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June Tournament (tournament complete; scherbchen1 wins)

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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby discoransom » 19 Jun 2010, 18:39

Semifinal #1

Scherbchen vs Taron

game 1:

AI comes out with a turn three Progenitus. I have Kitchen Finks to buy me an extra turn. I cast 2 copies of Fact or Fiction with no Natural Order. Finally when I'm down to my last draw, I find Coiling Oracle, who finds Natural Order. I flood the board with small men and Garruk finishes the game.

game 2:

Easy win with a turn 3 Progenitus, holding Force of Will.


Taron vs Scherbchen

game 1:

Do I get a t-shirt for losing after playing a turn 2 Progenitus? Ouch. The AI had one on turn 3 AND turn 4.

game 2:

AI doesn't find Natural Order, and I hold my breath bashing through a Spike Weaver for a month and a half before I win.

game 3:

On a mulligan to 5 I tried to race with Elvish Spirit Guides and other small men. AI casts a Fact or Fiction, which of course contains Natural Order. I split 4-1 and hope the AI goofs up. The AI does goof up and bins the win condition. A couple turns later I come up with a Natural Order and win.


Scherbchen 2 points
Taron 1 point
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby discoransom » 19 Jun 2010, 20:19

Semifinal #2

Cognis vs Yggdrasil

game 1:

AI drops a turn one Figure of Destiny, and I begrudgingly play out a Kor Skyfisher to slow him down (bouncing my land turn 2). We both play out some small guys and I Bloodbraid Elf into Path to Exile for his Figure. He gets Woolly Thoctar while I get Elspeth. Thoctar's good, but he's no Elspeth. The game drags on until my planeswalker provides too much card advantage.


game 2:

I get the Kor Skyfisher/Imperial Recruiter dance going early, and the AI has no hope of keeping up


Yggdrasil vs Cognis

game 1:

I get an early Figure and Bloodbraid, and soon I have a large board, but the AI plays out Elspeth and I have to crash in with my team to empty whole board and kill her off. We were stalled on the ground and she had me on a three turn clock. AI gets out Scute Mob and I Bloodbraid into chump blockers. I stay alive for a while, but I never draw removal and lose.


game 2:

I play 7 guys, AI exiles 6 of them. But the last one is a Figure of Destiny, and I do enough damage to finish him with Assorted Lightning despite being well behind on board.


game 3:

AI does the bad Skyfisher play turn 2 and I bolt it for insane value. Turn 4 I Ranger into 2 Figures and the AI is just too far behind to do anything.


Cognis 2 points
Yggdrasil 1 point
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby aww1979 » 19 Jun 2010, 20:50

Bracket ABCD:

scherbchen vs taron AI 2-0 (+2 points for scherbchen)
taron vs scherbchen AI 1-2 (+3 points for scherbchen)

As Scherbchen:
Game 1: Turn 3 progenitus stomps for the win. AI trades 3 elves for double exalted Coiling Oracle, which means it cannot cast Natural Order in time :p
Game 2: I Force of Will AI's Natural Order, and later get my own out. I get in one hit before AI plays a second Natural Order to bury my proggy, but I play my second one, and it hits for the win.

As Taron:
Game 1: I mulligan a terrible hand and get a hand with an easy Natural Order. AI hits every land drop, but with an Island; no green mana. Proggy stomps to the win. I peek at AIs hand on the last turn and it has two Force of Will. *sigh* :p
Game 2: Mull into 6 cards, get a potential turn 2 Natural Order if I can topdeck a land. I get an elf, which is good enough, and my proggy lands on turn 3, but so does AI, and I have nothing left, while AI has a 2/1 finks and gets a second Natural Order. I play a spirit guide hoping I'll be able to feed it to a topdecked NO, but no luck.
Game 3: I get lots of land, mana creatures, and Eureka in opening hand, and I keep it. Unfortunately, I draw a Forest on every turn all game, except the last where I draw an elf, while AI beats me with a beast horde made by Garruk.

