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July Tournament (in progress)

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Re: July Tournament (accepting decks)

Postby aww1979 » 03 Jul 2010, 01:19

At this point I have decks from the following people:

It's early evening in my time zone; you have until I wake up and log in tomorrow morning to send in your decks, which is roughly about 16 hours from now.
Last edited by aww1979 on 03 Jul 2010, 14:15, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: July Tournament (accepting decks)

Postby aww1979 » 03 Jul 2010, 14:15

I have decks from the above people. That makes 11 players. My own deck makes 12, and I won't add any extras decks. The brackets will consist of four groups of three, and the top two in each group will advance. (think like world cup round one, except groups of 3 instead of 4) Round two will then have 8 people, and that and the later rounds will be elimination style, so we'll go to 4 players, then 2, then 1.

Randomly determined, the groups are as follows:

Round 1. All players in one group play each other in a best of 3 match.

Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:

Round 2:
Bracket Alpha:1st place group A vs 2nd place group D
Bracket Beta: 1st place group B vs 2nd place group C
Bracket Gamma: 1st place group C vs 2nd place group B
Bracket Delta: 1st place group D vs 2nd place group A

Round 3:
Bracket Epsilon: Alpha winner vs Beta winner
Bracket Zeta: Gamma winner vs Delta winner

Round 4:
Epsilon winner vs Zeta winner (final)
Epsilon loser vs Zeta loser (consolation for 3rd place)

Decks and brackets included in and also put in the first post of this thread. There will be quite a few games to play in the first round, so I'm making the deadline the end of the 14th. This means on average you play one match per day.

This is the link jatill sent me for unlocking challenge cards:
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby jatill » 03 Jul 2010, 15:19

Just to reiterate, please download the above release before starting. My deck doesn't work without it :) My deck works by activating Helm when Leyline is in play. For this unaware, that means instant victory by decking. And don't forget that if you have a City of Traitors in play, you can always tap it for mana and then play another land (even another City).

Good luck all!
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Re: July Tournament (accepting decks)

Postby thedrigo » 03 Jul 2010, 15:25

aww1979 wrote:Group A:

Group B:

Group C:

Group D:
Hey, I'm not there. Juzamjedi is in 2 groups.
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby jatill » 03 Jul 2010, 16:01

Group B:
Jatill(2-0 vs Taron, 2-0 vs Yggdrasil)
Taron (2-0 vs jatill, 1-2 vs Yggdrasil)
Yggdrasil (2-0 vs jatill, 2-0 vs Taron)
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby taron » 03 Jul 2010, 16:47

Just a quick note, as I started playing brackets without errors in them. You seem to dislike Thedrigo, didn't you forget him last tournament as well? :P

Jesus christ Jatill, didn't think of that combo.... ehehehe I know someone who's going to take this deck or an equivalent to his next legacy thing on weds, if I can get all the cards up, might get a free force of will ;)

Your deck beat mine game 2 without my getting to draw a card (Leyline in hand, fetch for black, Dark ritual x2, helm of obedience. Ow.)

Bracket B:

Jatill (J vs T = Jatill 2-0) (J vs Y = Jatill 2-1) +3
Taron (T vs J = Taron 2-0) (T vs Y = Yggdrasil 2-1) +3
Yggdrasil (Y vs J = Yggdrasil 2-0) (Y vs T = Yggdrasil 2-0) +4
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby Cognis » 03 Jul 2010, 18:17

Group B

Jatill vs Taron 2-0
Jatill vs Yggdrasil 2-1

Taron vs Jatill 2-0
Taron vs Yggdrasil 2-1

Yggdrasill vs Jatill 2-0
Yggdrasil vs Taron 2-1

Jatill: 3 points
Taron: 3 points
Yggdrasil: 3 points

Match 1 (Taron AI)
Game 1:
Leyline of the Void in the opening hand with Helm of Obedience played and activated on turn 3.
Game 2: It took a few more turns this time but the AI was no threat.

Match 2 (Yggdrasil AI)
Game 1:
Had to mulligan and got a poor hand, I would have won if I had another two turns but Demigod of Revenge sealed the deal.
Game 2: Had to mulligan again but had a better hand to finish it on the 3rd turn.
Game 3: Leyline of the Void in the opening hand with Enlightened Tutor.

