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Original Artwork

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What do you prefer as the default deckbuilder art?

Original artwork
Newest artwork
No votes
Best looking artwork
Don't care
No votes
Total votes : 10

Original Artwork

Postby aww1979 » 11 Mar 2009, 07:32

Due to being frustrated with not recognizing half the newer artwork in my deckbuilder, I manually renamed all the files to change it so that the oldest artwork is now the default on my machine. If people are interested in this, I can make it available as a download. I also set up a poll regarding the artwork we use. My opinion is that we should use the original artwork as the deckbuilder default because 1) it doesn't change, whereas newer art may come out in the future, making it easier to set a standard for future mods, and 2) in most cases, I think the originals look better. Note that I have no problem at all with multiple artwork once the card is in play, I just find it more difficult to find my way through the deckbuilder, and it makes deck construction slower for me when I don't recognize the artwork. I realize we all started Magic at different times (I started Revised/Fallen Empires and quit purchasing cards in about 2000) and that is why I set up the poll, since you might not think like me.

This is a list of all cards that I did NOT rename: (forum wouldn't take my *.txt file as an attachment)

(untouched = too lazy to do anything about this)
(correct = original artwork was already defaulted)
(original art gone = only file I saw in the CardArtNew was not the original)
(wrong = a card has the wrong art or else has a newer art that is totally unrecognizable by me as the card in question)
(don't know original = I don't know which art is original, so I left it alone. Mostly applies to newer cards or else cards I didn't use)
(don't recognize card = I have no idea what this card is, so I can't judge which is original)

basic land untouched
manabarbs correct
plateau untouched (Revised art used by Microprose instead of Alpha)
savannah lions original art gone
sengir vampire original art gone
thoughtlace has winter's grasp for alternate art
wooden orb correct
buried alive 354 is wrong
erhnam djinn 0416
mox diamond 0457 is wrong
energy flux correct
brainstorm 0499 is wrong
triskelion 0538 is missing his jpg orignal art (he has an alternate in the default spot)
urza's chalice 0540 correct
antiquities lands untouched
0630 not changed (don't recognize this card)
flash counter 0637 not changed (don't know which is original)
moss monster 0728 correct
underworld dreams 0829 correct
wolverine pack 0856 unchanged (don't rknow which is original)
0953 unchanged (don't recognize this card)
angelic page 0954 correct
0955 unchanged (don't recognize this card)
0964 correct
glorious anthem 0966 unchanged (don't know original)
0968 unchanged (don't recognize this card)
0973 arbitrarily chose one of two original homelands art as the deckbuilder art
0975 avatar of hope unchanged (don't know original)
0977 don't recognize card
0979 don't know original
0980 don't know original
0982 don't know original
0983 unchanged correct
0993 don't know original
0996 unchanged correct
0997 unchanged correct
1000 don't know original
1004 don't know card
1014 don't recognize card
1021 correct
1022 don't recognize card
1024 don't know original
1025 dont' know original
1026 don't know original
1027 don't know original
1031 don't know original
1034 correct
1035 don't recognize card
1038 don't know original
1044 correct
1047 don't know original
1048 correct
1049 correct
1051 correct
1054 don't know original
1055 don't know original
1057 don't recognize card
1058 dont' know original
1059 don't know origina
1062 don't know original
1063 don't know original
1066 correct
1070 correct
1074 don't recognize card
1075 don't know original
1079 correct
1080 don't recognize card
1081 don't recognize card
1087 don't know original
1090 don't know original
1091 don't recognize card
1092 don't recognize card
1096 don't know original
1101 don't recognize card
1104 correct (all 3 original)
1108 correct
1109 don't know original
1110 don't know original
1111 don't recognize card
1112 don't recognize card
1117 don't recognize card
1126 don't recognize card
1129 don't recognize card
1136 don't recognize card
1137 don't know original
1139 correct
1141 don't recognize card
1143 correct
1149 don't know original
1153 don't recognize card
1154 correct
1156 correct
1157 correct
1161 don't recognize card
1162 arbitrarily chose one of two originals
1164 don't know original
1165 don't know original
1170 don't know original
1172 don't know original
1173 don't recognize card
1176 correct
1182 don't recognize card
1183 don't know original
1187 don't know original
1188 don't know original
1189 correct
1191 don't know original
1192 don't know original
1193 don't recognize card
1194 correct
1196 correct
1197 don't know original
1217 don't know original
1219 dont' know original
1220 don't know original
1221 don't know original
1227 correct (all 3 original)
1223-1300 (approx. #s) many fallen empires art in wrong places
1302 don't know original
1312 don't recognize card
1571 entire llanowar dead card screenshotted instead of just the art
tendrils.jpg not sure what this is from
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Re: Original Artwork

Postby Huggybaby » 11 Mar 2009, 15:14

Well, there doesn't have to be one official set. In the Pics torrent we've included numerous tokens sets for just this reason. So I say make your own and make it available for all. Open a free account at MediaFire, make a folder and start your collection. :)
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Re: Original Artwork

Postby aww1979 » 11 Mar 2009, 16:22

Hmm, I suppose there is that. As long as things are set up such that we can customize the artwork however we want, it doesn't really matter what we do. It still might be a good idea to have a certain standard to follow, and then people can change it to suit their tastes. For example, I can default cards to old artwork, or whatever, and you can do something else.
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