Video to be uploaded later; my internet connection won't stay long enough to do it right now.
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby Nyktorion » 19 Jun 2010, 20:53

Bracket ABCD:

Scherbchen loses to Taron AI 1-2 (+3 pts for Taron)
Taron wins vs Scherbchen AI 2-1 (+1 pt for Taron)

Almost all of these games were decided by who got a Progenitus into play. The one more interesting ame was my win as Scherbchen. It starts by me laying down a Progenitus at turn 3. First, the AI answers with Eureka (laying down just a Forest, and I lay down nothing). One turn (and attack) later, the AI kills my Progenitus by its own Natural Order. Following that, it layed down a Progenitus of its own. Luckily, I got another Natural Order myself - however, both copies of Progenitus were in my hand. Still, I could fetch Woodfall Primus, which was able to outrace Progenitus thanks to Kitchen Finks: with the bonus life, the AI would have needed 3 turns to kill me, while Primus + Kitchen Finks were able to cut down the AI's remaining 9 life in a single attack.

Bracket EFGH:

Cognis wins vs Yggdrasil AI 2-0 (+2 pts for Cognis)
Yggdrasil wins vs Cognis AI 2-0 (+2 pts for Yggdrasil)

As Cognis, I just overwhelmed the AI with more creatures than it could handle both times. Combat tricks like growing Goyfs by playing an instant after declaring blockers, or exiling one of several blockers, and card advantage machines like Bloodbraid Elf, Imperial Recruiter, and Eternal Witness gave me the necessary advantage here.
As Yggdrasil, I also just overpowered the AI in both games with creatures. Here, Figures of Destiny grown by Balefire Liege, and again combat tricks like growing a Figure after declaring blockers, or exiling one of several blockers (yet again), and the Figures' brute force when they are grown by Balefire Liege turned the games into my favor.
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby scherbchen1 » 20 Jun 2010, 03:15

match ABCD

as me (2-0): 2 lands, 2 finks, FoW, NO and Hierarch, a keeper. now if only those lands gave green mana! draw into another island and then get the forest I really want and drop the Hierarch with the AI at 2 mana elves. AI plays Elvish Spirit Guide and I draw a Coiling Oracle to pitch to FoW. NO time. sadly I have to force a hardcast Platinum Angel. AI is down to 10 and I can't even play any of my three finks I have by now. luckily I don't need to.

game 2: 3 Tropical Island, Forest, Spike Weaver, FoF and jace. on the draw. gah! I'll keep it but I ain't all too happy about it. seriously need to draw something big soon if the AI has a decent hand.

AI goes forest, forest + bird while I draw Island and Oracle and go Coiling Oracle into another land drop. AI goes for NO on turn 3, well, we still got a Spikey and some card-drawing. I drop land number 4 and go for Jace, hoping the AI might want to gun her down, and Jacestorm for random card, Force of Will and Natural Order! not too shabby. AI casts Naturalize on Jace and I think about countering it for a moment but it would really be cocky and silly. I'll just take 10 to the dome. cast Spike Weaver with 5 lands and swing for 1 damage. NO next turn to kill his Progenitus after attacking for three. AI has 4 cards in hand and can only cast a measly mana elf while I draw into Control Magic and cast Garruk. no more plays from the AI and I win with a 2/2 Spike Weaver and Beast tokens with 2 Force of Will and Fact or Fiction in hand.

quick peek at the AI's hand before I kill him shows 2 Forest, Platinum Angel, Naturalize and Eureka.

rematch as taron (2-1): 4 Forest, Elvish Spirit Guide, Eureka and Llanowar Elves. better draw into something quickly. I draw into NO and drop Progenitus on turn two with the AI at a Noble Hierarch and a Forest. gg

game 2 shows 2 Noble Hierarch, 2 Forest, Llanowar Elves, Natural Order and Elvish Spirit Guide. keeper. I NO turn 2. the AI plays Finks and I swing for 10. NO by the AI clears the board except for his wall and my two mana critters. plan B then. another NO for the AI brings another Progenitus with me at 20 life and only Lightning Greaves and Naturalize in hand. would have the mana to hardcast Platinum Angel if it shows up. alas, I get a Progenitus. no plan B.

