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Sun Mar 25, 2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v1.01

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2012, 21:17
by Eglin
Friday, March 25, 2012: DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v1.01

Hi guys,

I discovered DoTP mods via this website and have built some decks. I've decided to share what I'm working on in hopes that folks enjoy seeing something new and possibly help to refine and improve what I've done. There are a few issues - see the following post for details - however, for the most part, the cards and decks work like they should.

Thanks to Kev, Rick, Persee, thefiremind, Tony, Nabe, Sadlyblue, John, and everyone else for making available the tools, information, and troubleshooting necessary to mod this game.

Requirement : You need to install Kevlahnota's custom DLC =>

Installation Instructions (re-read this if things are not working as described)
| Open
1) Download the game and all the expansions/decks from Steam.
2) Copy the entire game directory (.\Steam\SteamApps\common\magic the gathering dotp 2012) to a new location, i.e. c:\dotp2012
3) Install Kev's mod (link in bold, above - download in first post on that page) to the new directory (c:\dotp2012)
4) Download my .wad, and put it in the same directory (c:\dotp2012)
5) Enjoy, and come back to report (or fix!) bugs

Download link : (version 1.01)

Just put the Data_DLC_2868.wad in the directory of DOTP2012. Erase your profile if needed. You only need to download the latest update - it includes everything from the previous releases.


The four new decks for version 1.0 were all suggested by fellow forum-member elminster63500. I followed his deck-lists almost verbatim. Thanks, Elminster! This brings the total number of decks to 29, not counting archenemy scheme decks. The file-size is now a whopping 60 MB, and if I release further decks, they will probably be as a separate wad. I guess that makes this as good a time as any to bump the version number up and call this a 1.0 release. Enjoy, guys.

ISD Vamps, ISD. If you enjoyed Vampires during the ZEN/ROE era, then you'll probably like this deck at least as well. As the vampires feed (by doing damage), they explode with +1/+1 counters. It's all the fun of a Blade of the Bloodchief with none of the hassle.
| Open
4 Bloodline Keeper
4 Crossway Vampire
2 Curse of Stalked Prey
2 Falkenrath Marauders
2 Gruesome Deformity
2 Nightbird's Clutches
2 Olivia Voldaren
4 Rakish Heir
2 Skeletal Grimace
4 Stromkirk Noble
2 Traitorous Blood
4 Tribute to Hunger
4 Vampiric Fury
2 Victim of Night

One for the Road, mostly ISD block. This black and green deck is tricky to categorize. It brings the pain with some of the most vicious creatures the game has ever seen, and uses Birthing Pod well to fetch the creatures on demand. Cards like Wreath of Geists and Praetor's Counsel help to take advantage of all the graveyard churning. The more I play with this deck, the more I like it. Give it a try, you too may find it to your liking.
| Open
1 Acidic Slime
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Birthing Pod
2 Blistergrub
1 Boneyard Wurm
2 Entomber Exarch
1 Geth, Lord of the vault
2 Mokrut Banshee
2 Perilous Myr
2 Phyrexian Obliterator
3 Praetor's Counsel
1 Primordial Hydra
1 Reaper from the Abyss
2 Royal Assassin
2 Sever the Bloodline
1 Sheoldred, Whispering One
2 Tribute to Hunger
1 Vengeful Pharaoh
1 Viridian Emissary
4 Woodland Cemetary
2 Wreath of Geists

Persistent Case of Melira, mostly SHM. This deck seems to revolve mostly around the interaction between Melira, Sylvok Outcast and creatures with persist. With Melira in play, Murderous Redcap and Kitchen Finks can be sacrificed to Viscera Seer for infinite life and damage. Kinda' neat, and kinda' cheesy.
| Open
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Birthing Pod
3 Doom Blade
1 Eternal Witness
1 Fulminator Mage
1 Scrubland
4 Kitchen Finks
1 Marsh Flats
3 Melira, Sylvok Outcast
3 Misty Rainforest
1 Murderous Redcap
1 Noble Hierarch
4 Bayou
1 Ranger of Eos
4 Savannah
1 Marshal's Anthem
1 Shriekmaw
1 Sun Titan
3 Thoughtseize
4 Verdant Catacombs
3 Viscera Seer
3 Safehold Elite
1 Woodfall Primus

