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Introduce Yourself!

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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Huggybaby » 25 Jan 2011, 23:24

Welcome to the forum. I'm glad you're helping out with JPortal. As you have seen, it only takes one interested person to keep things moving.
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Ferios » 26 Jan 2011, 01:04

Well hi everyone!
I'm not that new to CCGs. Played Yu-Gi-Oh! about 5 or 10 years back. Just had a need to play MTG recently so my friends and I brought a couple more cards and made news decks.
I founded the Decked Builder app for my iPod and found my way here to CCGH. I have to say I love Magic Album!
Right now, got two MTG decks. One is a tricolored one made to smash opponents to smitherens. The other one is rather new and kind of a radical change from the first one, which I have owned for quite some time : A blue Merfolk control deck.
More about me, I live in Canada, in the Province of Quebec.

I'll try the online apps, so maybe I'll see you folks there!
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby simonmathew » 26 Jan 2011, 06:43

Hello everybody,
I am new at this forum. I am excited about that. I hope your support, all the members of this forum.thanks in advance.
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby QueenHarlette » 22 Feb 2011, 02:39

Hi~ I'm kind of new to this place. I used to be at the mws forums a long time ago. I go off and on from this program. But I'm kind of glad that it's all in one easy to find place now. I think I had a different name back then also.

But I'll be sure to stick around this time and bookmark the place. I'll probably keep the torrent seeded also. (If the site will let me download it.. ._. )
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Kl3p_co. » 22 Feb 2011, 11:40

QueenHarlette wrote:I think I had a different name back then also.
nostalgia on! :,(
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Samana » 25 Feb 2011, 14:46

Hey everyone! I can not begin to explain how thrilled I was to find this site! I thought I was the only one on the planet who still used DotP! First of all, my sincere thanks to everyone who has been involved in updating this awesome game! I have thousands of magic cards rotting away in my closet because I don't have anyone to play with. This site may not help me pry apart my moisture-fused foils, but I am psyched just to be able to play the game again!

I'm interested in everything on this site, but let me start here: My first goal is to be able to play magic agaist my friend over the internet. I have downloaded Mok's manalink (careful to avoid the updates that were incompatible with multiplayer). I followed the directions, edited manalink.ini, and port-forwarded 27500 on my router; still to no avail. I'm a technological n00b, but I learn quickly (in two weeks, I taught myself mIRC scripting and wrote the most complete VtM roleplaying script on the internet). Any help? Once I figure out the basics, I am looking forward to contributing however I can!
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Huggybaby » 25 Feb 2011, 17:44

Welcome Samana.

You might want to post your DotP questions here: viewforum.php?f=55

We have more than one way to play against an opponent here: Magic Workstation, Online Playtable, and Incantus is coming along. There might even be one or two I missed.

For a quick warmup try Magarena. For full time immersion there's Forge and Manalink 2, and it goes on.

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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Samana » 25 Feb 2011, 20:09

Thanks Huggybaby, I'll check out the forum and Magarena. I'm not sure what "full-time-immersion" means. I'm just looking to play online with another person, with as many accessable cards as possible. I'd like to be able so save and load decks, and meet people to play against. Oh--and free; I can't bring myself to pay money for digital cards. ;) Any suggestions on which way would best suit my needs?
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Huggybaby » 25 Feb 2011, 21:27

You should use MWS, OPT or Cockatrice.
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby t0xica » 27 Feb 2011, 01:10

Hey guys, my name is cristina. im a legacy player, been not playing for too long though
i choosed cockatrice for online gaming (also workstation but lately been playing cockatrice) .
and not much more to say!

my msn is and skype is cristina pow pow, if someone is interested in playing i will be glad :)

see u guys
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Demonic Tutor » 12 Mar 2011, 22:21

Hi all!
My name is Stefano and MagicTG represented a greath good time period of my life en University.
I started to play with the unilimited edicion and, sadly, I stopped to play at the end of University time with Mirage edition (change of life and city).
I played Magic with the microsoft DotP... which is, my opinion, still the best software for a quick game with a decent AI.

Recently I saw a The Big Bang Theory episod in which the protagonists were playing a game card with an impossible name, that was clearly Magic..... and a big big nostalgia caught my heart.
So I found DotP en Steam, and restarted to play Magic after quite 10 years....looking for my preferred interruption :D
I noticed that the game is changed quite a lot... but in the worse manner. It's an horror that is not possible to do the own decks! And Dopt has so few cards, so few strategies... :(
But fortunately I found this site and forum ...and above all wonderful mods!!
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby spiwy » 16 Mar 2011, 03:21

Hello all!
I'm Alex, I'm from Spain and I got to this forum via googleing about how to moddify Duels of the Planeswalkers to add more cards :P . I'll be mainly participating in that subforum but i don't discard being an active member on others hehe.
See you! ;D
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Shadowcran » 17 Apr 2011, 20:31

My name is Eddie. I'm 40 years old. I started collecting Magic in the beginning but didn't know why as I hadn't heard of it before. I was at my local comic book shop and the owner brought out a couple of decks and green counters and told me it might be a hit. I bought them, put them in a drawer and forgot about them for over a year.

