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Bugs, feature request, notes and questions

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Bugs, feature request, notes and questions

Postby Yeo-Yin » 02 Aug 2016, 00:02

Hello everybody.

My first post here. I know, i should have done that in the presentation topic (and i'll likely do it later) but as i am not here only to talk about myself i preferred to create a topic.

As you can see, english is not my native tongue and i'll often make mistakes. Please forgive me.

About bugs : well, if you try to start a gauntlet with a brand new install, with no custom deck and you let everything in its default state (i.e. : you install, you go to gauntlet and play start) you get an "ArrayOutOfBoundException: 0". I should have copied the stack trace but i remember where it comes from : getCustomRandomDeck or something like that.
As i understand this error : you have a list of custom decks and do something like
"list.get(Math.random() * list.size())"
It works ... except if the list is empty.

It's a perfectly reproductible bug.

Other bug (less accurate, sorry) : sometimes the gui freezes, which is ok (i think you have a deadlock somewhere) but sometimes, after it freezes it starts to blink very fast (i think it's related to the screen refreshment rate) and ... well, i am not epileptic but i started to feel strange after a second. No choice here, start the task manager (that goes above the window ... thanks, no other window was able to do that) and kill forge ... and it still doesn't work sometime.

Other bug, but this one is not really problematic : when you play with "Budoka gardner" and use its ability to put a token in game, you have in the log file a message like that :
"svar X doesn't exist. Refer to card instead" (or something like that : a var doesn't exist, fallback on something).
The ability works flawlessly, so it's not really a bug. I report that, you can forget it if it's not relevant.

Other bug : i got a concurrent modification exception but only once and i forgot to copy the message. I was dealing infect damage (poison/-1-1 counter).
Other bug, this one with no message : i was unable to kill a leveled blue creature (i'm prety sure it's the one who give you an extra turn each opponent turn), with maxed level with a creature dealing poison counter. I remember it PT was "-1/1" and it didn't die several turn.

Other bug, that happens often : at the end of a game, the interface freeze. !note! the game never freeze if i don't move the mouse at all just when the game end. Maybe it's coincidence, maybe it's because the mouse trigger something that cause a deadlock.

Ok, it's pretty much all for the bugs. I'll maybe download the source code and check if i find something (i am a computer scientist).

Now ... feature request, a big, an enormous one that would change totally my game experience : allow me to choose the number of "round" in the quest mode :p
I want "1 win = you win, bye bye", it's really annoying to have to play two game.
So, maybe add a modifiable settings in the "quest preferences" (don't remember the name of that : where you change the number of card in a booster, where you change the money earn, the max price of sellers etc) saying "number of rounds" (or something like that).
Yes, i know that if i have only one match to win i'll multiply the credits earned by 2. But, credits is not the point, you can already set 100000 credits for a victory, or even at start and voilà. It's more because i never played with that and i really don't like this system.

(Also the "15 life points" is very annoying, it makes you a lot more vulnerable to fast decks and make some strategies not viable etc. But, at least for this one you can buy extra like points. But maybe it would be nice to have a settings for that too).

(Also : is there a way to just choose and your deck and your opponent deck and play a single match ?)

This program is amazing. I myself tried to create something like that and always failed when the i met the "rules" problem. I'll have a look on how you did that.

And, last "feature request" but maybe it's already there : save and load a game. Without the stack or with it (harder to do) it would be a nice start to build "tutorial" part (or even a "challenge part" where you place the player in an already started game with only one way to win etc)

And a question : i understand how you manage avatars (the picture split in 100*100 subpictures) but why don't you let the player just choose a picture from its computer ?
I get that with your system you can make two player see each other avatar just by sending a number (i.e. the id of the used avatar) and having a "choose an avatar from your computer" system will lead to a "send picture through network" but it doesn't seem impossible to do. Security problem ? I think the ImageIO library in java is not exposed to virus (i.e. there ins't a not-a-picture file that, opened with ImageIO will infect your computer. That would be a terrible security breach) and you don't need to store the sent on the disk, you can load it from memory.

Ok, it's everything for now.

Have a nice evening.
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Re: Bugs, feature request, notes and questions

Postby Korath » 02 Aug 2016, 03:11

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Re: Bugs, feature request, notes and questions

Postby Yeo-Yin » 02 Aug 2016, 22:16

Well, i was looking for the forum of forge (honestly i don't remember how i arrived here) and i thought it was this one.
You can't imagine how much :oops: i am now.

(forge is an open source software that allow you to play magic and has an I.A. and rules enforcement - rules and cards effect are managed by the game, so you can play).

If it's the wrong forum, forgive me, i am really really sorry, delete this topic and sorry again.

Wait, this page is hosted on this website :

And it's about Forge. So i am confused.
What am i missing ? I have this very bad feeling that i look like an idiot that missed a key point ...
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Re: Bugs, feature request, notes and questions

Postby Korath » 02 Aug 2016, 23:48

Forge uses these forums, yes, but so does a lot of other software.

The Forge subforum.
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