Molten Zoo, legacy. Yet another spin on the venerable Zoo theme. This deck distinguishes itself (barely) with Molten Rain, Gaddock Teeg, and Grim Lavamancer. Enjoy this tried and true favorite.
| Open
4 Arid Mesa
1 Gaddock Teeg
4 Grim Lavamancer
1 Horizon Canopy
4 Kird Ape
3 Knight of the Reliquary
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Lightning Helix
2 Misty Rainforest
4 Molten Rain
4 Path to Exile
3 Qasali Pridemage
3 Scalding Tarn
3 Taiga
3 Plateau
4 Tarmogoyf
2 Savannah
4 Wild Nacatl

new for v 0.96
Double Trouble!, legacy - mostly TSP block. This deck is a medley of madness. Think of it as a survey of some of the crazy things you can do with a few Doubling Season cards in play. Because the deck packs Copy Enchantment, you will frequently find yourself with five or more Doubling Season cards in play - Spike Feeder and Mindless Automaton come into play with 2*2*2*2*2 = 32 +1/+1 counters, and Spike Feeder can pump any creature for just two mana. Umezawa's Jitte was already unfair, but now it's just plain silly. Kazandu Tuskcaller levels up instantly and produces huge armies of elephants, while Calciform Pools gives you all the mana you can use. This isn't the strongest deck around (really fast decks and infect/Black Sun's Zenith, etc. are a problem), but the buddy I shamelessly stole the idea from (thanks, Ventolin!) has been using it as his go-to deck since TSB hit, and it sure is fun to see it go off. I'm really proud to be able to bring this deck to DoTP, and I hope you will give it a chance.
| Open
2 Azusa, Lost but Seeking
2 Calciform Pools
4 Copy Enchantment
4 Doubling Season
2 Gifts Ungiven
2 Harmonize
4 Kazandu Tuskcaller
4 Khalni Heart Expodition
3 Khalni Garden
1 Pendelhaven
2 Privileged Position
1 Rampant Growth
2 Simic Growth Chamber
4 Spike Feeder
2 Sporesower Thallid
1 Sprout Swarm
2 Mindless Automaton
1 Umezewa's Jitte
1 Cultivate

new for v 0.95
Turbofog, mostly ZEN. This is an absolutely amazing mill deck! Once this deck gets a couple of Howling Mine or Font of Mythos cards in play, it's pretty much guaranteed that a Holy Day or Ethereal Haze will be available to lock your opponents' creatures down. Jace's Erasure helps make sure that your opponents mill faster than you do, and Elixir of Immortality refreshes your library from time to time. In the creature-heavy metagame that DoTP 2012 offers, this deck is absolutely brutal and I am sure you'll enjoy playing it.
| Open
2 Archive Trap
4 Counterspell
3 Wrath of God
2 Elixir of Immortality
4 Ethereal Haze
4 Font of Mythos
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Holy Day
4 Howling Mine
4 Jace's Erasure
4 Kabira Crossroads
1 Path to Exile
4 Time Warp

new for v 0.95
Hella Mental, TS/LRW block. This is one of the fastest aggro beatdown decks that I've ever seen in a retro T2 block. Use Flamekin Harbinger, Brighthearth Banneret, and Smokebraider to stabilize VERY quickly, then use Incandescent Soulstoke to start dropping hasted Nova Chasers. Add Fatal Frenzy to kill unsuspecting opponents in one turn! Browbeat (a horribly underrated burn spell!) and Taurean Mauler give you some mid-game oomph if you can't finish quickly.
| Open
2 Ashling the Pilgrim
3 Browbeat
2 Changeling Berserker
3 Fatal Frenzy
4 Flamekin Harbinger
4 Incandescent Soulstoke
4 Incinerate
3 Lash Out
4 Nova Chaser
4 Brighthearth Banneret
4 Smokebraider
3 Taurean Mauler

new for v 0.95
Swans, legacy. Where the last deck just had a cheesy name, this deck has a cheesy combo. Target your Swans of Bryn Argoll with your Seismic Assault to draw a bunch of lands, then discard them to burn your opponent. Bloodbraid Elf helps to get the Seismic Assault into play, as it is the only valid target for the cascade. Simple, effective, and definitely cheesy.
| Open
2 Ad Nauseam
4 Swans of Bryn Argoll
4 Seismic Assault
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Arid Mesa
4 Crumbling Necropolis
4 Gemstone Mine
4 Graypelt Refuge
4 Jungle Shrine
4 Kazandu Refuge
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Savage Lands
4 Seaside Citadel
4 Shimmering Grotto
4 Vivid Grove

new for v 0.95
Allies, mostly ZEN block. White and blue Allies! What more is there to say? This deck ups the ante with the addition of Mimic Vat and Rites of Replication. Thrummingbird helps to jack up your +1/+1 potency. All in all, a tremendously effective weenie deck.
| Open
2 Mimic Vat
4 Hada Freeblade
4 Jwari Shapeshifter
4 Kabira Evangel
4 Kazandu Blademaster
4 Ondu Cleric
2 Rite of Replication
4 Thrummingbird
4 Umara Raptor
2 Join the Ranks
1 Celestial Colonnade
4 Glacial Fortress
4 Seachrome Coast

