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[REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.4.2.1

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[REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.4.2.1

Postby RiiakShiNal » 25 May 2013, 00:14

Decks must be EXPORTED to be usable in game.

This is my take on a Deck Building utility for DotP 2013. The goal was a simple yet powerful utility that anyone could use to make custom decks for DotP 2013 from the cards they have available. The main motivation I had for making this was I was sick and tired of all the posts about deck editors/creators that crash due to bugs, people can't figure out how to use, don't give the user an easy way to build the necessary pieces to make a deck work (lack of strings in a TEXT_PERMANENT file, etc...).

Hopefully this will make people stop using some other buggy/non-maintained deck editors that I keep hearing about problems with.

So how about I tell you about some things my deck editor does that others don't do:
  • Reads from the Wads (and directories setup as Wads) in the game directory rather than requiring that a wad be imported/extracted.
  • Automatically builds the card preview images for the deck (based on a card in the deck selected by the user).
  • Automatically calculates the colour of the deck (no need to manually set deck colours).
  • Assists the user in building images for the deck box and AI Personalities.
  • The program itself is localizable (translations other than English are currently incomplete).
  • Full Source Code available - This means if for whatever reason I disappear or stop working on it someone else can pick it up and start updating it.
  • Compresses all TDX images the builder generates (this includes Deck Box, Card Previews, and AI Personality images).
  • Can generate an AppId Linking Wad for all installed decks with regular unlocks for Steam, Skidrow, and Theta.
  • Can individually save (Export) the images that the builder generates without needing to actually build and export a deck. This means that if you want to use this program just as an easier way of building the necessary images, now you can do that.

  • .Net 4.0 Framework
  • Gibbed Tools (included)

Screen shots:

Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.4.2.1 x86 (32-bit)
Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.4.2.1 x64 (64-bit)
Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.4.2.1 - Source

Online Documentation:
I have just finished setting up a wiki with online documentation for the builder (along with a new Getting Started section) here:
Online Documentation
Frequently Asked Questions

Updated Localizations:
Updated Localizations can be found here.

Contributing Localizations: | Open
If you want to contribute to the localizations then you can upload them directly to this FTP site (will automatically put them in the above directory). If you prefer you can also post them in this thread.
Code: Select all
FTP Username:
FTP Password: DotP2013
FTP Server:
FTP & Explicit FTPS port: 21
A rudimentary web page is generated everytime someone goes to download the updated localizations which will pull the LOCALIZATION_VERSION and LOCALIZED_BY out of the xml files automatically. So if you update via FTP you can get virtually instant credit for your localization.

Change History: | Open
  • v1.4.2.1 (x86, x64)
    • Fixed a problem with the built-in column definitions for Deck, Regular, and Promo Unlock views referencing the wrong property on DeckCard.
  • v1.4.2.0 (x86, x64)
    • Changed from using KeyPress event to KeyDown event for handling "User presses Enter while focus is on main card list" to correct the handling bug that caused the highlight to shift to the next entry and add that card to list instead of originally highlighted card.
    • Added INotifyPropertyChanged to DeckCard so that updating the Quantity can be easily recognized regardless of how it changes. This fixes the bug with the Quantity not being immediately recognized if it was changed directly through the DataGridView interface.
    • Added persistence of window state for Main & View Card windows. Will only save WindowState if not Minimized, and will only save position and size if WindowState is "Normal"/"Restored".
    • Changed how "View Card" window is opened so that multiple windows can be open simultaneously and close properly when the main program window is closed.
  • v1.4.1.0 (x86, x64)
    • Moved Initialization of m_lstSubTypes from ParseXML() to the CardInfo constructor to prevent crashes due to trying to load cards not in a CARD_V2 tag.
    • Added additional card checks before adding a card to the loaded list based on the state of the Filename property after trying to load the card.
    • Added AddViewColumn() so I could condense setting up the card view columns so that it doesn't take a couple hundred lines.
    • Added more pass-through properties to DeckCard for display purposes.
    • Added more columns to the views (not visible by default) so they can be toggled on and off.
    • Added 3 new strings to the localizations for the added columns.
  • v1.4.0.0 (x86, x64)
    • Added "Advanced" filtering for cards. For details see Readme.
    • Added "Pre-Shuffle" option to try and prevent consecutive identical cards in the exported Deck XML (The hope is that it will provide a better shuffle in game).
    • Added a column for the textual representation of the Casting Cost (this is basically the same as what some users previously added, it should just be more convenient for new users).
    • Converted SuperTypes from a list of strings to an Enum (reduces memory usage slightly and allows for stronger referencing). Though now it will silently ignore any invalid supertypes (rather than trying to add them to the type line).
    • Changed method of loading card types from XML to a foreach loop across the Enum values instead of block ifs (reduces number of iterations through the XML tree).
    • Changed how each card was creating and storing its own casting cost image to a static casting cost image cache so that no two identical casting costs are built. This should significantly reduce memory usage (fewer images in memory) and provide a speed-up to scrolling the card list.
    • Changes to GetSerializableSetting<T>() and SaveSerializableSetting<T>() to allow for saving of more complex objects to XML (and subsequent retrieval). This was required for the new Advanced Filters.
    • Reduced the number of exceptions thrown and subsequently caught slightly by replacing some of the Parse() calls with TryParse().
    • Replaced GetFileEntryIfExists() with a version that does not use Linq (so no exceptions thrown/caught). This has the side effect of significantly speeding up the loading process (and has less output to the output window for easier debugging). On my machine it sped up the load process by about 40%.
    • Added some colour coding to the Id Scheme fields in the Options Screen to encourage the user to not use the default scheme settings.
    • Added an ACL (Access Control List) check on the game directory to see if it is writable by the program, if not then it will disable the features that need the game directory to be writable.
    • Updated language localizations to include the new strings (63 new strings).
  • v1.3.0.0 (x86, x64)
    • Added a menu option to create a base directory (with proper structure and header) inside the game directory to host custom cards and other custom data that the user wants to play with.
    • Added the capability to pack the custom data directory into a "Core" wad. Nothing really special about this other than it will rewrite the directory structure and header to match the output filename and does not require the "unpacked" directory, otherwise it does the same thing that Gibbed Tools Pack would do.
    • Fixed Card Name check to actually do the check only when DoTitleCheck is true. (Initially forgot this "if" so thanks to BloodReyven for pointing it out.)
    • Updated language localizations to include the new strings (6 new strings).
    • Added a bit more text on Land Configs in the readme because I apparently did not include enough explanation.
  • v1.2.0.0 (x86, x64)
    • Added Rounded black card border to exported card preview images. (Due to transparency in the border the compression has been changed to DXT5.)
    • Added ability to export just the images by right-clicking on the image you want to export and selecting whether you want to export it in PNG or TDX formats (All images except for the card previews visible on the main and "View Card" windows will be compressed using DXT5, the card preview images as seen on the main and "View Card" windows will be compressed using DXT1.)
    • Added ability to export a full set of card preview images (with border) for a card via the card's context menu. Can be exported to either PNG or TDX (compressed with DXT5).
    • Reduced error priority of land pool uids conflicting with other land pools to Zero so they should not show up in the log anymore (unless you have LogAllErrors set to True). This should prevent the error log from being generated unless there is actually a problem (could still be a minor problem like not being able to find a referenced card or a uid conflict with something other than two land pools).
    • Adjusted expansion image draw location to be more in-line with where the game and official cards have it.
    • Adjusted artist credit image draw location and artist credit text size and draw location to be more in-line with where the game and official cards have it.
    • Moved ResizeRelatedControl() to Tools class so it can be reused for multiple windows.
    • Corrected an issue with the music selection combo box not being resized properly for languages.
    • Changed how the Uid is handled when creating a deck from an existing deck. Now it will try to get the next available free id instead of clamping the uid to the valid range. It will still fall back to clamping if there are no free ids.
    • Updated language localizations to include the new strings (5 new strings).
  • v1.1.0.0 (x86, x64)
    • Added TDX image compression for all generated images.
    • Added Generation of AppId Linking Wads for Steam, Skidrow, and Theta.
    • Added a check in Deck.AddCard() so that it will do nothing in the case that a null CardInfo is passed in (can happen if the user selects an invalid game directory or the standard basic lands can't be found).
    • Added try blocks to GameDirectory.LoadWads() to catch unhandled errors during the wad loading process that should give me a better idea where load errors are happening.
    • Improved "Decks Used In ..." to check for and report cards that create a token and which decks those cards are used in.
    • Changed the version of Gibbed Tools being used to my modified version to allow the TDX image compression code to work.
    • Updated language localizations to include the new strings (9 new strings).
  • v1.0.2.1 (x86, x64)
    • Added additional checks in Filters for invalid values for Power/Toughness. If an invalid value is encountered it will report the error then ignore the check so it will no longer crash (details on the invalid values encountered can be found in the error log).
    • Added an indicator in the About Box so you can see which version (x86 or x64) you are running rather than having to remember which version you picked.
    • Updated localizations to add the land subtype Gate that was added in newer card sets.
  • v1.0.2.0 (x86, x64)
    • Added option to turn off the image caching (will make loading and building card images slower). If you want to turn back on the image caching you can add this to the Settings.xml file:
      Code: Select all
    • Added a platform to the build configurations so that it can now be built as a 64-bit program for 64-bit systems. (This will allow it to use more memory for the image cache if you turn it on.)
  • v1.0.1.0
    • Adds support for Unicode (UTF-16) files saved with a BOM. (UTF-8 was already supported as was ANSI)
    • Will now gracefully detect and report when multiple localizations for the same language code are detected in Card & Deck XMLs.
    • Better reporting when failing to load a card because there is no XML (empty file).
    • Will still load card even if Multiverse ID is not valid.
    • Better error text for when Multiverse ID does not conform to recognized standards (not a number, too large, etc...).
    • Will no longer report UID conflict for files that override each other.
    • Will now read XML in a case insensitive way (even though XML is actually case sensitive, the game seems to ignore case issues, so now the tool does as well).
    • Now disposes of Image resources when changing images during image manipulation in deck information screen (load, build, etc...) to attempt to keep the program from running out of memory.
  • v1.0.0.0 - Initial release.

