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Manalink Translation Release [FRE-GER-ITA-SPA]

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Manalink Translation Release [FRE-GER-ITA-SPA]

Postby Varamil » 04 Jul 2012, 21:05

Hi everybody,

(quick link : all files are available on my mediafire page.)

Last update 31-03-2013 : update French translation

1. Description
I’ve developed an application to translate Manalink (see this post for development discussions).
The main goal of this app, is to translate automatically cards and UI using editable patch file (CSV). This way there is at least two advantages :
  • Patch files can be updated easily when new card are added to Manalink database
  • Anybody even without coding knowledge can improve translation, adding card translation or correcting translation mistakes

There is three kind of patch files :
  • Using an existing translated database (like Gatherer). The soft join both database (Manalink and the translated one) to update mainly Type, Rules and Flavor text into Manalink database (Manalink.csv). There is for the moment two databases coded : Gatherer (for any language) and FML (for French translation, see French section).
  • Using a “card translation” patch file, which is a CSV file containing the card ID and field that will be translated. This file is used as additional translation regarding previous point (to complete lake into database). If you want more information about the file format see ReadMe.txt file included with app zip.
  • Using “generic words” patch file, which is a CSV file containing catchphrase translation using regular expression (regex). It can be used to translate very common words or sentences. If you want more information about the file format see ReadMe.txt file included with app zip.

Notice if a card is not available into Manalink.csv but into your patch file, it will not added, just skipped by the software.

About language available for cards translation, I would say any language if you provide the translation. More particularly, as I said before, Gatherer database is supported, so any language available on Gatherer is available, but you have to download the database before start the patch (see Download Gatherer database section). Nevertheless, for the most common languages (French, German, Italian and Spanish) I’ve already downloaded the databases. See respective section for more details about language and get patch files.

About software translation, only French is available (because I am), but if anybody want to work on any other language (not so big) you’re welcome.

2. Manalink translated
So the most interesting part : files !
There 3 available download : final files translated => just unzip them into Magic folder; Manalink.csv if you want to take a look before convert it to final files; and Text.res to translate Manalink interface.

2.1 Final Files Translated
Firstly, as I’m really helpful ^^ I’ve already patch Manalink for French, German, Italian and Spanish. So you have just to download one of those following files and unzip it into Magic main folder (I recommend to make a backup before). If you take one of those file you can go to §2.3 (for interface translation) and also skip the end of this post.
  • French : The most of cards from 3rd core set to Gatecrash set and Core set 2013 should be translated. (see §4.1 for more information)
  • German : The most of cards from Invasion set to Avacyn set should be translated. (see §4.2 for more information)
  • Italian : The most of cards from Apocalypse set to Avacyn set should be translated. (see §4.3 for more information)
  • Spanish : The most of cards from Onslaught set to Avacyn set should be translated. (see §4.4 for more information)

2.2 Manalink.csv
If you prefer have a look before on the Manalink database please find here Manalink.csv files used to obtain previous final files (see §2.1). This file is not sufficient, you have to follow classic Manalink update process which consist to convert .csv file into Cards.dat, DBinfo.dat, Magic.exe and Rarity.dat.(using "Magic_updater.bat" script)
  • French : The most of cards from 3rd core set to Gatecrash set and Core set 2013 set should be translated. (see §4.1 for more information)
  • German : The most of cards from Invasion set to Avacyn set should be translated. (see §4.2 for more information)
  • Italian : The most of cards from Apocalypse set to Avacyn set should be translated. (see §4.3 for more information)
  • Spanish : The most of cards from Onslaught set to Avacyn set should be translated. (see §4.4 for more information)

Note : If you don't have "Magic_updater.bat" script you can find it here (I cannot certify that is the last version).

2.3 Text.res
Coming soon.

3. Translation application
Firstly, from this part to the end, information described are for advanced user if previous files aren't up to date (see §2).

So, if previous file are not up to date or your language is not available you need my app. The last version is 1.4 and you can find it at this address : here. No installation is needed except that .Net Framework 2.0 is required.

And then, you need patch file(s) for your language. See next section.

