Welcome DraftMaster

I just wanted to post and say welcome to our newest developer lord of 13, and bring everyone's attention to this new forum.
Yes, DraftMaster does have AI, that's why I put it here. I usually think of AI as something you play against, but in this case the AI is used for an entirely different purpose:
That said, it's a great looking app with a nice interface and I know lots of people will derive much benefit from its use.
Yes, DraftMaster does have AI, that's why I put it here. I usually think of AI as something you play against, but in this case the AI is used for an entirely different purpose:
Now, I know nothing about drafting other than a lot of people dig doing so, so maybe lord of 13 or someone can elaborate on exactly how AI and logic are used in this case. I'd also like to hear how it compares to the other drafting venues out there. I know there are websites and maybe other apps that perform this function.DraftMaster is designed for use as a drafting application and possesses superior logic and a new and unique AI for the player's rival drafters. At the end of your draft, when you save your draft, DraftMaster automatically creates a deck for you that fits your two most commonly drafted colors and provides a sideboard should you wish to revise it.
That said, it's a great looking app with a nice interface and I know lots of people will derive much benefit from its use.