Readme removed from post due to length limits (still in the downloads).

2023-09-27: Updated the links to be https instead of http since browsers are now complaining about security risks using http links.
Last edited by RiiakShiNal on 28 Sep 2023, 00:03, edited 16 times in total.
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby thefiremind » 25 May 2013, 09:42

I was thinking about starting to do something like this when DotP2014 comes out, but hopefully there won't be a lot of differences and you'll be able to adapt this for the new version. Nothing to add, it has everything a modder could wish for. Great job! :D

EDIT: The least I could do was making the translation in my own language. It should be OK, even if I didn't take the time to explore the program in every single text string to see if my translation fits. I didn't translate "Bias" because I don't think there's an Italian word that fits... and new modders probably have no clue about what it does anyway. :lol:
I also left the translation version as, change it if you think you should. :wink:

EDIT 2: Added the missing string.

EDIT 3: Translated the new strings as of v1.3.0.0.
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Last edited by thefiremind on 09 Jun 2013, 15:08, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby RiiakShiNal » 25 May 2013, 16:49

thefiremind wrote:I was thinking about starting to do something like this when DotP2014 comes out, but hopefully there won't be a lot of differences and you'll be able to adapt this for the new version. Nothing to add, it has everything a modder could wish for. Great job! :D
Thank you for the compliment, but there are still several things it doesn't do that a modder could want (and given more time I could probably think of more):
  • Compress the generated images (planned enhancement).
  • Put the rounded black border around the generated card preview images (planned enhancement).
  • Automatically generate an APPID_LINKING.TXT file for all currently installed decks (planned enhancement).
  • Manage custom land pools allowing the selection of custom basic lands (planned enhancement).
  • Create any arbitrary string table for output. (Internally it can create any arbitrary string table, but there is no option to do so in the UI.)
  • Create a stand-alone independent wad by copying cards/images/functions necessary to the newly created wad. (This would require quite a significant amount of work. Copying the cards and images is easy, but copying the functions/function files would require either copying all functions from all wads that it depends on or actually parsing the code either way is quite a lot of work.)
  • Create a core wad using custom cards, images, functions, and extra data stored in sub-directories. (This could be done, but to be done properly it should also check the files as much as possible, which will require more code, otherwise there would really be little benefit over using just Gibbed Tools.)
  • Create a wad with multiple decks in it. (This would require adding another set of functionality and while not really difficult to select multiple saved decks it could be a bit awkward and it can make removing specific decks that users don't want more difficult.)
  • Integrated Card Generator (would still have card generator limitations).
  • Ability to actually edit wads (this would probably require some restructuring).
  • Generate dependency tree for card. (The best way to do this would be to parse all LUA code.)
  • Provide free money. (This will never happen, but I imagine everyone would love it if it could. :lol: )

As for a 2014 version, even if there are a lot of differences I'm pretty sure I'll be able to adapt this to the job as I have built in some abstraction from the data files themselves.

thefiremind wrote:EDIT: The least I could do was making the translation in my own language. It should be OK, even if I didn't take the time to explore the program in every single text string to see if my translation fits. I didn't translate "Bias" because I don't think there's an Italian word that fits... and new modders probably have no clue about what it does anyway. :lol:
I also left the translation version as, change it if you think you should. :wink:
Thanks for the translation, since it is your translation you could give it any version number you want (it displays separately from program version in the about box). I did at least try to make localizing easier by including what I could from the DotP files (colours & types). In any new versions I put out the Italian localization will be yours.

I just noticed it, but apparently I left one string out of all the localizations (including English): DECK_OPEN_TITLE - This would be the title for the open dialog when using the Open Deck command in the File menu.

The line for English:
Code: Select all
   <STRING key="DECK_OPEN_TITLE"><![CDATA[Open Deck ...]]></STRING>
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby thefiremind » 25 May 2013, 18:13

RiiakShiNal wrote:Manage custom land pools allowing the selection of custom basic lands (planned enhancement).
This actually doesn't work as I thought and became much less appealing (to me at least). As discovered by NEMESiS and then tested by me as well, the basic land pool is shared among all players during a match. I tried to put Mirrodin swamps in a Nim-themed deck, and the result was that playing mirror matches didn't manifest any problem, but playing against other decks caused some of those swamps to be used by other player and some of the regular swamps to be used by me. Not really the result I would have liked.

RiiakShiNal wrote:Provide free money. (This will never happen, but I imagine everyone would love it if it could. :lol: )
:lol: Well, since time is money, and this tool saves some time, you could say it already does that. :mrgreen:

RiiakShiNal wrote:I just noticed it, but apparently I left one string out of all the localizations (including English): DECK_OPEN_TITLE - This would be the title for the open dialog when using the Open Deck command in the File menu.

The line for English:
Code: Select all
   <STRING key="DECK_OPEN_TITLE"><![CDATA[Open Deck ...]]></STRING>
I added it and updated the attachment in the previous post. Now it's :)
< Former DotP 2012/2013/2014 modder >
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby RiiakShiNal » 25 May 2013, 19:18

thefiremind wrote:This actually doesn't work as I thought and became much less appealing (to me at least). As discovered by NEMESiS and then tested by me as well, the basic land pool is shared among all players during a match. I tried to put Mirrodin swamps in a Nim-themed deck, and the result was that playing mirror matches didn't manifest any problem, but playing against other decks caused some of those swamps to be used by other player and some of the regular swamps to be used by me. Not really the result I would have liked.
I must have missed that conversation. Oh well, I guess it just means some more work I don't have to worry about doing.

thefiremind wrote:
RiiakShiNal wrote:Provide free money. (This will never happen, but I imagine everyone would love it if it could. :lol: )
:lol: Well, since time is money, and this tool saves some time, you could say it already does that. :mrgreen:
I hadn't thought about it like that, but I guess you could say that. 8)

thefiremind wrote:I added it and updated the attachment in the previous post. Now it's :)
Updated on the site as well. Thanks
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby BloodReyvyn » 26 May 2013, 14:40

Uh-Oh... #-o

Just got home, downloaded this and it was working great until I started plopping random green cards into a deck. Got an error that said I was out of memory :-k.

