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Running Forge In Many Threads At Once - Safe?

PostPosted: 14 Jun 2020, 20:52
by shedletsky
I'm building a little tournament program that:

1. Finds all the decks in a folder
2. Runs a tournament with them
3. Prints results

I'm using Forge as a headless process that runs multiple rounds between decks like this:
Code: Select all
forge.exe sim -d deck1 deck2 -q -n 100
I have a 16 core machine so I'd like to parallelize this. I've written a console app that basically creates a bunch of Forge processes in a thread pool, runs them all, and waits for them to finish.

My question is, is it safe to run Forge in this way? I.e. does the Forge process make the assumption that it it is the only copy of Forge running at any given time? I've maybe noticed an increase in AI errors when I'm running in parallel, but nothing conclusive yet.