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MRD Tournament Results!

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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby aww1979 » 14 Feb 2011, 00:00

Game 1: Kept a hand with no green mana, gambling I'd draw one quickly. I did, and then dropped Armageddon, and AI never got a land after that; easy win.
Game 2: Kept a pretty good hand. AI didn't play a single land until the last turn, and I Strip Mined that. I used debug mode and peeked, and it had apparently kept a hand with no land at all. (or had been holding that Taiga for five turns)

I made one misplay where I tapped Steward of Valeron for mana before attacking, but other than that I don't think I goofed in either game. (I forget if I did that in game 1 or 2)

Game 1: Fairly straightforward win
Game 2: I kept 3 mana, Maelstrom Pulse, and 3 expensive spells. I figured I'd stall with Pulse and draw land in time to cast those. AI strip mined my swamp, and I was pretty worried, but I drew mana just in time for Beacon of Destruction on Baneslayer Angel, and next turn cast Bituminous Blast on Wilt-Leaf Cavaliers. Easy win after that.

Game 1: Armageddon sealed the deal, though it took me a few turns to get going. I'd been on the defensive with Maze of Ith vs Novablast Wurm, and later Balance when it sacced the wurm to Natural Order for Progenitus, but after that I got the ball rolling.
Game 2: Rout proved to be a bit of a speedbump, but Stirring Wildwood kept going; on the last turn I let AI hit me with Genesis rather than use Maze of Ith, so that the wildwood couldn't be blocked by it.
Game 3:

Game 1: Turn 4 Natural Order, turn 6 win; straightforward.
Game 2: (LOSS) Kept a hand with Magus of the Vineyard and several really expensive spells, like Rout and Akroma. I delayed playing the Magus at first, since I couldn't make use of it right away, while AI might be able to. When I finally did play the magus, AI already had Steward of Valeron, and dropped Wilt-Leaf Liege and Llanowar Knight. I took my beatings, then cast Rout next turn. AI followed up with Mystic Enforcer, and the turn after that Qasali Pridemage, and made the surprisingly correct play to attack with enforcer, then sac pridemage to destroy my mox diamond and gaining threshold, thus preventing me from casting Akroma next turn and taking me to 1 life. I topdecked a green creature to sac to Natural Order and NOed out Simic Sky Swallower to deter the enforcer, but AI got another creature and I drew an island and conceded. (had I drawn plains I could've cast Akroma, but I had 6WW, not 5WWW)
Game 3: AI cheated on turn 3, discarding Wilt-Leaf Liege to Fauna Shaman and putting it directly into play. It also took an Armageddon :p However, I played Elvish Piper next turn, took the 7 from those two, and on turn 5 dropped Novablast Wurm in response to the AIs attack. The Wurm then raped everything and went all the way, so fortunately shantak wins despite the AI cheating.

Game 1: Crucible of Worlds recurred Wasteland once against AI before it cast Disenchant on the crucible, but the damage was already done. AI never recovered from losing those two lands.
Game 2: AI stalled a bit with some removal and Wall of Omens, but it proved no match for Emeria Angel and her babies.

Game 1: My first attempt at this match locked up. It's just as well; the AI literally gave up after turn 1. It cast a Fyndhorn Elves, then played a few land, then discarded spells it could've cast.
Game 1 again: The AIs turn froze up right before the turn I would've won on.
Game 1 once more: My first hand isn't anything special, but has Show and Tell. On turn 3 I get the perfect topdeck of Emrakul, pop him out, and win turn 5. (no change in the result, since both the locked games I was 99% sure I'd won)
Game 2: The AI gets off to a pretty quick start, but I stall with Mishra's Factory until I get Magus of the Disk out, blow everything up, and then play Isochron Scepter with Counterspell, and I just say 'no' to everything the AI does after that. This is the first game this round where I made significant decisions; the other games so far were really basic, and anyone would have had the same results.

COGNIS vs SHANTAK: 2-0 (both games in one video, they were short)
Game 1: AI got manascrewed at 1 land and couldn't do much until it was too late.
Game 2: AI didn't do much at all. I think it might've been manaflooded. (or it just gave up early)

Game 1: This game was weird. By turn 4 I'd drawn 12 lands :p Still managed to win, though, completely on the back of Tooth and Nail.
Game 2: This was a landslide. And THEN I cast turn 5 Tooth and Nail for Progenitus and Simic Sky Swallower from hand to play. Turn 6 was pure win :)

Game 1: I had many interesting decisions to choose from this game. Unfortunately, the AI put up no fight at all, so it didn't matter what order I did things.
Game 2: Again, many interesting decisions came up, the most important of which proved to be my allowing Solemn Simulacrum to beat on me, rather than bolting it, as I was trying to keep AI from drawing white land, which it had none of until the late game. I'd also given AI Wrath of God and Exalted Angel on a Fact or Fiction that it cast. By the time it got WW on the board, it was too late. The AI made some very poor choices on which order to play things, the worst of which were not fetching white mana with the simulacrum, and disenchanting its own mox instead of my jitte.

