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Postby Stroggoii » 26 Jul 2011, 04:30

Damn, my firefox crashed and I lost what I had written on results so I'll just give the scores.

Jatil vs Stroggoii 1/3 LOSE
ROUND 1 0/1
ROUND 2 1/1
ROUND 3 1/2
ROUND 4 1/3

Stroggoii vs Jatil 3/0 WIN
ROUND 1 1/0
ROUND 2 2/0
ROUND 3 3/0

The Konming deck is very weak to pro-white and has only one answer to the two swords and multiple tutors the Rafiq deck runs.

Shantak vs Cognis 3/1 WIN
ROUND 1 0/1
ROUND 2 1/1
ROUND 3 2/1
ROUND 4 3/1

Cognis vs Shantak 3/0 WIN
ROUND 1 1/0
ROUND 2 2/0
ROUND 3 3/0

This I think is very uphill, Shantak's deck has to be lucky and consistent enough to survive with some strong creatures until Elesh Norn hits AND not have her removed by the massive ammount of creature hate in the Evincar deck. On the other hand the Evincar deck just has to play whatever it gets, hit the AI, use the removal in the creatures that survive the Evincar and hope AI doesn't get the Beacon-Test combo.
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Postby jatill » 26 Jul 2011, 17:44

All wins for the human in all games for round 2.
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Postby Aswan jaguar » 28 Jul 2011, 09:38

Stroggoii vs Jatil 3-0

Jatil vs Stroggoii 3-0

Cognis vs Shantak 3-1 | Open
GAME 1 I got mana screwed 2 Swamps and a Cabal Coffers is worst than 3 Swamps my Bitterblossom did it's best but not enough against Elesh Norn and Serra Avatar.
GAME 2 Hypnotic Specter equipped with Jitte makes the most damage,Frozen Shade helps.
GAME 3 Serra Ascendant strikes twice and then I kill her with Vampire Nighthawk.Sorin Markov helps me get rid of Exalted Angel and makes AI life from 60 to 10!
GAME 4 AI's Mirran Crusader isn't enough to stop Ob Nixilis and friends.

Shantak vs Cognis 3-0 | Open
GAME 1 Damnation gets my Elesh Norn and Sun Titan but AI doesn't get a 5th land to stay on board while my Luminarch Ascension starts to make Angels.
GAME 2 Intrepid Hero with Sword of Light and Shadow and then Elesh Norn+Luminarch Ascension finish this easily.
GAME 3 Baneslayer Angel equipped with Sword of Light and Shadow + Elesh Norn win this.
I think Cognis deck is better in this match up but I got manascrewed as Cognis and as Shantak I was lucky to have Luminarch Ascension to 2 out of 3 games to which Cognis deck has no responses if it gets activated.
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Postby Shantak » 28 Jul 2011, 09:39

Jatil vs Stroggoii, 3-0 with one crashed game I might have lost
ROUND 1 - 1-0, Pacifism takes care of Rafiq, Intrepid Hero deals with all other opposition and army of soldiers deals 42 damage to opponent.
ROUND 2 - crash, AI starts with Serra Ascendant and continues with Rafiq while I have no removal. Intrepid Hero saves my bacon while I'm in 6 life and AI at 65. The next turn I use Intrepid Hero on Reveillark and... game crashes. I would have surely lost against human opponent, but against AI I could have stood a chance there, so best do this game again.
ROUND 2 - 2-0, Mirror Entity makes my army stronger than anything AI can put against it.
ROUND 3 - 3-0, I get an early Luminarch Ascension active.