Here's the error log

Code: Select all
5/26/2013 5:58:37 AM: Log Opened.
5/26/2013 5:58:37 AM: Low: System.Xml - Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 4.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParsePI(StringBuilder piInDtdStringBuilder)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: BANISHING_STROKE_623637.XML in Deck_0621_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:37 AM: Low: System.Xml - Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 4.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParsePI(StringBuilder piInDtdStringBuilder)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: BONFIRE_OF_THE_DAMNED_623705.XML in Deck_0621_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:37 AM: Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
   at RSN.DotP.WadBase.LoadIndividualStringTable(Dictionary`2 dicStrings, String strXml)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadStringTable(FileStream fsInput)
Extra Information:
Unable to read string table: L10N_DECKS.XML in deck_1111

5/26/2013 5:58:37 AM: Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
   at RSN.DotP.WadBase.LoadIndividualStringTable(Dictionary`2 dicStrings, String strXml)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadStringTable(FileStream fsInput)
Extra Information:
Unable to read string table: L10N_EXTRA.XML in deck_1111

5/26/2013 5:58:37 AM: Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
   at RSN.DotP.WadBase.LoadIndividualStringTable(Dictionary`2 dicStrings, String strXml)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadStringTable(FileStream fsInput)
Extra Information:
Unable to read string table: L10N_MULTI_LAND.XML in deck_1111

5/26/2013 5:58:38 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: THIRST_FOR_KNOWLEDGE_3845978.xml in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:38 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: DOOM_BLADE_MPRP_51.XML in Deck_1400_Core_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:38 AM: Low: System.Xml - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: DURESS_141102.XML in Deck_1400_Core_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:38 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
   at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138.XML in Deck_1400_Core_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:38 AM: Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Index was outside the bounds of the array.:
   at RSN.DotP.StreamHelpers.ReadEncodedString(Stream stream, Encoding encoding, Int64 size, Boolean trailingNull)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to read card: MANAMORPHOSE_623845.xml in Deck_1400_Core_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:38 AM: Low: System.Xml - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: MYSTICAL_TUTOR_141003.XML in Deck_1400_Core_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:38 AM: Low: System.Xml - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: TIME_WALK_141002.XML in Deck_1400_Core_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
   at RSN.DotP.Ability..ctor(String strXml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.LoadAbilities(XmlNode xnRoot)
Extra Information:
Unable to load ability: STATIC_ABILITY in FISTS_OF_THE_DEMIGOD_158753

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: System.Xml - The 'ACTIVATED_ABILITY' start tag on line 95 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'TRIGGERED_ABILITY'. Line 114, position 5.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: GILTSPIRE_AVENGER_186614.xml in Deck_362801_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: System.Xml - '
' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '>'. Line 31, position 32.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowUnexpectedToken(String expectedToken1, String expectedToken2)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: HEROES_REUNION_23183.xml in Deck_362801_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
   at RSN.DotP.Ability..ctor(String strXml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.LoadAbilities(XmlNode xnRoot)
Extra Information:
Unable to load ability: STATIC_ABILITY in HOVER_BARRIER_99362801

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
   at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
   at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
   at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
   at RSN.DotP.Ability..ctor(String strXml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.LoadAbilities(XmlNode xnRoot)
Extra Information:
Unable to load ability: STATIC_ABILITY in RAKDOS_RINGLEADER_99362803

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680.XML in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: ISOLATED_CHAPEL_5041241979.XML in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: KISS_OF_THE_AMESHA_5041174976.XML in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: SUPREME_VERDICT_5041253512.xml in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
   at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680.XML in DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Low: System.Xml - The 'STATIC_ABILITY' start tag on line 72 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'CONTINUOUS_ACTION'. Line 84, position 7.:
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
   at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
   at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
   at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
   at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: STUFFY_DOLL_279711.xml in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:39 AM: Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
   at RSN.DotP.WadBase.LoadIndividualStringTable(Dictionary`2 dicStrings, String strXml)
   at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadStringTable(FileStream fsInput)
Extra Information:
Unable to read string table: L10N_MULTI_LAND.XML in DECK_TOOLS_OF_THE_MASTERMIND

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_CHANDRA_NALAAR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_GARRUK_WILDSPEAKER_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_JACE_BELEREN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_KEZZIK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_LILIANA_VESS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_MANDRED_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_NEFAROX_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_SARNEK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_TALKOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: DECK_NICOL_BOLAS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_AZORIUS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_GOLGARI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_IZZET_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_RAKDOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_SELESNYA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_5_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_11_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_11_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_4_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_10_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_10_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_5_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_6_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_6_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_3_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_4_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_1_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:44 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_2_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_3_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_9_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_9_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_2_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_7_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_7_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_8_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_8_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_8_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_9_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_6_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_10_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_7_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_SUPER_JACE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_AJANI_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_CHANDRA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_GARRUK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_JACE_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_KEZZIK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_LILIANA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MANDRED_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_NEFAROX_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_SARNEK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_TALKOS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_BOLAS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_AZORIUS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_GOLGARI_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_IZZET_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_RAKDOS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: E13_SELESNYA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: F13_BOROS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: F13_DIMIR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: F13_GRUUL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: F13_ORZHOV_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: F13_SIMIC_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: F13_FIVE_COLOUR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_TEST_62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_REVEILLARK62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_5C_RITES62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_4C_PEDDLER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_AZORIUS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_GOLGARI62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_RAKDOS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_RAKDOS62_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_SELESNYA62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_PIKE62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_SECRETS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIEP62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIES62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_FLASH_HULK62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIEG62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_HYPERGENESIS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_ESPER_SPIRITS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_GRUUL_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_ARISTOCRATS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_UB_DELVER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_BUGM62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_NAYA_RAMP62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_NAYA_HUMANS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_UWR_FLASH62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_PRIME_SPEAKER_BANT62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_ESPERC62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_HUMAN_REANIMATOR62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_BANT_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_JUND62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_BOROS_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_GR_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_PAINTER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12GK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12SE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12DD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12AOD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12RAKKA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12BEKNIGHTED_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MESA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_VERDE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_URA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_KOTH_OLD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12GARRUK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12TEZZ_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12KIORA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12JACE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12SARKHAN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12CHANDRA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12SORIN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12NISSA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12JURA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D12KARN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: C13_AZORIUS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: C13_GOLGARI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: C13_IZZET_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: C13_RAKDOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: C13_SELESNYA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_GRISEL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_GNS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_HYPNO_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_MERF_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
   at RSN.DotP.Deck.LoadCards(GameDirectory gdData, XmlNode xnDeck)
   at RSN.DotP.Deck..ctor(GameDirectory gdData, String strFileName, String strXml, String strWad, Boolean bLandPool)
Extra Information:
Unable to load deck: DECK_GRAVE_TITAN in deck_1111