Match 3 (Jatill AI)
Game 1:
I felt like playing solitaire. The AI didn’t do much with the deck and when Smokestack controlled the board it was just a mater of time when Arcbound Ravager went for the kill.
Game 2: Like game 1 but Tooth and Nail powered the eldrazi for an overkill.

Match 4 (Yggdrasil AI)
Game 1:
A long match where the AI won because of discard ability of the deck. In the end I put eldrazi into play but got swamped by faerie tokens.
Game 2: A solitaire game.
Game 3: Just couldn’t get Meekstone for Demigod of Revenge. If I had a few more turns Smokestack would clear him of the grid.

Match 5 (Jatill AI)
Game 1:
Had to mulligan to 5 and had only 2 lands for a long while. AI had 2 Helm of Obedience but no Leyline of the Void.
Game 2: AI started with Leyline of the Void and I was mana flooded. I stated with 5 and drew 4 in a row. In the end 3 Vampire Nighthawk flew for the kill.

Match 6 (Taron AI)
Game 1:
I had to mulligan a few times because I couldn’t get a land. When I got to 3 cards and no lands I conceded.
Game 2: 3 Demigod of Revenge in the opening hand and all the mana I needed made this too easy.
Game 3: Again I had to mulligan but this time only to 6. Not a great hand but at least I have mana to play everything I draw next. Nezumi Shortfang flips out and is enough to win, everything else just sped things up.

I think Yggdrasil has the biggest chance of going through because his deck is AI friendly while Taron’s and Jatill’s deck can win only by coincidence in the AI’s hand.

I think while we're in the group stage when the player wins 2-1 against the AI, the AI should get one point while the player gets 2. The difference is still 1 point but the AI is also rewarded since now we have Yggdrasil's deck that won about 4 matches as the AI and didn't get a single point for it. It doesn't matter if we score 2-1 win with 1 point or 2 points for the player and 1 for the AI in the elimination round since the score doesn't change, but when we have a group I think we should implement since it's more fair.
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby Serbitar » 03 Jul 2010, 20:03

Group B:

Jatill (vs AI Taron 2:0, vs AI Yggdrasil 2:0) - Jatill +4pts
No problems, even in the games where I struggle to find the combo.

Taron (vs AI Jatill 2:0, vs AI Yggdrasil 1:2) - Taron +2pts, Yggdrasil +3pts
Two losses to Bitterblossom (coupled with manascrew).

Yggdrasil (vs AI Jatill 2:0, vs AI Taron 2:0) - Yggdrasil +4pts
Nothing worth noting.

Group D:

Brandon822 (vs AI Serbitar 2:0 (have to restart one game due to crash), vs AI Aww1979 2:1) - Brandon822 +3pts
Funny, but I won all games by hardcasting Leviathan, not by cheating it into play.

Serbitar (vs AI Brandon822 2:0, vs AI Aww1979 2:0) - Serbitar +4pts
Nothing worth noting.

Aww1979 (vs AI Serbitar 2:0, vs AI Brandon822 2:0) - Aww1979 +4pts
Outaggroed the AI. Bribery shined against Brandon, Planeswalkers against myself.

[Just noting: although the Human player gets less points if he only wins 2:1, the AI deck winning one match does not benefit.]
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby juzamjedi » 03 Jul 2010, 20:38

Some quick tips on my deck:

1. It has a very low land count to support Goblin Charbelcher. Look for Land Grant to see if the opening hand actually has a land.
2. Elvish Champion is not like most of the lords. He grants forestwalk and +1 bonus to *all* elves

I hope you all have fun playing it. I doubt my deck will win the tournament, but I am hoping it can produce some good stories :D
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby aww1979 » 03 Jul 2010, 22:09

Wow, I'm a dumbass. Okay, I tossed a coin and Thedrigo is in Group A instead of Juzamjedi, who is now only in group C. Apologies to everybody, especially Thedrigo. I really don't have anything against you :p I did at least get your deck in the zip file, I hope?

