project, I am working on editing Alpha/Beta/Unlimited to make it more fun to draft, and will post my musings for interested parties here. I've attached edition files and improved card rankings if you'd like to try it out!

Hello beautiful people! For some time now, I've been wondering what Alpha/Beta/Unlimited might look like if it were optimized for draft in the way that contemporary large sets are. I'm pretty new to Forge, but it seems like a perfect platform for this kind of project, so first let me say thanks to the developers for this awesome program! I intend to contribute, and will hopefully be able to use this project to teach myself the ropes.

Inspired by lujo's truly fantastic thread on Fallen Empires Draft (, I'll be posting here to keep my thoughts in order and to get feedback from anyone that's interested.

In order to draft the set, add the following line to your blocks.txt folder in /res/blockdata/blocks.txt
Code: Select all
Limited Edition Gamma, 3/6/A00/, A00
Also add attached files Limited Edition Gamma.txt to /res/editions/ and copy all lines from LimitedEditionGammaRankings.txt into your rankings.txt file under /res/draft/
You might want to make backups of the originals first!

If you'd like to play with the temporary new cards I added (pseudo-implementing Power Leak and Chaos Orb), they're in, and can be placed in any folder under /res/cardsfolder/, though I recommend something like /res/cardsfolder/custom_cards/.)

Current Set Stats: 283 Cards (95 Commons, 102 Uncommons, 71 Rares, 15 Mythic Rares)
Ideal-ish Stats: 283 (116 Commons, 91 Uncommons, 61 Rares, 15 Mythic Rares)
Comparison (M15): 249 Cards (101 Commons, 80 Uncommons, 53 Rares, 15 Mythic Rares)

Design Goals | Open
  • Try to get Alpha/Beta/Unlimited to conform to current-day large set design standards while removing/changing/adding as few cards as possible.
  • Look for and encourage draft archetypes.
  • Make set fun to draft.
  • Work on balance (luckily draft is a somewhat self-balancing environment.)

Cards Missing in Forge | Open
First of all, let me say I admire the fact that almost all of the cards from such an old (and quite large!) set have been implemented. Only these few are missing. It's pretty clear why most of these haven't been implemented yet, but someday I'd like to try to tackling them, or at least replacing them with a similar card from Magic's 'future'.
  • Camouflage - Okay, it's pretty clear why this is hard to code, and will probably have to wait until I can dig into real code (that will no doubt be a while from now). I've looked at every green instant ever printed, and this one is probably the weirdest, except maybe Glyph of Reincarnation. Candidates to replace it in the meantime should be cheap quirky combat tricks that work best on attacking. Perhaps Mending Touch? Provoke?
  • Chaos Orb - This card doesn't really work in software, does it? I decided to redesign it as a coin-flip card see below.
  • False Orders - Now a cheap quirky red combat trick that works best on attacking. This one seems like it might be easier to code at some point, though it's certainly strange. Replacement candidates: Feint? Gorilla War Cry? Panic? Stun?
  • Illusionary Mask - Gosh there are some weird cards in this set. Frankly, I'm not sure Illusionary Mask adds much to the draft experience, so I don't consider it a top priority to fix, especially since it seems like it would be pretty hard to get it to work.
  • Power Leak - Although Power Leak might not be scriptable, I think I've gotten close enough for draft by tweaking Power Taint. There is no way to make the damage any more than two in the format, and there are no effects that trigger off of damage prevention, so this should work:
    Code: Select all
    Name:Not Power Leak
    ManaCost:1 U
    Types:Enchantment Aura
    K:Enchant enchantment
    A:SP$ Attach | Cost$ 1 U | ValidTgts$ Enchantment | AILogic$ Curse
    T:Mode$ Phase | Phase$ Upkeep | ValidPlayer$ EnchantedController | Execute$ TrigDamageOne | TriggerZones$ Battlefield | TriggerDescription$ At the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted enchantment's controller, CARDNAME deals 2 damage unless that player pays up to {2}, reducing damage by 1 for each {1} paid.
    SVar:TrigDamageOne:DB$ DealDamage | Cost$ 0 | Defined$ EnchantedController | NumDmg$ 1 | UnlessCost$ 1 | UnlessPayer$ EnchantedController | TriggerDescription$ CARDNAME deals 1 damage to you unless you pay {1}. | SubAbility$ TrigDamageTwo
    SVar:TrigDamageTwo:DB$ DealDamage | Cost$ 0 | Defined$ EnchantedController | NumDmg$ 1 | UnlessCost$ 1 | UnlessPayer$ EnchantedController | TriggerDescription$ CARDNAME deals 1 damage to you unless you pay {1}.
    Oracle:Enchant enchantment\nAt the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted enchantment's controller, that player may pay any amount of mana. Power Leak deals 2 damage to that player. Prevent {X} of that damage, where {X} is the amount of mana that player paid this way.
  • Raging River - Okay, another unique one for coding purposes. Maybe replace with Goblin War Drums or Invasion Plans for now. Actually a pretty interesting card, though. (Goblin War Drums is bonkers strong in this format.)
  • Word of Command - Uh...I guess I'll take a look at how Mindslaver was scripted? This will no doubt require additional code, as well. In the meantime this slot can probably be taken up by a discard spell. Probably Distress.

