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Daring Apprentice, a New Program

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Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Huggybaby » 19 Mar 2009, 18:00

I just found a new program called Daring Apprentice.

Check it out, and let him know what you think. Developers need all the love they can get!
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a new game

Postby Reenen » 19 Mar 2009, 21:00


Yes, we all need some loving :-) I am trying to add some networking code daily, and am hoping to have an alpha net-able release "real soon". (Quote from Star Control 2 / Ur-Quan Masters... while talking to the Spathi... Anyone?)

But my aims are to create an "intuitive" application, that is lightweight, and powerful.

So design goals are :
* Easy user interface
* Simple yet powerful
* Free

So far some really really useful stuff:
* A really strong deck editing / card filter
* A pretty intuitive interface... (right click etc.)
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a new game

Postby Huggybaby » 19 Mar 2009, 21:08

Very nice, thanks Reenen, and welcome to the forum!
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a new game

Postby Reenen » 19 Mar 2009, 21:32

Some Screenshots:
In game:
Also note that you can use any textures if you want to (as seen with the birds of paradise) if you somehow "own" the images.

Some fancy searching:
Returns: these cards
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a new game

Postby MageKing17 » 19 Mar 2009, 22:50

Another new program is always welcome... we can't all work on rules-enforcement programs, and the more diverse options available in either category can only improve player choices. Good luck to you!
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Huggybaby » 20 Mar 2009, 00:54

we can't all work on rules-enforcement programs
I suppose Reenen could if he wanted to, but here's where it would get him: Limited cards, limited rules, bugs and a program that is never finished. I'd rather have a dune buggy that always works and goes anywhere than a Cadillac with air conditioning and CD player that only goes some places some of the time. Although I would still look at the Cadillac and think about how cool it would be if I could rely upon it.

If he ever does finish it, it will be a breath of fresh air that fills a real void. All I ever wanted was an Apprentice with card pictures (which is what led me to MWS). By that measure Daring Apprentice already has functionality us simpletons don't need, like a deck builder.

Reenen, I have the 3DO videos for Ur-Quan Masters if you're interested.
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Bog Wraith » 20 Mar 2009, 03:15

Welcome Reenen!

It's great to have you join our CCGHQ family of games development.
We all look forward to watching what your cool app will grow into and you can be sure that there will be people who will take it out for a test drive! :D
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Reenen » 20 Mar 2009, 19:39

Yes, the 3d0 videos sounds great. How big are they? They'd fit in a gmail box?
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Huggybaby » 20 Mar 2009, 19:53

About 112 MB, so they wouldn't fit.
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby MageKing17 » 20 Mar 2009, 21:24

MageKing17 wrote:we can't all work on rules-enforcement programs
I suppose I should clarify this... I didn't mean I thought Reenen was unable to do so, but simply that it would be a bad idea if every single project was trying to enforce the rules. Apprentice-like programs are important for the very reason that they don't enforce the rules, so you can play by whatever rules (and with whatever cards) you want. Reenen's already demonstrated a greater coding skill than me, and I wish him only the best of luck with Daring Apprentice.
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Incantus » 20 Mar 2009, 22:02

Huggybaby wrote:
we can't all work on rules-enforcement programs
I suppose Reenen could if he wanted to, but here's where it would get him: Limited cards, limited rules, bugs and a program that is never finished. I'd rather have a dune buggy that always works and goes anywhere than a Cadillac with air conditioning and CD player that only goes some places some of the time. Although I would still look at the Cadillac and think about how cool it would be if I could rely upon it.
Hey, what are you saying about Incantus :wink:
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Bog Wraith » 21 Mar 2009, 01:17


Forgive us our trespasses for we have not meant to blaspheme our mighty Incantus! :wink:

In all seriousness, all you guys who develop any app that gives us yet another way to experience this, IMHO, greatest game ever called MTG, astound me with your ideas, implementation of same and your infectious enthusiasm.

We are truly fortunate to have you all here! 8)
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby MageKing17 » 21 Mar 2009, 04:12

incantus1 wrote:
Huggybaby wrote:
we can't all work on rules-enforcement programs
I suppose Reenen could if he wanted to, but here's where it would get him: Limited cards, limited rules, bugs and a program that is never finished. I'd rather have a dune buggy that always works and goes anywhere than a Cadillac with air conditioning and CD player that only goes some places some of the time. Although I would still look at the Cadillac and think about how cool it would be if I could rely upon it.
Hey, what are you saying about Incantus :wink:
That's it, I'm coding the new spell framework right now. :lol:
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby juzamjedi » 22 Mar 2009, 10:09

Hello Reenen,

I see in your demo screenshot that you have several creatures with Flash ability. Do they work correctly in Daring Apprentice? That would be very cool indeed.
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Re: Daring Apprentice, a New Program

Postby Reenen » 22 Mar 2009, 10:17

Well... As DA don't know (enforce) the rules... yes... You just tap your lands, and play the card... Your opponent needs to check if you're doing everything correctly.

Though technically your opponent at this stage is pretty much you... But the code is coming along... so a networking alpha should be available in due time...
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