new for v 0.95
Sidestep, EVE theme deck. Sidestep was a really great theme deck, introduced with Eventide. Almost every card in the deck exploits the hybrid mechanics introduced with the series. Enjoy this tribute to a great deck!
| Open
3 Clout of the Dominus
1 Mindwrack Liege
1 Dominus of Fealty
1 Nucklavee
1 Crag Puca
4 Inside Out
4 Noggle Bandit
2 Noggle Bridgebreaker
2 Noggle Hedge-Mage
4 Riverfall Mimic
4 Shrewd Hatchling
4 Stream Hopper
2 Spell Syphon

new for v 0.94
Tribal Prowl, LRW block. A rogue deck - literally! This deck is super-fast, thanks to many hard-to-block creatures and reduced cast-costs via the prowl mechanic. Oona's Blackguard pumps your critters up and provokes anguishing discards. Stinkdrinker Bandit insists that your creatures be taken seriously. This is a very unique and powerful beatdown/distruption deck that you're sure to enjoy.
| Open
1 Auntie's Snitch
2 Bad Moon
2 Dunerider Outlaw
3 Marsh Flitter
4 Morsel Theft
4 Nameless Inversion
2 Nightshade Stinger
3 Noggin Whack
3 Oona's Blackguard
1 Oona's Prowler
1 Pendelhaven
4 Prickly Boggart
3 Stinkdrinker Bandit
2 Bitterblossom
4 Guul Draz Vampire

new for v 0.94
Sharing is Caring, legacy. This is the antithesis of the "I'll Take That!" deck I included in the last update. The goal here is to drop things like Colfenor's Plans, Illusions of Grandeur, and Immortal Coil and then give them to your unwitting opponents by way of Puca's Mischief. If you need time to setup your combo, don't fret - Guard Gomazoa and Wall of Denial have your back. Of course, you can always drop Spirit Link on an opponent's creature - hold it off for now and gain life with it as a beater once you take it for yourself with Puca. Just wait until you experience the exquisite joy of swapping an Oblivion Ring that's captured an opponent's creature with the same opponent for one of his remaining critters. Or drop a Kitchen Finks, swap it, kill it and watch it come back into play under your control. If you like control and lockdown decks, you're going to find a lot to like here.
| Open
4 Arcane Sanctum
4 Puca's Mischief
3 Bronze Bombshell
2 Colfenor's Plans
4 Guard Gomazoa
2 Illusions of Grandeur
2 Immortal Coil
4 Bojuka Bog
3 Enlightened Tutor
2 Maelstrom Djinn
3 Kitchen Finks
3 Darkslick Shores
1 Dimir Aqueduct
4 Oblivion Ring
3 Orzhov Basilica
4 Underground Sea
4 Seachrome Coast
4 Spirit Link
4 Wall of Denial

new for v 0.94
Modular Mess, legacy. This deck is all about the +1/+1 counters, baby! TONS of modular artifact creatures give you a lot of flexibility in creating and mobilizing your counters. Steel Overseer and Thrummingbird can help said creatures get big FAST. Use your Azorius Chancery to bounce artifact lands to grow your Arcbound Crusher, and laugh at your opponents as Ethersworn Canonist throws their building efforts into a quagmire.
| Open
4 Ancient Den
2 Arcbound Crusher
2 Arcbound Ravager
3 Arcbound Slith
3 Arcbound Stinger
4 Arcbound worker
4 Azorius Chancery
4 Etched Champion
3 Etherium Sculptor
2 Tolarian Academy
3 Ethersworn Canonist
3 Darksteel Citadel
4 Steel Overseer
2 Tempered Steel
4 Thoughtcast
2 Glimmervoid
3 Seachrome Coast
4 Seat of the Synod
4 Thrummingbird

new for v 0.94
Classic Affinity, mostly MRD block. An homage to the Bait and Bludgeon preconstructed deck that shipped with the original Mirrodin block. This was one of the most powerful budget decks the game has ever known and left casual players whining for years to come. I know there are a lot of similar decks out there, so please forgive my indulgance - this build has a special spot in my heart.
| Open
4 Ancient Den
4 Arcbound Worker
2 Broodstar
4 Chromatic Sphere
4 Cranial Plating
4 Frogmite
2 Glimmervoid
4 Myr Enforcer
4 Ornithopter
3 Paradise Mantle
4 Seat of the Synod
4 Somber Hoverguard
4 Thoughtcast
2 Tolarian Academy
4 Vault of Whispers
3 Welding Jar
2 Arcbound Ravager