Cards Removed From The Set | Open
For a variety of reasons, a few of the cards just don't work in a draft environment. I'm trying to be conservative with removing cards, though, as I'd like to try to stay true to the original for history's sake.
  • R Chaos Orb - Chaos Orb is back in as a custom coin-flip card. (see below)
  • R Lich - Through several drafts I really tried to make this card work, but between the color requirements (BBBB) and the amount of direct damage flying around (Fireball is a common in LEA/LEB/2ED!), there just isn't a way to make a functional draft deck that makes use of this card, even though monoblack is an extremely strong archetype. It doesn't help that Pestilence is one of Black's best cards.

I removed all the ante cards. Since they are removed at the start of a game, they are actually interesting in that they let you make 39 card decks (and so you should pretty much always play them), but that felt pretty gimmicky.

I've removed all of the 'lace' color-changing cards. I'd prefer not to, but there are so many rares in this set that the chance to see a given one of them is way lower than usual. Although these cards theoretically do have an application, that tends to only be if you are in enemy colors (WB,WR,UR,UG,BG), and have a relevant color-hoser in hand or on the board, and are facing a worthy target outside of that color. On top of that, pulling this off still leaves you down on cards (Thoughtlace-ing a Hill Giant so you can Pyroblast it is...not the greatest). Too narrow, and contributing to the overabundance of rares, so they're out!

Redesigned Cards
Chaos Orb | Open
I've added Chaos Orb back into the set as a non-dextrous flipping a coin card. I assume that both players have been 'smart' enough to infinitely spread their cards out, so that the Orb couldn't ever hit more than one thing, and that a player has 50% aim (so, not Gambit but a decent chance). Given these assumptions, this card should behave pretty much the way it would on tabletops. You know, given infinitely large tables.
Code: Select all
Name:Not Chaos Orb
A:AB$ FlipACoin | Cost$ 1 T | WinSubAbility$ DBChooseAndDestroy | LoseSubAbility$ DBDestroyThis | SpellDescription$ Flip a coin. If you win the flip, choose a nontoken permanent and destroy it. Then destroy CARDNAME.
SVar:DBDestroyThis:DB$ DestroyAll | ValidCards$ Card.Self
SVar:DBChooseAndDestroy:DB$ ChooseCard | Choices$ Permanent.nonToken | SubAbility$ DBDestroyBoth
SVar:DBDestroyBoth:DB$ Destroy | Defined$ ChosenCard | SubAbility$ DBDestroyThis
Oracle: {3}, {T} If Chaos Orb is on the battlefield, flip Chaos Orb onto the battlefield from a height of at least one foot. If Chaos Orb turns over completely at least once during the flip, destroy all nontoken permanents it touches. Then destroy Chaos Orb.
Card Rarity Changes
Messing with card rarity is the tool I feel most comfortable with when editing the set for drafting. It doesn't require me to remove or add cards, but allows for an adjustment of power levels and matches the way Wizards now designs for draft. A potentially controversial change is the addition of Mythic rarity, but again I'm striving for a contemporary take, and Mythic rares also make regular rares more common, which can be healthy for a draft environment. These changes are a work in progress.

