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Bug reports for v0.7.1c

by Incantus

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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby Marek14 » 22 Feb 2010, 14:29

Incantus wrote:
juzamjedi wrote:
Marek14 wrote:BTW, your question about color: Base color is determined solely by the mana cost, but the characteristic-setting abilities that change it apply everywhere - for example, you can fetch Transguild Courier from a binder with Glittering Wish.

Even if a permanent loses all abilities, this won't change the color set by such ability, since color changes are processed before abilities.
OK, although i'm not sure I could implement Glittering Wish that way, since cards outside the game are not operational. There might be a way by loading each card and having it "pretend to be in the game" (I used to use the removed from game zone, but now that's changed so I might need an "out of game" zone).
Since there is relatively small number of exceptions, I guess they could be hardcoded somewhere. Basically only Transguild Courier and maybe the INV/APC split cards.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby juzamjedi » 22 Feb 2010, 15:04

Incantus wrote:OK, although i'm not sure I could implement Glittering Wish that way, since cards outside the game are not operational. There might be a way by loading each card and having it "pretend to be in the game" (I used to use the removed from game zone, but now that's changed so I might need an "out of game" zone).
For the wish cards I would suggest making a "sideboard zone" or name it whatever you prefer and having wishes display targets from that zone. In competitive games you are only allowed to use Burning Wish, etc. to retrieve cards from your sideboard. For people playing Incantus "Competitively" they can stick to 15 SB cards or the "Casual" players could have the 10,000+ cards in existence :lol:

Edit: I figure it is worth also stating that wish cards were explicitly changed so that they can no longer get cards from the exile zone. So if your opponent uses Extirpate, etc. on your only win condition you cannot use a wish card to get it back.

Personally I use the Apprentice .dec file format and it currently loads no problem in Incantus. The sideboard cards have SB: in front of them here's a sample decklist of mine:

Code: Select all
//NAME: Elves
     4 Misty Rainforest
     1 Pendelhaven
     1 Stomping Ground
     8 Forest
     4 Verdant Catacombs
     4 Summoner's Pact
     4 Llanowar Elves
     4 Boreal Druid
     4 Nettle Sentinel
     4 Heritage Druid
     2 Arbor Elf
     2 Essence Warden
     4 Glimpse of Nature
     1 Grapeshot
     4 Elvish Visionary
     1 Manamorphose
     1 Weird Harvest
     4 Cloudstone Curio
     2 Eternal Witness
     1 Regal Force
// Sideboard:
SB:  4 Blood Moon
SB:  2 Magus of the Moon
SB:  2 Viridian Shaman
SB:  3 Ancient Grudge
SB:  3 Umezawa's Jitte
SB:  1 Fracturing Gust
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby ItalianRockerNM » 25 Feb 2010, 01:29

Ok, so as I've stated, I don't know much about any of this at all. Lol. But i'll do my best to report what I find, and if you need any more info, please say so =)

1st Error:

Went to play a mountain, I received the error screen "Errors Occurred: See the logfile 'C:\Users\Nick\Documents\Magic Crap\Freeware MTGO\Incantus 0_7_0a\Incantus.exe.log' for details."

So I checked the log file...

Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in <module>
  File "", line 25, in main
  File "cocos\director.pyo", line 287, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 74, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 84, in _timer_func
  File "pyglet\app\__init__.pyo", line 187, in idle
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 700, in tick
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 303, in tick
  File "ui\Incantus.pyo", line 341, in <lambda>
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 101, in start
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 135, in run
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 271, in mainPhase1
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 410, in playNonInstants
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 435, in doNonInstantAction
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 512, in getAction
  File "engine\CardRoles.pyo", line 237, in play
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "engine\Zone.pyo", line 90, in commit
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "ui\animator.pyo", line 289, in enter_zone
KeyError: Billyyyy at 135722096
Then the game shut down =P.

2nd Error:

"Errors Occurred: See the logfile 'C:\Users\Nick\Documents\Magic Crap\Freeware MTGO\Incantus 0_7_0a\Incantus.exe.log' for details."

Log error is:

Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in <module>
  File "", line 25, in main
  File "cocos\director.pyo", line 287, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 63, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 84, in _timer_func
  File "pyglet\app\__init__.pyo", line 187, in idle
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 700, in tick
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 303, in tick
  File "ui\Incantus.pyo", line 341, in <lambda>
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 101, in start
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 135, in run
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 271, in mainPhase1
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 412, in playNonInstants
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 437, in doInstantAction
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 490, in getAction
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 457, in input
  File "ui\Incantus.pyo", line 333, in greenlet_input
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 482, in convert_gui_action
AttributeError: 'OKAction' object has no attribute 'selection'
Occurred after playing Yawgmoth's Will without paying it's mana cost. (It prompted me saying I could play it without paying it's mana cost... which makes no sense either)

Game closed after hitting "Ok."