game 3 Gaea's Cradle, Elvish Spirit Guide, 2 Birds, Noble Hierarch, Lightning Greaves and NO. well, my deck has no Wasteland so I'll just keep it and drop another turn two Progenitus. AI low on mana and that's all he wrote.

match EFGH:

as cognis (2-1): game 1 the AI is hellbent on getting his FoD into play and to pump them while I remove them and beat with Nacatl and goyf and regain the life lost via Finks. annoyed at me the AI rfgs my entire ground force except for a 2/3 goyf. Bloodbraid Elf into Lightning Bolt kills my goyf. sigh. another, even stronger, goyf shows up but I am down to 1 Forest in hand with the AI at 3 cards in hand. he plays Thoctar and I draw Bloodbraid and cascade into.... Nacatl. meh, I'll take it. the AI plays another Bloodbraid and cascades into another Thoctar.... yikes. he doesn't attack, though, and instead drops Balefire Liege. yikes squared. I get Wall of Reverence down and the sissy AI does not beat me down with his humongous beasts.

whatever. I draw into Kor Skyfisher and bounce my Bloodbraid who upon recasting cascades a Scute Mob which will do nicely with my Wall of Reverence and will further scare the AI.

Sarkhan Vol shows up and I figure I'll let the Balefire Liege suicide himself into his friends before things get silly (the AI gained a ton of life off of him already). from then on out it is mad lifegaining time and building up loyality and I end the game without dragons but at 84 life.

game 2 is the tale of the AI having 2x Balefire Liege and some creature removal and 2 Thoctars and me without access to white mana. nasty.

game 3 mull to 6. it then tels the story of Ajani and his mighty Avatar.

rematch as Yggdrasil (2-1): AI cast 2 Plows on my birds, 2 Paths on other critters allowing me free reign for my two Balefire Liege I had in hand since the beginning. Bloodbraid Elf into removal and Eternal Witness for another removal bust that plan. I die to puny critters.

game 2 hit the perfect curve at he start and then do silly stuff with Balefire Liege and a fresh FoD once I lose my critters.

game 3 I actually screw up a bit but it turns out not to mather with Lieges and Bloodbraids and FoDs. huge Scute Mob I did not bolt when I could have, I ain't really bovvered!
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby aww1979 » 20 Jun 2010, 05:55 ... ...

Bracket EFGH:
cognis vs yggdrasil AI 2-1 (cognis +1 pts)
yggdrasil vs cognis AI 2-1 (yggdrasil +1 pts)

Game 1: AI got a pretty quick start with its weenies, and I am very quickly down 5 life to 32 facing three attackers. I topdeck Path to Exile, hit Balefire Liege, which leaves just Qasali and Firewalker, which I can survive for a turn. I also put Ajani down and go into lifegain mode. A Kor Skyfisher stalls things a bit and I gain some life with ajani. AI then cheats by saccing Qasali to kill ajani, and combined with the swords on my skyfisher that turn, I'm dead pretty quickly. I could've replayed the match, but even with Ajani I doubt I could have bought more than one more turn, maybe two; the result would have been the same, I think.
Game 2: We trade some stuff early on. On turn 5 the board is AI birds, qasali, balefire, and I've got wild nacatl, dragonmaster outcast (need 1 more land) and ajani. I pump with ajani and trade nacatl for balefire, which is a pretty good deal. I draw Imperial Recruiter and gleefully snag Scute Mob, since I've got 5 lands, though he eats a helix. Still, I'm beating like crazy and I get Bloodbraid Elf as well. Ajani's making my dudes awesome, and I get that 6th land for the outcast. I don't need the dragons by this point, but I'm not complaining :) AI gets buried at -21 life.
Game 3: I keep a one mana hand because I like the spells, though it is a bit risky. We throw plows at each others weenies, and I topdeck a second land, playing tarmogoyf, which trades with bloodbraid elf. Drew a land and Eternal Witness gets tarmo right back, but another bloodbraid gets plow for the witness. AI gets his 3rd bloodbraid and gets plow again for tarmo; I plow one and take 3 from the other. I get my 4th land, and my hand is Sarkhan Vol, Ajani Goldmane, Elspeth, Knight-Errant. LOLOLOL, Planeswalkers rule. Elspeth makes babies for chumping, Sarkhan makes dragons, and Ajani makes everything big :) AI ends up at -26