Cards Upgraded to Mythic Rare (15) | Open
This list is likely complete, as 15 is the right number and in my opinion there aren't a lot of cards competing for the slots (not enough that 'feel mythic'). I'd appreciate feedback on this list, though.
  • Armageddon (W) - This card is super powerful, but it's not always super fun. And most white cards don't feel mythic, so I needed a color balancer.
  • Balance (W) - See above, only often more one-sided.
  • Black Lotus - I originally had Wrath of God in this slot, but most draft environments do have a wrath effect to worry about, and one of the problems I noticed drafting was creature stalls. Also, you know, it's Black Lotus.
  • Cockatrice (G) - Flying super deathtouch in green! (Note: Green has as many fliers in this set as White does!)
  • Demonic Hordes (B) - This is just a giant dude that warps the game.
  • Force of Nature (G) - Largest dude in the set.
  • Gaea's Liege (G) - As green as you can get.
  • Lord of the Pit (B) - Kills fast enough that it can definitely work in this format.
  • Mahamoti Djinn (U) - You may be noticing a trend of large finisher creatures at mythic rare.
  • Personal Incarnation (W) - Big white creature to match the other colors.
  • Rock Hydra (R) - Very cool creature, can get gigantic.
  • Shivan Dragon (R) - Even bestiare pretty much agrees this guy is the best creature in the set.
  • Timetwister (U) - There is surprisingly little card draw in this set, and Timetwister is a very flashy effect.
  • Time Walk (U) - Ancestral Recall is almost certainly more powerful, but I felt like I'd rather have card draw be occasionally visible in blue!
  • Wheel of Fortune (R) - Once I knew that Timetwister would be mythic, Wheel of Fortune definitely needed to be, too, as there's no way this much card draw should be more available to red than blue.
That leaves me with 15 Mythic Rares, 3 in each color except black, which loses a spot to Black Lotus because it lost a lot of rares to my cuts. Black Lotus is still pretty special so I don't feel to bad about this.

Cards Upgraded to Rare (Currently Empty) | Open
Actually, this spot will likely remain empty, as there are already way too many rares in the set. I am keeping my eye on cards like Serra Angel, Sengir Vampire, and Air Elemental, but frankly there aren't really enough creatures in this set to begin with. Sol Ring is also a very real candidate.

Cards Demoted to Uncommon (21) | Open
  • Animate Wall - In case this deck wants to exist (shockingly, it's a bit hard to pick up aggressive walls), this card is not dangerous at uncommon.
  • Blaze of Glory - This is usually just a Glorified fog, so I think it's safe to demote.
  • Copy Artifact - Although this can be used to copy Moxes and Sol Ring s, it's been more fun than scary so far, and it's very blue.
  • Fork - After some updates, red wasn't matching the other colors on number of uncommons, and this was one of the least powerful cards I could bring down. Red is a nice color to be in this set!
  • Jade Monolith - Not much to see here, just brining down to reduce the number of rares.
  • Kormus Bell - I count this as a Black uncommon, and Black was low.
  • Magical Hack - This card plays into and against Blue's Islandhome decks, and is fun to build around without being way too strong. Also good with Bogwraith s, and against opposing Sea Serpent s.
  • Manabarbs - A tool for the mana-denial decks.
  • Natural Selection - This is a pretty terrible Ponder, and I'm not afraid of it at uncommon.
  • Nether Shadow - Increases creature density at lower rarities.
  • Pirate Ship - This card is very strong, and may be problematic at uncommon, especially because pingers are stronger in multiples and Blue already has Prodigal Sorcerer at common. However, Blue's creature density is absurdly low (even for blue), so I'm hoping this will be okay.
  • Power Surge - Another attempt to balance number rares and nerf Red a little.
  • Righteousness - Combat trick. Perfectly reasonable, and White desperately needs some love.
  • Smoke - Red nerf.
  • Sunglasses of Urza - Random color fixing for Wr decks. Would put back at rare, but there are too many cards there already.
  • Timber Wolves - I'm hoping this helps GW have a bit of a Banding theme. Banding + large Green monsters is pretty good.
  • Warp Artifact - Every permanent type has one of these, and it helps end games faster in stalls, which is something the set needs.

I was a little worried about these build-around uncommons at first, but it turns out it's still pretty hard to pick up the other pieces of the decks, so I thought I'd show some love. I'm disappointed I haven't found one for White, unless you count Animate Wall.

Cards Promoted to Uncommon (3) | Open
There already aren't enough commons, so this list needs to stay short. However:
  • Fireball - I just don't see how a draft environment can be healthy with Fireball at common. Note that red also has Disintegrate available at common!
  • Guardian Angel - There is nothing in particular that makes this card uncommon-worthy. Rather, I needed to make room in white for more creatures, and something needed to move up a rarity to keep commons per color the same. Death Ward and Holy Armor are other good candidates, but this one felt most appropriate. It's a bit flashier, even if it's probably just worse than Death Ward. And it's way more complicated, if you subscribe to New World Order design.
  • Pestilence - This is too easy to make into a repeatable common Wrath effect. I'm really surprised it stayed at common through most of its life in print.

