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Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2013, 21:03
by friarsol
Does someone (Sloth?) have a list of all of the Quest Decks we have, and which Archetypes they are with a brief description? It would be cool to see them organized based on Aggro, Midrange, Combo, and Control. I doubt we have many Combo decks, since there's no way our AI would know how to pilot Eggs, but it would be an interesting way to see which decks/colors/interactions we may be missing for experimenting.

I saw an interesting interaction between Pure Reflection and Spirit Mirror the other day, but I have no idea if they would merit their own deck, or if it's cutting too close to something we already have.

Maybe we can start a spreadsheet like the one I have for remaining cards, and have a tab for each archetype, and put the name, colors, and brief description for everything?

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 22 Aug 2013, 23:54
by timmermac
Has anyone put together a deck using the most badass combo in the game? I'm talking about the Beastmaster Ascension and Doubling Season combo. I've seen the AI monkeystomp me with my original Burning Elves concept deck using this combo. I think I posted a copy of this deck way back when in this section.

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 23 Aug 2013, 08:45
by Sloth
friarsol wrote:Maybe we can start a spreadsheet like the one I have for remaining cards, and have a tab for each archetype, and put the name, colors, and brief description for everything?
SOunds like a good idea. I will try to produce one.

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 24 Aug 2013, 21:24
by Sloth
Attached is an incomplete version (A-K) of the spreadsheet, for early feedback.

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2013, 15:27
by friarsol
Thanks Sloth. That's looking pretty good. I went through and added from Kojak down. Not sure if any were missed from A-K that were added after this was started. Anyone can check it out here: ... U1E#gid=10

One thing I noticed is that the Wall-E 2 and 3 decks are named differently.

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2013, 19:16
by Sloth
Thanks sol.

Attached is an updated version with one more deck and some tweaked archetypes.

friarsol wrote:One thing I noticed is that the Wall-E 2 and 3 decks are named differently.
:D These are two different opponents (with different icons). Maybe i will make a medium version of Wally to clear up the confusion once and for all (since your are not the first one who wanted to correct this "error").

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2013, 19:53
by friarsol
Ok cool, I updated the Google Doc. I set the permissions on it so anyone with the link should be able to make changes, so we don't have to post an excel sheet back and forth on the forum. If we want to lock that down to only a handful of us can do so, lemme know.

Looks like Black gets too much love for Quest decks with 25 mono-black (this doesn't include different difficulty levels of the same deck), where there's only 8 mono-Red and 10 mono-Blue. I was a bit surprised that we have 0 Aggro mono-Red decks. Blue and Red decks as a pairing are also sorely missing. With only 4 UR, 2 WUR, 6 UBR, and 2 URG.

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2013, 21:34
by Sloth
Aggro decks in general are underrepresented because the AI doesn't realize that it has to play Aggro (i.e. attack at all costs).

Re: Quest Decks Archetypes

PostPosted: 14 Sep 2013, 21:59
by friarsol
Sloth wrote:Aggro decks in general are underrepresented because the AI doesn't realize that it has to play Aggro (i.e. attack at all costs).
Oh yea, it wasn't a judgement. Just something I was surprised about when I was compiling the statistics. There are plenty of R/* Aggro decks, but no classic Sligh style deck, which was why I mentioned it.