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August Tournament Results

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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby jatill » 27 Aug 2010, 12:05

In 2 pretty lopsided matches, jatill2 beats jatill (15-7) and monopman trounces aww (23-3)

Finals: jatill2 v monopman

Results due 8/30.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby jatill » 27 Aug 2010, 12:21

jatill2 v monopman (2-0)
Game 1: AI goes first but skips their land drop. This is why I didn't include Rootbound Crag in my Titans deck. Aether Adept answered my Control Magic on Scroll Thief. I steal it again and sneak in an attack with Hypnotic Specter. When the AI plays Sun Titan, I counter it. Since I'm out of counters now, I Braingeyser for 6 instead of playing another creature. Ai Wraths but my hand is too stocked to lose from there.

Game 2: Ai goes first and my Hypnotic is killed with Effigy. Control Magic on Thief, and again bounced with Adept. My hand is weak so instead of turn 5 Mahomoti, I Ritual and Braingeyser for 5. Much better now. Thief returns and my Control Magic is met with Mana Leak, which I cannot Counterspell because I was too lazy to tap my lands properly. Terror instead. Baneslayer meets Terror as well. Mahamoti lands and is Effegied. Sun Titan meets Counterspell. I am at 10 from Adept pinging away. Mahamoti #2 saves the day

monopman v jatill2 (2-0)
Game 1:
Crystal Ball? Power Sink.
Scroll Thief? Terror.
Baneslayer? Resolves!
AI? Dead. (it never got past 3 lands)

Game 2: Crystal Ball and Sword resolved, so I try for a BSA. Power Sink. I play Jace with a Sengir on board, and my Condemn managed to Kill Sengir. AI lands Mahamoti and is tapped out. Sun Titan time (Expanse is the best I can return). Sun Titan is Controlled and Mahamoti eats Jace. Let's see if I can scry into something... Yes, and Wrath resolves. Cast Jace #2, draw and play Scroll Thief. Power Sink ruins that plan. Sun Titan returning JAce is also countered, but I had to try. Next turn Jace #3 and double Scroll Thief resolve. AI taps out to draw 6, and I land BSA and equip Sword. AI casts Control Magic... on Scroll Thief. My heart weeps. AI never recovers. Very long game. In the end I had drawn 12 more cards than the opponent.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby Cognis » 27 Aug 2010, 13:05

Monopman vs Jatill Cheerios 2-0
Jatill Cheerios vs Monopman 2-1

Monopman: 2 points
Jatill Cheerios: 1 point
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby Brandon822 » 27 Aug 2010, 18:04

Jatill2 v monopman (2-0)
Game 1: Long game. 10 cards left in my library when I hit final blow.

Game 2: Stolen BA trades with AIs BA. Terrors kill rest of the angels and Vampires hit AI dead.

monopman v jatill2 (2-0)
Game 1: I control the game all the time. Easy win.

Game 2: A bit harder game. AI deals with all my angels and counters rest threats. Both go Topdeck. Lifepoints 5(AI) me(21). I draw Jace -> Scroll Thief > Aether Adept, after that I win easily. AI drew two Dark Rituals + Braingeyser(didn't use it) and Sengir Vampire, which i send back to it's hand.
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby monopoman » 29 Aug 2010, 01:37

Jatill Cheerios (Human) Vs. Monopoman
Monopoman as the AI wins (2-1)

Game 1:
Game goes back and forth early on with both side removing each others threats. AI drops a Jace around turn 6 I can not counter it due to no counter in hand. AI starts to get massive card advantage. I try to land a Mahamoti which sees a mana leak. Play a second the turn after another mana leak. I am able to geyser for 5 though and I draw quite a few counters. I get Mahamoti out and start to beat face. AI tries to bounce it 3 times I counter all of them trying to keep the Mahamoti in play. I eventually get it condemned though follow it up with a Sengir vampire though. Which faces a Day of judgment I play another sengir vampire though. Which faces another day of judgment which I can not counter at this point I just have 3 terrors in hand and I top deck a power sink. We both just keep drawing nothing going on for the next few turns. Baneslayer drops which I terror immediately. At that point I have 2 power sinks and 2 terrors. I power sink effigy for a lot. Top deck Djinn and lay him down with counter magic to protect him. AI tries to day of judgment which I power sink. Top deck counterspell and swing in. Counterspell sun titan top deck control magic and swing in. AI does have a condemn at this point though. Drops a sun titan I cast control magic on it on my turn. Start beating with sun titan with power sink backup. Sun titan goes the distance.