Just had an error occur that was very similar to the first one I posted. Occurred after clicking to play an island.

Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in <module>
  File "", line 25, in main
  File "cocos\director.pyo", line 287, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 63, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 84, in _timer_func
  File "pyglet\app\__init__.pyo", line 187, in idle
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 700, in tick
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 303, in tick
  File "ui\Incantus.pyo", line 341, in <lambda>
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 101, in start
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 135, in run
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 271, in mainPhase1
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 410, in playNonInstants
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 435, in doNonInstantAction
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 512, in getAction
  File "engine\CardRoles.pyo", line 237, in play
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "engine\Zone.pyo", line 90, in commit
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "ui\animator.pyo", line 289, in enter_zone
KeyError: Player2 at 154413776
Let me also mention that both of these instances where playing a land crashed the game were both the very first move of the game, and both times I was confused and tried to play a land from Player 1's hand before realizing that it was actually Player 2's turn first; the game crashed upon attempting to play a land from Player 2's hand, after having already clicked to play a land from Player 1's hand, which obviously did nothing =P. Hope that makes sense lol..

****EDIT(enclosed area)****

I just attempted to reproduce it the above "basic land playing issue", and realized I left something out. Both of those times, I had accidentally hit "q" and quit a previous game, before playing a new game. I remembered this, because I just did it again. I quit the game that I described in "EDIT4" by hitting "q", started a new game, and upon hitting "yes" for "Would you like to go first?", the game crashed with the following log file:

Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in <module>
  File "", line 25, in main
  File "cocos\director.pyo", line 287, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 63, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 84, in _timer_func
  File "pyglet\app\__init__.pyo", line 187, in idle
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 700, in tick
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 303, in tick
  File "ui\Incantus.pyo", line 341, in <lambda>
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 83, in start
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "engine\Zone.pyo", line 82, in commit
  File "engine\Zone.pyo", line 40, in _remove_card
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "ui\animator.pyo", line 310, in leave_zone
KeyError: Player1 at 101539472
Restarted Incantus, tried what I had originally thought it was (playing a land after accidentally clicking on something in player 1's hand when it's player 2's turn first). No avail. Hit q, started a new game, and what do you know, the game crashed upon attempting to play a land. Following is the log file...

Code: Select all
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "", line 29, in <module>
  File "", line 25, in main
  File "cocos\director.pyo", line 287, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 63, in run
  File "pyglet\app\win32.pyo", line 84, in _timer_func
  File "pyglet\app\__init__.pyo", line 187, in idle
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 700, in tick
  File "pyglet\clock.pyo", line 303, in tick
  File "ui\Incantus.pyo", line 341, in <lambda>
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 101, in start
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 135, in run
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 271, in mainPhase1
  File "engine\GameKeeper.pyo", line 410, in playNonInstants
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 435, in doNonInstantAction
  File "engine\Player.pyo", line 512, in getAction
  File "engine\CardRoles.pyo", line 237, in play
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "engine\Zone.pyo", line 90, in commit
  File "engine\MtGObject.pyo", line 10, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\dispatcher.pyo", line 388, in send
  File "engine\pydispatch\robustapply.pyo", line 47, in robustApply
  File "ui\animator.pyo", line 289, in enter_zone
KeyError: Player1 at 146822064
Reproduced it again and again... Quitting a game and starting a new one seems to be the problem, not playing lands =P.


Also, the whole downloading card images at the beginning of each game/upon needing the images is frustrating (mainly because my internet connection sucks). Any chance you could in the future set it up to download all images during the very first time you start up the game?


Also, not really a crucial bug to fix, and chances are, i'm doing something wrong lol, but the Betatester Toolbox has the ability "Move UP TO 3 permanents from one zone to another", but it forces you to do all 3, not up to 3. Thought i'd mention it in case there are other cards that would be affected by the "up to x" issue that the toolbox has.


Bone Splinters does not give a reason why it will not cast when you attempt to cast it without a creature in play, but you have the 1 black mana to cast it. I click to cast it, disappears for a split second, then slides back into my "hand", without an explanation as to why it will not cast. Just being picky at this point :P , but thought i'd say something since I figure that errors like that will be something you'd want in the final version of Incantus.


(Final edit for the night =P, this was all me trying to finish a game >.>)

I'm specifically looking for areas where I think it might be tricky to code, and thus doing the most extreme of examples. This particular time, I killed a player on their own turn. I'll type out the whole scenario...