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: AVACYN_ANGEL_OF_HOPE_38239961240034 for deck DECK_GISELA_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: AVACYN_ANGEL_OF_HOPE_38239961240034 for deck DECK_GISELA_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_LEGION_1_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: ISLAND_205932 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_RAMP_LAND_POOL in Deck_1405_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_205926 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_RAMP_LAND_POOL in Deck_1405_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_205931 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_RAMP_LAND_POOL in Deck_1405_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: DECK_ENTOMB_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Medium: D13_SNEAK_AND_SHOW_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DURESS_141102 for deck DECK_SCION_RAGE in Deck_1411_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DURESS_141102 for deck DECK_SCION_RAGE in Deck_1411_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DURESS_141102 for deck DECK_SCION_RAGE in Deck_1411_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DURESS_141102 for deck DECK_SCION_RAGE in Deck_1411_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138 for deck DECK_SCION_RAGE in Deck_1411_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138 for deck DECK_SCION_RAGE in Deck_1411_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:45 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138 for deck DECK_SCION_RAGE in Deck_1411_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: HARBOR_BANDIT_19991001 for deck D1999_NIGHT_OF_THE_NINJA in Deck_199902_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: HARBOR_BANDIT_19991001 for deck D1999_NIGHT_OF_THE_NINJA in Deck_199902_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: D1999_IVORY_DOOM_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_SCION_RAGE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAPLASM_175006 for deck D1999_NATURE_SHAPER in Deck_199930_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAPLASM_175006 for deck D1999_NATURE_SHAPER in Deck_199930_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: D13_PLANE_DECK uses a UID that conflicts with D13_PLANE_DECK.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: KISS_OF_THE_AMESHA_5041174976 for deck DECK_SORCERER_SUPREME in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: KISS_OF_THE_AMESHA_5041174976 for deck DECK_SORCERER_SUPREME in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SUPREME_VERDICT_5041253512 for deck DECK_SORCERER_SUPREME in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SUPREME_VERDICT_5041253512 for deck DECK_SORCERER_SUPREME in Deck_504107_ST

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_DECK_ALL_DUST_01_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_BRED_FOR_THE_HUNT_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_BW HUMANS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_CRATERVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM in DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM in DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM in DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM in DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_ELVISH AMBUSH_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277779 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277780 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277781 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277782 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277783 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277784 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277785 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277786 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277795 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277796 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277797 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277798 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277779 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277780 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277781 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277782 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277783 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277784 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277785 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277786 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277795 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277796 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277797 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277798 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_GOBLIN SACS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277779 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277780 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277781 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277782 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277783 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277784 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277785 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277786 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277795 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277796 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277797 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277798 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_HERO'S_OF_EMMARA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_DECK_THRESH_01_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_MELEK_TRICKERY_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_NAYAN INVASION_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Medium: DECK_RENEWED REVEIL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DUSKDALE_WURM_207335 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DUSKDALE_WURM_207335 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: TRAINED_ARMODON_83303 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: TRAINED_ARMODON_83303 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DILUVIAN_PRIMORDIAL_366326 for deck DECK_TOOLS_OF_THE_MASTERMIND in DECK_TOOLS_OF_THE_MASTERMIND

5/26/2013 5:58:46 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOLTEN_PRIMORDIAL_78965 for deck DECK_TOOLS_OF_THE_MASTERMIND in DECK_TOOLS_OF_THE_MASTERMIND

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: E13_SELESNYA_PROMO_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM.

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: NIVMIZZET_THE_FIREMIND_NEWART_19991001 for promo unlocks (1999212) for deck with Id: 199912

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: DECK_GROWING_UP_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AGROWING_UP_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: DECK_IGNATUS_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AIGNATUS_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: DECK_VAMPIRE_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AVAMPIRE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: DECK_ZEALOT_FURY_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AZEALOT_FURY_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for regular unlocks (5041307) for deck with Id: 504107

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for regular unlocks (5041307) for deck with Id: 504107

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for regular unlocks (5041307) for deck with Id: 504107

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 for regular unlocks (5041307) for deck with Id: 504107

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SUPREME_VERDICT_5041253512 for regular unlocks (5041307) for deck with Id: 504107

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Unable to find deck with id 97224881 to associate unlock file ENDURING_ANGELS_PROMO_1 with.

5/26/2013 5:58:47 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: STUFFY_DOLL_279711 for promo unlocks (97994002) for deck with Id: 97224002


5/26/2013 6:05:03 AM: Log Closed.
Seeing a lot of mod conflicts, even some with themselves :shock:
"There's an experience worse than blindness - it's the certainty that your vision is perfect and the horror that there's no world around you to see."
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Posts: 421
Joined: 19 May 2013, 13:29
Has thanked: 53 times
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby drleg3nd » 26 May 2013, 15:11

also having problems i recieve similar msg:5/26/2013 10:50:45 AM: Log Opened.
5/26/2013 10:50:45 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: THIRST_FOR_KNOWLEDGE_3845978.xml in DATA_DLC_1138

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: DOOM_BLADE_MPRP_51.XML in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138.XML in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: SWAMP_3564A.XML in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: SWAMP_3564B.XML in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: SWAMP_3564C.XML in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: PUTREFY_89063_A.XML in DECK_0572

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: WALL_OF_BLOSSOMS_FNMP_23.XML in DECK_0572

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: System.Xml - Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 4.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParsePI(StringBuilder piInDtdStringBuilder)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: BANISHING_STROKE_623637.XML in Deck_0621_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:48 AM: Low: System.Xml - Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 4.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParsePI(StringBuilder piInDtdStringBuilder)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: BONFIRE_OF_THE_DAMNED_623705.XML in Deck_0621_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:49 AM: Low: System.Xml - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: DURESS_141102.XML in Deck_1415_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
at RSN.DotP.Ability..ctor(String strXml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.LoadAbilities(XmlNode xnRoot)
Extra Information:
Unable to load ability: STATIC_ABILITY in FISTS_OF_THE_DEMIGOD_158753

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: System.Xml - The 'ACTIVATED_ABILITY' start tag on line 95 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'TRIGGERED_ABILITY'. Line 114, position 5.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: GILTSPIRE_AVENGER_186614.xml in Deck_362801_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: System.Xml - '
' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '>'. Line 31, position 32.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowUnexpectedToken(String expectedToken1, String expectedToken2)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: HEROES_REUNION_23183.xml in Deck_362801_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
at RSN.DotP.Ability..ctor(String strXml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.LoadAbilities(XmlNode xnRoot)
Extra Information:
Unable to load ability: STATIC_ABILITY in HOVER_BARRIER_99362801

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
at System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumentException(ExceptionResource resource)
at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
at RSN.DotP.XmlTools.GetLocalizedText(XmlNode xml)
at RSN.DotP.Ability..ctor(String strXml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.LoadAbilities(XmlNode xnRoot)
Extra Information:
Unable to load ability: STATIC_ABILITY in RAKDOS_RINGLEADER_99362803

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: CRYPTIC_COMMAND_5041141819.XML in Deck_504106_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: DUNGEON_GEISTS_5041249875.XML in Deck_504106_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: REVEILLARK_5041152716.XML in Deck_504106_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680.XML in Deck_504107_ST_unpacked

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: ISOLATED_CHAPEL_5041241979.XML in Deck_504107_ST_unpacked

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: KISS_OF_THE_AMESHA_5041174976.XML in Deck_504107_ST_unpacked

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: SUPREME_VERDICT_5041253512.xml in Deck_504107_ST_unpacked

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: System.Xml - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: WINDSWEPT_HEATH_39507.XML in Deck_599666_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: System.Xml - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseRootLevelWhitespace()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: CHARMBREAKER_DEVILS_227668.xml in DECK_DEADLY_TRICKSTER

5/26/2013 10:50:51 AM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardSubType..ctor(XmlNode xnSubType, Int32 nOrderFound, Int32 nMax)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:

5/26/2013 10:50:52 AM: Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
at RSN.DotP.WadBase.LoadIndividualStringTable(Dictionary`2 dicStrings, String strXml)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadStringTable(FileStream fsInput)
Extra Information:
Unable to read string table: L10N_MULTI_LAND.XML in DECK_TOOLS_OF_THE_MASTERMIND

