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Dredge shows card about to be drawn

PostPosted: 16 Nov 2012, 20:50
by travolter
Dinghammer reported:

With a Necroplasm in my graveyard:

(dinghammer drew Lore Broker)
dinghammer dinghammer decides to draw a card
dinghammer cast Lore Broker
dinghammer cast Lore Broker2
dinghammer activated Bloodletter Quill4 to draw a card
dinghammer Remove a blood counter from Bloodletter Quill4[B]
dinghammer drew a card
(dinghammer drew Underground Sea)
dinghammer dinghammer decides to draw a card
dinghammer played Underground Sea

I could see which card I was going to draw before I decided whether to dredge or not. It seemed to do this on my regular draw and with Bloodletter Quill's "draw a card" effect. It didn't do it with Lore Broker's ability, so it doesn't show every draw.

John Doe
2010-08-15 05:47
Just as a note: Bloodletter Quill has the usual "CActivatedAbility<CDrawCardSpell>" and Lore Broker has the usual "CActivatedAbility<CGlobalDrawCardSpell>".

2010-11-28 06:48
I found another Dredge-related bug while making sure Lore Broker works properly with dredge.

With the first of three draws from Concentrate, I dredge Dakmor Salvage3, putting Dakmor Salvage[no number] in my graveyard:

dinghammer cast Concentrate4 to draw 3 cards
dinghammer drew a card
(dinghammer drew Dakmor Salvage)
dinghammer drew a card
(dinghammer drew Dakmor Salvage)
dinghammer drew a card
(dinghammer drew Dakmor Salvage)
dinghammer put 2 cards from the top of your library into your graveyard to dredge Dakmor Salvage3
dinghammer revealed 2 cards in dinghammer's Library
(dinghammer revealed Dakmor Salvage in dinghammer's Library to dinghammer)
(dinghammer revealed Careful Study4 in dinghammer's Library to dinghammer)
(Order card interface)
dinghammer put 2 cards on top of dinghammer's Graveyard
(dinghammer put Careful Study4 on top of dinghammer's Graveyard)
(dinghammer put Dakmor Salvage on top of dinghammer's Graveyard)

For the next two draws, I still had the option of either drawing or dredging Dakmor Salvage3. I chose to dredge both times, but I actually drew cards. The log shows that I chose to dredge, but it doesn't show any cards being moved, because it didn't happen:

dinghammer put 2 cards from the top of your library into your graveyard to dredge Dakmor Salvage3
dinghammer put 2 cards from the top of your library into your graveyard to dredge Dakmor Salvage3

After my first dredge put the numberless Dakmor Salvage in my graveyard, dredging it should have been an option on the next draw. If I had no dredge cards in my graveyard, I should have drawn the remaining two cards as normal, with no dredge options.