Player 1: During Player 1's turn, uses Betatester Toolbox to change Player 2's Betatester Toolbox to a different color.
Player 2: When prompted to "Play instants" in response to Player 1's move, uses their Betatester Toolbox to deal 10 damage to player 1, who is at 5, and thus, ends up at -5 after allowing it to resolve. Player 2 is prompted to "Declare intention". Game is not frozen, because you can still right click to enlarge cards, and the heart on Player 1's side of the board is still spinning, but nothing responds to left clicking (aside from the fact that Player 2 has no intention to declare lol, since Player 1 has just lost the game).

Try to reproduce it (I would myself, but I'm off to bed, it's nearly 3 AM here lol)... My assumption would be that it has to do with killing someone on their own turn, or simply killing someone in response to a player using an ability/casting a spell (seeing as, that was what I was intentionally testing out). Not sure though, I can't quite sift through the source code to figure it out >.> or else I would.

Hope all this helps in some way or another =)
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby MageKing17 » 25 Feb 2010, 16:52

ItalianRockerNM wrote:1st Error:
Quitting a game and starting a new one seems to be the problem
Read the first post:
MageKing17 wrote:Don't bother reporting these known issues:[...]
  • Anything going wrong after starting a new game after finishing a game without having closed and re-opened the program first.
ItalianRockerNM wrote:Also, the whole downloading card images at the beginning of each game/upon needing the images is frustrating (mainly because my internet connection sucks). Any chance you could in the future set it up to download all images during the very first time you start up the game?
Yes, it is possible to download all images upon starting the game. That used to be the normal behavior, but it was changed to the current method for... some reason. I really don't remember. The best way to force it to download all the images is to use the Betatester Toolbox to search your library (preferably when your deck has all of your cards in it, like test_deck.txt). If you wind up with some that say "Card Image Not Found" and you know the card's name is spelled properly, just restart the program and try again (it usually means the URL 404'd, so restarting the program makes it "forget" that the image wasn't there).

You can also put your own images in data/cardimg, but be warned: any resolution other than 285x200 produces bizarre effects that would require me to have in-depth knowledge of the UI code to fix. EDIT: 200x285, sorry.

ItalianRockerNM wrote:Also, not really a crucial bug to fix, and chances are, i'm doing something wrong lol, but the Betatester Toolbox has the ability "Move UP TO 3 permanents from one zone to another", but it forces you to do all 3, not up to 3. Thought i'd mention it in case there are other cards that would be affected by the "up to x" issue that the toolbox has.
I can virtually guarantee that Betatester Toolbox is working properly on this point. I can't actually open the program up right this second to confirm, but I've been using it to grab only one or two cards constantly.

ItalianRockerNM wrote:Bone Splinters does not give a reason why it will not cast when you attempt to cast it without a creature in play, but you have the 1 black mana to cast it. I click to cast it, disappears for a split second, then slides back into my "hand", without an explanation as to why it will not cast. Just being picky at this point :P , but thought i'd say something since I figure that errors like that will be something you'd want in the final version of Incantus.
It also doesn't give you an explanation when you try to play a Sorcery at Instant speed or try to activate a {T} ability on a creature with summoning sickness. Seems odd to only complain about spells without valid targets (Note that Bone Splinters can also "fail" due to not having a creature to sacrifice for its additional cost).

ItalianRockerNM wrote:I'm specifically looking for areas where I think it might be tricky to code, and thus doing the most extreme of examples. This particular time, I killed a player on their own turn. I'll type out the whole scenario...

Player 1: During Player 1's turn, uses Betatester Toolbox to change Player 2's Betatester Toolbox to a different color.
Player 2: When prompted to "Play instants" in response to Player 1's move, uses their Betatester Toolbox to deal 10 damage to player 1, who is at 5, and thus, ends up at -5 after allowing it to resolve. Player 2 is prompted to "Declare intention". Game is not frozen, because you can still right click to enlarge cards, and the heart on Player 1's side of the board is still spinning, but nothing responds to left clicking (aside from the fact that Player 2 has no intention to declare lol, since Player 1 has just lost the game).

Try to reproduce it (I would myself, but I'm off to bed, it's nearly 3 AM here lol)... My assumption would be that it has to do with killing someone on their own turn, or simply killing someone in response to a player using an ability/casting a spell (seeing as, that was what I was intentionally testing out). Not sure though, I can't quite sift through the source code to figure it out >.> or else I would.
That's what happens whenever the game ends. The old UI displayed a "game over" message, but the new UI just stops accepting game actions (hence why you can still zoom in on cards). The game isn't frozen, as you noticed, so you just quit. Making it display a "game over" message will probably happen around the same time we make sound effects work again.

ItalianRockerNM wrote:Hope all this helps in some way or another =)
Almost anything helps. :)
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby ItalianRockerNM » 25 Feb 2010, 17:16

Hah, well don't I feel stupid. I did read the first post, so as not to report known issues, but apparently I missed that part >.>.... My bad. Didn't know about the change of how the game ends, thought it was a bug since the old one asked if you wanted to start a new game.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby juzamjedi » 25 Feb 2010, 18:22

Re: Betatester Toolbox
Once you are done making selections you press Escape and it will stop asking for input. It's reasonable that people might guess on their own, but maybe adding this information to the prompt would add some value.