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: 99901.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_ETCHED_CHAMPION.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: 99907.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_IMPERIOUS_PERFECT.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: 99905.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_KILN_FIEND.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_KILN_FIEND_LOCKED.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: 99906.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_KNIGHT_EXEMPLAR.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: 99903.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_METALGOB.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_METALGOB_LOCKED.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: 99904.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_STONEFORGE_MYSTIC.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: 99902.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_VALAKUT.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:50:57 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_VALAKUT_LOCKED.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in DATA_DLC_1138

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in DATA_DLC_1138

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in DATA_DLC_1138

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: AVACYN_ANGEL_OF_HOPE_38239961240034 for deck DECK_GISELA_1138 in DATA_DLC_1138

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: AVACYN_ANGEL_OF_HOPE_38239961240034 for deck DECK_GISELA_1138 in DATA_DLC_1138

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_CHANDRA_NALAAR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_GARRUK_WILDSPEAKER_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_JACE_BELEREN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_KEZZIK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_LILIANA_VESS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_MANDRED_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_NEFAROX_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_SARNEK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_TALKOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: DECK_NICOL_BOLAS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_AZORIUS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_GOLGARI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_IZZET_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_RAKDOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_SELESNYA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_5_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_11_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_11_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_4_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_10_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_10_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_5_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_6_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_6_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_3_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_4_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_1_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_2_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:00 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_3_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_9_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_9_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_2_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_7_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_7_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_8_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_8_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_8_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_9_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_6_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_10_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_7_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_SUPER_JACE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_AJANI_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_CHANDRA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_GARRUK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_JACE_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_KEZZIK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_LILIANA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_MANDRED_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_NEFAROX_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_SARNEK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_TALKOS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: D13_BOLAS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_AZORIUS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_GOLGARI_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_IZZET_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_RAKDOS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: E13_SELESNYA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: F13_BOROS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: F13_DIMIR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: F13_GRUUL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: F13_ORZHOV_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: F13_SIMIC_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: F13_FIVE_COLOUR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DOOM_BLADE_MPRP_51 for deck DECK_RELENTLESS RATS in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DOOM_BLADE_MPRP_51 for deck DECK_RELENTLESS RATS in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DOOM_BLADE_MPRP_51 for deck DECK_RELENTLESS RATS in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138 for deck DECK_RELENTLESS RATS in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138 for deck DECK_RELENTLESS RATS in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138 for deck DECK_RELENTLESS RATS in DECK_0571

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_TEST_62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_REVEILLARK62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_5C_RITES62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_4C_PEDDLER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_AZORIUS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_GOLGARI62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_RAKDOS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_RAKDOS62_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_SELESNYA62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_NAYA_MID62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SLAYERS_STRONGHOLD_U_624906 for deck DECK_4C_RITES62 in Deck_0631_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Medium: DECK_4C_RITES62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INACTION_INJUNCTION_624678 for deck DECK_SECRETS62 in Deck_0632_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:01 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INACTION_INJUNCTION_624678 for deck DECK_SECRETS62 in Deck_0632_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_PIKE62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_SECRETS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_TALRAND62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIEP62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIES62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_FLASH_HULK62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIEG62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_HYPERGENESIS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_ESPER_SPIRITS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_GRUUL_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_ARISTOCRATS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_UB_DELVER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_BUGM62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_NAYA_RAMP62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_NAYA_HUMANS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_UWR_FLASH62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_PRIME_SPEAKER_BANT62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_ESPERC62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_HUMAN_REANIMATOR62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_BANT_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_JUND62 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_SECRETS62.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_JUND62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_BOROS_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_GR_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_PAINTER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12GK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12SE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12DD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12AOD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12RAKKA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12BEKNIGHTED_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D13_MESA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D13_VERDE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D13_URA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_KOTH_OLD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12GARRUK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12TEZZ_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12KIORA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12JACE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12SARKHAN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12CHANDRA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12SORIN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12NISSA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12JURA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D12KARN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: C13_AZORIUS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: C13_GOLGARI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: C13_IZZET_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: C13_RAKDOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: C13_SELESNYA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D13_GRISEL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D13_GNS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D13_HYPNO_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: D13_MERF_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_BOLAS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Medium: DECK_SANGUINE_FEAST_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: D13_AFFINITY.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: D13_ELVES.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: D13_KNIGHTS.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: D13_METALGOB.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: D13_QUEST.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:02 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: D13_STROBE_RED.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: D13_VALAKUT.TDX in DECK_0978_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_AFFINITY uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_SANGUINE_FEAST.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_AFFINITY_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_ELVES_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_KNIGHTS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_METALGOB_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_QUEST_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_STROBE_RED_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: Z_DECK_VALAKUT_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_LEGION_1_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: D13_SNEAK_AND_SHOW_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_RELENTLESS RATS_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VOLCANIC_ISLAND_140803 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VOLCANIC_ISLAND_140803 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VOLCANIC_ISLAND_140803 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VOLCANIC_ISLAND_140803 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: BLISTERCOIL_WEIRD_141201 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: BLISTERCOIL_WEIRD_141201 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: BLISTERCOIL_WEIRD_141201 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: BLISTERCOIL_WEIRD_141201 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PARADISE_MANTLE_141202 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PARADISE_MANTLE_141202 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PARADISE_MANTLE_141202 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PARADISE_MANTLE_141202 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SERUM_VISIONS_141203 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SERUM_VISIONS_141203 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SERUM_VISIONS_141203 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SERUM_VISIONS_141203 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: IDEAS_UNBOUND_141204 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: IDEAS_UNBOUND_141204 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: IDEAS_UNBOUND_141204 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: IDEAS_UNBOUND_141204 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: APHOTIC_WISPS_141207 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: APHOTIC_WISPS_141207 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: APHOTIC_WISPS_141207 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: APHOTIC_WISPS_141207 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GRAPESHOT_141205 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: GRAPESHOT_141205 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAMORPHOSE_141206 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAMORPHOSE_141206 for deck D13_WEIRD in Deck_1412_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: D13_WEIRD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INQUISITION_OF_KOZILEK_193428 for deck D13_HOROBI in Deck_1415_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INQUISITION_OF_KOZILEK_193428 for deck D13_HOROBI in Deck_1415_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INQUISITION_OF_KOZILEK_193428 for deck D13_HOROBI in Deck_1415_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: D13_HOROBI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: TEFERIS_PUZZLE_BOX_83294 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: TEFERIS_PUZZLE_BOX_83294 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: TEFERIS_PUZZLE_BOX_83294 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DURESS_141102 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DURESS_141102 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DURESS_141102 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INNOCENT_BLOOD_205364 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INNOCENT_BLOOD_205364 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INNOCENT_BLOOD_205364 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: INNOCENT_BLOOD_205364 for deck D13_UNDERWORLD in Deck_1416_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: D13_UNDERWORLD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_LEGION_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_OVERLORD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_QUEEN_1_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_QUEEN_2_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_QUEEN_3_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: HARBOR_BANDIT_19991001 for deck D1999_NIGHT_OF_THE_NINJA in Deck_199902_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:03 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: HARBOR_BANDIT_19991001 for deck D1999_NIGHT_OF_THE_NINJA in Deck_199902_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:04 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAPLASM_175006 for deck D1999_NATURE_SHAPER in Deck_199930_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:04 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAPLASM_175006 for deck D1999_NATURE_SHAPER in Deck_199930_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:04 AM: Medium: D13_PLANE_DECK uses a UID that conflicts with D13_PLANE_DECK.