new for v 0.93
5-Color Cascade, ALA block. A deck made by my dear friend, this beast is packed to the gills with cards using and abusing the cascade mechanic. Wall of Denial is perhaps the best defender ever printed, and it will help you buy time as you strive to get your Maelstrom Nexus into play. A carefully balanced mana-curve is built into the deck to assure that you're always going to cascade into something useful, and the two Pyromancer Ascension cards along with the abundance of cascade are sure to have you enjoying major card advantage.
| Open
3 Enigma Sphinx
4 Wall of Denial
4 Ardent Plea
3 Maelstrom Pulse
2 Pyromancer Ascension
4 Bituminous Blast
3 Lightning Bolt
2 Exotic Orchard
4 Rupture Spire
3 Vivid Crag
3 Vivid Creek
3 Vivid Grove
3 Vivid Marsh
3 Vivid Meadow
4 Captured Sunlight
4 Maelstrom Pulse
4 Bloodbraid Elf

new for v 0.93
Coating, mostly ZEN/M11/SOM block. This is about as brutal a land-destruction deck as modern MTG has seen. Few things are scarier than an Acidic Slime inside a Mimic Vat - especially with Liquimetal Coating in play! That's one permanent of any type blown up each and every turn for just three mana, along with a 2/2 deathtouch body. There are plenty of complimentary cards, so even if you can't get your key combo pieces in place you have plenty of options.
| Open
4 Liquimetal Coating
4 Mimic Vat
4 Acidic Slime
4 Tuktuk Scrapper
4 Enlightened Tutor
2 Lightning Bolt
2 Naturalize
4 Oxidize
4 Copperline Gorge
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Terramorphic Expanse
4 Savannah
4 Taiga
2 Flame Slash
2 Nature's Spiral
4 Pyroclasm

new for v 0.93
I'll Take That!, WWK/ZEN/ROE block. This deck is packed to the gills with spells that steal creatures until the end of the turn. But what makes it especially fun is that it provides several good options for ways to get around returning the critters at the end of the turn. Enter Culling Dais and Jinxed Idol! Better yet, use the Bazaar Trader to give stolen creatures to yourself or your teammates permanently! Awakening Zone helps smooth mana issues as well as providing fodder for Quest for the Gravelord, Culling Dais, and Jinxed Idol. This deck is a hoot in multiplayer games.
| Open
4 Act of Treason
4 Lux Cannon
4 Bazaar Trader
4 Culling Dais
4 Dragonskull Summit
4 Jinxed Idol
4 Mark of Mutiny
4 Quest for the Gravelord
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Traitorous Instinct
4 Awakening Zone

new for v 0.93
Beastmaster, WWK/ZEN/ROE block. This deck is built around Beastmaster Ascension and Overwhelming Stampede as win-conditions. Build up an army of little guys quickly with Awakening Zone, Khalni Garden, Nest Invader and others, then drop a Beastmaster Ascension and charge it all in one turn to destroy your opposition. Eldrazi Monument can stem the tide if things start to go wrong.
| Open
4 Arbor Elf
4 Beastmaster Ascension
3 Eldrazi Monument
4 Khalni Garden
4 Kozilek's Predator
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Lotus Cobra
2 Misty Rainforest
4 Mitotic Slime
4 Nest Invader
2 Oran-Rief, the Vastwood
4 Overwhelming Stampede
4 Verdant Catacombs
4 Wolfbriar Elemental

new for v 0.93
Exalted, Alara Block. This deck tries very hard to abuse the exalted mechanic in a white-weenie format. Attack for big damage from early turns, thanks to an army of exalted critters. Emeria, the Sky Ruin helps rebuild if catastrophe strikes. A simple and cheap deck to build, this one is amazingly effective. Thanks to my Bulldog buddy for showing this one to me!
| Open
2 Wurmcoil Engine
4 Akrasan Squire
4 Aven Squire
4 Guardians of Akrasa
4 Sigiled Paladin
4 Oblivion Ring
4 Armored Ascension
2 Arrest
4 Hyena Umbra
4 Pacifism
2 Emeria, the Sky Ruin

new for v 0.93
Merfolk Tribal, legacy. Merfolk have been one of my favorite MTG tribal themes since the early days. This deck is an homage to those very early merfolk beatdown decks, including Lord of Atlantis! This one is simple, folks. Get merfolk into play, convert your opponent's lands to islands with Aquitect's Will or Tideshaper Mystic, and attack for the win.
| Open
4 Cosi's Trickster
4 Lord of Atlantis
4 Merrow Reejerey
4 Riptide Pilferer
4 Rootwater Commando
4 Silvergill Adept
4 Tideshaper Mystic
4 Counterspell
4 Repulse
4 Aquitect's Will

