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ZED Files Tools

PostPosted: 09 Aug 2016, 14:35
by spirolone
Here are my Java classes to manage ZED files. Zed files are archive similiar to zip, but they have first 256 bytes of central directory and of any compressed files in archive encrypted; they also have remaining bytes "xored".
Encryption uses a RSA-like algorythm and we only know public key (in those tools it's used Magic Duels one, and you have to change it if you want to use them for Magic 2015 zed files), so we cannot compress new files when we create zed archive.
To create a zed file, my tool uses a Data.bin file that contains some parts of a genuine zed file. To be sure files contained in your zed archives will overwrite genuine ones, you have to use a Data.bin obtained by latest genuine zed.

However, you could also use thefiremind tool that is more user-friendly than mine:

ZedToZip.jar [FileName]: It creates a zip file with content of a zed file specified as argument (default: DATA_000).
CreateZed.jar [FolderName]: It creates a zed file with content of a folder specified as argument (default: DATA_004). It uses a Data.bin file.
ZedToDataBin.jar [FileName]: It creates a Data.bin file to be used by CreateZed.jar obtaining needed pieces by a genuine zed file specified as argument (default: DATA_004).
ZipToZed.jar [FileName]: It creates a zed file with content of a zip file specified as argument and using a genuine zed file with same name.
Data.bin: Used only by CreateZed.jar. This is obtained by DATA_004.zed, actually latest data available.

EDIT: I added Data.bin file to tools zip file (I forgot it!) and updated CreateZed default argument (It was DATA_001).