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[waitlist]Silent Arbiter issue if a creature attack or block

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2014, 16:20
by Aswan jaguar
Describe the Bug:
Silent Arbiter doesn't prevent 2nd and more attackers or blockers from attacking or blocking.

Which card did behave improperly ?
Silent Arbiter

Which update are you using?(date,name)Which type(Duel,Gauntlet,Sealed Deck)
Manalink 2014/9/14: Conspiracy for the recoding of M15 minipatch 1,duel

What exactly should be the correct behavior/interaction ?
Silent Arbiter prevents 2nd and more attackers or blockers from attacking or blocking.

Are any other cards possibly affected by this bug ?

Re: [confirm]Silent Arbiter not preventing 2+ attackers/bloc

PostPosted: 21 Sep 2014, 17:11
by BAgate
In a clean game, if I select Silent Arbiter as an attacker I can then choose more, but if I choose another creature to attack I can not choose Silent Arbiter to attack (but can choose other creatures).

Re: [confirm]Silent Arbiter not preventing 2+ attackers/bloc

PostPosted: 03 Oct 2014, 12:13
by Gargaroz
Bad values in "ct_all". Fixed.

Re: [fixed]Silent Arbiter not preventing 2+ attackers/blocke

PostPosted: 15 Oct 2014, 17:05
by Aswan jaguar
Now Silent Arbiter is indeed fixed preventing both players attacking with more than one attacker.

1- Still doesn't prevent more than 1 blocker blocking at each combat.
2- Also when human is attacking with a creature a really,really weird thing is going on as after attackers are selected although the combat window is open the game proceeds to 2nd main phase :shock: then attack window vanishes together with the attacking creature your turn goes to next step and if nothing to trigger turn ends(all this time your turn phase bar is missing.Then opponents turn begins,upkeep,draw,1st main,attack phase and then after opponents attack phase your attacking creature returns from attacking and didn't deal any damage whatsoever either although unblocked. :shock:

Re: [still bug]Silent Arbiter not preventing 2+attacker/bloc

PostPosted: 02 Nov 2014, 15:27
by Gargaroz
I tried various solution and this will probably be de-activated until Korath is back as I cannot understand how to fix it. :(

Re: [waitlist]Silent Arbiter not preventing 2+attacker/block

PostPosted: 28 Feb 2015, 18:23
by Aswan jaguar
Now after the last work you have made to Silent Arbiter Gargaroz it stops correctly 2nd or more attacker and 2nd or more blockers and all previous bugs appear to be fixed.
The hack you made though when Silent Arbiter is on the battlefield
1- when a creature attacks legacy card triggers and:
makes all other permanents of attacker Island s with swampwalk through whole combat steps then they go back to whet they were before.
2015-02-23_152422attacking tosilent arbiter-game go nuts.jpg

2- When specifficaly Silent Arbiter attacks or blocks many triggers go on and then both player's permanents become Island s with swampwalk and lasts through whole combat steps then they go back to whet they were before.
AND if Silent Arbiter blocks or gets blocked the damage cards are highlighted and trigger things.
2015-02-23_152606attacking having silent on your side.jpg

2015-02-28_195938silent blocking.jpg

Re: [waitlist]Silent Arbiter issue if a creature attack or b

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2017, 16:57
by Aswan jaguar
If this can't be fixed, it is better to deactivate it as heavily bugged.It is making really strange things as I mention above and people will be shocked. :shock:

Re: [waitlist]Silent Arbiter issue if a creature attack or b

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2019, 18:36
by Aswan jaguar
Silent Arbiter deactivated in commit 596eb0b9.