4. Patch files
4.1 French
To obtain previous Manalink.csv French version I used several patches :
  • The French Magic Library, which is a French database available on their website. The translation is almost complete (from 3rd coreset). However, I find this base perfectible, so I've cleaned the original file and keep only cards from 3rd to Prophecy and patch Manalink.csv using this file. You can find the file here.
  • Secondly I patched the file obtained above using Gatherer database. As Gatherer French database start with Invasion, I use this file for the second patch.
  • Lastly, to translate last cards type, I use a generic words patch : here.

About software translation, I'm working on, the patch will be available soon.

4.2 German
To obtain previous Manalink.csv German version I used only Gatherer database, starting with the first set translated in German on Gatherer. You can find the file used here. If you know a database with German translation of cards not available on Gatherer, give me a link to this base and I'll try to add it to my app.

About software translation, I'm not able to translate resource file in German, so if anybody is motivated to do it you're welcome.

4.3 Italian
To obtain previous Manalink.csv Italian version I used only Gatherer database, starting with the first set translated in German on Gatherer. You can find the file used here. If you know a database with Italian translation of cards not available on Gatherer, give me a link to this base and I'll try to add it to my app.

About software translation, I'm not able to translate resource file in Italian, so if anybody is motivated to do it you're welcome.

4.4 Spanish
To obtain previous Manalink.csv Spanish version I used only Gatherer database, starting with the first set translated in German on Gatherer. You can find the file used here. If you know a database with Spanish translation of cards not available on Gatherer, give me a link to this base and I'll try to add it to my app.

About software translation, I'm not able to translate resource file in Spanish, so if anybody is motivated to do it you're welcome.

4.5 Other language
See §6 and 5 to know how to create a new translation.

5. How to patch Manalink
5.1 Manalink.csv
As said previously, there is several way to translate Manalink.csv (see §1). So open app and follow those steps :
  • Select Cards tab
  • Select the path of Manalink.csv file that you want to patch.
  • Select the database that you want to import and then specify the path of the database file. (optional)
  • Select the path of Card Translation patch file. (optional)
  • Select the path of Generic Words patch file. (optional)
  • Check that at least one path of three patch file has been specified. You can use either one, two or three patch files at the same time. Notice just that database patch is applied before Card Translation patch also applied before Generic Words
  • Click to Patch button to start patch. When it's finish, the old Manalink file is backup and the new one is saved into the application folder.

5.2 Text.res
To translate the software UI, please follow those steps :
  • Select Software tab
  • Select the path of Text.res file that you want to patch.
  • Select the resource patch file
  • Click to Patch button to start patch. When it's finish, the old Text.res file is backup and the new one is saved into the application folder.

6. Get Gatherer Database
If you want to download cards translation from Gatherer because I haven't update here the last set translation or your language is not available, you can follow those steps :

6.1 Download new database
  • Download the GathererDonwloader application (creator topic here)
  • Go to Options>Language menu and select the wanted language
  • Select the set wanted and click on "Download Card Database"
  • Wait that download of cards information finish
  • Click on "Save card database", and select "Excel CSV (UTF-16LE, Tab delimited)" as type of file. Then save the database with the file name you want.

The file obtained can be use in my app as a Gatherer patch.

6.2 Join two Gatherer databases
To avoid many patching of Manalink.csv for each set, you can join Gatherer databases into an only one file. To do that, follow those steps :
  • Open GathererDonwloader
  • Open an existing Gatherer database file
  • Click on File>Append Card Database menu and select a second Gatherer database
  • Then save the database obtained

6.3 A set is not available into GathererDonwloader
If the creator of GathererDonwloder don't update is soft after each new set, and so you cannot find the set into the list, you can manually add it following those steps :
  • In GathererDonwloader go to Edit>Edit Set List
  • Add a the end a comma separated line with those information : type of set (Core Sets or Expansions), the official abbreviation of set name, and the set name (it should match this link ... .aspx?set=["Set Name"])
  • Click on OK, and the set should be available on set list

