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October Tourney Result Final Rd Ends Oct 25th

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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby monopoman » 08 Oct 2010, 07:28

Bracket A:
Aswan (Human) Vs. Monopoman Bolas
Aswan wins 2-0

Game 1: Get a fairly slow start mana wise but easily overwhelm the AI with creatures especially since the AI plays Meloku and makes far too many tokens.

Game 2: Even easier win this time the AI barely mounts a defense against my beatdown.

Monopoman Bolas (Human) Vs. Aswan
Monopoman wins 2-0

Game 1: AI must have had a terrible hand the only play it makes is Blightning, casting its general and playing land GG.

Game 2: Ob goes unanswered all game and comes out on turn 4 thanks to mana drain on blightning needless to say easy GG.

Bracket B:
Cognis (Human) vs. Monopoman Slivers
Cognis wins 2-0

Game 1: Rorix goes all the way Akroma was buggy as hell but it didn't effect the match. Morph in this game is absolutely busted the creature kept staying in play no matter how many times I removed but I did not block with her and kept her tapped down via the rules engine so that the AI would not consider it a major threat.

Game 2: Another easy beat down game and Akroma helped bug the game again thanks to morph but it did not affect the game in any way again. We might have to ban that card for the future tournaments unless you hard cast it it is the buggiest thing I have seen in game nearly.

Monopoman Slivers (Human) vs. Cognis
Monopoman wins 2-0

Game 1: AI stumbles with mana and I easily swing in for the win with Queen+Tokens and Coat of Arms.

Game 2: AI again doesn't do a whole lot besides try to stop the sliver on rush eventually Bringer of the Green Dawn+Sliver Queen+recurring Clone to stop Rorix wins the day.

Bracket C:
NicDanger (Human) Arbiter Vs. Juzam Isamaru
NicDanger wins 2-0

Game 1: I control the game easily with Arbiter and start beating down after stealing creatures to beat down with.

Game 2: More of the same AI amounts a decent force but Wrath helps me reset and take control.

Juzam Isamaru (Human) Vs. NicDanger Arbiter
Juzam wins 2-0

Game 1: Isamaru beats down hard thinks to mana accel and Jitte AI never gets anything out of importance cause Jitte and Smokestack just keeps wiping the board.

Game 2: Similar to the first game but AI puts up even less force and I just overwhelm him easily with Phyrexian Processor.

Bracket D:
Jatill Soldiers (Human) Vs. Shantak Niv Mizzet
Jatll wins 2-0

Game 1: Soldier beat down FTW, he can not even begin to combo off fast enough to stop me.

Game 2: Once again like the first game AI puts up a better fight this time by stealing creatures but its never enough.

Shantak (Human) Niv-Mizzet Vs. Jatill Soldiers
Shantak wins 2-0

Game 1: Niv and Outcast make an easy GG. Dragon beatdown and Nivs ability easily control the game.

Game 2: Another easy game the AI barely puts up a fight as I land Niv and start abusing his abilities.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Stroggoii » 09 Oct 2010, 08:25

Bracket A
Tourlou vs Bolas(AI). 2/1
Round 1
Meloku's flying army owned me after I damnated grave titan and his zombie army.
Round 2
Got Sarkhan Vol's ultimate and won thru the dragon army.
Round 3
Inferno titan weilded the sword of fire and ice to victory.

Bolas vs Torlou(AI). 2/0
Round 1
Ob Nixilis, Crucible of worlds and scalding tarn made for a brutal combo.
Round 2
After a long and tedious match I managed to play Sorin's -3, followed by a cruel ultimatum and an attack from Bolas for the win.

Bracket B
Rorix vs Fallen(AI). 2/1
Round 1
Cast Rorix, win.
Round 2
Nantuko followed by turn 2 mox, ritual, Ob Nixilis and turn 3 phylactery lich, Ob grew out of bolt range and owned me.
Round 3
AI equiped Order of the ebon hand with sword of fire and ice and proceeded to destroy me and my creatures, I was at 3 when Rhorix and a fireball got him.

Fallen vs Rorix(AI). 2/0
Round 1
Conscripted a faerie when at 13, wich kept the AI from playing Rhorix as it sacrificed it's lands, the faerie and tombstalker won.
Round 2
Entombed and beaconed Grave Titan into play, then gave him the loxodon warhammer and the sword of vengeance, not even Rhorix and a pumped stoneslide could race that.