Game 1: I have a great hand with lands, several awesome weenies, and balefire liege, and I'm thinking this will be over quick. It's not. AI drops three plowshares on my first three creatures and plays a tarmogoyf. I've still got yet more creatures. AI stalls with that darned tarmogoyd against my two figures and qasali until I can get my balefire lieges out (I have three in hand!) I get that 5th land, and balefires start burninating the AI, while qasali and figure are getting nice and fat. AI puts out all kinds of creatures, including Wall of Reverence, but by the time the 3 lieges are out, it's at 11. Next turn I cast Woolly Thoctar, gain 9 life, deal 9 damage, and oh hey I have an 11/10 creature, too, though it never gets to attack, since everything else kills him right there. I win with 56 life, hehe.
Game 2: This time I've got three plows in opening hand :p And my first draw topdecks #4, hehe. The game lasts a long time, and I'm burninating everything in my path with swords and helixes. Unfortunately, I haven't drawn too many creatures, and AI manages to stabilize when it starts getting Imperial Recruiters, Bloodbraid Elves, Eternal Witnesses, and this card advantage just blows me away. I'm hoping I can sneak in enough attacks to double helix the AI's face and win, but I can't get in that one more hit to do it, and AI ends up wtfpwning me, hard. Great game, though, but a little unfair with AI getting all four bloodbraid elves :p
Game 3: We both put a few weenies down (if you can call Woolly Thoctar a weenie, anyway) and things aren't too exciting until I get 5 mana and play my two balefire lieges. The thoctar goes smashing at 9/8 and when I topdeck lightning bolt, AI takes an extra 6 from lieges and boom! I win.

edit: video add
Last edited by aww1979 on 20 Jun 2010, 15:42, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby monopoman » 20 Jun 2010, 09:22

Match ABCD
Taron vs. Scherbchen

Playing as Scherbchen (Scherbchen wins 2-0)

Game !: AI gets Natural Order first which seems bad but I have a nice army mounted of beast tokens and kitchen finks. Spike Weaver comes out and AI can not answer which allows my force of finks+beasts to win the day.

Game 2: I get a really slow start but have 2x Fow in hand and figure I can stop the combo if it comes. The combo never does come for the AI but I would have forced it anyways I win with my own Prog eventually.

Playing as Taron (Scherbchen (AI) wins 2-1)
Game 1: AI gets an early Progenitus which I have no answer for. I pray to topdeck my own.. I draw it but by that time it is too late the AI has ordered twice and has a Primus to back up its Progenitus.

Game 2: I get a 3rd turn Order for Prog which seems good AI dies in two swings no Order for the AI or stall cards.

Game 3: I mulligan aggressively for either Eureka+Fatties or Order get it in a 4 card hand with some accell. I get down a 3rd turn Prog thanks to the aggressive mulliganing. Unfortunately after one swing AI does the same and we remove our Progs. I have no defense against his onslaught of Finks as he casts 3 and starts attacking I draw absolutely nothing helpful but mana dorks and land AI wins with a flurry of beats and then to top it off Orders for Primus and removes some permanents.

