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MTG Manager

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MTG Manager

Postby andrewfaust » 05 Oct 2009, 01:59

I'd like to announce the availability of the MTG Manager and MTG Player. These have only been in development for just over a month, so are still in the early phases. However, they are feature complete enough for people to start using them.

Tutorial Video

MTG Manager is a card collection manager and deck builder. While it doesn't provide as many features as many other collection managers, it does have a few nice features.

    It's Free

    No need to download and update card packs. It queries Wizard's Oracle site and saves the card pictures and details locally.
      The Zendikar expansion was available in MTG Manager before it was released without any modifications or imports required.

    It shows the cards spoiler style.

    Simple card & deck import process.

    Ability to zoom a card.

    Ability to print a deck checklist.

    Data is stored in a SQL Lite database. This makes it easy to access the information from other programs should you wish to do so.

    Ability to create multiple decks.

    View card type and color percentages on a deck.

    Under very active development.

    Decks can be used in the MTG Player program for online play.
      This is the real purpose of the manager. It will never be as feature complete as other card managers. You may well find you prefer to use another manager to track your actual collection and just use mine to create decks for online play.


You can download it from my website


10/7/2009 - Updated the database structure to store the Expansion. Also started storing the images in the database instead of the file system. This should make backing up your databases easier.
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Re: MTG Manager

Postby Huggybaby » 05 Oct 2009, 02:28

Very cool, thanks Andrew, and welcome to the forum. Can you please make those screenshots bigger?


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Re: MTG Manager

Postby nantuko84 » 09 Dec 2009, 06:40

would be nice if download package comes with any prefilled sql lite base (may be at least with cards from standart (ALA,CON,ARB,M10,ZEN)). As I can see, there is option to import cards in menu, but we do I get such file?

why I'm writting is because it takes so long to create first deck after you downloaded mtg manager, as base is empty. and may be also allow _not to search for all printings from gatherer (what about to add an option to get only recent one?)
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Re: MTG Manager

Postby andrewfaust » 09 Dec 2009, 16:33

I can't distribute a preloaded database as it would violate Wizards of the Coast's copyrights.

Good idea on only returning most recent edition on the search results. I'll definitely add that to the ToDo list.
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Re: MTG Manager

Postby Bklyncomic » 01 Apr 2010, 22:17

I'm having some issues with getting MTG manager working. I'm running windows XP and have installed: SQLite-, Blend, and silverlight. After opening MTG Manager and searching for cards i receeve a "no resulsts" message.

Am I missing something? Is there any more documentation I can look at. I'm really excited to get this working for some multiplayer matches.

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Re: MTG Manager

Postby andrewfaust » 02 Apr 2010, 01:54

You only need to install Blend and SQL Lite if you are going to compile the source and make changes. If you don't want to work with the source, but just install and use it you only need .Net 3.5 SP1 and the installer package. The installation will install the necessary SQL Lite dlls.

You issue is may just be the search settings. You need to ensure the "Search Gatherer" checkbox is selected. This will tell MTG Manager to search Wizard's of the Coasts card database. It will then cache a local copy of any card you've previous seen so it will be loaded quicker in the future. Try selecting an expansion (Worldwake isn't in the list, but you can type it in manually), click Search Gatherer, Unselect Owned then click search. It should return all the cards in the Worldwake expansion.
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