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3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2008, 02:21
by Huggybaby
All the MTG sets now officially have a 3 letter code.
Right now we have an ad hoc naming scheme where some sets have two letters and some have three.

Would MWS work if the base and theme were edited to make all sets 3 letters? If that would work, I could rename all the pics directories to match.

Re: 3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2008, 16:32
by Goblin Hero
Huggybaby wrote:All the MTG sets now officially have a 3 letter code.
I was talking about it for ages.
Huggybaby wrote:Would MWS work if the base and theme were edited to make all sets 3 letters?
MWS would work, but ALMOST EVERYONE will be against it. I was forced to change 9ED back to 9E several years ago.

Re: 3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 28 Aug 2008, 20:35
by Huggybaby
I'm in favor of making the change since we are no longer tied to the default MWS base.
We could have a batch file to rename all the pics directories from old format to new format and vice versa.
All the old themes would be rendered obsolete, but they can be fixed.

Things would be disrupted for a while, so be it. Anybody else want to weigh in?

Re: 3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2008, 19:00
by staggerwingjtstw
I agree that we should change over. It would be well worth it in the long run.

Re: 3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2008, 19:29
by Huggybaby
My collection (you may have heard about it) started with picture sets named to work with MWS, and some not in MWS that were for Magic Suitcase.
I don't care about that any more.
I don't know when WOTC changed to using all three letters, but they have, and it's nice and consistent. Trying to name sets for specific programs is obsolete, the sets should be named consistently according to standard and the program made to follow the same standard. Goblin Hero was right, lo those many years ago, but ahead of his time I'm afraid. Now I say the time has come.

The next torrent will be properly named, and damn the torpedos.

I'll make a poll, how about that?

Re: 3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2008, 20:46
by Snacko
Most of the people don't care about the naming as long as it works with their software. Any changes that break it will cause an uproar, however as I'm not sure how many people use the official base (last time they released GH anyway) vs GH one.

Re: 3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2008, 21:03
by Huggybaby
I think MWS doesn't update the autoupdate any more. The site tells you not to use it. And the latest base was a modified version of MHD's I think. So it's clear that the unofficial bases are now the official bases. So all we need is to rename the pics directories, change the base, and update a theme or two, all of which are within our capabilities.

(woops, I forgot that poll)

Re: 3 letter set codes overhaul question

PostPosted: 29 Aug 2008, 21:55
by Huggybaby