Bracket C
Arbiter vs Isamaru(AI). 2/0
Round 1
This deck plays itself, I got arbiter out right away and Arcanis was my drawing engine, bribed for a lodestone and the AI could barely play.
Round 2
Winter orb made this last so long AI eventually died to it's own mana crypt.

Isamaru vs Arbiter(AI). 2/0
Round 1
Long as hell landless round of doom, I ended up o-ringing my own winter orb in order to play and won with the slayer.
Round 2
Luminarch ascencion took off and gave me an angel every turn for the win.

Bracket D
Soldiers vs Niv Mizzet(AI). 2/0
Round 1
Crusade, Honour, RtA, Kongming, Captain of the watch, Baneslayer, that's a beautiful curve.
Round 2
T1 Serra ascendant and T2 kor firewalker dominated the whole match, AI just couldn't get rid of them.

Niv Mizzet vs Soldiers(AI). 2/0
Round 1
A very long match of controlling the little guys with Niv and a magpie, in the end the outcast's dragon won.
Round 2
Got Niv early and kept shooting the soldiers down, eventually it just gave up cause it discarded Ajani, Em Angel, etc. while having open mana to play them.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Shantak » 09 Oct 2010, 16:40

Bracket A
Aswan Jaguar Tourlou vs Monopoman Bolas (AI) - 2-0 (Aswan Jaguar +2 points)
1-0: Spiritmonger did most of the work and after AI finally began chump blocking, his own Bitterblossom and Phyrexian Arena killed him. Also, AI can't really use Meloku the Clouded Mirror good and thus has little mana to use.

2-0: I do a bad mistake when I sac Xira Arien for Natural Order but mistakenly try to get red Akroma out of it and lose the spell. Blah. I'm building back my position when Cruel Ultimatum strikes and I lose my hand. Then AI casts Sorin Markov but doesn't (yet at least) put me to 10 life so I'm not worried yet. Again I cast my creatures but then AI unleashes Nicol Bolas. Still not worried, a beast and Tahngarth kill him together. Well, Nicol returns the next turn. Now Loxodon Warhammer boosted Rampaging Baloths kills him. In the end, my biggest problem is AI's Keiga, but I'm careful not to kill it, as I have both Platinum Angel and a 9/9 Ob Nixilis. Ob boosted with Loxodon Warhammer finally kills AI. What a fun game!

Monopoman Bolas vs Aswan Jaguar Tourlou (AI) - 2-0 (Monopoman +2 points)
1-0: I get Sorin Markov in play pretty soon and after him Jace (the expensive one) and control practically every aspect of the game. Then I summon Nicol Bolas and let the dragon kill AI.

2-0: I draw huge number of cards on the first few turns and AI has problems with land. My flyers led by Bolas kill AI.

Bracket B
Cognis Rorix vs Stroggoii Fallen (AI) - 1-2 (Stroggoii +3 points)

1-0: AI gets a Phylactery Lich (Howling Mine as phylactery) on the third turn. This could get dangerous. Next, while I have land problems, AI casts Necropotence. Now I'm hoping he does something stupid with it... well, he did draw about 20 cards in two turns - many enough that I could just cast Rorix and attack him to the death.

1-1: Now AI impresses me with turn three Grave Titan (with Sol Ring). There's not much I can do against AI's huge army and I die in a few turns as AI also gets Ob and Visara to play.

1-2: Again AI gets Sol Ring and I have land problems. And soon again AI casts Grave Titan. I have my hand full of good cards but only two lands after AI Strip Mined my third away. Some games weren't meant to be won.

Stroggoii Fallen vs Cognis Rorix (AI) - 2-0 (Stroggoii +2 points)
1-0: I end up Demonic Tutoring for a Sol Ring to get mana, but that doesn't help my black mana problems (I only have one swamp). Now I'm in a bad situation since AI soon gets her Chandra Nalaar up to 8 loyalty. On my side, I get a second swamp and cast Liliana to tutor for a third swamp. My game improves once I cast Ob, give him Lightning Greaves, play a land and attack Chandra. It doesn't last long once AI plays Akroma's Memorial and Wheel of Fortune which makes me lose my tutored Damnation. Sorin Markov gets our life totals closer and it's really tight now - both me and AI are in 4 life and AI has creatures including Ember Hauler in play. I have to come up with a solution the next turn... and do just that! I return Ichorid from the grave, equip Sword of Fire and Ice (AI doesn't realize to use Ember Hauler on Ich before that resolves), attack and win. Really close, really fun!

