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Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2009, 10:07
by viberunner
I'm a user of crops and GolbinHero's NewMagic theme. I love my Murderous Redcapp, but his border is gold, not red/black.

I've looked, but can't find a theme that makes hybrid cards multi-coloured (e.g. red and black).

Is it possible, or do I have to use full scans for hybrids?

Re: Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 06 Feb 2009, 16:43
by Huggybaby
I don't think MWS allows different borders for the various card classes. FPM explains everything in his guide, be sure to check there. If it can't be done he won't tell you how.

Re: Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 09 Feb 2009, 10:23
by staggerwingjtstw
I've done some searching, and never really found anything, which is unfortunate because I: A) REALLY love the Future-shifted border, B) REALLY love the colored artifact borders, C) Prefer to see the hydrids split like they are rather than gold, and D) like the planeswalkers to look like planeswalkers.

Unfortunately, this means I use crops (so that I can have the totally awesome planeshifted theme), with fulls of Future-shifted, colored artifacts, hybrids and planeswalkers

Re: Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 09 Feb 2009, 15:06
by Huggybaby
Ah yes, the old mixing crops and fulls trick; I 'd forgotten about that.

Re: Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2009, 07:32
by staggerwingjtstw
Well, it was a trick that didn't even have to be used until Champions when they had those flip cards (which I also use Fulls for.) Then Ravnica had Hybrid, Time Spiral had crazy borders, Lorwyn had Planeswalkers, Shadowmoor had MORE hybrid, plus Reaper King and finally those crazy colored artifacts of Alara. Honestly, Wizards has it out for me and Pathfinder's planeshifted theme :(

Re: Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 11 Feb 2009, 16:32
by Huggybaby
Could you make a list of all the full cards you use? I like your strategy and that would be a useful list.

Re: Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 12 Feb 2009, 07:14
by staggerwingjtstw
Yeah I can. It'll be tomorrow, since it's midnight, and I have class at 10AM, then a job interview at 1PM. But it will be done :D

Re: Is there a theme for non-Gold hybrid cards?

PostPosted: 13 Feb 2009, 04:18
by staggerwingjtstw
Talk about awesome! I got it done BEFORE Friday :D Anyway, this list here is all cards whose FULL cannot be properly displayed by MWS. I make that distinction because if you use a theme that displays one of the unique borders (specifically the planeshift theme) you obviously won't need to use fulls of the Planeshifted cards.

Note that watermarks were not counted so while Privileged Position (which has a hybrid cost) makes the list, Selesnya Signet (which only has a watermark) does not. This also means FNM and ARE are also not included. Finally, since Elves vs. Goblins and Jace vs. Chandra (and eventually Divine vs. Demonic) only come in fulls, I also left them off the list.

If you would like a list of cards with watermarks (I'm not going to do one for FNM or ARE) I can do it. It's pretty easy since only RAV, GP, and DIS are the only ones besides promos with watermarks.

Below is a list of what the codes (identified by the set they appear in) means. There are exceptions, the five planeswalkers of Alara are in their sets, and Reaper King is in SHM (he does have a hybrid cost!)

    CHK, BOK, SOK = Fulls that use flip borders
    RAV, GP, DIS, SHM, EVE = Fulls that use hybrid borders
    PLC, FUT = Fulls that use plane or future shift borders
    LRW = Planeswalker border
    ALA, CFX = Colored Artifact border
    UG, UNH, CHP, REW = cards that use a unique border