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High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2017, 14:20
by Splinterverse
This thread is designed to help us track which cards do not have high quality artwork in the CW, so that if anyone wants to help us find the art, they can.

Also, you can post here if you a card where the artwork that is of low quality.

If you decide to scan art for us, 300 DPI or higher is considered high quality.

The list below includes cards that are not HQ. All other cards in those sets have been confirmed to be of high quality.

This is a work in progress. I will add sets as I have time to go through the art in the CW.

Please feel free to comment with questions or links to missing HQ art.

The names in parenthesis are the artists (where known).

Dragons of Tarkir
Scion of Ugin -- need full card art (not text)

COMPLETE: AER, AKH, BFZ, C12, C13, C14, C15, C16, C17, EMN, FRF, HOD, KLD, KTK, OGW, ORI, SOI, THS, XLN, RIX, DOM, M19, GRN, ANA (Arena), PGP1, RNA

More sets to be added . . .

- The cards only contain a single expansion, so I am checking the cards based on the expansion listed in the code. So, a set might be marked complete above, but a card from it may still have LQ because it was reprinted or is a reprint. The listings here should match what you see when you use the Expansion column in the deck builder.
- I am not checking these based on a technical spec, but rather I am eyeballing them. I am looking through the cards in the deck builder. It's possible that some I think are HQ are actually LQ, but it may not be apparent to the eye. If you see any marked as complete that are actually appearing LQ to you, please let me know.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2017, 15:37
by tmxk2012917

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2017, 17:59
by Splinterverse
These have been converted and uploaded. Thanks for sharing!

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2017, 19:00
by thefiremind
Vexing Scuttler is an official Magic Duels card, so I attached the original TDX file.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 11 Jan 2017, 19:23
by tmxk2012917
thefiremind wrote:Vexing Scuttler is an official Magic Duels card, so I attached the original TDX file.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2017, 00:58
by aidscoi168
Hi,i think we may need create a cloud storage for HQ arts like the google drive link of Aether Revolt HQ art that i made, some of us just need to play the game but i guess huge MTG players also artwork colllector like me so i think sharing is good and help the find HQ art process quicker for both CW and individual member. :D

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2017, 01:39
by Xander9009
aidscoi168 wrote:Hi,i think we may need create a cloud storage for HQ arts like the google drive link of Aether Revolt HQ art that i made, some of us just need to play the game but i guess huge MTG players also artwork colllector like me so i think sharing is good and help the find HQ art process quicker for both CW and individual member. :D
There's already a project to collect high quality artwork for every card. It's even here on this very website. I'm on my phone, or else I'd link you. Go up to board index and check pictures.

Either way, the CW itself will not have any particularly easy to use method of collecting just the hq art outside of being used in the game. At a certai threshold, Wizards will object and force it to be removed like they did with If someone wants to take the art from the CW and host it separately in an easy to use way, that's up to them. But it won't be hosted as part of the CW to avoid take down notices.

As far as a place to upload it: ... lpYUE12cUk

Just upload them and post here that you've done so. That said, as they're converted, they'll also be removed from there.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2017, 11:15
by Splinterverse
I believe this is the link that Xander is referring to: viewtopic.php?f=15&t=12336

I'll still be going through the sets to determine which ones we need HQ art for in the original post. I expect to go through a few more sets this morning.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2017, 13:35
by Splinterverse
I have uploaded 22 to complete FRF and KTK (and add to DTK). The OP has been updated.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 12 Jan 2017, 14:19
by Splinterverse
I have uploaded 29 to complete C16. OP has been updated.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 13 Jan 2017, 13:45
by Splinterverse
I have uploaded 67 pieces of art to complete OGW, BFZ, and ORI. OP has been updated.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2017, 12:38
by Splinterverse
I have uploaded a few missing pieces of art -- Pathbreaker Ibex, Widespread Panic, and Mentor of the Meek. I have also gone through all of the commander sets to check for HQ art. OP has been updated.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 31 Jan 2017, 11:25
by Splinterverse
Theros has been added to the list of complete sets.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 01 Feb 2017, 16:58
by Splinterverse
Aether Revolt has been added to the list of complete sets.

Re: High Quality (HQ) art status -- tracking and discussion

PostPosted: 10 Jan 2018, 15:19
by Splinterverse
Amonkhet, Commander 2017, and Hour of Devastation have been added to the list of complete sets.