Cards Demoted to Common (17) | Open
This is where the bulk of the work needs to be done, as LEA/LEB/2ED actually had more uncommons and rares than commons!
  • Black Knight - (Almost) all colors need more creatures at common, even strong ones like this one. Also here to match White Knight aesthetically (White desperately needs more creatures at common).
  • Copper Tablet - Helps with the board stall problem.
  • Camouflage (Mending Touch for now)- Green's creature density is almost right, and this is just a shift down to increase common count.
  • Celestial Prism - Outside the rare dual lands, this is the only reliable fixing in the set, and though it's pretty awful, you're still often reaching for playables in a two-color deck.
  • Glasses of Urza - Increase common count, safe but pretty blank.
  • Goblin Balloon Brigade - Gift to the Goblin King deck.
  • Savannah Lions - Yes, this looks crazy, but in my experience white is very weak in this format and still is even with 2/1s for 1.
  • Scavenging Ghoul - Gift to the Zombie Master deck.
  • Soul Net - Pretty similar to lucky charms, and just an increase to common count.
  • Tunnel - There is a definite wall theme, but mostly Red actually has too many creatures at common and is probably the strongest color in the set.
  • Wall of Water - An attempt to play into Blue's more defensive playstyles.
  • White Knight - See comments for Savannah Lions above.

    The lucky charms are perfectly safe at common, but pretty unexciting.
  • Ivory Cup
  • Crystal Sphere
  • Throne of Bone
  • Iron Star
  • Wooden Sphere

Cards Doubled Up on at Common (5) | Open
I don't really want to add cards to the set just yet, but I noticed that essentially all the colors are low on creatures, so for each color I decided to double the frequency of a creature.

Improved Card Rankings | Open
As with many older sets, the card rankings from bestiaire are pretty bad, and in this case provably inconsistent (wildy different rankings for Alpha/Beta/Unlimited, despite the card pool being virtually identical).

This is my second pass on improved card rankings using both the previous three rankings lists as a guide, and making adjustments based on my experience drafting and the changes I've made. I think there are still some glaring errors, but this is much better than what I started with. I'm a little uncomfortable adjusting the rankings unilaterally, since I'm not a super skilled drafter, so if anyone is interested I would definitely appreciate some feedback on the revised rankings. I will note that the AI does draft much better with this list! (Note: I am using the three-letter code A00 for lack of a better idea, since I doubt Wizards will need that one anytime soon, and Alpha was the first set, after all.)

