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Drafts and pausing/disconnection

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2011, 15:45
by brockfanning
I've done a few drafts now in OPT, (awesome) but have a couple of questions:

1. I haven't been able to figure out a way for the table owner to pause the draft. Does that feature exist and I just can't find it?

2. We have not been brave enough to test what happens if someone disconnects during the draft. So was hoping someone with experience could tell me how OPT handles that?

Re: Drafts and pausing/disconnection

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2011, 15:59
by Jorbes
1.) there is no pauze button yet, but that's probably a good idea.
how do pauzes happen IRL, say you are at worlds in a draft and need to pee?

2.) Good question, I believe the draft could continue via rejoin, but it's never been tested, because in our country we have only the awesomest of internet connections ;) just kidding, it's probably time to test this and solve any problems with it.

Re: Drafts and pausing/disconnection

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2011, 16:23
by BaconCatBug
I think at worlds everyone is clever enough to pee beforehand (and to lace the opponents Kool-Aide with Roofies) ;)

Re: Drafts and pausing/disconnection

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2011, 16:42
by brockfanning
Well, in Netdraft, pausing is vital because it is very common for people to "time out" while drafting. (Actually it's a "feature" in Netdraft to automatically time people out when they don't click for a while, designed to prevent idlers from ruining a draft I guess). In these cases, it's necessary to pause the draft.

OPT seems to be much more stable there. The only reason this came up is that a player wanted to pause the draft so they could set up their card images. So it wasn't vital.

Regarding the disconnection issue, I guess time will tell how important it is. I remember the early days of Netdraft, if someone disconnected, the entire draft was halted permanently. That was pretty frustrating. I guess if you want to cover all bases, OPT would need something resembling these features:
-If someone loses connection, OPT continues to make random choices for them. (that may already be the case?)
-The table owner can pause the draft
-The person that lost connection can rejoin

Re: Drafts and pausing/disconnection

PostPosted: 26 Jan 2011, 21:03
by Jorbes
yes, let's cross that bridge when we make some good progress on the other more important stuff.
There are ways to "protect" a draft, with pausing it being the easiest option. I'll test later this week what happens with a disconnect.