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Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

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Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby silly freak » 06 Sep 2010, 21:46

This version doesn't add any new features, but has a Windows-compatibility bug fixed (hope it works, Snacko) and provides easier installation and upgrade for future versions.

Download Laterna Magica: lm20100906.7z

Downlaod core libraries: lm20100906-lib.7z
The libraries are separate so that you don't need to download them along with subsequent versions. These are just the absolute core. Additional libraries will be downloaded on the first startup, if needed, and only from

On the first startup, an error will be shown. Just click it away, it should not show up again.
The libraries are now placed outside of the individual version's directory

I strongly suggest to have Laterna Magica in its own directory.
Unpack lm20100906.7z and lm20100906-lib.7z next to each other.
On the first startup, Laterna Magica will
  • Look for missing libraries. If any, you will be asked if they should be downloaded automatically. If so, a restart is required.
  • unpack some resources and thus finish the "installation".

After that, these directories will exist:

Code: Select all

Note that only a part lies within "lm20100906"; this means that card pictures, decks etc., and also the libraries will automatically be found in newer versions. Be sure to remove everything when you don't want Laterna Magica any more.

where's the "trust me, that will work!" switch for the compiler?
Laterna Magica - blog, forum, project, 2010/09/06 release!
silly freak
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Re: Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby Snacko » 07 Sep 2010, 21:28

Some insights:
Download libraries dialog doesn't have a clear indication that it succeeded successfully and you have to guess to close the panel to continue.
Would be nice if there was no error dialog about and continue gracefully if it's the proper initialization.
"You has priority" if you got some text please check it always generates some proper English phrase, otherwise you get this kind of broken English.
You can edit card text in the textbox.
And the GUI could use some work at some point as it has some good and bad points about it. Personally I like the pop up stack.
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Re: Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby silly freak » 08 Sep 2010, 04:48

you're probably right that is too verbose. the download dialog, too, but it's a little harder than you might think because the total number of downloads is not fixed when the download is shown.

could you be more specific about the GUI? maybe It's an easy thing I can change immediately

where's the "trust me, that will work!" switch for the compiler?
Laterna Magica - blog, forum, project, 2010/09/06 release!
silly freak
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Re: Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby Snacko » 10 Sep 2010, 09:50

I think the multiple blockers isn't rule correct as I can't find the step to sort the blockers during declare blockers step
509.2 - Second, for each attacking creature that's become blocked by multiple creatures, the active player announces its damage assignment order among the blocking creatures. This turn-based action doesn't use the stack. (During the combat damage step, an attacking creature can't assign combat damage to a creature that's blocking it unless each creature ahead of that blocking creature in its order is assigned lethal damage.) CompRules 2009/07/08
As for the GUI:
* in combat you don't really know what has already assigned damage and how much
* text box on cards is completely useless as it's way to small to even not wrap a basic land ability
* a bit hard to see at first what is tapped and what is not
* when you attack all creatures combat ready (your and your opponent) are highlighted red which might be confusing
* way to see cards in graveyards and a future out of the game zones
* hovering over cards don't always change the image of the card
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Re: Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby silly freak » 10 Sep 2010, 11:08

Thanks for the input! I was aware of some of the issues. E.g. damage assignment order is not possible through the GUI yet. Some of them are even intentional; graveyard/exile are not important right now, so I saved it for later.

Is tapped/untapped really so hard to recognize? I guess it will be better once card pictures on the battlefield are implemented, though. (and I should probably remove the text box)

The highlighting could possibly use different colors for attackers, blockers and defenders.

I will show assigned damage, most likely using the glass pane (which lies invisible over the whole window), but that sounds like a lot of work, so it's not implemented yet. Note however that you can see what creatures were assigned lethal damage when assigning additional damage.

the hovering problem is really annoying, but I have yet to find the reason for it.

where's the "trust me, that will work!" switch for the compiler?
Laterna Magica - blog, forum, project, 2010/09/06 release!
silly freak
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Re: Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby nantuko84 » 10 Sep 2010, 14:01

I will show assigned damage, most likely using the glass pane (which lies invisible over the whole window), but that sounds like a lot of work, so it's not implemented yet.
it can be made easier, no need to use GlassPane to write over components, try this (in CardTextButton that is top component for your cards, right?):

Code: Select all
    protected void paintComponent(Graphics g) {
        Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) g; // use may use double buffer here if you want
        g2D.setRenderingHint(RenderingHints.KEY_ANTIALIASING, RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON);
        g2D.drawString("Attacking", 10, 10);
the hovering problem is really annoying, but I have yet to find the reason for it.
it's also easy. you add mouse listener to CardTextButton instance. and this instance contains various components that WON'T send any events to its parent.
as an example of what I'm saying this fixes your problem a little, but not totally (as you have another components there):

in CardTextButton constructor:
Code: Select all
        b.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
               for (MouseListener m : getMouseListeners()) {
            public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
               for (MouseListener m : getMouseListeners()) {
does it make sense?
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Re: Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby silly freak » 11 Sep 2010, 11:33

nantuko84 wrote:
the hovering problem is really annoying, but I have yet to find the reason for it.
it's also easy. you add mouse listener to CardTextButton instance. and this instance contains various components that WON'T send any events to its parent.
as an example of what I'm saying this fixes your problem a little, but not totally (as you have another components there):

in CardTextButton constructor:
Code: Select all
        b.addMouseListener(new MouseAdapter() {
            public void mouseEntered(MouseEvent e) {
               for (MouseListener m : getMouseListeners()) {
            public void mouseExited(MouseEvent e) {
               for (MouseListener m : getMouseListeners()) {
does it make sense?
thanks for the tip, but it seems to me that it behaves just as unpredictable when hovering over the labels, which should do so, right? do you know a way to tell the components directly to redirect their mouse input to their parent?

where's the "trust me, that will work!" switch for the compiler?
Laterna Magica - blog, forum, project, 2010/09/06 release!
silly freak
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Re: Laterna Magica version 2010/09/06

Postby nantuko84 » 11 Sep 2010, 12:26

This was what I meant, children components on your CardTextButton don't redispatch mouse events to its parent.
do you know a way to tell the components directly to redirect their mouse input to their parent?
And the answer is ......... GlassPane! =)
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