Revised Rankings
//Limited Edition P1P1 Rankings
#1|Shivan Dragon|M|A00
#2|Ancestral Recall|R|A00
#3|Mind Twist|R|A00
#5|Wrath of God|R|A00
#8|Nevinyrral's Disk|R|A00
#9|Wheel of Fortune|M|A00
#11|Swords to Plowshares|U|A00
#12|Demonic Tutor|U|A00
#13|Sengir Vampire|U|A00
#15|Hypnotic Specter|U|A00
#16|Rock Hydra|M|A00
#17|Serra Angel|U|A00
#18|Mahamoti Djinn|M|A00
#19|Sol Ring|U|A00
#20|Mox Sapphire|R|A00
#21|Mox Ruby|R|A00
#22|Mana Vault|R|A00
#23|Mox Pearl|R|A00
#24|Mox Jet|R|A00
#25|Mox Emerald|R|A00
#27|Black Lotus|M|A00
#28|The Hive|R|A00
#29|Gauntlet of Might|R|A00
#30|Control Magic|U|A00
#32|Royal Assassin|R|A00
#33|Psionic Blast|U|A00
#34|Vesuvan Doppelganger|R|A00
#38|Air Elemental|U|A00
#40|Lightning Bolt|C|A00
#41|Thicket Basilisk|U|A00
#42|Two Headed Giant of Foriys|R|A00
#44|Time Walk|M|A00
#45|Force of Nature|M|A00
#46|Icy Manipulator|U|A00
#47|Roc of Kher Ridges|R|A00
#48|Clockwork Beast|R|A00
#49|Phantom Monster|U|A00
#51|Birds of Paradise|R|A00
#52|Granite Gargoyle|R|A00
#53|Obsianus Golem|U|A00
#54|Demonic Hordes|M|A00
#55|Bad Moon|R|A00
#56|Dragon Whelp|U|A00
#57|Orcish Artillery|U|A00
#58|Fire Elemental|U|A00
#60|Jayemdae Tome|R|A00
#61|Personal Incarnation|M|A00
#62|Lord of Atlantis|U|A00
#63|Goblin King|U|A00
#64|Veteran Bodyguard|R|A00
#65|Aspect of Wolf|R|A00
#66|Basalt Monolith|U|A00
#67|Black Knight|C|A00
#68|Sedge Troll|R|A00
#69|Bog Wraith|U|A00
#70|Stone Giant|U|A00
#72|Phantasmal Forces|U|A00
#73|Chaos Orb|R|A00
#74|Not Chaos Orb|R|A00
#75|Water Elemental|U|A00
#76|Volcanic Island|R|A00
#78|Underground Sea|R|A00
#83|Tropical Island|R|A00
#87|Word of Command|R|A00
#89|Drain Life|C|A00
#90|Pirate Ship|U|A00
#91|Prodigal Sorcerer|C|A00
#92|Giant Spider|C|A00
#93|War Mammoth|C|A00
#94|Keldon Warlord|U|A00
#95|White Knight|C|A00
#96|Uthden Troll|U|A00
#98|Zombie Master|U|A00
#99|Northern Paladin|R|A00
#102|Savannah Lions|C|A00
#103|Giant Growth|C|A00
#104|Verduran Enchantress|U|A00
#105|Nettling Imp|U|A00
#106|Orcish Oriflamme|U|A00
#107|Disrupting Scepter|R|A00
#108|Craw Wurm|C|A00
#109|Earth Elemental|U|A00
#110|Animate Dead|U|A00
#111|Rod of Ruin|U|A00
#113|Jade Statue|U|A00
#115|Siren's Call|U|A00
#116|Raging River|R|A00
#117|Invasion Plans|R|A00
#118|Steal Artifact|U|A00
#119|Living Lands|R|A00
#121|Instill Energy|U|A00
#123|Cursed Land|U|A00
#124|Wall of Fire|U|A00
#125|Wall of Bone|U|A00
#126|Wall of Water|C|A00
#127|Warp Artifact|U|A00
#128|Magical Hack|U|A00
#129|Lord of the Pit|M|A00
#130|Gaea's Liege|M|A00
#131|Hill Giant|C|A00
#133|Elvish Archers|R|A00
#134|Winter Orb|R|A00
#137|Ironroot Treefolk|C|A00
#138|Scavenging Ghoul|C|A00
#139|Frozen Shade|C|A00
#140|Llanowar Elves|C|A00
#141|Ironclaw Orcs|C|A00
#142|Wall of Swords|U|A00
#143|Scathe Zombies|C|A00
#145|Will O' The Wisp|R|A00
#146|Scryb Sprites|C|A00
#147|Timber Wolves|U|A00
#148|Kormus Bell|U|A00
#149|Goblin Balloon Brigade|C|A00
#150|Living Wall|U|A00
#152|Hurloon Minotaur|C|A00
#154|Wall of Air|U|A00
#155|Grizzly Bears|C|A00
#156|Power Sink|C|A00
#157|Dark Ritual|C|A00
#158|Gray Ogre|C|A00
#160|Mesa Pegasus|C|A00
#161|Sleight of Mind|R|A00
#163|Helm of Chatzuk|R|A00
#164|Raise Dead|C|A00
#165|Unholy Strength|C|A00
#166|Dwarven Warriors|C|A00
#167|Sea Serpent|C|A00
#169|Copper Tablet|C|A00
#170|Pearled Unicorn|C|A00
#172|Ley Druid|U|A00
#173|Spell Blast|C|A00
#175|Wild Growth|C|A00
#176|Wall of Brambles|U|A00
#177|Copy Artifact|U|A00
#178|Drudge Skeletons|C|A00
#181|Plague Rats|C|A00
#182|Merfolk of the Pearl Trident|C|A00
#183|Mons's Goblin Raiders|C|A00
#184|Animate Artifact|U|A00
#190|Cyclopean Tomb|R|A00
#191|Black Vise|U|A00
#192|Ice Storm|U|A00
#195|Wall of Ice|U|A00
#196|Mana Flare|R|A00
#197|Dwarven Demolition Team|U|A00
#198|Nether Shadow|U|A00
#199|Ankh of Mishra|R|A00
#200|Dingus Egg|R|A00
#201|Island Sanctuary|R|A00
#202|Samite Healer|C|A00
#203|Shanodin Dryads|C|A00
#204|Evil Presence|U|A00
#205|Living Artifact|R|A00
#206|Mana Short|R|A00
#207|Volcanic Eruption|R|A00
#208|Holy Strength|C|A00
#209|Benalish Hero|C|A00
#210|Celestial Prism|C|A00
#211|Wall of Stone|U|A00
#212|Stone Rain|C|A00
#213|Illusionary Mask|R|A00
#215|Blue Elemental Blast|C|A00
#216|Drain Power|R|A00
#221|Death Ward|C|A00
#222|Phantasmal Terrain|C|A00
#223|Healing Salve|C|A00
#224|Guardian Angel|U|A00
#226|False Orders|C|A00
#227|Red Elemental Blast|C|A00
#230|Animate Wall|U|A00
#231|Howl from Beyond|C|A00
#233|Mending Touch|C|A00
#234|Psychic Venom|C|A00
#235|Power Leak|C|A00
#236|Not Power Leak|C|A00
#238|Circle of Protection: Red|C|A00
#239|Circle of Protection: Black|C|A00
#240|Circle of Protection: Blue|C|A00
#241|Circle of Protection: Green|C|A00
#242|Circle of Protection: White|C|A00
#244|Natural Selection|U|A00
#246|Wall of Wood|C|A00
#247|Black Ward|U|A00
#248|Red Ward|U|A00
#249|Green Ward|U|A00
#250|Blue Ward|U|A00
#251|White Ward|U|A00
#252|Jade Monolith|U|A00
#253|Blaze of Glory|U|A00
#260|Time Vault|R|A00
#263|Power Surge|U|A00
#264|Holy Armor|C|A00
#266|Iron Star|C|A00
#267|Soul Net|C|A00
#268|Glasses of Urza|C|A00
#269|Throne of Bone|C|A00
#270|Crystal Rod|C|A00
#271|Sunglasses of Urza|U|A00
#274|Creature Bond|C|A00
#275|Wooden Sphere|C|A00
#276|Reverse Damage|R|A00
#277|Stream of Life|C|A00
#281|Consecrate Land|U|A00
#282|Library of Leng|U|A00
#283|Ivory Cup|C|A00
#284|Howling Mine|R|A00

