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PostPosted: 27 Jan 2010, 20:14
by Corwin72
Here is a Jund cascade deck that I made.
Maelstrom Pulse does not cascade correctly. It requests you to pay the mana for it. :(

60 Total Cards

23 Creatures
4x Bloodbraid Elf
4x Broodmate Dragon
1x Hellkite Overlord
4x Jund Hackblade
2x Madrush Cyclops
4x Scarland Thrinax
4x Sprouting Thrinax

12 Spells
4x Bituminous Blast
4x Blightning
4x Maelstrom Pulse

25 Land
4x Badlands
4x Bayou
3x Forest
3x Mountain
4x Savage Lands
3x Swamp
4x Taiga

Re: Jund

PostPosted: 09 Feb 2010, 22:46
by Corwin72
Thought that it would be fun to cascade into a Plainswalker.

60 Total Cards

17 Creatures
4x Bloodbraid Elf
2x Broodmate Dragon
4x Enlisted Wurm
3x Jund Hackblade
1x Madrush Cyclops
3x Sprouting Thrinax

18 Spells
1x Ajani Vengeant
4x Bituminous Blast
3x Blightning
1x Chandra Nalaar
1x Garruk Wildspeaker
4x Lightning Bolt
1x Liliana Vess
2x Maelstrom Pulse
1x Sarkhan Vol

25 Land
4x Badlands
4x Bayou
3x Plateau
4x Savage Lands
3x Savannah
3x Scrubland
4x Taiga

Re: Jund

PostPosted: 08 Jun 2010, 13:47
by Corwin72