Match EFGH
Cognis vs. Yggdrasil

Playing as Cognis (Cognis wins 2-0)

Game 1: Flurry of removal for the AI but I get some early beats in despite it. Eventually a stalemate develops but I am able to get down a Vol and steal the AI's Liege and swing in with it. AI kills it via blocking like a moron but that is the AI for ya. Eventually my horde overwhelms due to Ajani+Sarkhan Vol giving +2/+2 and haste+vig every turn.

Game 2: Don't have a lot of mana to work with in this game but still get out some threats to stall the game a bit and start getting in flying beats. Start getting the AI low and AI has yet to touch me thanks to Elspeth to help stall and Skyfisher beats. AI gets some hits in with fully powered figure of destinies but I path them and proceed to win.

Playing as Yggdrasil (Yggdrasil wins 2-0)
Game !: I get a 3rd turn Thoctar but AI removes it immediately. I have no threats but am able to remove all the AI plays for the next few turns. I finally get a Figure out and power it up fully due to the excess lands. Figure goes the full way nearly AI removes it finally but I have Liege+Helix to finish him off with 6 points of pain to the face.

Game 2: Game goes back and forth early but I start to mount a sizable force removing his threats in the process. I easily take over the game at the end removing every creature the AI has and swinging in for tons of damage.
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby aww1979 » 20 Jun 2010, 15:44

Scoring update:
ABCD: scherbchen up by 18 points (9 reports)
EFGH: cognis up by 8 points (9 reports)
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby Cognis » 20 Jun 2010, 16:31

Match ABCD

Schrebcen vs Taron 2-0
Taron vs Schrebchen 2-1

Schrebchen: 2 points
Taron: 1 point

Match 1 (Taron AI)
Game 1:
Brainstorm and Coiling Oracle set up a turn 3 Progenitus.
Game 2: Eureka thwarts a turn 3 Progenitus, but a turn 4 Progenitus sticks.

Match 2 (Schrebchen AI)
Game 1:
Turn 3 Progenitus thwarted by Natural Order. I play Eureka and put Platinum Angel into play and think I will win since I have Lightning Greaves but AI responds with Control Magic on Platinum Angel so the Garruk Wildspeaker beast and Kitchen Finks beat me into the ground.
Game 2: Turn 3 Progenitus with only 1 land sealed the game.
Game 3: Turn 2 Progenitus was just too much. AI played two Kitchen Finks but lige gain was annulled by 2 Noble Hierarch.

I was sure that Yggdrasil would run me over so I can't believe I'm in the lead by now, I have to play my deck next and I hope that I don't mess it up like I did when I played Aww1979 in the last round :shock:
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby juzamjedi » 20 Jun 2010, 17:00

Scherbchen vs. Taron

Scherbchen as human win 2-1
game 1 me and AI both have T3 Progenitus. I reload with Jace and have a T5 Progenitus. AI doesn't get another Natural Order so I win.
game 2 I keep a hand that can play T3 Natural Order. Problem is there are only 2 Progenitus in the deck and both are in my hand. Whoops. I get Woodfall Primus, but AI still has T3 Progenitus and I lose a close race.
game 3 AI Legend rules his own Gaea's Cradle. LOL, easy win.

Taron as human win 2-0
game 1 I have both Natural Order and Eureka. I decide to play Eureka because I have 2x Platinum Angel and Progenitus in hand. Everything's fine until AI drops Control Magic on my Platinum Angel. Whoops. Eventually I draw Naturalize though and win.
game 2 I keep a hand with 3x Natural Order (!) I get T3 Progenitus swing, and AI legend rules it to sace his bacon. T5 Progenitus and AI plays T5 Progenitus. Then I play T6 Progenitus. Yeah I'm good at this game.

Cognis vs. YggDrasil

Cognis as human win 2-0
game 1 my Swords to Plowshares does a lot of work when I regrow it many, many times with Eternal Witness shenanigans. I win the game going long on the tiny shoulders of Dragonmaster Outcast.
game 2 mulligan into OH LOOK SWORDS TO PLOWSHARES + ETERNAL WITNESS AGAIN! In a long drawn out game I win with Goyf beats backed up by infinite Swords to Plowshares.