2-0: Ob, Bitterblossom and Loxodon Warhammer give me an easy victory.

Bracket C
NicDanger Grand Arbiter vs Juzamjedi Isamaru (AI) - 2-0 (NicDanger +2 points)

1-0: Killed AI with flyers while Moat was in play.

2-0: If AI had been smart enough to each time pump Isamaru with Elspeth, I might have been dead right away - he got 15 points of General damage through before I stabilized the board. Also, Elspeth would have been able to use her ultimate (does AI use those?) had I not sent her back with Capsize. I won with Ajani-boosted creatures, the biggest a 10/10 Slith Ascendant.

Juzamjedi Isamaru vs NicDanger Grand Arbiter (AI) - 2-0 (Juzamjedi +2 points)
1-0: I had a lightning start with Isamaru, Bonesplitter and a Wasteland I put to use, but had just two Plains and just didn't draw more for many turns. While I had dealt 14 General damage, I had to sacrifice Isamaru in combat and was distressed when I saw AI cast Bribery - but it took Masticore while it had Magus of the Moat in play :) After a few turns I was about to make a bad mistake when I cast Phyrexian Processor for 10 life, but then AI cracked a fetch and used his Temporal Adept - luckily on my Crystal Ball. Now was my time to strike and so I used Wrath of God (AI's hand was at one card) and the next turn Armageddon (I had Land Tax in play and lands in hand). Then, I was soon free to do the remaining damage with Isamaru, who was wearing Bonesplitter, Empyrial Plate and Lightning Greaves.

2-0: I started with Isamaru, Trinisphere, Thorn of Amethyst, Sol Ring and Wasteland. AI cast his first spell in 15 life. The rest would have been easy, but AI cast Moat and I was short of lands. While I waited for mana, AI did damage with Meloku and her Illusions. Then I cast Elspeth (for 7 mana after Lodestone Golem, Grand Arbiter and Thorn of Amethyst), pumped Isamaru and attacked for victory.

Bracket D
Jatill Soldiers vs Shantak Niv-Mizzet (AI) - 2-0 (Jatill +2 points)

1-0: Ajani's Pridemate and Kor Firewalker work nicely together. AI does some neat card drawing trick using far too many cards that makes Niv-Mizzet kill my Ajani, but Intrepid Hero kills Niv and the rest of my troops kill AI.

2-0: AI kills Kongming using Niv and Fire in unison. Other than that, the normal 1 Niv damage each turn doesn't go to any reasonable target and AI can't keep up with my creatures.

Shantak Niv-Mizzet vs Jatill Soldiers (AI) - 2-0 (Shantak +2 points)

1-0: I hit 6 lands with Dragonmaster Outcast out and cast Standstill. I also notice that casting generals doesn't break Standstill (is that intentional or not, does summoning a general count as casting a spell - it can't be countered either). The only moment when AI could win is when casting Martial Coup, but it doesn't have enough mana for a good coup. Wheel of Fortune does the final 7 damage.

2-0: I get a slow start but do does AI so that's okay. As my first spell I cast Jace, the Mind Sculptor. I get a little scared when AI casts Sword of Fire and Ice, the bane of my deck. I'll try my best not to give him a chance to use the sword. Then, a rules question: As I summon Niv-Mizzet, try equipping him with Lightning Greaves, AI responds with Swords to Plowshars. In this game, I could respond to that by equipping Greaves again and protecting Niv. Shouldn't Equip be sorcery speed so that I can't respond with it? The same thing appears to be with Planeswalker abilities, you can respond to a fast effect with them.
The game itself goes okay, as Jace unsummons anything big AI casts and could equip with sword the next turn and Niv wins.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Nicdanger » 10 Oct 2010, 04:51

Group B results
Cognis - 5
Stroggoii - 0

Stroggoii vs Cognis AI 1-2

Game 1: I have some mana issues early and the AI drops Gauntlet of Power followed by Rorix. Even if I had drawn an answer, the AI had enough mana to cast Rorix atleast 5 more times!
Game 2: Its the AI's turn to get mana screwed, it only cast 2 1/1 creatures and gets rolled over by 2 powered dudes.
Game 3: Game starts out in my favor and the AI plays alot of defensive burn. Rorix comes out followed by Akroma's Memorial and Obsidian Fireheart completely shutting me down. I lose again to 21 + points of Rorix damage.

