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Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2015, 06:30
by sausagecopter
Daxos the Returned 's spirit tokens are not counted as enchantment tokens and do not count towards experience counters like they should.

LevelX: I can't reproduce any problem. If an enchantment spell ist cast, teh counter is added. And the token if created has P/T with an amount of the expericence counters on the player.

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2015, 19:22
by Xynax0
If Titania, Protector of Argoth is put onto the battlefield with Chaos Warp, Titania's ability should activate, however it does not.

LevelX: In my tests now this did work correctly. Maybe you simply had no land in your graveyard?

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 07 Dec 2015, 19:48
by TDS
Another bug, was playing Slivers again. I had a Amoeboid Changeling, a Hibernation Sliver and a Prophet of Kruphix. In response to a boardwipe, I tapped my Changeling, giving my Prophet Changeling. However, it didn't gain any Sliver abilities despite having all creature types, including Sliver, so I couldn't save it with my Hibernation Sliver. I clicked the Prophet and nothing happened at all.

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2015, 06:11
by Dimitri13
I picked a Wolfir Silverheart with Lord of the Void's exile ability, but it put Wolfrir on the owner's side of the field, not mine.

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2015, 17:31
by tuberov
sausagecopter wrote:Daxos the Returned 's spirit tokens are not counted as enchantment tokens and do not count towards experience counters like they should.

LevelX: I can't reproduce any problem. If an enchantment spell ist cast, teh counter is added. And the token if created has P/T with an amount of the expericence counters on the player.
The tokens aren't cast, therefore they don't give you an experience counter.

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2015, 17:54
by tuberov
With a Bloodlord of Vaasgoth on the field, he triggers to give Vampires I cast Bloodthirst 3 but they don't actually get the ability. They don't come in with the 3 +1/+1 counters if Bloodthrist is met.

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 09 Dec 2015, 23:30
by Tanis44
Ran into this error when an AI Bot attempted to play Cyclonic Rift:

Game exception occurred: java.lang.NullPointerException
Server version: 1.4.5v0
mage.abilities.AbilityImpl.resolve( Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source) Source)

LevelX: Could not really find the reason for that.

Changeling Glitch

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2015, 08:02
by Xynax0
AI Opponent, Commander Two Player
Galerider Sliver; Reaper King (Commander); Drogskol Captain; Sachi, Daughter of Seshiro; Crystalline Sliver; Changeling Creature Token; Myr Galvonizer; Mirror Entity.

Using Mirror Entity's ablity in response to a path to exile I gave all my creature +8+8 and all creature types until end of turn, however they didn't boost each other up with their abilities (besides the things that were already changeling as well as the slivers boosting each other) so my Reaper King didn't gain the shroud from crystalline sliver's ability, thus resulting in his exile and return to the command zone.

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2015, 08:20
by Xynax0
Call to the Kindred on a Changling does not allow you to get anything but shapeshifters

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 11 Dec 2015, 14:24
by foxy
Could one of these be the reason that I can set up a game against the AI but that no window opens to allow me to begin playing? If so, how do I correct?

From XMage Client Console:

FATAL 2015-12-11 09:18:35,652 Communication error =>[AWT-EventQueue-0] SessionImpl.handleThrowable
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded

From XMage Server Console:

FATAL 2015-12-11 09:17:41,326 Unable to start MAGE server - another server is already started =>[main] Main.main

LevelX: Both can cause this. The first means not enough memeor yto start the server. And in the secon dcase, there is already another server running. You can cancel the server job from task maneger or restart your system to solve this.

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 12 Dec 2015, 23:43
by DaLosar
Sometimes rooms in the public server will stay listed even if all players left the room. If two or more people join, they can't start the game because there is no host to press the Start button.

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2015, 10:52
by Mikujin
Yomiji, Who Bars the Way from Betrayers of Kamigawa is not properly returning Mindslaver to your hand upon activation/destruction (tested by crushing dreams in cube). Uncertain of whether this affects all legendary artifacts; did not get to test it with other legendary permanents.

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2015, 14:51
by ISmackKids
Phyrexian Furnace

The second ability does not require you to sacrifice Phyrexian Furnace, it can just be activated over and over again.

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0

Re: Bug Reports xmage 1.4.5

PostPosted: 13 Dec 2015, 21:51
by Dimitri13
In a 3 player Commander game. I cast Wheel and Deal targeting both opponents. They discarded their hand, but the second opponent (in turn order) did not draw 7 cards.

We rolled back the turn and I cast Wheel of Fortune instead, and it worked as it should.

LevelX: Fixed beyond 1.4.5v0