new for v 0.92
Druid Thieves, legacy. A totally insane druid/elf deck. Mana ramp like crazy, then use Genesis Wave to cover the battlefield with elves. Asceticism gives your elves the impunity they need to wreak havoc, and Gilt-Leaf Archdruid steals all your opponents' lands to crippling effect.
| Open
4 Genesis Wave
4 Gilt-Leaf Archdruid
4 Arbor Elf
2 Asceticism
4 Elvish Archdruid
4 Elvish Harbinger
4 Fyndhorn Elves
4 Joraga Treespeaker
4 Llanowar Elves
2 Pendelhaven
4 Priest of Titania

new for v 0.92
Dredge, legacy. One of the most powerful archtypes ever created, Dredge has the power to win as early as turn two and will almost always win by turn five unless thwarted by graveyard hate. Keep Bridge from Below in your graveyard and watch the zombies appear upon using the flashback ability of Dread Return to reanimate powerful creatures.
| Open
4 Bridge from Below
4 Tireless Tribe
2 Tolarian Winds
4 Gemstone Mine
4 Ichorid
4 Narcomoeba
4 Breakthrough
4 City of Brass
1 Flame-Kin Zealot
4 Golgari Grave-Troll
1 Golgari Thug
4 Putrid Imp
4 Stinkweed Imp
3 Street Wraith
2 Tarnished Citadel
4 Careful Study
1 Akroma, Angel of Wrath

new for v 0.92
Tribal Treefolk, LRW Block. Lorwyn's tribal gameplay introduced some of the most exciting schemes Magic has ever seen. Relive the fun with this powerful treefolk deck. Use Leaf-Crowned Elder and Bosk Banneret to get your powerful treefolk into play quickly, then tutor up Doran, the Siege Tower with a Treefolk Harbinger to overrun your opponents. Protip: having more than one Timber Protector in play can give a lot of decks a lot of trouble!
| Open
4 Bosk Banneret
2 Chameleon Colossus
2 Dauntless Dourbark
4 Leaf-Crowned Elder
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Timber Protector
1 Unstoppable Ash
3 Leyline of Sanctity
4 Gilt-Leaf Palace
2 Shimmering Grotto
4 Murmuring Bosk
2 Doran, the Siege Tower
1 Explore
2 Maelstrom Pulse
2 Crib Swap
4 Treefolk Harbinger
2 Birds of Paradise
2 Oran-Rief, The Vastwood

new for v 0.91
Dead Guy Ale, a BWg Legacy beatdown/discard/disruption deck. Tarmogoyf and Knight of the Reliquary can potentially be very large creatures for a very small mana cost. The fetch lands, dual lands, and shock lands allow you to grow your knight VERY quickly. Keep your opponent from developing his plans using powerful discard and land destruction tools.
| Open
4 Tarmogoyf
3 Knight of the Reliquary
1 Pernicious Deed
4 Thoughtseize
3 Sensei's Divining Top
4 Dark Confidant
2 Hypnotic Specter
4 Dark Ritual
1 Smother
4 Swords to Plowshares
2 Bloodstained Mire
1 Polluted Delta
1 Wasteland
4 Scrubland
4 Bayou
4 Hymn to Tourach
4 Vindicate
4 Marsh Flats

new for v 0.91
Jund, a RBG good stuff deck, popular during Alara Block. This deck is hard to pigeonhole. It's got some beatdown, some cascade, some discard, and some direct-damage. About the only fitting summary I can come up with is, "it just works."
| Open
3 Broodmate Dragon
3 Putrid Leech
4 Sprouting Thrinax
4 Bituminous Blast
4 Blightning
4 Bloodbraid Elf
4 Lightning Bolt
2 Terminate
3 Dragonskull Summit
4 Rootbound Crag
4 Verdant Catacombs
1 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Maelstrom Pulse

new for v 0.91
Pyromancer Control, an inexpensive RU deck from the Worldwake Block. A toolchest of useful spells, made all the more potent by Pyromancer Ascension. With a couple of charged ascensions in play, a simple Lightning Bolt does nine damage, and Call to Mind lets you pull three of them from the graveyard.
| Open
4 Pyromancer Ascension
3 Halimar Depths
4 Call to Mind
4 Foresee
4 Burst Lightning
3 Into the Roil
4 Lightning Bolt
4 Mana Leak
2 Spell Pierce
4 Scalding Tarn
4 Preordain
4 See Beyond