Game 1: Easy win. AI didn't do anything significant all game.
Game 2: Game locks up. A bug occurs a few turns after my morphed Exalted Angel dies to Chain Lightning, and a morphed 2/2 keeps showing up. Even using debug mode to bury it didn't work; it just came back right away. The turn after that, the game froze. It was too bad; it was a really good game. I had Collective Restraint and Wall of Reverence protecting me, and as soon as I got a 2nd white land I could've dropped Moat or Magus of the Disk, so I think I would've won.
Game 2 again: I make so many mistakes in this game that I'm embarrassed to show it :p Turn 5 I play Hallowed Fountain tapped, which means I have to either discard EOT or play a morphed Exalted Angel when I know AI has Burst Lightning (it used Land Grant earlier). I choose the lesser of two evils and play the angel, who dies. A few turns later, AI plays Broodmate Dragon and I stupidly cast Bogardan Hellkite on my turn, forgetting it had flash, when I could've done it in response to an attack (this turned out to be irrelevant as AI had Terminate for it, but even so it was a mistake) Then I accidentally misclick on one turn when I should've returned Eternal Dragon to hand, but in my defense I thought I clicked on return it :p In any event, AI gives up by this point. I had Moat in play, and it kept discarding nonflying creatures instead of playing them.

Game 1: Elvish Piper pops out Progenitus and it's quickly over. AI dropped 7 lands (no red) and cast nothing but one wasted Cryptic Command all game. I peeked at AIs hand as I won and it was holding stuff it could've cast.
Game 2: Lorescale Coatl backed up with Standstill almost goes the distance, but AI plowshares it, giving me 3 cards. I quickly follow up with Elvish Piper for Akroma and that's game. AI had given up here as well.

Game 1: AI did almost nothing, so the win was easy.
Game 2: I had the game firmly under control. AI did actually do some stuff, but I had answers for it all. Crucially, it missed using Brittle Effigy on Bogardan Hellkite when I flashed it out to block AND then let me attack with it next turn. It exiled it postcombat that turn, but by then it was too late. I'd have won anyway, but it would've taken several more turns. (sorry this video seems to be corrupted)

Scoring: All games were 2-0 except shantak vs nicdanger was 2-1.
Also, it seems one or two of the videos were just over 15 minutes, so youtube rejected them; sorry about that.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 20 Feb 2011, 17:50

Cognis: 4 points (won: Nicdanger)
Monopman: 4 points (won: Shantak)
Shantak: 3 points (won: Nicdanger; lost: Monopman)
Nicdanger: 1 point (lost: Shantak, Cognis)

Shantak vs Nicdanger 2-0
Nicdanger vs Shantak 1-2

Match 1 (Nicdanger AI)
Game 1: I mulligan a 6 land hand into a one land with Birds of Paradise and Ancestral Recall, draw Lotus Cobra and Natural Order and play turn 3 Progenitus and had a hand full of good cards, Regrowth on Natural Order and played on Genesis for Simic Sky Swallower + Jace in hand. A landslide victory.
Game 2: Turn 1 – Birds of Paradise. Turn 2 – Survival of the Fittest for Elvish Piper. Turn 4 – Akroma, Angel of Wrath. AI responds with Journey to Nowhere and I respond with Progenitus and Harmonic Sliver to get Akroma back FTK.

Match 2 (Shantak AI)
Game 1: Progenitus.
Game 2: Baneslayer Angel gets an early start on Pregenitus and outraces it to victory.
Game 3: Unfortunately, Maze of Ith can’t stop Progenitus.

Shantak vs Monopman 2-1
Monopman vs Shantak 2-0

Match 1 (Monopman AI)
Game 1: I had a slow hand with few usable cards and what I tried to play got countered.
Game 2: A long game but I win in the end. AI had Isohron Scepter and didn’t imprint Path to Exile.
Game 3: I easily win with Noble Hierarch powering Genesis. I had mana acceleration and won fast. Curios how this match was very different than the match with Nicdanger, no Progenitus or Natural Order.

Match 2 (Shantak AI)
Game 1: I decide to keep a 2 land hand because of Show and Tell. AI plays Ancestral Recall on the first turn and then discards Rampaging Baloths and Natural Order! I decide to risk it and play Show and Tell for Bogardan Hellkite and the AI puts Island in play. I got curious and checked it’s hand and it had Progenitus! The AI was so amazingly stupid this game it actually made me feel like I was cheating playing against such moronic moves.
Game 2: AI plays then breaks Standstill in the same round. I show and Tell Emrakul and get hit with Final Judgement. I take control of the game and the AI eventually gives up.

