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DotP 2012 objects

Here you can find a list of objects that represent something in the game and can be manipulated through functions. For every object there's a link for the list of its functions.



This object represents a card, wherever it is (it could even not exist yet).

When used in card definitions, Object() points to the card that we are coding. There are variants for other cards we could need to refer to while coding:

TriggerObject() points to the card that started a triggered ability.

SecondaryObject() points to a card that got involved somehow in a triggered ability. It can't be used anytime, only certain triggers have a secondary object. For example, in the trigger BLOCKING, SecondaryObject() points to the blocked creature.

Object() functions (DotP 2012)


This object represents a player.

It can't be used as Player(). It needs to be referred from something, or through its variants:

TriggerPlayer() points to the player that started a triggered ability.

SecondaryPlayer() points to a player that got involved somehow in a triggered ability. It can't be used anytime, and there are no known examples of triggers that use it (yet).

Player() functions (DotP 2012)


This object doesn't represent something clearly, it could be seen as the duel itself.

MTG() alone has no meaning: it just points to some functions.

MTG() functions (DotP 2012)


This object represents the characteristics of a card.

It can't be used as Characteristics(): the characteristics are proper of a card and so they need to be addressed from a card. For example, Object():GetCurrentCharacteristics() points to the current characteristics of the card that we are coding.

Characteristics should almost universally be adjusted only within an action tagged with an appropriate layer coding.

Characteristics() functions (DotP 2012)


This object represents a filter that includes only a range of cards meeting specific requirements.

It can't be used as Filter(): the filter is inside the object that needs to use it, so it can be accessed through Object():GetFilter() and the requirements are specified through its functions.

Filter() functions (DotP 2012)


This object represents a collection of data that stays linked to some other object. All the data chests can be accessed through MTG(), see DotP 2012 MTG() functions for the types of data chest available.

DataChest() functions (DotP 2012)


This object represents a collection of data that is provided by some triggers dealing with damage dealt or received.

Damage() functions (DotP 2012)