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Quest Creation (Android)

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2018, 07:01
by SirHammy
Every time I try to make a new quest, forge (android version forge-android- crashes. I start making the quest by sorting out the settings i want. Then when I click embark forge loads whatever it needs to and goes right to picking an opponent without letting me make a deck first.

I'm currently using android version 7.0 if that helps.

(Sorry of I posted this in the wrong part of the forums)

Re: Quest Creation (Android)

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2018, 14:58
by timmermac
Please see the announcement topic "How to deal with the EOF exception"

Re: Quest Creation (Android)

PostPosted: 31 Jul 2018, 15:39
by SirHammy
Thanks! Ill go read it