5/26/2013 10:51:04 AM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VAMPIRIC_TUTOR_3629 for deck ROCK_DECK in Deck_2002_ST

5/26/2013 10:51:04 AM: Low: System.Xml - Name cannot begin with the '\' character, hexadecimal value 0x5C. Line 14, position 27.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.Deck..ctor(GameDirectory gdData, String strFileName, String strXml, String strWad, Boolean bLandPool)
Extra Information:
Unable to load deck: ROCK_DECK_LAND_POOL in Deck_2002_ST

5/26/2013 10:59:06 AM: Log Closed.
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby drleg3nd » 26 May 2013, 15:12

actually was more but i couldnt fit it all, do you guys do the white box with the open/close option ?
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby BloodReyvyn » 26 May 2013, 15:14

put it in (code)(/code) tags except change the parenthesis to "[" and "]"
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby thefiremind » 26 May 2013, 15:23

Well, BloodReyvyn's log was very helpful to me: it made me discover that there were 2 changes I forgot to propagate to the deck lists: after I changed the temporary Multiverse IDs of Harbor Bandit and the Duel Decks version of Niv-Mizzet, I forgot to change the references in the decks that were using them! #-o
I'll update my mod as a whole within the next few days and those errors will be fixed.

BloodReyvyn wrote:put it in (code)(/code) tags except change the parenthesis to "[" and "]"
Actually, if you want open/close option you need to use
[ spoiler=some title][ /spoiler]
(without the spaces after "[").
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.0.0

Postby RiiakShiNal » 26 May 2013, 15:49

I don't know about the out of memory error, but I'm working on some of the other errors you have.

Some errors are fairly self explanatory:
Code: Select all
These two decks use the same UID (this can cause problems in game). Does not cause a problem with the builder.

This one:
Code: Select all
Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in Deck_1138_ST
Means that the deck "DECK_ELDRAZI_1138" in wad "Deck_1138_ST" has the card "VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400" in the deck list, but you don't have that card installed in any mod (or it couldn't be loaded for one reason or another).

Usually the ones with a stack trace are the ones I need to examine and figure out what the problem is, the others are more informational.

This one (and those like it) though:
Code: Select all
Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats - unhandled 13:
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetPixelByteSize(D3DFormat format)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.GetMipSize(D3DFormat format, UInt16 width, UInt16 height)
at Gibbed.Duels.FileFormats.TdxFile.Deserialize(Stream input)
at RSN.DotP.TdxWrapper.LoadTdx(Stream strmInput)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadImage(String strId)
Extra Information:
Could not load: PW_VALAKUT_LOCKED.TDX in DECK_0978_ST
Means that there is a problem with the image "PW_VALAKUT_LOCKED.TDX" and it couldn't be loaded which means when you pull up that AI Personality or Card it won't be able to show that image. That's all that one means (happens most commonly with compressed TDX images, that were compressed with a tool like Eglin's).

It may take a little while to identify all the other problems you all ran into, so I'll report back with a new version as soon as I can.
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.1.0

Postby RiiakShiNal » 27 May 2013, 00:07

Okay, new version is up (v1.0.1.0) and I know what was going on for almost all the errors now.

Details on Errors | Open
This error:
Code: Select all
Low: System.Xml - Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 4.:
This one I don't know about because I apparently don't have and can't find Deck_0621_ST. Due to the error I would assume it is related to a BOM in the file, but without a copy of the file I can't verify.
Status: Unknown, lacking information.

This error:
Code: Select all
Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
Was due to extra XML comments in the string table. I had naively assumed that inside a "Row" tag there would only be "Cell" tags so I had not accounted for comments.
Status: FIXED.

This error:
Code: Select all
Low: mscorlib - An item with the same key has already been added.:
Was due to multiple localizations of a text string with the same language code inside a block. For example something like this would cause the error:
Code: Select all
   <LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Test Card]]></LOCALISED_TEXT>
   <LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Test Card]]></LOCALISED_TEXT>
The program will now gracefully notice this problem and report it while ignoring the extra localizations for a specific language code while still loading what localizations it can.
Status: Card Problem.

This error:
Code: Select all
Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
Is due to an invalid Multiverse Id (a string instead of a number). I have improved handling of this situation so that the card can still be loaded (my program doesn't really care about the Multiverse ID), however this error will still be reported as it is a problem with the card.
Status: Card Problem.

This error:
Code: Select all
Low: System.Xml - Data at the root level is invalid. Line 1, position 1.:
Was due to the Card XML being saved as Unicode UTF-16 (with BOM) instead of as UTF-8. I was specifically checking for and loading UTF-8 (optional 3-byte BOM) because most cards are saved as such. UTF-16 has a required 2-byte BOM and due to the way I was reading in the streams it put this BOM before the XML declaration instead of handling the BOM for string processing and later removing it.
Status: FIXED.

This error:
Code: Select all
Medium: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Index was outside the bounds of the array.:
Is due to the file existing, but contains nothing (0-byte file size). The program will now handle this more gracefully and will include a more descriptive note (without stack trace).
Status: File/Card Problem.

This error:
Code: Select all
Low: System.Xml - The 'ACTIVATED_ABILITY' start tag on line 95 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'TRIGGERED_ABILITY'. Line 114, position 5.:
Says that the XML in the file is invalid, there is nothing I can do about this, you got a bad card, contact the mod creator.
Status: Card Problem.

Code: Select all
Low: System.Xml - '
' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '>'. Line 31, position 32.:
Again says that the XML in the file is invalid, there is nothing I can do about this, you got a bad card, contact the mod creator.
Status: Card Problem.

This error:
Code: Select all
Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
This is due to an overly large Multiverse Id, again this is a card problem, I have improved handling so that it will still load the card (because this program doesn't really use or care about the Multiverse Id).
Status: Card Problem.

This error:
Code: Select all
Low: DotP 2013 Deck Builder - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:
Was due to using "NAME" instead of "name" for the attribute in the deck file (XML case problem). Inherently XML is case sensitive, but since the game doesn't seem to care, I have updated all my XML handling to allow for case insensitivity (except for files the program itself generates).
Status Fixed.

This error:
Code: Select all
Medium: D13_PLANE_DECK uses a UID that conflicts with D13_PLANE_DECK.
While not important caught my eye as it means you have 2 "D13_PLANE_DECK" files, which most likely means one is overriding the other. I have now removed this error notification in the case that the file name is the same (I'll assume file overriding in this case).
Status: Notification Removed.

These errors:
Code: Select all
E13_SELESNYA_PROMO_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM.
Don't really mean much of anything to my program, but can cause problems in game.
Status: Mod Problems, contact mod creator.

This error:
Code: Select all
Unable to find deck with id 97224881 to associate unlock file ENDURING_ANGELS_PROMO_1 with.
Means that I could not find the deck that "ENDURING_ANGELS_PROMO_1.XML" is supposed to go with (unlocks without a deck).
Status: Mod Problem, contact mod creator.

For errors like this:
Code: Select all
Medium: <Insert Name>_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with <Insert Name>_LAND_POOL.
My program doesn't really care, and for the most part the game doesn't really seem to care if land pools share UIDs. It only really matters if a LAND_POOL shares a UID with something else and that can cause problems with the game.
Status: Not A Problem.

This new version has no localization changes so no need to worry about updating localization files.
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.1.0

Postby daenon611 » 27 May 2013, 05:38

This one I don't know about because I apparently don't have and can't find Deck_0621_ST. Due to the error I would assume it is related to a BOM in the file, but without a copy of the file I can't verify.
Status: Unknown, lacking information.
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.1.0

Postby RiiakShiNal » 27 May 2013, 12:34

I just tested both v1.0.0.0 & v1.0.1.0 with deck_0621_ST and I don't see that error. Examining the two files that reported that error show that both BANISHING_STROKE_623637.XML and BONFIRE_OF_THE_DAMNED_623705.XML are saved as UTF-8 with BOM (Though REFORGE_THE_SOUL_623630.XML and REVENGE_OF_THE_HUNTED_623712 are also UTF-8 with BOM and they apparently did not throw errors). Given that I can only conclude that there is another version of the wad and those two files that causes the problem.