Archetypes | Open
These are just my thoughts on random archetypes that I've tried in draft that seem to work and I may or may not want to provide more support for. These tend to be wackier than the standard 'pick strong cards' approach that works equally well.
  • WU Protection Control - This is a very sideboard focused strategy but there are enough control elements in the set to make this archetype work, with an abundance of walls and counterspells, and a few good finishers (Serra Angel, Air Elemental, The Hive) You can even get wacky with Sleight of Mind on your Circle of Protection: Red.
  • Island Sanctuary Control - If you can corner the flyers and get around Lord of Atlantis, you can pretty easily, if somewhat painfully, deck your opponent with this strategy, and it combines with WU Control.
  • RG Land Destruction - Ice Storm and Stone Rain and Dingus Egg, oh my. Not actually all that strong in my experience, but it is there.
  • Monoblack - Hypnotic Specter, Dark Ritual, Drain Life, Terror...this archetype is real, but hard to get your hands on since updating the rankings list. Lord of the Pit is a pretty fast clock, too, if you have things to feed to it.
  • Pestilence + Toughness - This works quite well in a BG shell.
  • Psychic Venom - This looked completely crazy to me when I forced it, but it was surprisingly not terrible (if extremely gimmicky). Combine Psychic Venom with Power Sink, Mana Short, Drain Power, Manabarbs, and some supplemental land destruction and you can get there Shock-ingly fast. After forcing this archetype I decided not to remove Power Surge despite the mana burn changes.
  • Merfolk/Goblins - If you can grab one of the Lords, both red and blue offer enough evasion that you can make this work. I recommend combining with Copper Tablet and Meekstone.
  • Verduran Enchantress - I didn't know if there were enough decent auras to make this deck work, but luckily green gets a lot of the playable ones. Pushing this one by moving Verduran Enchantress down to Uncommon.
  • Animate Wall - I was hoping this would be real, but so far not so much. Too hard to pick up enough useful walls.

Future Work
Once I'm somewhat satisfied with the card list and rankings, I can see some areas for improvement that I'd like to work on which should let me get into actually developing little bits of code for Forge proper.

Archetype Drafting
I haven't looked at the Forge draft algorithm, but from what I can tell it tries to pick a card based on the rankings list, giving bonus points for staying in color and subtracting points if it can't use the card. I think the ranking list is really fantastic because it means that a doesn't-know-anything-about-coding user can adjust the AI draft behavior just by editing a text file. It's surprising how well the AI drafts just following this approach! However, there are obviously problems, too.