Stroggoii vs Jatil, 3-0
ROUND 1 - 1-0, Rafiq with two swords and Jitte beats. I'm careful not to destroy AI's Reveillark just in case the game crashes.
ROUND 2 - 2-0, I end up missing two mana drops and AI drops me to 10 life with his soldiers. Elspeth (which AI attacks though he could kill me) gives me one extra turn. Empyrial Plate -equipped Elspeth's Soldier blocks for another turn while I temporarily remove Kongming. Then I lose 2 more life for getting Temple Garden to play untapped, but end up gaining 8 when I cast Battlegrace Angel and attack with the soldier. The next turn I cast Rafiq and kill AI with my soldier who now also has Rancor. Couldn't have made it against human opponent.
ROUND 3 - 3-0, Wrath of God saves me from one bind. After that my Elspeth and Ajani take care of things. Helping me is AI's Mana Crypt, which I think did at least 15 damage to him.

Shantak vs Cognis, 3-0
ROUND 1 - 1-0, Maze of Ith slows AI's Black Knight, Idyllic Tutor grabs Test of Endurance and Beacon of Immortality brings me to 70 life.
ROUND 2 - 2-0, Both AI and I miss some land drops (AI remains at 2 lands, I at 3). Then AI gets two lands and Solemn Simulacrum. I take some damage but finally get a fourth land and Enlightened Tutor for Sol Ring (thanks to Ajani I'm still at 38 life). Then I get to cast Elesh Norn to take out AI's creatures and get to attack with Gideon Jura. Elesh gets destroyed (force-sacrificed), but my Serra Avatar steps up, wields Sword of Light and Shadow and attacks past Will-o'-the-Wisp.
ROUND 3 - 3-0, AI's Magus of the Abyss keeps coming out of my Mimic Vat each turn. With Elesh Norn (and AI's Evincar) and Sword of Light and Shadow helping it becomes brutal.

Cognis vs Shantak, 3-0
ROUND 1 - 1-0, Malakir Bloodwitch and Ascendant Evincar do a good deal of damage and after Damnation to take care of Exalted Angel + Batterskull, Ob Nixilis finishes.
ROUND 2 - 2-0, Plenty of creatures and no mass removal for AI.
ROUND 3 - 3-0, I grab Sol Ring with first turn Vampiric Tutor, but AI slows me by Strip Mining a Swamp. AI is stuck at three lands though, and when using Nezumi Shortfang, AI discards Wrath of God, so that Strip Mine turned out to be his biggest mistake. Ob Nixilis finishes easily.

It seems Evincar is a bit stronger than For Life, especially in AI hands, but that's how it should be - I didn't build For Life to be a beater but a fun to play deck with an interesting method of winning, and I'm actually surprised that it made it's way to the semifinal.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 31 July

Postby Aswan jaguar » 29 Jul 2011, 10:16

I repeated Cognis vs Shantak as they tied up in the semifinals and I had really interesting games.

Cognis vs Shantak 3-1 I lost to Serra Ascendant and Test Endurance and a bad last attack by me as I forgot and didn't use well vigilance and tapped attackers deal combat damage to attack then kill Serra Ascendant with Visara the Dreadful.
Shantak vs Cognis 3-0

FINAL (best of 5)

Stroggoii vs Shantak

Probably Cognis had more chances to win Stroggoii but lets see.
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 31 July

Postby Stroggoii » 31 Jul 2011, 03:55

Rafiq vs Elesh Norn 3/0 WIN
ROUND 1 1/0
3 simple Rafiq hits early thanks to Greaves, the greaves got broken but AI wasted it's path in Stoneforge rather than Rafiq.
ROUND 2 2/0
Now this one was looooooooooooooooooong, we both got stalled out of attacking but AI kept getting life with Wall of Reverence and I was just expecting the Test to go down but AI never played it, and I cleared the board with Wrath then won in two hits of Akroma pumped by Rafiq.
ROUND 3 3/0
AI cheated Elesh Norn into play from the cementery with Emeria but got Legend-rule destroyed since I had mine in play, I had to stall AI's creatures with indestructible Elspeth and Kjeldoran soldiers till I drew Strip Mine to deal with the maze and kill it with Elspeth-pumped Rafiq.

