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10x faster AI!

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2013, 17:12
by Korath
Well, not precisely. But it turns out it's pretty easy to manipulate how long the AI spends thinking before it picks a decision, by lying to it about how much time has elapsed since it started.

The attached patch (run it in the same directory as Magic.exe) cuts AI thinking time to 1/10 normal. I haven't noticed any obvious weakening of the AI in a dozen or so games; it still makes roughly the same mix of fairly smart and astoundingly dumb decisions that it did before. Your mileage (and CPU power) may vary, though, so I'll put together something to make it configurable for the next mainline release.
This is now in the September 2013 patch, and configurable in config.txt as "AiDecisionTime".

Re: 10x faster AI!

PostPosted: 17 Aug 2013, 15:11
by Gargaroz
Ok, so I'll wait the configurable version before adding it to the release.
If you manage to do it before the end of August, it will go in this month release, otherwise in the next one.

Re: 10x faster AI!

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2013, 20:02
by HarlequinCasts
Wow this fix is amazing! I was vaguely aware of how irritatingly slow the AI could be, but this changes everything! <3