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Changing Player Name In Older DotP Games?

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2019, 01:51
by Ronin009
I've been playing around with the older Duels of the Planeswalkers games. There is no .ini file for me to edit to change the players name. I have found folders in Users\[Username]\Appdata\Local\[NameOfReleaseGroup]\ that have matching steamapp ID numbers, and .profile files.
Is there any way to edit these to change the player name? Notepad alone isn't cutting it.

Re: Changing Player Name In Older DotP Games?

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2019, 10:07
by RiiakShiNal
The player name is generally your Steam name as such there is no need to change it for the game.

If you are using a cracked version of the game then it depends on what options the crack group gave you (if any). Sometimes this could be in an "ini" or a "cfg" file in the game directory (which you could just edit with notepad).

Re: Changing Player Name In Older DotP Games?

PostPosted: 15 Aug 2019, 19:39
by Ronin009
There is no .ini and the .cfg is a config.cfg but it contains no username settings, only resolution and whatnot. I have seen mention of these .profile files and hash.file files elsewhere on this board so I thought I might find someone who knew how to work with these files. The original 2009 DotP does not have a hash.file only a .profile file.

Re: Changing Player Name In Older DotP Games?

PostPosted: 16 Aug 2019, 10:06
by RiiakShiNal
There are several people here who know how to work with the .profile files (I'm one of them), but the player name is not stored in that file. DotP gets the player name from the Steam API, in the case of a cracked version of the game it gets it from the cracked DLL that is there in place of the Steam API. In the case of the original DotP (often referred to here as DotP 2010, even though it came out in 2009) some groups hard coded the player name into the DLL as the crack group name rather than make it configurable. Technically, you can still change it, but that involves hex editing the crack DLL and you have to be careful not to add or remove characters (must keep things the same length) or you will break it. For example if the original name is 10 characters long the new name should also be 10 characters long (granted you can generally make the name shorter by replacing the character after the last one with a null or just pad things out by adding spaces or another invisible character).

The hash.file was added in later versions of the game.