Ideally, there would be a parser for a similar archetype-based rankings list, that bumps cards up in points if they fall into an archetype that the AI has already drafted some cards for. I think big improvements could be made even with pretty simple algorithmic changes, and different sets could have different user-editable archetype lists. Later we could implement more sophisticated ideas, like some of the things lujo has been suggesting (, all of which could in theory be done in a set-specific text file rather than on a card-by-card basis.

Deckbuilding Improvements
Whoever wrote the deckbuilding algorithm did a fantastic job, as even though a lot of cards are marked unplayable by the AI the decks end up being surprisingly competitive. However, there seem to be a couple areas that are too rigid. In particular, the AI seems to be restricted to building decks with exactly 17 land, which occasional leads to it 'splashing' Counterspell off of zero blue mana sources because it doesn't have enough playables.

Also, I should look into adding AI improvements that let it use some more of these cards!

Banding Combat Math
The AI just doesn't make very good decisions when attacking into or blocking bands. Okay this is probably a really low priority considering banding's fate in modern Magic, and whereas the other suggestions would probably benefit everyone, this would only help out old guys like me that want to draft older sets.

If you actually read this much then thanks so much, and I hope it wasn't a huge waste of your time! I would love to hear your feedback (positive and negative!) and if not that's okay, too :D
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Last edited by HarePaiR on 20 Dec 2014, 19:40, edited 13 times in total.
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Re: Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

Postby HarePaiR » 12 Dec 2014, 12:09

I've been working on getting a reasonable facsimile of Power Leak scripted and am running into some trouble. I know that this card is considered unscriptable but I am trying to teach myself exactly what can't be done since it seems like most everything is there already. This is what I have so far:
Code: Select all
Name:Leaky Power
ManaCost:1 U
Types:Enchantment Aura
K:Enchant enchantment
A:SP$ Attach | Cost$ 1 U | ValidTgts$ Enchantment | AILogic$ Curse
T:Mode$ Phase | Phase$ Upkeep | ValidPlayer$ EnchantedController | Execute$ PayPrevDamage | TriggerZones$ Battlefield | TriggerDescription$ At the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted enchantment's controller, that player may play {X}. Prevent the next {X} damage that would be dealt to that player by CARDNAME. CARDNAME deals {2} damage to you.
SVar:PayPrevDamage:AB$ PreventDamage | Cost$ X | Source$ Card.Self | Amount$ X | SpellDescription$ The next time CARDNAME would deal damage to you, prevent {X} of that damage. | References$ X | SubAbility$ TrigDamage
SVar:TrigDamage:DB$ DealDamage | Cost$ 0 | Defined$ EnchantedController | NumDmg$ 2 | TriggerDescription$ CARDNAME deals {2} damage to you.
Oracle:Enchant enchantment\nAt the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted enchantment's controller, that player may pay any amount of mana. Power leak deals {2} damage to that player. Prevent {X} of that damage, where {X} is the amount of mana that player paid this way.
The problem is that I can't get the enchanted controller to be able to pay for the damage prevention effect. I have tried adding AnyPlayer$ True to the PreventDamage ability as a partial fix, but that doesn't seem to work (nor does AnyOpponent$ True). I know that the UnlessPayer$ implements this functionality, but this is damage dealt with prevention, not unless. For the purposes of this set that's functionally identical, but I'm curious!

I feel like there might be a way to get this to work if I use Effect$ and create a pseudopermanent under the EnchantedController's control that has the damage prevention trigger on it. That seems pretty roundabout, but could it work?
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Re: Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

Postby elcnesh » 12 Dec 2014, 12:36

You've run into exactly the problem with the card, namely having an arbitrary player (in this case the enchantment's controller) pay any amount of mana. With Unless you can only specify an exact amount, so that's unsuitable here. An Effect might work, but would be very interesting scripting... I think making a PayEffect storing the amount paid is probably the easiest and most appropriate way to go. Maybe I'll try making one later today, then you can be the first to use it ;)
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Re: Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

Postby friarsol » 12 Dec 2014, 13:52

elcnesh wrote:I think making a PayEffect storing the amount paid is probably the easiest and most appropriate way to go. Maybe I'll try making one later today, then you can be the first to use it ;)
Right. We have about 8 cards listed as "PayCostEffect" on the spreadsheet of why cards aren't scripted. That would allow a fair chunk of remaining cards to be added in, although Power Leak and it's cousin Errant Minion might still be tricky.
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Re: Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

