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PostPosted: 02 Jun 2013, 16:39
by JuliusWolf
Long time player of forge, first time poster.

I looked through feature request thread but I couldn't find anything a post about (although it must have been requested before). Are there any plans in implement and EDH/Commander most? Or would that be awkward to put in since it requires a semi-unique removed from the game field for the commander, as well as having the AI understand the unique way commanders are played and their increasing mana cost?

I would love to see the format in forge, but I am sure it has been requested before so I thought I would just ask.

Re: Commander/EDH?

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2013, 16:51
by friarsol
As I tell everyone else that asks, yes it's planned. No we don't have an estimated time for release. As you suggest there are a few added rules oddities that need to be covered, and there is the AI that needs to be at least slightly considered. Don't worry, we'll make a big announcement once it's ready.

Re: Commander/EDH?

PostPosted: 02 Jun 2013, 22:33
by JuliusWolf
Thanks for the info! I love what you guys are doing and keep up the good work. That's cool to hear that it is on the list of things to add. I'm looking forward to it whenever that may be.

Re: Commander/EDH?

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2013, 16:43
by SethWildCard
I have been using this software for quite a while now. I was thinking of helping to program but I have to brush up on my programming. In the meantime I do have a request that is EDH/Commander related. I know that you are going to be implementing commander in the future. For now could you just add a card named "Commander" that acts like the game rules of playing commander. I have been looking through the API and trying to figure out a workaround until the feature is implemented. It would work something like this:
I use the developer tab a lot when testing commander, setting life totals, adding the commander card to my hand and opponents hand, (and there are times it does not work very well)
A card named Commander that I can cast for opponent and myself with the developer tab, that exiles itself or disappears once done resolving, exile if you can't make it disappear. the effect would create an emblem with a triggered ability that also requires user input (to select the correct general for the AI and Player) that creates an emblem with an activated ability. Activated ability would be the cost of the Commander plus 2 per time it was exiled (sent back to command zone). Either adding a counter to itself to account for the increase of cost or whatnot. Maybe an age counter. The effect would be that the player who uses his emblem would cast the real card for free (so that it can be countered and such) and have the actual card played with an extra line of text for a replacement ability that if it were to go to any zone from the battlefield, or anywhere to exile then it dissapears, or is just exiled and the emblem updated with that information. How hard would it be to do something like that? I have been looking through the API for a few days now and have been going through the card database to look for similar cards with those types of abilities to no avail. Thank you for your time.