And yes do make sure you download the latest patch. I tested a helm/leyline deck but the AI never ever cast leyline, so it completely failed :p Jatill will have a very low score if you don't use the update :)

A couple notes on my deck:
-The name comes from an old internet meme, All Your Base Are Belong To Us. Originally, it was monoblue and had a lot more Control Magic type cards, but it evolved into that
-The deck is extremely loosely based on an old black/blue budget deck I saw once, though control magic is the only shared card. The playstyle is fairly similar though
-Bribery was there because it was really funny against the Emrakul deck I had made, and I was sure somebody would try that. Even if they don't, it still gets Baneslayer or whatever fun stuff they've got, though AI seems to just pick a creature at random with it.

The idea is that the deck plays in three 'phases'. The first few turns consist of making yourself a bloody nuisance with your two mana creatures. (in the original, these were black pumpknights) Phase 2, once your opponent starts stabilizing, you steal his creatures or kill them :p Phase 3 consists of playing your fat (in the original, Sengir Vampire and Mahamoti Djinn, here baneslayer and sphinx) and beating down with those. Planeswalkers are there mostly for style points. There used to be two of each, plus Gideon, but the AI wasn't always casting them (it nearly always casts ajani though) so I ditched them for 3x Psionic Blast. Those provide a handy finisher to the face, or can kill creatures, including protection white ones that might cause trouble otherwise.
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby aww1979 » 03 Jul 2010, 22:30

Cognis wrote:I think while we're in the group stage when the player wins 2-1 against the AI, the AI should get one point while the player gets 2. The difference is still 1 point but the AI is also rewarded since now we have Yggdrasil's deck that won about 4 matches as the AI and didn't get a single point for it. It doesn't matter if we score 2-1 win with 1 point or 2 points for the player and 1 for the AI in the elimination round since the score doesn't change, but when we have a group I think we should implement since it's more fair.
If the AI wins a single game in a match, it does deny the human played deck a point. For instance, in your report cognis, you won all the matches either 2-0 or 2-1. Because Yggdrasil's deck managed to win a few games, jatill and taron each got one less point, so out of your test of group B, yggdrasil is in the lead, as it should be, since he won more. It just isn't worth nearly as much as if it had won an entire match.

I do see what you are saying here. Looking at your results, under my system, the scoring is:
J - 3 T - 3 Y - 3
Under your system it is
J - 4 T - 5 Y - 6

Looking at taron's results for B:
my system:
J - 3 T - 3 Y - 4
Your system
J - 4 T - 4 Y - 6

I would argue that my system is actually fairer. For instance, in your system, if jatill plays yggdrasil and wins 2-1, then *taron* is a point further behind in your system than in my system, and he wasn't even involved in that match. However, in my system, yggdrasil gets the same score as jatill and taron even though he won more AI games, as you pointed out. It could be argued either way I think.
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby Cognis » 03 Jul 2010, 23:04

Group D

Brandon vs Serbitar 2-0
Brandon vs Aww1979 1-2

Serbitar vs Brandon 2-0
Serbitar vs Aww1979 2-0

Aww1979 vs Brandon 2-0
Aww1979 vs Serbitar 2-0

Brandon: 2 points
Serbitar: 4 points
Aww1979: 7 points

Match 1 (Serbitar AI)
Game 1:
I had only 1 land but good cards. Locked the AI out of B till late in game with Spreading Seas. It put up a fight with mass removal but Inkwell Leviathan was unstoppable.
Game 2: It was a close game. AI took me down to 6 and Death Cloud screwed me a little, but the fantastic card draw let me regain momentum fast and screw him with Spreading Seas. After that it was just a matter of time.

Match 2 (Aww1979 AI)
Game 1:
It was a long match and I was down to 5. I stalled a little and took out everything with the disk. I eventually hard casted 2 Inkwell Leviathan and had another one in hand with Baneslayer Angel.
Game 2: I was a bit mana screwed and the AI went out aggro. I lost 1 turn before I could activate the disk.
Game 3: It was a long game also. We both had a slow start but in the end the AI had more creatures.

Match 3 (Brandon AI)
Game 1:
It was a tough match but I eventually came out the winner.
Game 2: I had the match under the control the whole time and again Death Cloud went for the win.

Match 4 (Aww1979 AI)
Game 1:
The AI didn’t have enough mana to pose a serious threat and it wasn’t too hard.
Game 2: I controlled the match all the time and there was nothing special except a strange bug. I play Death Cloud for 3 and the AI responds with Psionic Blast which resolves normally but then Death Cloud does nothing, it had no effect.

