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September results (Salbei wins with Emrakul)

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Re: September results (finals untill end of the month)

Postby jatill » 28 Sep 2010, 12:42

jatill 2
Salbei 2
Brandon 1
NicDanger 1

NicDanger (2-1) vs jatill
Game 1: Mulligan a Wasteland-only hand. Wasteland / Lavamance opponent land and mana dork, but he still has 4 mana and a Green guy to sac to NO on turn 4!
Game 2: Double Wasteland, Bolt, and Lavamancer cripple the AI's manabase.
Game 3: Massive mana denial again ftw.

jatill (2-0) vs NicDanger
Game 1: AI didn't kill my lands so I just spammed large creatures and won.
Game 2: Turn 4 NO. No contest.

Salbei (2-0) vs Brandon
Game 1: Turn 3 Emrakul.
Game 2: Turn 3 SSS (for defense), turn 5 Emrakul.

Brandon (2-1) vs Salbei
Game 1: Ai has the Emrakul combo turn 4.
Game 2. Turn 4 combo again, but this time I have 7 permanents and manage to attack around the best for lethal after saccing down to just Tarmogoyf!
Game 3: AI "only" has turn 4 SSS, turn 5 Crusher, so I attack and burn him to death ;)
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Re: September results (finals untill end of the month)

Postby Aswan jaguar » 29 Sep 2010, 13:24

Jatill vs Nicdanger AI 2-0
Game1 many mana dudes 3turn,Baneslayer Angel+Kitchen Finks for the win.
Game22Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers pumped by Wilt-Leaf Liege +Kitchen Finks are enough to win.
Nicdanger vs Jatill AI 0-2
Game1Progenitus comes in play,I brought AI to 1life and could have won if I predicted AI's bad defend choice to my attackers.
Game2AI plays 4Wilt-Leaf Liege in 4consecutive turns!!!no answer to that!
Jattil 7
Nicdanger 0


Salbei vs Brandon AI 2-1
Game12 HUGE mistakes I make(cast 2 Aeons and lost both,didn't realise it was a legendary creature till then+I didn't even attack before to cripple AI) #-o cost Salbei the win.I take the prize of worst play in tournament from AI hands!!!even AI mocks me.
Game2 Emrakul can't be stopped.
Game3 2 Ulamog Crushers for the win.
Brandon vs Salbei AI 2-0
Game1 2 Tarmogoyfs,Bloodbraid Elf,and Ball Lightning hit before ulamog makes damage.
Game2 AI Show and Tell for Emrakul-I have a crusher in play,and decide to choose crusher from hand and not Bloodbraid Elf in case they pump up,so it happens 5/5 crushers,cast Bloodbraid Elf who puts in 6/1 trample and attack,bring AI to 2life, AI's turn I choose to survive with just a mountain,that's all I need to bolt his ass!!

Final points
Brandon 4
Salbei 3
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: September results (finals untill end of the month)

Postby Cognis » 29 Sep 2010, 18:56

Jatill-Nicdanger 25-5
Salbei-Brandon 16-9

All six players that reported in the previous rounds finished the final so I don't see a reason to keep this tournament open any more, and besides, the results are pretty obvious, as well as expected. Although there is a 7 point difference in the final which could still be a tie in theory I really don't see a player losing 2 straight matches especially since Salbei's deck lost only 1 game in the final and that was after a mistake.

1st: Salbei - 2 cards
2nd: Brandon - 1 card
3rd: Jatill - 1 card
4th: Nicdanger - no prize but semifinals are a great result for a first time entry, and since Jatill won 1 card maybe he'll let you pick the one he'll code if you ask nicely ;)
Special prize goes to Aww, if nothing else, for clicking 499 times to make a deck.

Choose your prizes if you all ready haven't and finish your EDH decks for next month's tourney.
September tournament.rar
All scores in xls
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Re: September results (Salbei wins with Emrakul)

Postby jatill » 29 Sep 2010, 20:03

I won a card, so it's programmer's choice. And I choose Memnite! (yes, I am really that lazy). Fortunately, the next release will have another awesome card too, but it will require beating a challenge to unlock.
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Re: September results (Salbei wins with Emrakul)

Postby Cognis » 29 Sep 2010, 21:18

Wow, I don't think any one ever chose such an awesome card, but I don't know does 3rd place warrant it, you should only get such a powerful card if you win, off course it will be locked in some grueling challenge :D
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