YggDrasil as human win 2-0
game 1 AI keeps a 1 land hand (basic Forest). I also don't see many lands, but I have 2x Qasali Pridemage that push through a lot of damage. We both end the game with 2 lands in play.
game 2 AI keeps a 1 land hand (basic Mountain). AI dies with 2 basic Mountain in play.
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby thedrigo » 20 Jun 2010, 17:52

SEMIFINAL #1 Scherbchen vs. Taron

Match 1: Scherbchen (ME) vs. Taron (AI)

Game 1: WIN. I drop Proggy turn 3 and FoW the AI's NO on the next turn. Game over.
Game 2: WIN. Turn 3 Proggy again, but Eureka by the AI gets rid of it. However, I cantrip TWICE with Wall of Blossoms and get a little army on the board with Garruk; 2 turns later, Garruk says Overrun and I obey. Game over.

Match 2: Taron (ME) vs. Scherbchen (AI)

Game 1: WIN. Turn 2 Progenitus is just unfair.
Game 2: WIN. Really long game... AI is screwed at 2 Islands and I'm flooded with mana dudes until I finally draw a NO on turn 7. AI responds with Fact or Fiction and yes, discards the pile with NO and a land only to choose, yes, 2 Progenitus and a FoW. Beauty.

Scherbchen +2
Taron +2

SEMIFINAL #2 Cognis vs. Yggdrasil

Match 1: Cognis (ME) vs. Yggdrasil (AI)

Game 1: WIN. AI burned everything that landed on the board to a crisp until it ran out of fuel. After that, Eternal Witness and Kor Skyfisher became unstoppable: I ended up smashing the AI's cranium in with a 17/17 Scute Mob and 3 Dragons, thanks to Dragonmaster Outcast.
Game 2: WIN. Took 30 mins to complete, but I won. AI locked me in with an 8/8 FoD after cooking all my Kor Skyfisher s... I kept chumpblocking with Dragonmaster Outcast Dragons until Elspeth came down and went ultimate... The board was locked down in a stalemate with 10+ critters on both sides. Finally, Garruk came down and dominated! Good game... I was really lucky that the AI never got a Balefire Liege down, that woulda been game over for me.

Match 2: Yggdrasil (ME) vs. Cognis (AI)

Game 1: WIN. OMG! This game took FOREVER. The AI exiled 9 of my creatures thanks to 3 Bloodbraid Elf that all revealed Eternal Witness, 3 of those were Lieges. I ended up with 12 Lands, the AI with 15! Finally an 8/8 FoD took the game... The only reason I survived 4 Bloodbraid Elves and 3 5/6 Goyfs was totally due to the ridiculous amount of lifegain this deck provides.
Game 2: WIN. Thank god this one wasnt so damn long. The AI didn't draw enough anything to keep up and was eaten alive by FoDs and Lieges. I love this deck's interactions, man. Nice job, Yggdrasil.

Cognis +2
Yggdrasil +2

Sorry I hadn't tested before but I haven't had time to do anything cause of work!
Good luck to the semifinalists!!
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby Cognis » 20 Jun 2010, 17:54

Match EFGH

Cognis vs Yggdrasil 2-1
Yggdrasil vs Cognis 2-1

Cognis: 1 point
Yggdrasil: 1 point

Match 1 (Yggdrasil AI)
Game 1:
I was overrun but poor play from the AI leaves Elspeth, Knight-Errant which paired up with Scute Mob and Dragonmaster Outcast means victory. I eventually stabilized and started ploughing with Eternal Witness and Bloddbraid Elf but those two tiny 1 CMC creatures brought the win. I thought about removing Scute Mob out of the deck but sometimes it’s just too good. Thankfully there was no Balefire Liege on the AI’s side.
Game 2: Mulligan to 5 and still no white mana so I was totally run over.
Game 3: Bloodbraid Elf into Imperial Recruiter for Dragonmaster Outcast was the turning point in a removal struggle. After that dragons just rushed and Eternal Witness helped exile Balefire Liege.