Postby HarePaiR » 12 Dec 2014, 14:02

I appreciate the interest! Though I certainly understand if newer sets are more relevant for the average user, so no rush :) Since you might make some progress on that front, I will move on for now, since this placeholder should behave essentially identically within the environment:
Not Power Leak | Open
Code: Select all
Name:Not Power Leak
ManaCost:1 U
Types:Enchantment Aura
K:Enchant enchantment
A:SP$ Attach | Cost$ 1 U | ValidTgts$ Enchantment | AILogic$ Curse
T:Mode$ Phase | Phase$ Upkeep | ValidPlayer$ EnchantedController | Execute$ TrigDamageOne | TriggerZones$ Battlefield | TriggerDescription$ At the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted enchantment's controller, CARDNAME deals 2 damage unless that player pays up to {2}, reducing damage by 1 for each {1} paid.
SVar:TrigDamageOne:DB$ DealDamage | Cost$ 0 | Defined$ EnchantedController | NumDmg$ 1 | UnlessCost$ 1 | UnlessPayer$ EnchantedController | TriggerDescription$ CARDNAME deals 1 damage to you unless you pay {1}. | SubAbility$ TrigDamageTwo
SVar:TrigDamageTwo:DB$ DealDamage | Cost$ 0 | Defined$ EnchantedController | NumDmg$ 1 | UnlessCost$ 1 | UnlessPayer$ EnchantedController | TriggerDescription$ CARDNAME deals 1 damage to you unless you pay {1}.
Oracle:Enchant enchantment\nAt the beginning of the upkeep of enchanted enchantment's controller, that player may pay any amount of mana. Power Leak deals 2 damage to that player. Prevent {X} of that damage, where {X} is the amount of mana that player paid this way.
Though it appears it might be a little broken, since I don't know how to tell the AI to realize it shouldn't pay for it all the time.

I think I'll move on to my idea for how to represent Chaos Orb next.
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Re: Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

Postby HarePaiR » 12 Dec 2014, 16:09

I've added Chaos Orb back into the set as a non-dextrous flipping a coin card. I assume that both players have been 'smart' enough to infinitely spread their cards out, so that the Orb couldn't ever hit more than one thing, and that a player has 50% aim (so, not Gambit but a decent shot). Given these assumptions, this card should behave pretty much the way it would on tabletops. You know, given infinitely-sized tables.

Not Chaos Orb | Open
Code: Select all
Name:Not Chaos Orb
A:AB$ FlipACoin | Cost$ 1 T | WinSubAbility$ DBChooseAndDestroy | LoseSubAbility$ DBDestroyThis | SpellDescription$ Flip a coin. If you win the flip, choose a nontoken permanent and destroy it. Then destroy CARDNAME.
SVar:DBDestroyThis:DB$ DestroyAll | ValidCards$ Card.Self
SVar:DBChooseAndDestroy:DB$ ChooseCard | Choices$ Permanent.nonToken | SubAbility$ DBDestroyBoth
SVar:DBDestroyBoth:DB$ Destroy | Defined$ ChosenCard | SubAbility$ DBDestroyThis
Oracle: {3}, {T} If Chaos Orb is on the battlefield, flip Chaos Orb onto the battlefield from a height of at least one foot. If Chaos Orb turns over completely at least once during the flip, destroy all nontoken permanents it touches. Then destroy Chaos Orb.
This was surprisingly easy to script appropriately (choose instead of target, destroy instead of sacrifice), so thanks for such a robust Card API! It seems to work correctly even in games with Slippery Bogle s and Darksteel Forge s.

I have to admit I still don't know how to use most of the AI hooks, though. Is the best place to learn that by looking at cards that I think should be played similarly, or by getting my hands dirty in the source code?
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Re: Limited Edition Gamma - LEA/LEB/2ED Reimagined for Draft

Postby HarePaiR » 21 Dec 2014, 04:32

Ranking list has been updated for a second time after significant changes to rarities and a few more cuts (the 'lace' color-changing cards).

My current concerns are lack of creatures, especially in White and at common in Blue. I have already doubled up on some commons to try and fix this, so if it remains a problem I may actually need to add new cards. I'll probably allow myself a few drafts of upcoming sets to see if there's anything appropriate to steal there.

Before I do that, though, I'm going to try to make sure that the AI can use as many cards as possible. For now, I'll do that by trying to understand the AI scripting hooks based off of other similar cards. Eventually, I assume there will be cards that need to be hard-coded, or at least that will need new hooks. (For example, Basalt Monolith probably doesn't work because the AI uses it when it doesn't need to, and untaps it when it doesn't need to. There are other cards like this, and there should be a way to deprioritize their use unless the AI doesn't have enough mana.)
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