Elesh Norn vs Rafiq 3/1 WIN
ROUND 1 1/0
Had only Ajani and little critters in play but managed to get to 50 for Test.
ROUND 2 1/1
Got mana screwed at 5, AI got Elesh in play before I did and raced me.
ROUND 3 2/1
Turn five Test, turn six beacon.
ROUND 4 3/1
Turn four Sovereign thanks to Sol Ring, AI hadn't damaged me yet.

This matchup will show us an impressive ammount of bug/cheats, AI tutoring for planeswalkers as enchantments, and destroying yours as such. Damaging planeswalkers even if it removes it's creature from combat with Maze of Ith, AI untapping two creatures while you have Stoic Angel in play and even playing it's general from the graveyard for free with Emeria the Sky Ruin. Also, I experienced ridiculous ammounts of mana screw in both decks when I had a couple rounds before playing the match for the tournament. I understand not drawing much land is natural, but not drawing a single land after 7 mulligans seems stadistically ridiculous.

If not for all of this crap, I think this is by far my fave matchup in the tournament.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 31 July

Postby Aswan jaguar » 31 Jul 2011, 07:19

I had some great games and both decks almost won me as AI once but I didn't feel like making reports about them.AI has so many defects so I think it is fair to always let him pass his illegal moves (Disenchant Plainswalkers),and others.


Stroggoii vs Shantak 3-0

Shantak vs Stroggoii 3-0
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 5 August

Postby jatill » 01 Aug 2011, 14:12

3-0 for both players again.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 5 August

Postby Shantak » 01 Aug 2011, 19:26

Shantak vs Stroggoii (AI) 3-0
ROUND 1 - 1-0, Maze of Ith is the most valuable player for me, buying time until I gather an army and cast Elesh Norn.

ROUND 2 - 2-0, AI wastes an early land for Kjeldoran Outpost. After that, Mirran Crusader boosted with Ajani Goldmane does most of my damage.

ROUND 3 - 3-0, I risk a one land hand with Sol Ring, but draw three lands after that. Serra Ascendant swings at me once, but Intrepid Hero gets it then. The Hero deals with AI's creatures while Ajani's Pridemate with Sword of Light and Shadow attacks unopposed to kill AI.

Stroggoii vs Shantak (AI) 3-0
ROUND 1 - 1-0, AI destroys my Sword of Body and Mind and casts his own Sword of Light and Shadow. This would cause some problems, but I cast my own Elesh Norn and all seems well... until AI casts Academy Rector and gets Eldrazi Conscription on his sword-wielding Stoneforge Mystic. I do my best to deal enough damage to AI before he does me in and it works just barely.

ROUND 2 - 2-0, I start with Serra Ascendant but goes on a Journey To Nowhere. Then my Rhox War Monk goes through an Oblivion Ring. Luckily this means AI has no removal for Rafiq. However, he then casts Baneslayer Angel and gives her Swords of Light and Shadow and War and Peace. Luckily he attacks without leaving any blockers, and Rafiq can kill him with commander damage.

ROUND 3 - 3-0, Rafiq + Sword + Commander damage = easy victory.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 5 August

Postby Aswan jaguar » 07 Aug 2011, 08:43

Congratulations to Stroggoii for his WIN on July tournament it was a great deck and Rafiq was a really great General encouraging his soldiers and motivating them for battle,and AI was good playing it. =D>
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 5 August

Postby Stroggoii » 08 Aug 2011, 20:40

I'm very glad this deck played well since I really had a lot of trouble deciding what general to play. Rafiq was very fun because by itself it could change games in one turn.

I hope we keep getting EDH tournaments once a while, it's been my favourite game fomat for a while now.

If I am allowed to choose a prize card, it'd be Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter since I would really love a BW general and he's the one in that colour combo I like the most. :D
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 5 August

Postby Aswan jaguar » 09 Aug 2011, 06:47

For the prize I will ask Jatill or Gargaroz if it possible to code Vish Kal, Blood Arbiter for you.
Trying to squash some bugs and playtesting.
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Re: JULY TOURNAMENT EDH FINAL round ends 5 August

Postby Stroggoii » 09 Aug 2011, 18:59

Thanks a lot.
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