Re: images
I would argue that downloading the card images "as needed" is much better than downloading all at once. This is especially true for users with slow connections. Back when Incantus had 6000+ cards the total size of images was somewhere in the 20-30MB range. Even with a fast connection it took multiple minutes to download that many images at one time. For slower connections people would probably give up and say the game crashed with no error message. :wink:
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby MageKing17 » 25 Feb 2010, 21:02

juzamjedi wrote:Re: Betatester Toolbox
Once you are done making selections you press Escape and it will stop asking for input. It's reasonable that people might guess on their own, but maybe adding this information to the prompt would add some value.
For selecting in play, yes, you need to hit Escape. For non-play non-hand zones, though (the ones that pop up the card selection window), Enter works as expected. File this under "UI oddities that should get changed at some point".
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby ItalianRockerNM » 26 Feb 2010, 01:13

meh, just a small piece of input this time... Another "UI oddity that should probably get changed at some point" sorta deal. It seems odd to me that with cards such as Aven Mimeomancer which say "At the beginning of your upkeep you may do X to target creature" that it makes you choose a target before asking you whether or not you actually want to do it. Would make sense to me to do it the other way around, though again, for all I know there may be a reason for you guys doing it that way. Figured I might as well mention it.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby Incantus » 26 Feb 2010, 04:09

ItalianRockerNM wrote:meh, just a small piece of input this time... Another "UI oddity that should probably get changed at some point" sorta deal. It seems odd to me that with cards such as Aven Mimeomancer which say "At the beginning of your upkeep you may do X to target creature" that it makes you choose a target before asking you whether or not you actually want to do it. Would make sense to me to do it the other way around, though again, for all I know there may be a reason for you guys doing it that way. Figured I might as well mention it.
It's done that way because of the rules. You have to select a target when the triggered ability goes on the stack (that way your opponent can decide whether to respond), but you don't actually have to decide whether to do it until it resolves. Any ability (activated or triggered) that says "you may..." has this feature. So there's no way around this if we want to follow the rules. While it seems backwards, this unfortunately will never be changed.

Thanks for all your feedback, though.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby juzamjedi » 01 Mar 2010, 06:27

OK here are some problems I've found for cards not included in the previous release. From the best I can tell these are generic engine-level problems not card-specific.

Knight of the Reliquary. Static power/toughness modifying does not currently work.
Hellspark Elemental. Unearth crashes.
Treetop Village. Adding the creature type to a land causes the crash.
Spreading Seas. subtypes.set() crashes.
Baneslayer Angel. partial() no longer defined. This was used for other protection abilities as well (like protection from Goblins)
Everflowing Chalice. If you multikick it like normal it is fine, but when you try to cancel casting (i.e. hit escape) it crashes from reduce() of empty sequence.
Cancel. StackTarget doesn't target spells on the stack. Although maybe this is a feature not a bug :wink:

See here for the tested cards.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby juzamjedi » 04 Mar 2010, 15:10

Upon further testing I could get Knight of the Reliquary to work. Apparently if you yield augment_power_toughness_static it fails, but if you yield augment_power_toughness it works. So you can scratch that one from the list.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby Marek14 » 04 Mar 2010, 17:23

juzamjedi wrote:Upon further testing I could get Knight of the Reliquary to work. Apparently if you yield augment_power_toughness_static it fails, but if you yield augment_power_toughness it works. So you can scratch that one from the list.
I guess there's no augment_power_toughness_static anymore? The M10 rules make it unnecessary.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby MageKing17 » 04 Mar 2010, 20:27

Marek14 wrote:
juzamjedi wrote:Upon further testing I could get Knight of the Reliquary to work. Apparently if you yield augment_power_toughness_static it fails, but if you yield augment_power_toughness it works. So you can scratch that one from the list.
I guess there's no augment_power_toughness_static anymore? The M10 rules make it unnecessary.
Correct. All power/toughness augmentation effects happen in the same layer, so we don't need two functions anymore.
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby juzamjedi » 13 Apr 2010, 17:27

Hey MK,

Any progress on updating the source? Or alternatively any idea what I'm doing wrong? :lol:
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Re: Bug reports for v0.7.0a

Postby MageKing17 » 13 Apr 2010, 22:50

juzamjedi wrote:Hey MK,

Any progress on updating the source? Or alternatively any idea what I'm doing wrong? :lol:
Doing wrong with what?

I haven't got a whole lot of time to work on Incantus code. College takes up a lot of time. Did 0.7.0a have multiple-cards-from-a-single-file loading? Or did I forget to release a version with that?
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