Valakut Ramps, the deck to own during ZEN/WWK. This deck is about as gonzo as a deck can get in modern block. Ramp quickly to drop a Primeval Titan and fetch your Valakut, The Molten Pinnacle cards. Continue ramping to do enormous damage with Valakut, or go the beatdown route with your Avenger of Zendikar.
| Open
3 Avenger of Zendikar
3 Oracle of Mul Daya
4 Primeval Titan
4 Khalni Heart Expedition
4 Harrow
1 Green Sun's Zenith
1 Genesis Wave
4 Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle
3 Evolving Wilds
3 Terramorphic Expanse
4 Cultivate
4 Explore
3 Pyroclasm

Eldrazi Landfall, legacy. A ramp deck that abuses a Cloudpost+Vesuva+Candelabra interaction. Lotus Cobras and Khalni/Scapeshift crank out fat Eldrazi in record time, and Genesis Wave floods the battlefield.
| Open
2 Genesis Wave
4 Khalni Heart Expedition
2 Scapeshift
2 Vinelasher Kudzu
4 Lotus Cobra
4 Deadly Recluse
1 It That Betrays
4 Overgrown Battlement
4 Primeval Titan
4 Green Sun's Zenith
3 Khalni Garden
4 Vesuva
4 Cloudpost
1 Emrakul, the Aeons Torn
1 Kozilek, Butcher of Truth
1 Ulamog, the Infinite Gyre
1 Eye of Ugin
3 Candelabra of Tawnos

Mono-Green Ramp, before Valakut, there was mono-green ramp. This deck gets the job done with Rampaging Baloths, Avenger of Zendikar, and Harrow.
| Open
4 Avenger of Zendikar
4 Rampaging Baloths
4 Khalni Heart Expedition
4 Vines of Vastwood
4 Birds of Paradise
4 Llanowar Elves
4 Lotus Cobra
4 Harrow
4 Khalni Garden
4 Explore
2 Vengevine

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2012, 21:18
by Eglin
Please don't let these issues scare you away! For the most part, they aren't game-breaking.

*NEW* End-of-match game crashes seem to be solved!!! If the nuisance of having to restart the game after using a deck has kept you away from some of my decks (I know that I've certainly not used Valakut as much as I would've otherwise), please give them another shot. They're worth it!

Known issues:

Illusions of Grandeur has a cumulative upkeep cost. I had to workaround apparent engine limitations by providing an option to add age-counters as an activated ability and subsequently delay removal of age counters until the beginning of the first main phase, so that players can add counters after their lands untap.

ptisan35700 found a bug with Vines of Vastwood. It is currently giving creatures hexproof badges, but not preventing them from being targeted. I think I've found the issue but haven't fixed it yet.

Oracle of Mul Daya currently allows more than one extra land to be played. A few folks have posted suggestions (and even some code!!!), so I hope to get this fixed up soon.

Some of my more complex lands, like Rupture Spire, still need a little tuning. Others, like Oran-Reif, the Vastwood simply function as basic lands for the time being.

When a card with the dredge ability is in your graveyard while playing the dredge deck, cards that ask you to both draw and discard will generally have the order reversed.

I haven't gotten the hang of hooking the creature_dealt_damage triggers, so Doran, the Siege Tower simply replaces each creature's power with its toughness for the moment.

My dragon and beast tokens have titles that include stars... I probably need to add entries for them in the glossary, but I haven't researched it yet.

Non-basic lands are a bit of a pain, because the game doesn't stop the timer. The game also insists on tapping untapped basics even when mana is floating in the pool. Replacing the lands' activated abilities with mana abilities may fix this, but it may also be the source of some of the after-match-crashes. I'll have to continue investigating this point. In the meantime, get into the habit of manually stopping the timer.

I haven't yet wrapped my mind around coding the cycle ability, so Street Wrath currently costs 0 to cast, but will prompt one to either sacrifice him and draw a card/pay 1 life or pay his normal cast cost. This has some side-effects. Nabe has graciously posted some cycle code, but I haven't yet had a chance to take a look at it.

Cards with more than one activated ability (like some of the rainbow lands and level-up creatures) can be tricky to use with a gamepad. It takes a little practice to make sure you're getting the ability you want selected - I press down until I've looped over the abilities once. If you've had the problem, you know what I'm talking about. If not, don't sweat it. It may not be a factor for users who play with a mouse - I'm not sure.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 02:30
by Persee
For Savage Lands, look at my Noble Hierarch code.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 11:57
by Eglin
Persee wrote:For Savage Lands, look at my Noble Hierarch code.
Thanks for the great suggestion, Persee! Is there no way, however, to present three choices in a multiple-choice dialog? How about modifying the mana-choice dialog that BoP and Lotus Cobras give?

