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Change subfolder name of each set

PostPosted: 03 Sep 2018, 17:33
by papikoss

how could I change the name of each set subfolder, where the pics are saved?

for example ON --> Onslaught, LE --> Legions, etc

Also is there a way that I can rename some cards and still be recognized by Forge, like Aether Revolt --> Æther Revolt, Swamp1 --> Swamp#235.


Re: Change subfolder name of each set

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2018, 01:28
by Xitax
You can specify a folder location for card pictures. Instructions in the file, but I don't think you can change individual card names being looked for. Seeing as there's 30K plus, why though?

Re: Change subfolder name of each set

PostPosted: 06 Sep 2018, 11:32
by papikoss
I use both Forge and XMage for playing Magic.

The name of the set subfolders is different for each client, so I have to keep two seperate databases for my cards.

Moreover, basic lands use different names as well, for example Plains1.full.jpg in Forge might be Plains 235.full.jpg in XMage.

The idea is to combine two databases in one.


Re: Change subfolder name of each set

PostPosted: 20 Sep 2018, 09:29
by RationalGaze
If you follow the instructions in the file then you can make a database with all of the cards in the same sub folders except for some older sets where MTG had multiple art works for the same card, for example FEM but other then that it does work and it works for desktop and android.

I have one database (one set of sub folders) of HQ cards for both xmage and forge.

However, I have two sets of lands in each sub folder because the programs call up lands different, you will need to manually (or write a script) rename the lands to work for both programs.