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Re: Old School Magic

PostPosted: 15 Sep 2021, 21:35
by Korath
Ah. That's a lot better than the personal house rules I was afraid this was a request for. Adding new configuration options is very straightforward - a SETTING_ macro in manalink.h and parsing it in functions/rules_engine.c, if you haven't looked into it before - if you're inclined to implement the variant. It would make more sense than some of the supported options, like DuhMode and OldPWRules, not to mention SmartTargets which I don't think ever worked.

Re: Old School Magic

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2021, 19:02
by Dunpeal
Would it be possible to add these helpful old school magic guide somewhere more visible as it is useful for reference?

Thanks in advance.

Re: Old School Magic

PostPosted: 06 Apr 2022, 09:44
by joseluiselblanco
drool66 wrote:He's referring to Old School Magic which is now a format unto itself. I had considered including two different functions on Chaos Orb: one if mana burn was turned on, one if it was turned off, since mana burn is in the Old School rules. Ultimately that seemed a little too cute so I went the way I did.
I forgot about that thread and reported a bug on Chaos Orb. The card doesn't get destroyed after being used but rather stays tapped on the battlefield.

Re: Old School Magic

PostPosted: 15 Jul 2023, 20:19
by demarest
travolter wrote:Hi!!!

Here from Spain playing only 93-94 format with manalink.
To enable the old school sets do the following (check the pic):
Also remember to delete all pics for the cards pics folder with the new art (that personally I dont like) to conserve the original art theme. The new cards versions have a bracket () with a number after the name... so its easy to find them.

Its true that the only problem with manalink is that you dont have a chaos orb working in the way that 93-94 format does. A solution would be code a new 93-94 Chaos orb version card that would select a target.. and then just flip the coin for randomness.

Anyway manalink works perfect for 93-94.. here playing with it for more that 20 years now... the only really missing thing would be the online play that it havent been implemented (do you know any other mtg game to play online for free?)
Would you be willing to release a "classic" version that is no new art and no new cards? That's exactly what I'm looking for. Going to try and follow your instructions here.