If v1.0.1.0 is still throwing that error then I'll probably need to see the version that drleg3nd and BloodReyven have.
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Re: [REL] Riiak's DotP 2013 Deck Builder v1.0.1.0

Postby BloodReyvyn » 27 May 2013, 16:22

I still get the occassional crash, but they are fewer and I can do a lot more between crashes if I remember to save often (good rule of thumb modding anyways). Most of the "conflicts" are just mods that contain the same XML from another mod, usually a Core mod.

error log | Open
5/26/2013 8:17:26 PM: Log Opened.
5/26/2013 8:17:26 PM: Low: System.Xml - Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 4.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParsePI(StringBuilder piInDtdStringBuilder)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: BANISHING_STROKE_623637.XML in Deck_0621_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:26 PM: Low: System.Xml - Unexpected XML declaration. The XML declaration must be the first node in the document, and no white space characters are allowed to appear before it. Line 1, position 4.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String arg)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParsePI(StringBuilder piInDtdStringBuilder)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseDocumentContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: BONFIRE_OF_THE_DAMNED_623705.XML in Deck_0621_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:27 PM: Low: XML Block has multiple localizations defined for same language code (en-US):
<FLAVOURTEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Lymph, the fluid essence of blinkmoths, is prized by wizards for the rush of intellect it provides.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="de-DE"><![CDATA[Die Gewebsflüssigkeit, aus denen Blinkmotten bestehen, wird von Zauberern hoch geschätzt, da sie den Verstand anregt.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="es-ES"><![CDATA[La linfa, el fluido esencial de las polillas titilantes, es apreciada entre los hechiceros porque aumenta la sabiduría.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="fr-FR"><![CDATA[La lymphe, l'essence fluide des scintimites, est prisée par les sorciers pour la soudaine croissance intellectuelle qu'elle procure.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="it-IT"><![CDATA[La linfa, l'essenza fluida dei lampidotteri, è lodata dai maghi per l'incremento di facoltà intellettive che fornisce.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="jp-JA"><![CDATA[ちらつき蛾のリンパ液は頭脳を活性化してくれるため、魔術師に珍重されている。]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Lymph, the fluid essence of blinkmoths, is prized by wizards for the rush of intellect it provides.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Lymph, the fluid essence of blinkmoths, is prized by wizards for the rush of intellect it provides.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="pt-BR"><![CDATA[A linfa, a essência líquida dos mosco-lumes, é apreciada pelos magos devido ao surto de conhecimento que fornece.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT></FLAVOURTEXT>

5/26/2013 8:17:27 PM: Low: XML Block has multiple localizations defined for same language code (en-US):
<FLAVOURTEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Lymph, the fluid essence of blinkmoths, is prized by wizards for the rush of intellect it provides.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="de-DE"><![CDATA[Die Gewebsflüssigkeit, aus denen Blinkmotten bestehen, wird von Zauberern hoch geschätzt, da sie den Verstand anregt.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="es-ES"><![CDATA[La linfa, el fluido esencial de las polillas titilantes, es apreciada entre los hechiceros porque aumenta la sabiduría.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="fr-FR"><![CDATA[La lymphe, l'essence fluide des scintimites, est prisée par les sorciers pour la soudaine croissance intellectuelle qu'elle procure.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="it-IT"><![CDATA[La linfa, l'essenza fluida dei lampidotteri, è lodata dai maghi per l'incremento di facoltà intellettive che fornisce.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="jp-JA"><![CDATA[ちらつき蛾のリンパ液は頭脳を活性化してくれるため、魔術師に珍重されている。]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Lymph, the fluid essence of blinkmoths, is prized by wizards for the rush of intellect it provides.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Lymph, the fluid essence of blinkmoths, is prized by wizards for the rush of intellect it provides.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="pt-BR"><![CDATA[A linfa, a essência líquida dos mosco-lumes, é apreciada pelos magos devido ao surto de conhecimento que fornece.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT></FLAVOURTEXT>

5/26/2013 8:17:27 PM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
Extra Information:
Card (DOOM_BLADE_MPRP_51 in Deck_1400_Core_ST) has a multiverse id that is problematic: MPRP_51

5/26/2013 8:17:27 PM: Low: mscorlib - Input string was not in a correct format.:
at System.Number.StringToNumber(String str, NumberStyles options, NumberBuffer& number, NumberFormatInfo info, Boolean parseDecimal)
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
Extra Information:
Card (GO_FOR_THE_THROAT_FNMP_138 in Deck_1400_Core_ST) has a multiverse id that is problematic: FNMP_138

5/26/2013 8:17:27 PM: Low: Unable to load card because there is nothing to load: MANAMORPHOSE_623845.xml in Deck_1400_Core_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: XML Block has multiple localizations defined for same language code (pt-BR):
<STATIC_ABILITY attach_filter="1" filter_zone="ZONE_IN_PLAY"><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Enchant creature]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="it-IT"><![CDATA[Incanta creatura]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="de-DE"><![CDATA[Kreaturenverzauberung]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="fr-FR"><![CDATA[Enchanter : créature]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="es-ES"><![CDATA[Encantar criatura.]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="jp-JA"><![CDATA[エンチャント(クリーチャー)]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="ko-KR"><![CDATA[Enchant creature]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="ru-RU"><![CDATA[Зачаровать существо]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="pt-BR"><![CDATA[Encantar criatura]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="pt-BR"><![CDATA[Encantar criatura]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><CONTINUOUS_ACTION>
local attach_filter = Object():AttachmentFilter_Get()
attach_filter:AddCardType( CARD_TYPE_CREATURE )

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: System.Xml - The 'ACTIVATED_ABILITY' start tag on line 95 position 4 does not match the end tag of 'TRIGGERED_ABILITY'. Line 114, position 5.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowTagMismatch(NodeData startTag)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseEndElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: GILTSPIRE_AVENGER_186614.xml in Deck_362801_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: System.Xml - '
' is an unexpected token. The expected token is '>'. Line 31, position 32.:
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(Exception e)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Throw(String res, String[] args)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ThrowUnexpectedToken(String expectedToken1, String expectedToken2)
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseAttributes()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElement()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.ParseElementContent()
at System.Xml.XmlTextReaderImpl.Read()
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadNode(Boolean skipOverWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.LoadDocSequence(XmlDocument parentDoc)
at System.Xml.XmlLoader.Load(XmlDocument doc, XmlReader reader, Boolean preserveWhitespace)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.Load(XmlReader reader)
at System.Xml.XmlDocument.LoadXml(String xml)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo..ctor(String strXML, String strWad, GameDirectory gdData)
at RSN.DotP.WadWrapper.LoadCards(FileStream fsInput, GameDirectory gdData)
Extra Information:
Unable to load card: HEROES_REUNION_23183.xml in Deck_362801_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: XML Block has multiple localizations defined for same language code (pt-BR):
<STATIC_ABILITY><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="de-DE"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="es-ES"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="fr-FR"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="it-IT"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="jp-JA"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="ko-KR"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="ru-RU"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="pt-BR"><![CDATA[Defender, flying]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><CONTINUOUS_ACTION>
local characteristics = Object():GetCurrentCharacteristics()
characteristics:Characteristic_Set( CHARACTERISTIC_DEFENDER, 1 )
local characteristics = Object():GetCurrentCharacteristics()
characteristics:Characteristic_Set( CHARACTERISTIC_FLYING, 1 )

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: XML Block has multiple localizations defined for same language code (pt-BR):
<STATIC_ABILITY><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="en-US"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="de-DE"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="es-ES"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="fr-FR"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="it-IT"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="jp-JA"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="ko-KR"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="ru-RU"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="pt-BR"><![CDATA[First strike]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><LOCALISED_TEXT LanguageCode="pt-BR"><![CDATA[Lifelink, haste]]></LOCALISED_TEXT><CONTINUOUS_ACTION>
local characteristics = Object():GetCurrentCharacteristics()
characteristics:Characteristic_Set( CHARACTERISTIC_FIRST_STRIKE, 1 )

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
Extra Information:
Card (EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 in Deck_504107_ST) has a multiverse id that is problematic: 5041262680