7. Additional information
Versions :
v1.4 :
+ Correction on progress bar for FML patch

v1.3 :
+ Text.res file translation added
+ More robust regarding quotes
+ Flavor text now included for FML Database
+ Cancel function improved
+ Config file in version 1.1
+ Big bug corrected

v1.2 :
+ Gatherer library added (using Gatherer Downloader 1.5 and "Excel CSV Tab delimited" file export)
+ Options exported into Config.xml
+ FML pre-cleaning not needed no more
+ Bug correction

v1.1 :
+ GUI update : more understandable
+ Can use FML library
+ Bug correction

v1.0 :
+ First release
Last edited by Varamil on 31 Mar 2013, 12:00, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Manalink Translation Release [FRE-GER-ITA-SPA]

Postby stassy » 05 Jul 2012, 05:33

Thank you for sharing with us your tool, however for a nobrainer like me who only need the patched files to be put directly into the Magic folder, they seems to be missing from your mediafire folder (the already compiled dat file and res files).

Also when I tried to use your translation tool I got a window pp up at the end saying "patched by errors occured", unfortunately I didn't see any log error so I don't know what went wrong, even after reading throughly the Readme.

Here was my setup :

Cards tab
File to Patch
Manalink.csv : C:\Program Files\Magic\magic_updater\Manalink.csv

Patch from existing database
Database name : Gatherer
Database path : C:\Program Files\Magic\translationfr\FML_cleaned_3rd_to_Prophecy\FML_cleaned_3rd_to_Prophecy.csv

Patch sources (natives files)
Card Translation : empty
Generic Words : C:\Program Files\Magic\translationfr\Manalink_patch_gen_fr\Manalink_patch_gen_fr.csv

Software tab
File to patch
Text.res : C:\Program Files\Magic\Texc.res

Patch source
Soft Translation : empty
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Re: Manalink Translation Release [FRE-GER-ITA-SPA]

Postby Varamil » 06 Jul 2012, 15:29

Thank you for sharing with us your tool, however for a nobrainer like me who only need the patched files to be put directly into the Magic folder, they seems to be missing from your mediafire folder (the already compiled dat file and res files).
An app already exist to convert Manalink.csv file to Cards.dat, Rarity.dat, etc... In my Magic installation I have a folder "magic_updater" where you have just to put your Manalink.csv file and run "Magic_updater.bat". So I don't add this part to my own app (and because I don't really know what happens using "Magic_updater.bat"). However, as you propose I can add to my mediafire files already converted. I'll do that (edit : done).

Also when I tried to use your translation tool I got a window pp up at the end saying "patched by errors occured", unfortunately I didn't see any log error so I don't know what went wrong, even after reading throughly the Readme.
You should have an "Error.txt" file in the same folder as the application, where all errors are detailed. Nevertheless, if you have the message "Patched but some errors occurred" that mean the patch is okay but there is some non fatal error (like card not found or something like that -- because translated database is more complete than Manalink one ).

Lastly, and to complete my first answer, for the moment you should not have to use my app, because I've already patch the Manalink.csv and you should find it into "French/Files already patched" folder. Why I explain how to use my app is for future, if I'm too long to publish update or I haven't the time to do it, then people can do it their-self (using exactly the method you've applied).
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Re: Manalink Translation Release [FRE-GER-ITA-SPA]

Postby BlueTemplar » 28 Nov 2012, 14:05

I tried using your French translated "Final Files" on CirothUngol Manalink3.0_20120916v3 with Manalink update 11/11/2012 : Old & New Ravnica, and at the start of the game, when the Rules Engine card should appear, it doesn't and gives me this error instead :
"Wrong parameters at address: 0x21de3af
eax = 0x0
ecx = 0xffffffff"
So many cards like Doubling Season don't work...

Also, any ETA for the translation in French of the program interface and card names?
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Re: Manalink Translation Release [FRE-GER-ITA-SPA]

Postby Varamil » 31 Mar 2013, 11:49

Hi Blue Templar,

Sorry for a so late answer.
By the way, I think the problem is that you use a newer version of manalink, so with new cards. And when you run the program these new cards aren't found and generate an error.

So I've update French translation using last Manalink update (March 2013). Update your Manalink to this version and try the new translation.
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