Shantak vs Cognis 2-0
Cognis vs Shantak 2-0

Match 1 (Cognis AI)
Game 1: Lavalanche takes out my Elvish Piper but I have enough land to play Simic Sky Swalowwer and Confiscate Shivan Wurm turn later, a real landslide.
Game 2: I patiently wait to get lands to play Tooth and Nail for Progenitus and Akroma, Angel of Wrath. The AI might’ve had a chance if it were faster.

Match 2 (Shantak AI)
Game 1: AI had a slow start and Tarmogoyf and Blazing Specter made a great time to end it quickly.
Game 2: I burn all the creatures AI plays and build an army that wins fast. AI had Natural Order in hand but it also had Progenitus, Simic Sky Swallower and Novablast Wurm so even if it did play it I’d still win.

Monopman vs Nicdanger 2-0
Nicdanger vs Monopman 2-0

Match 1 (Nicdanger AI)
Game 1: I control the game since the beginning and have no problems.
Game 2: Baneslayer Angel was an early threat but I managed to control the game till the end.

Match 2 (Monopman AI)
Game 1: I play Crucible of Worlds, Ravages of War and a recurring Strip Mine and I still had Knight of Reliquary in hand.
Game 2: AI decided not to play Moat and died because of it, after an early offensive AI took control after Hallowed Burial but some poor moves and a good hand from me handed me the victory.

Cognis vs Nicdanger 2-0
Nicdanger vs Cognis 2-1

Match 1 (Nicdanger AI)
Game 1: AI had no green mana and I had a great start + I played Goblin Sharpshooter on my third turn.
Game 2: It was closer and AI almost stabilized with Baneslayer Angel but Dragonmaster Outcast already started making dragon tokens and that plus a massive Tarmogoyf with a little burn was enough to win comfortably.

Match 2 (Cognis AI)
Game 1: I have enough lands and Fauna Shaman but AI plays Maelstorm Pulse on it, gets it back with Eternal Witness and destroys Glorious Anthem. Plays Shivan Wurm and kills just as Dragonmaster Outcast starts pumping tokens. I got completely swarmed.
Game 2: Llanowar Knight kept the AI’s army at bay in the beginning. Later Baneslayer Angel and Imperious Perfect looked at Inferno Titan and Shivan Wurm until I played Ravagers of War, made an elf army, removed Inferno Titan with Oblivion Ring and won in one attack.
Gane 3: Harrow + Eldamari’s Call fuel a turn 3 Baneslayer Angel but AI plays Terminate after 2 turns. After that Knight of Reliquary help Emeria Angel make tokens that fly over the AI pumped with Glorious Anthem.

Monopman vs Cognis 2-0
Cognis vs Monopman 2-0

Match 1 (Cognis AI)
Game 1: An easy win.
Game 2: A good game but AI was powerless because of Moat while I just waited until I could play all the things I wanted.

Match 2 (Monopman AI)
Game 1: A close match but Sarkhan the Mad was able to turn my eldrazi tokens into dragons and with a little burn I finished the AI.
Game 2: Chandra goes boom!
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby monopoman » 26 Feb 2011, 04:00

NicDanger vs Cognis Nicdanger wins 2-0: Game 1, I Armageddon everything then start beating down hard with a Knight of Reliquary and a Llanowar Knight the AI never recovers. Game 2, This game I beat down hard and the AI barely puts up a fight.

Cognis vs Nicdanger Cognis wins 2-0: Game 1, Shivan Wurm gets it done by himself basically comes out fairly quick. Game 2, Similar to game 1 AI barely puts up a fight then I just beat it down removing its creatures beforehand.

NicDanger vs Shantak Nicdanger wins 2-0: Game 1, This game the AI can not even come close to matching my creatures so I just easily beat it. Game 2, This game I use wasteland+Strip mine earlier to easily win with my creatures.

Shantak vs NicDanger Shantak wins 2-0:
Game 1, Eventually get out Natural Order for Progenitus which easily wins the day. Game 2, Just like game 1 basically except I get out Prog earlier with Natural Order.

NicDanger vs Monopoman Nicdanger wins 2-0: Game 1, AI puts up a good fight but then stops really casting spells at the end and I easily win the game. Game 2, Armageddon and Knight of the Reliquary makes this an easy GG.

Monopoman vs NicDanger Monopoman wins 2-0: Game 1, This game has the AI come out fairly aggressive but I utilize collective restraint scepter with remand imprinted and shackles to take control for the win. Game 2, This game is even easier the AI does not really play out many creatures and I just remove counter the few that it does while I swing in for the win.

Cognis vs Shantak Cognis wins 2-0: Game 1, I continue to bring the beats all game the AI never really gets anything to stop it or inflicts any damage upon my life total. Game 2, Similar to game 1 but the AI puts up a bit more of a fight.