Match 2 (Cognis AI)
Game 1:
Oppening handForest, Taiga, Savannah, Birds of Paradise, Lightning Helix, Swords to Plowshares, Qasali Pridemage; I play first

Turn 1: Play Taiga, Birds of Paradise
AI – Savannah, Wild Nacatl
Turn 2: Draw Mountain, Play Savannah, Lightning Helix on Wild Nacatl
AI – Plateu, Swords to Plowshares on Birds of Paradise
Turn 3: Draw Jungle Shrine, Play Jungle Shrine, Qasali Pridemage, AI plays Path to Exile (Plains)
AI – Fetch land (Savannah at EoT), Wild Nacatl
Turn 4: Draw Balefire Liege, Play Mountain, Balefire Liege
AI – Mountain, Kor Skyfisher (Mountain), 3/4 Tarmogoyf
Turn 5: Draw Bloodbraid Elf, Play Forest, Bloodbraid Elf into Lightning Bolt on Kor Skyfisher, Swords to Plowshares on Tarmogoyf, I attack and take out Wild Nacatl
AI – Scute Mob
Turn 6: Draw Plateau, Play Plateau, attack; AI 17, Me 26
AI – Plains, Wild Nacatl
Turn 7: Draw Mountain, Play Mountain
AI – Kitchen Finks, attack with 5/5 Scute Mob; AI 19, Me 20, both with 0 cards in hand
Turn 8: Draw Qasali Pridemage, Play Qasali Pridemage
AI – Bloodbraid Elf into Eternal Witness for Kor Skyfisher, Qasali Pridemage blocks 9/9 Scute Mob
Turn 9: Draw Taiga, Play Taiga
AI – Bloodbraid Elf into Path to Exile on Balefire Liege (Plains), attack for 27 (13/13 Scute Mob)

Game 2: Oppening hand – 7 lands, I mulligan into a one land hand (Forest, Birds of Paradise, Qasali Pridemage, Bloodbraid Elf, Balefire Liege) so I mulligan again for 2 Savannah, Mountain, Swords to Plowshares and Bloodbraid Elf; I play first

Turn 1: Play Savannah
AI – Plains
Turn 2: Draw Birds of Paradise, Play Savannah, Birds of Paradise
AI – Forest, Kor Skyfisher (Forest), I play Swords to Plowshares on it, so Bloodbraid Elf can attack and live next round
Turn 3: Draw Woolly Thoctar, Play Mountain, Bloodbraid Elf into Figure of Destiny
AI – Forest, 2/2 Wild Nacatl
Turn 4: Draw Taiga, Play Taiga, attack with FoD and BbElf, Wild Nacatl blocks FoD so I pump him to 4/4
AI – fetch land (Taiga), Swords to Plowshares on FoD
Turn 5: Draw Ranger of Eos, Play Ranger of Eos for 2 FoD, FoD, attack; AI 12, Me 24
AI – Mountain, 3/4 Tarmogoyf, Dragonmaster Outcast
Turn 6: Draw Savannah, Play Savannah, I attack with BbElf and FoD (stupid move with leaving Ranger of Eos behind), I lose BbElf but kill Dragonmaster Outcast, FoD, Woolly Thoctar
AI – Plains, Kor Skyfisher (Plains)
Turn 7: Draw Balefire Liege, Play Balefre Liege, attack with everything, I lose Ranger of Eos and clear the AI’s board; AI 4, Me 24
AI – Elspeth, Knight-Errant
Turn 8: Draw Qasali Pridemage, Play attack for the win

Game 3: Oppening hand – 2 Plateau, Savannah, Forest, 2 Balefire Liege, Woolly Thoctar; I play first