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 14:18
by Persee
Eglin wrote:Thanks for the great suggestion, Tony! Is there no way, however, to present three choices in a multiple-choice dialog? How about modifying the mana-choice dialog that BoP and Lotus Cobras give?
When you code three choices in a multiple-choice dialog, only two are considered.
And the mana-choice dialog is a hard-coded function of the game, I don't think it's possible to change it.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 14:56
by thefiremind
Eglin wrote:I've not gotten Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle to work quite properly. I could use some help figuring out how to count lands from within the come-into-play trigger.
I would make Valakut's ability this way:
Code: Select all
    return TriggerObject():GetCardType():Test( CARD_TYPE_LAND ) ~= 0 and
      TriggerObject():GetSubType():Test( LAND_TYPE_MOUNTAIN ) and
      TriggerObject():GetPlayer() == Object():GetPlayer()
    local filter = Object():GetFilter()
    filter:AddSubType( LAND_TYPE_MOUNTAIN )
    filter:SetZone( ZONE_IN_PLAY )
    filter:SetPlayer( Object():GetPlayer() )
    filter:SetCardInstance( TriggerObject() )
    if filter:CountStopAt( 5 ) &lt; 5 then
    filter:AddCardType( CARD_TYPE_CREATURE )
    filter:SetZone( ZONE_IN_PLAY )
    return TargetBadF()
    <PLAY_TIME_ACTION target_choosing="1">
    local player = Object():GetPlayer()
    player:AddMultipleChoiceAnswer( "CARD_QUERY_OPTION_YES" )
    player:AddMultipleChoiceAnswer( "CARD_QUERY_OPTION_NO" )
    player:AskMultipleChoiceQuestion( "CARD_QUERY_MC_VALAKUT" )
    if Object():GetMultipleChoiceResult() == 0 then
      if ( Object():GetTargetCard() ~= nil ) then
        Object():GetTargetCard():DealDamage(3, Object())
      elseif ( Object():GetTargetPlayer() ~= nil ) then
        Object():GetTargetPlayer():DealDamage(3, Object())
    <AI_BASE_SCORE score="300" zone="in_play" />
I wrote this without testing, but it should work, unless I made some syntax errors. #-o
I didn't include the localised text, just to be quicker. :wink:
The query (multiple choice) represents the "may" in the ability text. Gatherer says "You target a creature or player when the ability triggers. You decide whether to have Valakut deal damage to that creature or player as the ability resolves.", so it's right to have it in resolution time rather than in play time. If you think that the query is annoying, remove it (but if the opponent has hexproof and controls no creatures, you won't be able to stop the damage...).
"CARD_QUERY_MC_VALAKUT" should stand for "Do you want to deal 3 damage to the target?". If you don't use an XML file for the text (and I think you don't, since you said that your deck names stay in brackets), write the real text straight in the code instead.
I inserted the mountain count in the target determination: this should avoid triggering the ability if the check is negative when a Mountain enters the battlefield, and should make it fizzle if the check is negative at the resolution time. If this idea doesn't work (I hope it works! :D), the check should be done in the trigger and in the resolution time action.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 15:29
by Eglin
update: 3/4/12

Packed w/ wad-program instead of gibbed, as files are ~25% smaller.

fixed: Pernicious Deed - had an unmatched parenthesis, card now works properly.

fixed: Tarmogoyf - defense was getting +2, instead of +1. This has been fixed.

fixed: Scapeshift had a game-breaking bug. This has been fixed, and the card now works properly.

workaround: Savage Lands has been changed to present a dialog like BoP. Invalid colors will be ignored.


todo: fix valakut!

todo: create a proper gold border for tri-color cards (i.e., Savage Lands)

todo: investigate <mana ability> tags... is it possible to provide hints to the engine so that it handles dual/multi lands better? Even if not, it would still probably be better to replace activated abilities with mana abilities for lands.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 16:27
by Eglin
thefiremind wrote:
Eglin wrote:I've not gotten Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle to work quite properly. I could use some help figuring out how to count lands from within the come-into-play trigger.
I would make Valakut's ability this way:
Code: Select all
I wrote this without testing, but it should work, unless I made some syntax errors. #-o
I didn't include the localised text, just to be quicker. :wink:
The query (multiple choice) represents the "may" in the ability text. Gatherer says "You target a creature or player when the ability triggers. You decide whether to have Valakut deal damage to that creature or player as the ability resolves.", so it's right to have it in resolution time rather than in play time. If you think that the query is annoying, remove it (but if the opponent has hexproof and controls no creatures, you won't be able to stop the damage...).
"CARD_QUERY_MC_VALAKUT" should stand for "Do you want to deal 3 damage to the target?". If you don't use an XML file for the text (and I think you don't, since you said that your deck names stay in brackets), write the real text straight in the code instead.
I inserted the mountain count in the target determination: this should avoid triggering the ability if the check is negative when a Mountain enters the battlefield, and should make it fizzle if the check is negative at the resolution time. If this idea doesn't work (I hope it works! :D), the check should be done in the trigger and in the resolution time action.
Thank you so much for responding, Firemind! Aside from the ideas on Valakut, you've given me much else to consider - I hadn't yet figured out how those strings got translated and I hadn't connected their translations with the deck-name issue.