Match 5 (Brandon AI)
Game 1:
A quick match.
Game 2: Another quick match.

Match 6 (Serbitar AI)
Game 1:
AI had a stron control hand but I managed to outpace it.
Game 2: Medling Mage for Small Pox and Damnation gave me the advantage to win quickly.

You've got a point. Denying the player a point for a 2-1 win makes sense.
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby aww1979 » 04 Jul 2010, 01:21

Group A: (fixed)

Cognis vs Monopoman AI 2-0 (cognis +2 pts)
Monopoman vs Cognis AI 2-0 (monopoman +2 pts)
Cognis vs Thedrigo AI 2-0 (cognis +2 pts)
Thedrigo vs Cognis AI 2-0 (thedrigo +2 pts)
Monopoman vs Thedrigo AI 2-0 (monopoman +2 pts)
Thedrigo vs Monopoman AI 2-0 (thedrigo +2 pts)

C vs M:
Game 1: Two Force of Wills on early weenies and Natural Order for Proggy still aren't enough to stop Baneslayer Angel and friends. 1-0
Game 2: AI only has one mana all game. Easy win. 2-0

M vs C:
Game 1: I take a few hits from Watchwolf, but the shrouded Nimble Mongoose sticks around as Natural Order fodder, and proggy takes the win. (I might have been in trouble if the mongoose had been anything nonshrouded, as the AI had plowshares for anything else) 1-0
Game 2: I make a small error by forgetting to attack with Trygon Predator before Natural Order, and make a *big* error when I Force of Will a Wilt-Leaf Liege that wasn't really a threat, only to be followed by Baneslayer Angel. I have no answer for it, but Proggy races like hell and i win the game with 2 life left, to AIs zero. 2-0

C vs T:
Game 1: Pretty easy win. I plow Metalworker and Path Lodestone Golem instantly and the only other spells AI cast were two Grim Monoliths. 1-0
Game 2: I get an incredible hand and win on turn 5. AI never cast a creature all game. Maybe if it hadn't tapped its Grim Monolith instantly for no reason after playing it? 2-0

T vs C:
Game 1: I get the Urza's set, Master Transmuter, and Platinum Angel early on. I save stuff from removal by bounce/return with transmuter, and I know I've won, but it takes a half dozen attacks to prove it. On my last turn I draw Kozilek, hardcast it, draw Emrakul, hardcast that one too (yeah I had a lot of mana :p) and with emrakul's time walk, the AI takes one serious asskicking next turn. 1-0
Game 2: Nothing exciting happens until Kozilek gets hardcast and then it's all over. 2-0

M vs T:
Game 1: Turn 1 mongoose, turn 3 trygon predator, turn 4 natural order. AI cast 3 spells all game, all of which were immediately pwned when predator hit AI. Trygon Predator is going to be brutal in this matchup :p 1-0
Game 2: Coiling Oracle turn 2 for land and Natural Order turn 3 for proggy, and I think it's all over, but the AI uses Master Transmuter and pops out Platinum Angel at the last possible instant. I plan to Natural Order for Trygon Predator on my next turn, but the AI attacks with Platinum Angel, and bounces it midcombat to play Darksteel Colossus. Unfortunately, AI was at -5 and bouncing the angel instantly killed it :D 2-0

T vs M:
Game 1: AI is sitting on two Trygon Predators but I have a Platinum Angel with Lightning Greaves. Unfortunately, if I attack, I'll lose it. AI plays Natural Order for Proggy, but I'm not too worried with the Angel out. I then get the most amazing topdeck ever; Crop Rotation and Kozilek, Butcher of Truth. (Howling Mine was in play) I complete the Urza's set with Crop Rotation, hardcast Kozilek, who draws artifacts and Eldrazi Conscription. I hardcast the conscription onto Kozilek with Metalworker activation, slap the Lightning Greaves onto Kozilek and attack. The AI sacs its entire board (4 land, a predator, and proggy, LOL) and takes 22 to the face from Koz plus 4 from the Angel. 1-0
Game 2: Turn 2 Grim Monolith, turn 3 Crop Rotation for the Urza's set and hardcast Kozilek :D I'm thinking it's a 4th turn win next turn, as I can cast Eldrazi Conscription that I drew off Koz, but AI plows Koz and I gain 12 life while he starts beating with Nimble Mongoose. I could cast Platinum Angel, but I spot a less obvious, smarter move. I untap my Grim Monolith and cast Lightning Greaves and pass. I take a couple from mongooses, but next turn I can hardcast Emrakul, hook him up with greaves, and win. After casting Emrakul, I realize the engine won't let me put greaves on him (due to the shroud approximation) Still, Emrakul probably won't die, hehe. I cast Platinum Angel, but AI Force of Will it away. Oh well. Emrakul annihilates the entire board and leaves AI at 4 with nothing, and I win the next turn. 2-0

