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BotArena goes to Open Source

PostPosted: 15 Nov 2012, 16:45
by FranAvalon

After years of closed development of the BA project, we've decided open the development of this app to all members of this awesome magic community.

IMHO, this project is a very advanced one, with more than 10k cards supported, a very competitive AI, which is using MinMax Alpha-Beta prunning and a not very good but usefull UI, and is growing all the time. Currently, we are four developers with very low free time and the amount of work to do is outside of our capacity, so we think that the correct step is open the project to all of you.

If you are interested in colaborate with the project or just tinker with the code you can check this board for tutorials and how download the source code: link

Also, I asked to Huggy for new boards for the project. As you can see now we have several boards under BotArena one to post all the bugs that the community can found on the project, so please use their to post your bugs. That will be do more easily our life to track and fix all BA's bugs.

We have our own list of bugs reported for some of the slightlymagic users and for us as well. I will try to post this huge list of bugs slowly (I don't have a lot of free time) on this forum.

Thanks for reading and I hope that you enjoy as we with this app.


Re: BotArena goes to Open Source

PostPosted: 17 Nov 2012, 17:29
by FranAvalon
Bug list posting progress...

Card bugs: DONE
Engine Bugs: DONE
UI and IA issues: DONE

Re: BotArena goes to Open Source

PostPosted: 21 Nov 2012, 22:20
by Huggybaby
Congratulations and thank you to the BotArena team!