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
Extra Information:
Card (ISOLATED_CHAPEL_5041241979 in Deck_504107_ST) has a multiverse id that is problematic: 5041241979

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
Extra Information:
Card (KISS_OF_THE_AMESHA_5041174976 in Deck_504107_ST) has a multiverse id that is problematic: 5041174976

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
Extra Information:
Card (SUPREME_VERDICT_5041253512 in Deck_504107_ST) has a multiverse id that is problematic: 5041253512

5/26/2013 8:17:28 PM: Low: mscorlib - Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.:
at System.Number.ParseInt32(String s, NumberStyles style, NumberFormatInfo info)
at RSN.DotP.CardInfo.ParseXML(String strXML)
Extra Information:
Card (EVOLVING_WILDS_5041262680 in DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM) has a multiverse id that is problematic: 5041262680

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_CHANDRA_NALAAR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_GARRUK_WILDSPEAKER_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_JACE_BELEREN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_KEZZIK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_LILIANA_VESS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_MANDRED_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_NEFAROX_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_SARNEK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_TALKOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: DECK_NICOL_BOLAS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_AZORIUS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_GOLGARI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_IZZET_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_RAKDOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_SELESNYA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_5_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_11_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_11_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_4_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_10_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_10_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_5_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_6_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_6_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_3_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_4_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_1_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_2_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_3_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_9_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_9_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_2_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: E13_CHALLENGE_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_7_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_7_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_8_PL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_CHALLENGE_8_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_5_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_8_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_1_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_2_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_9_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_6_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_4_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_10_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_3_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_MINIDUEL_7_AI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:32 PM: Medium: D13_SUPER_JACE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_AJANI_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_CHANDRA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_GARRUK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_JACE_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_KEZZIK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_LILIANA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_MANDRED_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_NEFAROX_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_SARNEK_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_TALKOS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_BOLAS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: E13_AZORIUS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: E13_GOLGARI_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: E13_IZZET_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: E13_RAKDOS_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: E13_SELESNYA_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: F13_BOROS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: F13_DIMIR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: F13_GRUUL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: F13_ORZHOV_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: F13_SIMIC_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: F13_FIVE_COLOUR_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_TEST_62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_REVEILLARK62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_5C_RITES62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_4C_PEDDLER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_AZORIUS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_GOLGARI62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_RAKDOS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_RAKDOS62_REVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_SELESNYA62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_PIKE62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_SECRETS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIEP62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIES62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_FLASH_HULK62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_ZOMBIEG62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_HYPERGENESIS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_ESPER_SPIRITS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_GRUUL_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_ARISTOCRATS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_UB_DELVER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_BUGM62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_NAYA_RAMP62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_NAYA_HUMANS62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_UWR_FLASH62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_PRIME_SPEAKER_BANT62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_ESPERC62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_HUMAN_REANIMATOR62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_BANT_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_JUND62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_BOROS_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_GR_AGGRO62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_PAINTER62_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12GK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12SE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12DD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12AOD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12RAKKA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12BEKNIGHTED_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_MESA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_VERDE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_URA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_KOTH_OLD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12GARRUK_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12TEZZ_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12KIORA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12JACE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12SARKHAN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12CHANDRA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12SORIN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12NISSA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12JURA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D12KARN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: C13_AZORIUS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: C13_GOLGARI_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: C13_IZZET_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: C13_RAKDOS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: C13_SELESNYA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_GRISEL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_GNS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_HYPNO_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_MERF_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: VERDANT_CATACOMBS_38193400 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: AVACYN_ANGEL_OF_HOPE_38239961240034 for deck DECK_GISELA_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: AVACYN_ANGEL_OF_HOPE_38239961240034 for deck DECK_GISELA_1138 in Deck_1138_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_SLIVER_LEGION_1_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: ISLAND_205932 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_RAMP_LAND_POOL in Deck_1405_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_205926 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_RAMP_LAND_POOL in Deck_1405_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_205931 for deck DECK_ELDRAZI_RAMP_LAND_POOL in Deck_1405_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: DECK_ENTOMB_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_COLOSSUS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_SNEAK_AND_SHOW_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: SWAMP_129755_1 for deck DECK_INFESTATION_LAND_POOL in Deck_1409_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_KILN in Deck_1413_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_KILN in Deck_1413_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_KILN in Deck_1413_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PREORDAIN_265979 for deck D13_KILN in Deck_1413_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_KILN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_BURN_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_UNDERWORLD_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Medium: D13_HIVE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: HARBOR_BANDIT_19991001 for deck D1999_NIGHT_OF_THE_NINJA in Deck_199902_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:33 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: HARBOR_BANDIT_19991001 for deck D1999_NIGHT_OF_THE_NINJA in Deck_199902_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: D1999_IVORY_DOOM_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_SCION_RAGE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAPLASM_175006 for deck D1999_NATURE_SHAPER in Deck_199930_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MANAPLASM_175006 for deck D1999_NATURE_SHAPER in Deck_199930_ST

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: D13_PLANE_DECK uses a UID that conflicts with D13_PLANE_DECK.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_DECK_ALL_DUST_01_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_BRED_FOR_THE_HUNT_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_BW HUMANS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_CRATERVENGE_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_ELVISH AMBUSH_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277779 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277780 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277781 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277782 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277783 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277784 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277785 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277786 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277795 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277796 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277797 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277798 for deck DECK_ENDURING_ANGELS_LAND_POOL in Deck_ENDURING_ANGELS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277779 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277780 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277781 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277782 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277783 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277784 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277785 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277786 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277795 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277796 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277797 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277798 for deck DECK_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS_LAND_POOL in Deck_FORBIDDEN_RITUALS

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_GOBLIN SACS_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277779 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277780 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277781 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277782 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277783 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277784 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277785 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: MOUNTAIN_277786 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277795 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277796 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277797 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: PLAINS_277798 for deck DECK_HEAVEN'S_FURY_LAND_POOL in Deck_HEAVEN'S_FURY

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_HERO'S_OF_EMMARA_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_DECK_THRESH_01_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_MELEK_TRICKERY_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_NAYAN INVASION_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_RENEWED REVEIL_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Medium: DECK_TAXATION_VEXATION_LAND_POOL uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AJANI_GOLDMANE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DUSKDALE_WURM_207335 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: DUSKDALE_WURM_207335 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: TRAINED_ARMODON_83303 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: TRAINED_ARMODON_83303 for deck DECK_TEETH_OF_THE_PREDATOR in Deck_Teeth_of_the_Predator

5/26/2013 8:17:34 PM: Low: E13_SELESNYA_PROMO_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_ELDRAZI_SWARM.

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: Can't find referenced card: NIVMIZZET_THE_FIREMIND_NEWART_19991001 for promo unlocks (1999212) for deck with Id: 199912

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: DECK_GROWING_UP_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AGROWING_UP_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: DECK_IGNATUS_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AIGNATUS_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: DECK_VAMPIRE_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AVAMPIRE_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: DECK_ZEALOT_FURY_UNLOCK_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_AZEALOT_FURY_LAND_POOL.

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: DOOM_OF_FOOLS_PROMO_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_DOOM_OF_FOOLS.

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: DRAWN_TOGETHER_PROMO_1 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_DRAWN_TOGETHER.

5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: Unable to find deck with id 97224881 to associate unlock file ENDURING_ANGELS_PROMO_1 with.


5/26/2013 8:17:35 PM: Low: TAXATION_VEXATION_PROMO_01 uses a UID that conflicts with DECK_TAXATION_VEXATION.

5/26/2013 8:43:51 PM: Log Closed.

I am currently redownloading a few mods to see if maybe I just got a couple bad downloads, but my internet is very slow today, so I will let you know of any changes.
"There's an experience worse than blindness - it's the certainty that your vision is perfect and the horror that there's no world around you to see."
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Posts: 421
Joined: 19 May 2013, 13:29
Has thanked: 53 times
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