Cognis vs Stroggoii AI 2-0

(First game crashed early after the AI's decision about Ichorid popped up on my screen)
Game 1: The AI drops a turn 2 Ob Nixilis . . but then blocks the Ball Lightning I play on my turn turn with him. Next turn it strips a mountain leaving me pretty hosed, and soon sets up a Dauthi Mercenary with Sword of Fire and Ice. Ghostfire gets me out of that mess and the AI only has a Leaden Myr which it equips and doesn't attack with. Pretty soon Rorix hits the table along with Siege-Gang Commander and Gauntlet of Power. The end.

(Game 2 has some morph errors by turn 5: following the AI's Infest killing off my side of the board including a Morphed creature, I attempt to Fireball a Vampire Nighthawk. It doesn't die even though it takes leathal damage AND my morph creature reappears over and over again after dying several times. I decide its best to restart the game, lol!)
Game 2: Starts out similiar to the botched game above minus the morphed Blastminer. I burn away the Nighthawk and cast Siege-Gang > Rorix > Dragonmaster Outcast on turns 5, 6, and 7 respectively. AI never plays more than 4 land all game.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby monopoman » 10 Oct 2010, 20:44

Everyone IMPORTANT info in the actual tournament thread we are replaying a bracket for details read that thread thanks!

Bracket B:
Stroggoi (Human) Vs. Cognis
Stroggoi wins 2-1

Game 1: Fairly one sided game had mana troubles all games and most cards I had in hand would not help me stop the massive beat down the opponent had.

Game 2: This time despite having mana problems and drawing 3 cards a turn I pull it out. This deck seems to play nowhere near the number of lands it needs. The AI is not able to use its cards much and I just keep laying down creature after creature which wins the day.

Game 3: Another near blowout but the mana trouble slow me down when I really shouldn't be slowed down so much.

Cognis (Human) Vs. Stroggoi
Cognis wins 2-0

Game 1: A ridiculous advantage for me the AI stumbles with mana all game and I make land drops on most turns my big threats come out and end the game. Jitte helps control anything the AI can possibly throw at me.

Game 2: Another one sided affair seems like the AI has land problems all game and can not even begin to match my horde of beatdown creatures.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Cognis » 10 Oct 2010, 22:46

Cognis vs Stroggoii 2-0
Stroggoii vs Cognis 2-1

Cognis: 2 points
Stroggoii: 1 point

Match 1 (Stroggoii AI)
Game 1:
AI didn’t play much and when Gauntlet of Might entered play there was no going back.
Game 2: AI played Strip Mine and slowed itself down since I had more than enough lands. Obsidian Fireheart with Sword of Fire and Ice did most of the damage and when Gauntlet of Might came it became just ridiculous.

Match 2 (Cognis AI)
Game 1:
Ob Nixilis with Sword of F&I and Loxodon Warhammer and since landfall makes the AI lose life, Ali from Cairo couldn’t save the AI.
Game 2: I was really mana screwed. I even tutored my third land but I couldn’t get the fourth, not even with Howling Mine and Bloodghast + Skullclamp. I even played Necropotence for 5 and didn’t draw my 4th land and by that time Rorix ran over me.
Game 3: I was short on mana but the fact that the AI didn’t attack with Rorix on the round it played it and a few tutors I had to play for lands gave me the win in the end. No doubt in my mind that any player would beat me down. The deck is about 10 lands short and it’s a wonder it has enough mana to play most of the cards consistently.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Aswan jaguar » 11 Oct 2010, 18:21

Bracket b
Cognis Rorix 2p
Stroggoii Fallen 2p

Cognis Rorix-Stroggoii Fallen (AI) 2-0
GAME 1 Fast hits by me,mana problems for AI.
GAME 2 Rorix came fast for me,while AI's general didn't draw a single land,to make damage to my goblins army.I won even though in last 2 turns AI had two of his generals in play at the same time!!! [-X

Stroggoii Fallen-Cognis Rorix AI 2-0
GAME 1 I won easily,unfortunately AI didn't want to play most of the times,although had lots of mana in play.
GAME 2 I had to mulligan to 6 to get 1swamp+1crypt,I managed to stabilize at 20life from early AI beating,draw 2 more lands and then my general-Ob Nixilis and 4land draws made the difference and won.
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby monopoman » 13 Oct 2010, 09:17

Well hopefully everyone else replays round B I am not sure what we are going to do here.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Cognis » 13 Oct 2010, 10:56

