MagMa 2.030
by Vaporator
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Re: MagMa 2.030
by GandoTheBard » 11 Oct 2008, 22:46
I totally forgot about this question, my apologies. Innucleo forum? Where is that? And I assume that is a Spanish/Portuguese or French site? I'm not very good with foreign languages. I noticed a lot of the text in MagMa is not in English which is both ironically irritating (because I imagine it must be so for people who do not read English well, who have to deal with English only aps.) and frustrating. I asked because not only for sets actually but I noticed a few bugs (like the fact that Vesuvan Doppleganger dies when you play it) and wondered if anyone was maintaining it at all for bugs and such.
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Re: MagMa 2.030
by jpb » 12 Oct 2008, 15:37
- jpb
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MagMa 2.031 is out
by Huggybaby » 11 Feb 2009, 20:25
MagMa 2.031 is out, dated January 25, 2009, now with 4,362 Cards!
Get it at
I'll add mirrors when I get a chance.
Get it at
I'll add mirrors when I get a chance.
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Re: MagMa 2.030
by doxaios » 01 Sep 2009, 07:13
Do you know where to find more decks to add in magma?
MagMa 2.032
by Huggybaby » 01 Oct 2009, 13:33
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Re: MagMa 2.030
by nelyn » 05 Oct 2009, 08:12
Huggy (or anyone else that knows).
Could you list a step by step guide for installing the card pics? This is the info that I have, but I do not think it is complete. My questions are in blue:
Get the latest images pack, extract it (Do I need to download every card pics update?)
Run the new Cardpics manager to convert the thousands of image files into one database (Is that the MaDE program?)
Put all background files you want to use into the new Backgrounds folder.
Could you list a step by step guide for installing the card pics? This is the info that I have, but I do not think it is complete. My questions are in blue:
Get the latest images pack, extract it (Do I need to download every card pics update?)
Run the new Cardpics manager to convert the thousands of image files into one database (Is that the MaDE program?)
Put all background files you want to use into the new Backgrounds folder.
- nelyn
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