Videos available upon request; otherwise, I won't upload them this time, but I did record them all.
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby juzamjedi » 04 Jul 2010, 05:41

Group B:

Jatill as human win 2-0 against Taron
Taron as human win 2-0 against Jatill
Jatill as human win 2-1 against Yggdrasil
Yggdrasil as human win 2-0 against Jatill
Taron as human lose 0-2 against Yggdrasil
Yggdrasil as human win 2-0 against Taron

Jatill vs. Taron
Game 1 I have 3 lands, Chrome mox, Helm of Obedience, Enlightened Tutor, Damnation. Keep.
AI Wastelands my first land, I respond with Enlightened Tutor for Leyline of the Void. I play some lands and Sign in Blood for more action. AI plays a Tangle Wire to slow me down, but I have plenty of mana and assemble the combo easily.
Game 2 I have 4 lands, E tutor, Helm and Night's Whisper. Keep.
I fetch for basic swamps early. AI plays a Tangle Wire and Arcbound Ravager, but it doesn't slow me down much before I assemble the combo and win. The interesting things: AI killed Scrubland instead of City of Traitors. AI also attempted to Wasteland one of my fetchlands and I responded with activation.

Game 1 I have 2 lands, Wasteland, 2 Thirst for Knowledge, Solemn Simulacrum, Trinisphere. That's pretty good, I keep.
AI doesn't play land turn 1, then turn 2 it drops City of Traitors while I play Trinisphere. Wasteland, Wasteland, Crubile recursion. AI is really dumb about fetching non-basics. Anyway I keep ramping land, Tooth and Nail for loldlrazis and then Tooth and Nail again to put them in play (has both in hand). Brought some lol's.
Game 2 I have Forest, Wasteland, Trinisphere, Tangle Wire, Thirst for Knowledge, Careful Study, Tooth and Nail. Good hand, keep.
AI has turn 0 leyline, but AI again misses land drops, plays City of Traitors first land while I play Trinisphere. I follow up with Smokestack at 1 counter and grind out the AI until I draw the Eldrazis and Tooth them into play.

Jatill vs. Yggdrasil
Game 1 I have 3 lands, Dark Ritual, Night's Whisper, Duress, Damnation. This isn't very good, but I have Duress for his discard so I keep.
T1 Duress and AI's hand is Nighthawk, 2x Demigod of Revenge, Blightning and lands. I take Blightning. Then I draw Thoughtseize to take his Nighthawk. Still no gas and when I draw Duress AI now has 3 Demigods. Uh oh. I draw E tutor, but I don't have time to hold back Damnation and I lose.
Game 2 I have 1 land, 2x Sign in Blood, Dark Ritual and Thoughtseize. Oof, mulligan.
6 card hand has no lands
5 card hand is 4 lands and Thoughtseize. Sigh, keep.
I thoughtseize and see AI only has 1 land, basic Mountain, so I take Bitterblossom instead of Blightnings. Of course AI topdecks land + Bitterblossom. I let AI overextend and then wipe his field with Damnation. I pay more life to draw more cards and get Helm while it gets really close. I finish at 1 life, but I topdeck Leyline on the last possible turn and steal a close one!
Game 3 I have Leyline of the Void, Scrubland, City of Traitors, 2 Helm of Obedience, Enlightened Tutor, Duress. About time!
T0 Leyline comes into play and T1 tutor for Chrome Mox, T2 put Helm of Obedience into play, T3 activate and win. Very fun times :)

