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Maybe this can help a few original untouched exe and .c file

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2015, 22:54
by gmzombie
here is a zip of the original duels of the planeswalkers magic.exe and the original duels update that mok did but it was before his first big update as this is called 1.3.2 but i have it listed as magicdotp.exe and magicoriginaluntoucheddotp.exe for the original. ive included them and my .c output from ida. maybe this will help in any diagnose of engine updates and whatnot. Hopefully this is of any help Korath and Gargaroz. Kinda could clear the slate of old hacks and if some of these patches Korath has done for shandalar could be set to this maybe it can help. i dunno just thought id share. :D