Nothing, if I'm correct I'm 1 point ahead which is close but better than a tie, if somebody else plays and Stroggoii wins, nevermind, but if it stays like this I go through since I beat two decks to progress. It's always better to have as much players testing but we have to take what we get. Six players tested group B, last tournament we had 7 testers so there are enough people to make a valid result, but I hope there will be more testers whether I win or lose.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Aswan jaguar » 13 Oct 2010, 12:59

Maybe you can ask nicely Jatill and Juzamjedi to repeat the b bracket with Stroggoii-Cognis this time,if they have the time to do so.Maybe they didn't check the thread.
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby juzamjedi » 13 Oct 2010, 13:45

Stroggoii vs. Cognis

Cognis as human win 2-0
Game 1: Mull a 1 lander into 2 Mountain, Sol Ring, Magus of the Moon, Mogg Fanatic, Goblin Sharpshooter, Elemental Appeal. Keep.
I play T1 Sol Ring, T2 Magus + Mogg (AI casts Diabolic Edict so hooray for Mogg). T3 Goblin Sharpshooter. AI gets to play his General, but I use Flametongue Kavu to take him down. I could respond with my own general, but I play Jitte + equip it instead. AI doesn't play any more creatures though so I win easily.
Game 2: Mull a 1 lander into Valakut, Mountain, Jitte, Ali from Cairo, Slith Firewalker, Solemn SImulacrum, Mogg Fanatic. Keep.
AI misses its first land drop and then plays Crypt of Agadeem on turn 2, but my Slith Firewalker is matched by Bitterblossom. AI kills my firewalker, but I get Jitte online and use it to start mowing down Faerie tokens. I could win sooner, but decide to activate Goblin Charbelcher and it takes 2 activations to kill the AI.

Stroggoii as human lose 1-2
Game 1: I keep 3x Swamp, Chainer's Edict, Necropotence (!), Chrome Mox (!) Volrath's Stronghold.
I am able to get Necropotence going early and draw a ton of cards. OB Nixilis comes online and cleans up in an easy match.
Game 2: I mull a 1 lander into Wasteland, SOl Ring (!), Cabal Ritual, Necropotence (!), Ob Nixilis (?), Ichorid, Stronghold Overseer. A little risky, but a single swamp gets me to Necropotence so I keep.
I never draw a single land and lose badly. :-/
Game 3: Swamp, Wasteland, Sol Ring (!), Ascendant Evincar, Stronghold Overseer, Ulamog, Skullclamp. Keep.
Another game where I don't draw many swamps. I get a cabal coffers, but don't even have 3 swamps for it to be even on mana. I play Damnation, but it only delays the end for a few turns before Rorix comes back to kill me.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby jatill » 13 Oct 2010, 14:51

Cognis (+5) wins 2-0
Stroggoli (+0) loses 1-2

25 land in a 100-card deck is not a recipe for success.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby Stroggoii » 14 Oct 2010, 05:09

Well I guess I didn't do so bad being the first time I ever deckbuild out of standard/extended/legacy.

Rhorix is hardcore but so far my fave deck is the Arbiter.
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby jatill » 14 Oct 2010, 12:10

So what are the round 2 pairings?
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Re: October Tourney Results Round 1 ends on the 14th of Octo

Postby monopoman » 14 Oct 2010, 22:44

Round 1 final standings are..

Everyone reported woot! No points deducted WTG!

Bracket A:
Aswan Jaguar Tourlou 14
Monopoman Bolas 16

Bracket B:
Cognis Rorix 18
Stroggoii Fallen 13

Bracket C:
Jatill Soldiers 17
Shantak Niv Mizzet 13

Bracket D:
Nic Danger Grand Arbiter 16
Juzamjedi Isamaru 15

So that means the pairings of round 2 are..

Bracket Alpha
Monopoman Bolas vs. Cognis Rorix

Bracket Beta
Nic Danger Grand Arbiter vs. Jatill Soldiers

If anyone is getting different numbers then those please speak up now otherwise this round will begin on the 15th and go until the 19th.

I will be posting another thread for everyone that was in the tournament to vote on your favorite deck. Any of the 8 entries are eligible for this prize even if said person wins the tournament with the most favorite deck. Please do not vote just for people that are out of the tournament if you truly enjoyed a deck that advanced more then the others vote for it!

I ask to hold off on more reports until the 15th just in case their is a discrepancy in my numbers and someone can bring it to my attention over the next day.

If you really want to do the round early though feel free I just may have to repair then your work is wasted.

If you are out of the tournament at this point better luck in the future and I would appreciate it if you would still report the future rounds. That way we get a more diverse range of reports on who won.
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