Game 1 I have 2 swamp, 2 Bitterblossom, Lightning Bolt, Chainer's Edict and Damnation. I keep.
AI has no early plays. I get 2 Bitterblossoms going and burn the AI. Damnation from AI keeps it alive from my Faerie horde. The AI follows up with Helm, no leyline and mills me to put Nighthawk into play. I Terminate him and keep attacking with tokens. AI draws nothing else relevant and I win.
Game 2 I have 3 lands, Nezumi Shortfang, Vampire Nighthawk, Chainer's Edict and Terminate. Not great, but AI can't kill Nezumi except Damnation so I keep it.
AI has T0 Leyline, the Dark ritual, Night's Whisper, Duress away my Damnation. I draw Bitterblossom and Blightning and Hymn to Tourach and play those instead of Nezumi. AI ends up discarding 2 Helm of Obedience (!) and the Faerie tokens make it official.

Taron vs. Yggdrasil
Game 1 opening hand has 1 land, easy mull. 6 cards is 3 lands, Tangle Wire, Smokestack and Careful Consideration. OK, keep.
AI plays 2 early Bitterblossoms, uh oh. I sequence Crucible of Worlds, into Smokestack, into Tangle Wire. Mistake (?) eventually I am run over by Faerie tokens before I can Tooth and Nail.
Game 2 opening hand has 1 land, mull into Island, Wasteland, Solemn Simulacrum, Crucible, Careful Consideration and Trinisphere. OK, keep.
AI puts Nezumi into play early, but I have Crucible of Worlds in play. I can keep putting Misty Rainforest into play and pitch irrelevant cards. I play Trinisphere, then Solemn Simulacrum. Meanwhile AI gets Vampire Nighthawk and then Demigod of Revenge into play so now his clock is much quicker. I keep hitting land drops, but I don't hit 9 mana to entwine Tooth and Nail before the AI kills me.

Game 1 I have 0 lands, mull into 3 lands, Hymn to Tourach, 2x Damnation. Keep.
I draw 3x Vampire Nighthawks, play them all and easily win. I actually draw the 4th Nighthawk as well, hah.
Game 2 I have 3 lands, Death's Shadow, Chainer's Edict, Hymn to Tourach, Terminate. Keep.
AI has some early tanle wires to annoy me. I spam Nezumi to take cards and then Bitterslossom. I leave fetchlands in play in case Smokestacks appear. A few turns later I win without much effort.
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Re: July Tournament (in progress)

Postby juzamjedi » 04 Jul 2010, 06:00

Group D:
Brandon822 as human win 2-0 against Serbitar
Brandon822 as human lose 1-2 against Aww1979
Serbitar as human win 2-0 against Brandon822
Serbitar as human win 2-0 against Aww1979
Aww1979 as human win 2-0 against Brandon822
Aww1979 as human win 2-0 against Serbitar

Brandon822 vs. Serbitar

Game 1 I have 4 lands, Wall of Omens, Mulldrifter, Master Transmuter. Keep.
AI has some early Smallpox action, but I play lands and Evoke Mulldrifters to keep hitting land drops. Eventually I use disk to kill all of AI's beast tokens. I get 7 lands in play so I can play Baneslayer along with another creature to sacrifice. AI Damnation. Follow up Baneslayer + creature. AI Death Cloud for 3 and wrecks me. The game grinds on for a long time after that and eventually I have a ton of mana and hardcast Inkwell Leviathan. He doesn't get answered and I win.
Game 2 I have 3 lands, 2 Wall of Omens, Plumeveil, Master Transmuter. Keep.
I keep cantripping into lots of land drops. I actuallly get to attack a few turns before AI hits Damnation to reset. AI then goes Death Cloud for 1 against my empty board (?). I follow up with a Baneslayer that goes unanswered. AI shows me Sorin Markhov with Urza's Bauble, but never plays it (?)

Game 1 I have 3 lands, STE, Garruk and 2 Damnation. Keep.
I ramp with STE, play T3 Garruk untap and Smallpox to kill AI's Deft Duelist. AI misses land drops while I use Garruk to build Beasts. AI does nothing and I Death Cloud to win.
Game 2 I have 3 lands, Sensei's Diving Top, Disfigure, Kitchen Finks, Yavmiaya Elder. Keep.
I never cast Damnation or Death Cloud, but I win. The AI didn't play much; Deft Duelist, Mulldrifter evoked, and some Oblivion Ring. I Maelstrom Pulse 2x Oblivion Ring and AI doesn't do much after this.