Then I reexamined the game, opened the packs and started trying to figure it out. Later, a friend of mine got interested and we both went wild buying up boosters and expansions. We didn't know all the rules yet, but we had a shop that specialized in Magic cards then and the employees knew their stuff. Slowly, we latched onto all the different concepts. Then I got married and put my cards up in a special box and I have no idea where they are now. Probably in one of the storage places that I've had to use having moved dozens of times.

I then rediscovered the game thanks to downloading the simplified game for the Xbox. It reawakened the passion. I'm no longer married and disabled so I've got a ton of free time. I then started searching for anything with MTG. I found an updated version of the Microprose game that works well with all the latest windows. And have been playing it like there's no tomorrow. I also joined MTG online and am waiting for activation.

I have no problem losing a match and I'll play til the end even if I am dead sure I'll lose. Why? Because I learn more that way. I'm trying to find a version of Mok's Manalink 2.0 but all I get is sites requiring a person to pay like Rapidshare and MediaFire. Oh, they have free accounts, but they won't let you download anything from it, using a manufactured excuse and then flashing you with ads to upgrade to the pay service. On disability, I'm limited as to funds so you see why I'm still searching.

I'll admit I'm still largely ignorant of the newer cards but I learn quickly.

More about ME: I've 3 cats and am a video game junkie. I play in excess of 120 hours a week, but refuse to play any more MMORPG's due to it limiting the variety. When you play one of those, you feel obligated to play only it to the exclusion of all else. I prefer Strat/RPG's and when I find a combo of those 2, I'm in bliss. I AM trying to learn the other genres to branch out, but I'm not good at shooters or puzzles yet.

Contacting me is easy. I'm a conservative agnostic but refuse any political discussions since the last election. I got burned out on the subject.
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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Huggybaby » 17 Apr 2011, 23:28

Welcome to the forum and thanks for the introduction.

You're in the right place because the version of Manalink you seek is ours and it's here: viewtopic.php?f=76&t=2349

BTW, both Rapidshare and MediaFire are free, and you can download for free, and without creating an account, so I think you should look at them more closely if your experience has been different. Rapidshare does have a waiting period but MediaFire does not and that's what I use. If you don't like the ads use Firefox with AdBlocker Plus and you will see none.

You will find a whole lot of games here to play and contribute to as well if you want. :)

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Re: Introduce Yourself!

Postby Shadowcran » 19 Apr 2011, 03:29

Huggybaby wrote:Welcome to the forum and thanks for the introduction.

You're in the right place because the version of Manalink you seek is ours and it's here: viewtopic.php?f=76&t=2349

BTW, both Rapidshare and MediaFire are free, and you can download for free, and without creating an account, so I think you should look at them more closely if your experience has been different. Rapidshare does have a waiting period but MediaFire does not and that's what I use. If you don't like the ads use Firefox with AdBlocker Plus and you will see none.

You will find a whole lot of games here to play and contribute to as well if you want. :)

Thank you very much. It took a while and a LOT of persistance, but I managed to get the 2.0 downloaded. For some odd reason(I suspect my Vista)I had a devil of a time getting things to work right, but I persisted and read through the troubleshooting guides/questions answered and didn't resort to making a new thread. That's the explanation for the delayed thank you,lol.

I had more trouble getting started on modding TES: Oblivion but eventually I was being sought after for advice after I learned all the tricks. I also got good at putting multiple mods into a 255 mod limit by combining them using a tool someone else made and neglected.

Too close to Atlanta? Try being in a small town in Mississippi, Sumrall. It's close to Hattiesburg.

2 things:
1) Are there premade decks using the new cards?
2) If I make decks with the new cards how can I share them with others for their opinion or use? I also made 2 decks I'm kind of proud of with the old cards, an assassin and a banding deck. I'd like critique and/or advice in how to improve them.

Assassin Deck:Guillotine of Unlife
10 Mox Jets
10 Swamps
4 Icy Manipulators
2 Soul Nets
4 Dark Rituals
4 Demonic Tutors
4 Animate Dead
2 Necropolis of Azar
4 Paralyze
2 Nettling Imps
2 Sengir Vampires
6 Khabal Ghouls
6 Royal Assassins

I use the paralyze, nettling imps and icy manipulator to force tap enemies, then use the Royal assassin like a guillotine. I use the khabal ghouls to cash in on the deaths as well as the Necropolis in case the match goes on longer than expected. The Demonic Tutors and Dark Rituals are to get the cards I need and be able to cast them faster. The 2 Sengir work well with nettling imps to force weaklings into attacking thus getting Sengir those +'s and is an alternative in case I'm troubled. The animate deads are so I can use the abilities of dead Royal Assassins and Khabal Ghouls when reanimated. a 0\1 khabal ghoul can get +s as well as a raised one, plus I can reanimate walls or whatever from opponents. The Soul Nets are to cash in deaths for life.
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