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What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2009, 21:06
by aww1979
I'm just curious what people play, whether it's in manalink, casual games, or tournaments.

Based on the cards people ask for and what is coded, I'm expecting a lot of standard.

Personally, I'm a vintage fan. Even though I don't own moxes and other expensive cards, I still prefer that because it allows the greatest freedom in deck construction, and you can choose (or face) anything ever printed.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2009, 21:50
by Salbei
Legacy for paper magic and Vintage for Manalink.
Sold my cards years ago for about 3,500$ (was playing Vintage).
Just playing Legacy Tournaments with borrowed cards once in a while now.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 27 Sep 2009, 22:22
by thedrigo
I played Vintage up to when my deck box was stolen in 2001!!! :x :x :x :x :x :x

Duals, P9, moxen, nonbasic lands, FoWs... GONE. I just started playing again with what's left of my cards, which is now Legacy. :?
I still play Sealed and Draft at the magic store in my city, but that's only because I'm no longer interested in competitive magic or buying cards to stay in the Standard playing circle. I'm all about casual now...

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 29 Sep 2009, 00:10
by MalkolmX
I started playing around 8th edition and the majority of my cards are from post 8th edition, so the format i play the most is Extended, but my favorite one is Vintage due to the insane power level. But to be honest i prefer limited to constructed.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2009, 16:58
by Professor
I never played a sanctioned constructed game, but I have played hundreds of sealed and drafts.

Casually, amongst friends (who have all abandoned the game since), I'd have to call it Vintage, except that none of us had any power cards. Does that make it Legacy? We did stick to the rules and B/R lists - no wild decks or special house rules unless it was for a particular experiment.

Even back in the day when I'd have thousands of cards from the same block, I could still never build a viable deck because I never bought singles or chased rares. I sold or traded them off for more packs.
My current collection has probably 15000 cards, and is easily 95% commons.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 29 Oct 2009, 17:17
by aww1979
Yeah, that's about how I played, too, Professor. There were only two guys in my circle of friends who had any power cards; one guy had two moxes and the other guy had everything. We used restricted cards, but generally the more available ones like Balance or Demonic Tutor rather than ones that that cost an arm and a leg. No one I know plays anymore, either :p That's why I like this project so much.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 03 Mar 2010, 15:43
by Enchanteur
Magic is too expensive, so I play T2 and Block on MWS, vintage and legacy on ManaLink.

And in real life, I play :
- legacy like, but with specials limitations and no lands, with a pool of photocopied card (in color !).
- tournaments with last extensions, with only Commons (cheap to buy !). Most of the time with the "no lands" rules.

"no lands" rules : lands are replaced by a colored card. Players can play a card as a land. This land produce colors of the card. It's dual-land if bicolored, and it's just non basic land if tricolored or more.
When drawing, player can show that card and say it's a land (for specials interactions with library). with theses rules, "sinbad" is a very strong card !
The rule keep tracking of lands when in the graveyard, or when a card on the field as land comeback in hand. (just flip over the card in the hand).
Avantage of theses rules : no dead card in draw step, no manaless, no manafull, strategic choice about what putting as land on the field.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 04 Mar 2010, 00:31
by Vecc
Extended is the format I enjoy the most. I'm not exactly sure why... I guess it's something about the metagame and how it shifts, but also having a decent-sized cardpool.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010, 09:25
by TapToSacrifice
Vintage is definitely my favorite format. Being forced to buy/trade cards to keep Standard/Extended legal was what made me stop playing M:TG.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 10 Mar 2010, 23:31
by juzamjedi
I expected to vote for "combo" deck type :P all of my favorite decks are combo decks. Back in the day I loved ProsBloom and Tolarian Academy decks. Right now Legacy Ichorid is a blast to play. If I had Bazaar of Baghdad then maybe I would have said Vintage instead, lol.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 11 Mar 2010, 09:27
by monopoman
Actually once you buy the powerful cards Legacy and Vintage are very reasonable to keep up on unless you want to have a pool of every deck that comes out.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 13 Mar 2010, 18:20
by 240sxforever
Previously extended, but most of my xtd favorites have rotated to legacy... *tear.

Re: What constructed deck type do you like best?

PostPosted: 25 Apr 2010, 08:06
by discoransom
It has to be Vintage/Casual. I like to play with all my cards, and proxying up power and playing the best decks is great fun