Shantak vs Cognis Shantak wins 2-0:
Game 1, Game goes on until I can play entwined Tooth and Nail for the easy win. Game 2, I slow the AI down to a crawl by continuing to bounce his Shivan Wurm then swing in for the victory eventually.

Cognis vs Monopoman Cognis wins 2-0: Game 1, AI barely puts up a fight and wastes its wrath of god effect a bit too soon. Game 2, Similar to game 1 the AI plays absolutely horribly.

Monopoman vs Cognis Monopoman wins 2-0:
Game 1, Scepter imprinting lightning helix and Vedalken Shackles easily controls the opponent. Game 2, This game I control it again easily thanks to the AI being kind of mana screwed.

Shantak vs Monopoman Shantak wins 2-0: Game 1, AI stalls me for a bit but eventually my army masses and I swing for the win. Game 2, a much closer game early on with the AI countering and removing everything I do but eventually I stall the game out and win with Akroma+Prog.

Monopoman vs Shantak Monopoman wins 2-0: Game 1, I bring the beats fairly fast and the AI doesn't have much going on so its an easy win. Game 2, This game is even more one sided I basically control the whole game thanks to shackles and scepter with remand and then beat in slowly for the win.
Last edited by monopoman on 27 Feb 2011, 21:10, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 26 Feb 2011, 15:52

Current scores after five full reports (Cognis, Jatill, Juzamjedi, Shantak, aww1979) are as follows:

Monopman: 4 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 3 = 16 points
Cognis: 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 = 15 points
Nicdanger: 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 = 15 points
Shantak: 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 2 = 14 points

As you can see the final 4 are extremely close matched so it would be great if we could get at lest 10 people testing these matches since 1 point could literally decide the who's 1st and whose 4th.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby monopoman » 28 Feb 2011, 01:38

I doubt we will get more then 1-2 more reports at best not counting the one that I did.

It is very rare to see quite a few not in the tournament report.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Aswan jaguar » 28 Feb 2011, 13:18

Final round
NicDanger vs Cognis 2-0
Cognis vs Nicdanger 2-1

NicDanger vs Shantak 2-1
Shantak vs NicDanger 2-0

NicDanger vs Monopoman 2-0
Monopoman vs NicDanger 2-0 1)I imprint counterspell and countered all AI spells.(8-9)

Cognis vs Shantak 2-0
Shantak vs Cognis 2-1

Cognis vs Monopoman 2-1
Monopoman vs Cognis 2-0

Monopoman vs Shantak 2-0
Shantak vs Monopoman 2-1
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 28 Feb 2011, 13:52

Current scores after seven full reports (Cognis, Jatill, Juzamjedi, Shantak, aww1979, Monopman, Aswan jaguar) are as follows:

Monopman: 4 + 2 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 5 = 23 points
Nicdanger: 1 + 4 + 3 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 = 20 points
Cognis: 4 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 = 19 points
Shantak: 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 18 points

Monopman seem to have a comfortable lead and will probably win the tournament but the placement matches are pretty much wide open.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby monopoman » 13 Mar 2011, 03:32

Well looks like this tournament is dead in the water it is has been 12 days since someone has posted on this thread.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby monopoman » 31 Mar 2011, 03:41

Wow apparently this tournament won't be ending ever :P.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby jatill » 31 Mar 2011, 12:05

Oh, it ended...
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby monopoman » 31 Mar 2011, 19:39

jatill wrote:Oh, it ended...
Really cause I don't see anyone posting in it? Well that is besides your one post and 3 of mine.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Aswan jaguar » 31 Mar 2011, 19:53

I don't think after 1 month anyone is going to post any results so it is safe to say you are the winner =D>
I don't think Nicdanger would have a different opinion.
We haven't heard from him for a long time,I wish he is fine.

oops,sorry for the early declaration of the winner,it seems another round the final (as Nicdanger had in mind) between the best 2 has to take place!!!!

Why don't we begin the final round with the first 2 if the 3nd and 4th don't think otherwise?
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby monopoman » 01 Apr 2011, 02:54

I think the problem is Nicdanger is like away for an undetermined period of time perhaps forever.

So kind of threw a monkey wrench into keeping this tournament going.
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby Cognis » 01 Apr 2011, 13:14

I don't think we need a final round since Monopman has a 3 point difference which is quite big in this format. At least I guessed the winner correctly :) Congrats
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Re: MRD Tournament Results!

Postby monopoman » 18 Apr 2011, 05:49

Cognis wrote:I don't think we need a final round since Monopman has a 3 point difference which is quite big in this format. At least I guessed the winner correctly :) Congrats
Well losing the manager of this tournament made it the long lost tournament. Seems like if there was supposed to be a round 2 no one wants to take charge and make a 2nd round.
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