Unfortunately, your code triggers on all lands - not just mountains. You mention that the check should be done in the resolution-time action, but I'm having trouble doing so. The whole notion of wrapping code blocks inside XML tags is a bit confusing to me at present, as I don't have a clear idea of which tags correspond to which actions nor the general flow of execution. At any rate, would you be so kind as to give another example? Next to TEPS and maybe dredge, this is probably my favorite deck of all time and I'd really love to get it working!

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 19:08
by CWheezy
I don't see mono green ramp, pyromancy ascension, and valakut ramp.

Also I am getting an error message after every game "You do not have all available card, so your decks have been reset to the original"or something like that. Does that mean I have to delete my profile for them to work properly?

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2012, 22:16
by Eglin
CWheezy wrote:I don't see mono green ramp, pyromancy ascension, and valakut ramp.

Also I am getting an error message after every game "You do not have all available card, so your decks have been reset to the original"or something like that. Does that mean I have to delete my profile for them to work properly?
Do you have Kev's pack installed? It's a prerequisite, since quite a few of the cards and functions (and workarounds) come from his pack.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 08:35
by CWheezy
Yes I do

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 09:08
by thefiremind
Eglin wrote:Unfortunately, your code triggers on all lands - not just mountains.
You found a syntax error: I forgot the "~= 0" after "Test( LAND_TYPE_MOUNTAIN )". The fourth row of my code should be edited like this:
Code: Select all
      TriggerObject():GetSubType():Test( LAND_TYPE_MOUNTAIN ) ~= 0 and
Sorry! :oops:

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 15:43
by Eglin
CWheezy wrote:I don't see mono green ramp, pyromancy ascension, and valakut ramp.

Also I am getting an error message after every game "You do not have all available card, so your decks have been reset to the original"or something like that. Does that mean I have to delete my profile for them to work properly?
The only times I've gotten that message are when I had mods that used cards that weren't available. If deleting your profile doesn't work, then you should double-check that you have all the necessary prerequisites. I know that Kev has released multiple versions of his distribution - you might want to make sure that you've got the latest one. You can recreate my setup by downloading the game and all three deck packs from Steam, copying the game to a new directory, installing Kev's mods to the new directory, and copying my wad to the same directory. I'm sorry, but I don't know what else to suggest.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 15:47
by Eglin
thefiremind wrote:
Eglin wrote:Unfortunately, your code triggers on all lands - not just mountains.
You found a syntax error: I forgot the "~= 0" after "Test( LAND_TYPE_MOUNTAIN )". The fourth row of my code should be edited like this:
Code: Select all
      TriggerObject():GetSubType():Test( LAND_TYPE_MOUNTAIN ) ~= 0 and
Sorry! :oops:
Adding this fix and changing the mountain count to six instead of five has done the trick! You're the man, thefiremind! Thank you so much for helping me out with this. There are a few oddities remaining - popping a khalni heart or a cultivate doesn't always trigger Valakut, and sometimes only some of the Valakuts in play will trigger. The game generally crashes at the end of each match, as well. However, it's certainly playable, and I'm thrilled to again be playing one of my favorite decks of all time. Thank you.

Re: 03/03/2012 DOTP 2012 Eglin's Decks v0.9

PostPosted: 05 Mar 2012, 17:34
by sadlyblue
Eglin wrote:
CWheezy wrote:I don't see mono green ramp, pyromancy ascension, and valakut ramp.

Also I am getting an error message after every game "You do not have all available card, so your decks have been reset to the original"or something like that. Does that mean I have to delete my profile for them to work properly?
The only times I've gotten that message are when I had mods that used cards that weren't available. If deleting your profile doesn't work, then you should double-check that you have all the necessary prerequisites. I know that Kev has released multiple versions of his distribution - you might want to make sure that you've got the latest one. You can recreate my setup by downloading the game and all three deck packs from Steam, copying the game to a new directory, installing Kev's mods to the new directory, and copying my wad to the same directory. I'm sorry, but I don't know what else to suggest.
I have the same problem.
I think is a conflict with another pack.
For example: you use the uid 1005 in VALAKUT RAMPS, but its also used in Pestilence deck...
If you use another, there's no problem.