Brandon822 vs. Aww1979
Game 1 6 lands and Inkwell Leviathan. Mulligan into 5 lands and 2x Spreading Seas. Maybe AI will have shaky mana, keep.
AI plays T2 Meddling Mage naming Spreading Seas. Oof. I draw lands, another Spreading Seas, and lose.
Game 2 I have 3 lands, Mulldrifter, Master Transmuter, Oblivion Ring, Urza's Bauble. Keep.
I stall a few turns, play Nevinnyral's Disk and blow it. AI loses his Planeswalker though :( so I debug and put Ajani back in play. He gets an extra counter. AI plays Meddling Mage, but this time names Inkwell Leviathan. I put Baneslayer into play and follow up with Nevinnyral's disk. after attack with Baneslayer I Oblivion Ring her and then pop disk to put her back in play. AI has Control Magic, but I topdeck Oblivion Ring. AI then uses Bribery to take... a Mulldrifter (?) Oh well, I finish off the AI and win.
Game 3 I have 3 lands, Mulldrifter, Spreading Seas, Baneslayer Angel, and Deft Duelist. Keep.
I put out Deft Duelist to block, but AI has 2x first strikers. Then he follows up with 2x Meddling Mages and I'm in big trouble. Then AI plays Baneslayer, I match him, and he sends mine farming while playing Elspeth. What a powerful start! After 2 attacks and no answers from me I lose.

Game 1 I have 3 lands, Swords to Plowshares, 2x Psionic Blast, Baneslayer Angel. Keep.
The AI plays a couple of walls to stall me. Eventually I am able to play Sphinx of Jwar Isle to start clocking him. I draw Bribery, but hold it back in case AI tried to reset. (Mistake?) eventually AI drops Baneslayer so I use Bribery to get Inkwell Leviathan and outrace him.
Game 2 I have 2 lands, Meddling Mage, Bribery, Ajani Goldmane, Swords to Plowshares, Elspeth. Keep.
I put Meddling Mage in play and name Nevinnyral's Disk. Then I put another mage in play and name Oblivion Ring. Easy to win after that.

Aww1979 vs. Serbitar
Game 1 I have 3 lands, Deft Duelist, Meddling Mage, Control Magic, Baneslayer Angel. Keep.
I lead off with Deft Duelist, which gets hit by Smallpox. I then play Meddling Mage naming Damnation, and it gets Disfigure'd. I then Meddling Mage for Damnation again. AI then goes Death Cloud for 1. AI then goes Smallpox, I discard Baneslayer and I have Elspeth in hand with 2 lands. I don't think Death Cloud deck can beat Elspeth. I make a token jump a few turns while AI fights my other creatures and I win.
Game 2 I have 2 lands, 2x Elspeth, Control Magic, Knight of the Meadowgrain, Meddling Mage. Keep, although 2x Elspeth is bad I probably should have mulled.
I lead off with Meddling Mage naming Smallpox. Mage gets Disfigure'd. I play Knight of Meadowgrain and AI pulses it. Then I play Elspeth and might as well win immediately after that. Notable: AI casts Top, but never uses it.

Game 1 I have 4 lands, Death Cloud, Garruk Wildspeaker and Sakura-Tribe Elder. Keep.
T2 STE, T3 Garruk + another STE, T4 Sorin Markov and put AI at 10 life. T5 Death Cloud for 4, drain 2 with Sorin, make a beast with Garruk. T6 win.
Game 2 I have 2 lands, STE, Maelstrom Pulse, Damnation, Yavimaya Elder, Kitchen Finks. Keep.
AI plays an early Meddling Mage naming Smallpox. AI plays another Meddling Mage naming STE, and I Damnation both mages away. AI does nothing for a while and I draw into Garruk. AI plays Bribery and takes my Kitchen Finks. I make some beasts and chump. AI builds up its forces, but eventually I draw Death cloud and blow up all his lands and men with Garruk on my side. Several turns later I kill the AI with beast tokens.
Posts: 575
Joined: 13 Nov 2008, 08:35
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