Turn 1: Play Plateau
AI – Plateau
Turn 2: Draw Bloodbraid Elf, Play Savannah
AI – Savannah
Turn 3: Draw Plains, Play Plateau, Woolly Thoctar, AI plays Swords to Plowshares
AI – Forest, Kitchen Finks
Turn 4: Draw Jungle Shrine, Play Forest, Bloodbraid Elf into Qasali Pridemage, attack to take out Kitchen Finks
AI – Bloodbraid Elf into Imperial Recruiter, attack with 2/1 Kitchen Finks
Turn 5: Draw Figure of Destiny, Play Plains, Balefire Liege
AI – Forest, Wild Nacatl
Turn 6: Draw Birds of Paradise, Play Jungle Shrine, Balefire Liege
AI – Kor Skyfisher (Forest), Imperial Recruiter
Turn 7: Draw Plains, Play Plains, Birds of Paradise, Figure of Destiny
AI – Mountain, Eternal Witness, Swords to Plowshares on Balefire Liege, attack with Kor Skyfisher; AI 17, Me 34
Turn 8: Draw Swords to Plowshares, Play max out Figure of Destiny, attack and AI down to 6
AI – Mountain, attack with Kor Skyfisher, Wall of Reverence which I exile with StP
Turn 9: Draw Bloodbraid Elf, Play Bloodbraid Elf into Qasali Pridemage, attack for the win

I thought that Yggdrasil would run me over with some 20 point difference so I was surprised when I saw I was in the lead but this proved to be an extremely unpredictable match up. I played 6 matches and 4 times when I thought I would win or lose a single turn changed everything. I have an 8 point advantage but this is by no means over. They are just to close to call. Overall Yggdrasils deck is better at later game but Dragonmaster Outcast is definitely showing to be MVP of this deck. An amazing matchup since the AI plays both deck decently.
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby jatill » 21 Jun 2010, 12:53

SEMIFINAL #1 Scherbchen vs. Taron

Match 1: Scherbchen (ME) vs. Taron (AI) 2-0
Match 2: Taron (ME) vs. Scherbchen (AI) 2-0

SEMIFINAL #2 Cognis vs. Yggdrasil
Match 1: Cognis (ME) vs. Yggdrasil (AI) 2-0
Match 2: Yggdrasil (ME) vs. Cognis (AI) 2-1

The most interesting game was when I was about to be overrun by Yggdrasil's deck, unless I drew a land to cast Damnation. I draw instead Demonic Tutor, which is fine as long as Black Lotus is in the deck. I search and it is, hurray! And then the lightbulb goes off... maybe I'm not playing the right deck :) I loaded Cognis's Vintage deck instead. Oops!
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby Cognis » 21 Jun 2010, 13:46

Lol, I thought something was a bit off :D
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Re: June Tournament (submissions closed)

Postby Yggdrasil » 21 Jun 2010, 20:13

Taron was defeated by Scherbchen AI 1-2 (Scherbchen +3 pts)
Scherbchen defeats Taron AI 2-0 (Scherbchen +2 pts)

Round 1 : turn 2 Natural Order => win
Round 2 : AI used Force of Will against my turn 3 Eureka (I had Progenitus in my hand). It cast its own Progenitus after that. I took 10 damages the next turn, then I put my 7th mana source in play and summoned Platinum Angel. AI used Force of Will again, I was dead.
Round 3 : Started with Natural Order, Noble Hierarch and 5 lands in hand. I cast Natural Order in turn 3, but AI nullified it the next turn with its own Progenitus. Later in the game, I draw Platinum Angel and AI used Force of Will again(I hate this card). It was the first one to play Natural Order again. I lost.

Round 1 : I started whithout Natural Order, but with 3 Noble Hierarchs, Kitchen Finks, a dual land, Fast or Fiction and Force of Will. The hierarch pumped up the finks which inflicted all the damages, I just had to counter a Natural Order with Force of Will and won.
Round 2 : turn 3 Progenitus. I won.

It seems my deck has a tough time against Cognis. I perhaps would not have the opportunity to be beaten by a Progenitus deck, finally. :lol:
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