Game 2:
Forced to mulligan to 5 to get more then 1 land in hand. I drop a 4th turn hypnotic which gets effigyed away then AI starts scroll thief beat down. I geyser for 3 after that but draw more land at this point my only spells so far have been geyser+hypie in hand. Top deck a dark ritual which is a slap in the face. Ai has 2 scroll thieves beating me down now and I have no answer. Top deck another land AI drops baneslayher in addition to his scroll thieves Need an answer now. Top deck another land this is getting ridiculous Top deck sengir the turn after second baneslayer hits play needless to say I lost this game. I can not believe how a 3 land hand with geyser+hippie turned in this crap. AI for good measure effigys my sengir then attacks me for 12 GG.

Game 3:
This game I get a 2nd turn hippie with dark ritual off the top deck I have only one blue source which is not enough to play any of my other cards but hope that hippie can take him down a peg. Hippie gets bounced though and I am forced to replay him. Hippie gets effigyed at this point I desperately need blue mana with 4 cards in my hand costing double blue. Top deck a swamp top deck another blue card that I can't play. AI is beating me down with Adept alone now. Another double blue card I can't play. Top deck a hippie and play it. This creatures a stalemate on board of sorts but I swing in with hippie to remove ai's jace. As I lay down another hippie I still need 2 blue mana though to play my other 5 blue cards. Which unfortunately gets condemned. Ai bounces my hippie again but does it after combat which is helpful. I top deck another double blue card. AI plays sun titan I have no answer for this. Top deck another swamp which is freaking useless. I finally top deck a island and control magic Sun titan unfortunately the turn before that AI dropped a 2nd one and now it has more then enough damage to kill me even if the titans off each other.

Sometimes this shuffler is simply ridiculously bad :(.

Monopman (Human) Vs. Jatill Cheerios
Monopoman wins 2-0

Game 1:
As a bit of justice I open up a hand with condemn+day+Aether adept and 4 plains. I keep it fearing what would happen if I mulligan. I do draw my first expanse around turn 4 though and quickly fetch and island. I continue to draw double blue cards and nothing to play them with but I am able to remove all of AI's threats. I finally get 2 blue and drop jace so I can draw this is around turn 9. AI gets hippie i bounce it with Adept and play an effigy. Looking good now since I can bounce my own creatures to stop control magic thanks to 2 more adepts in hand. AI does control magic it which i then bounce it back to my hand. AI drops a sengir I try to judgment it he counters but I am able to lay down adept and bounce it. AI predictably drops it again. I cast sun titan no counter and bounce it back yet again with my dead adept swing in for 2. At this point AI can not stop my Titan+Adepts since I effigy his Sengir vampire and start doing evil recurs of Jace. AI grabs and Adept over my titan for no reason but I bounce it back to my hand with my spare Adept. AI has no recourse at this I have a hand full of problems for the AI and it has nothing in play of note the card advantage is ridiculous at this point. AI dies a very painful death of more then enough damage to kill him.

Game 2:
Forced to mulligan to 6 to get a 3 land hand. Drop a 3rd turn jace. AI gets a 4th turn Sengir Vampire. I bounce it back to his hand then AI terrors my Adept. Play a scroll thief trying to pump up my card advantage with jace and him. AI is mana screwed on 3 lands for a while. Tries to steal it but I mana leak it. Take this opportunity to drop sword and swing in for 3 drawing 2 cards in the process thanks to jace. AI terrors it but I play sun titan next turn AI does not counter get back scroll thief. At this point the AI is clearly behind by a lot I have out tons of creatures and can stop control magic thanks to 2x adept in hand. I stack my deck with crystal ball to get another mana leak which will counter anything the AI plays except terror next turn since AI is still at 5 lands and its like turn 9. AI plays another vampire I counter. Ai dies a horrible death at this point.

Monopoman +5 points
Jatill +0 points
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Re: August Tournament Results

Postby Aswan jaguar » 30 Aug 2010, 17:39

Monopman (Human) Vs. Jatill Cheerios 2-0 game1 after 15 turns of removals from both sides(great game),AI refused to play(cease of fire)so easy win for me.but great disappointment he stopped the challenge!! :(
Jatill Cheerios (Human) Vs. Monopoman 2-0
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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