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Quest deck success

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2010, 09:04
by zaroblan
Greetings fellow Forge-lings,

I am busy with a fantasy quest. After initially having success with a R/G deck things started to go pear shaped once I reached level 3. I then spent time (and credits) getting the cards necessary to build some other decks.

First a G elf-powered fatty deck with Ancient Silverbacks, Child of Gaea and others which started off like a train and then stopped winning. The same happened with the two white decks I build ... soldiers and then knights.

NOW after getting royally annoyed I switched to a R deck. I have two Inferno Titans, 2 Shivan Hellkites, 3 Flametongue Kavus, 3 Prodigal Pyromancers, 1 Beacon of Destruction and 2 Incendiary Commands and other random burn spells. As well as my new favourite card (of which I have 3) ... Flamebreak!

Now I seem to be winning ... even in the quests themselves. The only deck I steer clear of is Ned Flanders 2 (the reanimator) as the thought of facing a Simic Sky Swallower on turn 3 just does not do it for me.

I am very interested to hear what sorts of decks other people are having success with.

Thanks again to all the developers for an awesome game. When I have more time available I promise to get involved in coding some cards to make the game even better for all of us.

Robert "The Turquoise Mage" Lancaster

Re: Quest deck success

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2010, 12:52
by Chris H.
I find that getting a wall and a pet early on is more important than the type of deck or the colors that I choose for my deck. I look at my starting pool of cards and try to pick the best two or three colors and go from there.

It is hard to predict what cards will be awarded and won. People who play a quest for 100's of matches can design many types of decks that can match up well against specific opponent decks. :)

Re: Quest deck success

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2010, 13:08
by zaroblan
Agreed Chris H.! I have 6 decks currently in my Quest.
The straight Red burn deck is by far the most proficient and has around a 90% win ratio. All the while I am collecting cards for a Sliver deck.
It is the consistency that for me is the big issue.
The straight Red deck just seems to always give me a good opening and then once the burn arrives it is nigh unstoppable.

Re: Quest deck success

PostPosted: 13 Sep 2010, 16:57
by timmermac
Every time a beta comes out, I retire my quest and start a new one... That being said, I usually go for at least a red deck and a sliver deck by the time the next beta comes out. The 8/20 saw me actually come up with a semi-decent sliver deck. Right now, the card pool has dictated me playing with everything to start with. I have managed to pick up 2x Essence Sliver and 1x Horned Sliver so far.