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A preview of things to come.

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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 28 May 2014, 04:54

Innate Immortality.jpg
This is how I would like for the card to appear in the game.
Innate Immortality In Game.png
In the game he is a Legendary Enchntment Aura which is what I want it to act as but not 'appear'.
Okay. I finished everything for a DC Universe preview but when I went in game to take screenshots I notice that the different Types and Subtypes I typed into the XML didn't show. I tried to study the Wads of other mods such as TFM Planeswalker Mod. I went into the folders for Functions, Specs, and Text Permanent and opened a few .LOL and .XML files to have a look but I don't understand it at all. I even looked through the Planeswalker Manager XML.
Ajani In Game.png
In the game he's not an enchantment on the card.
Ajani In Deck Builder.png
In the deck builder he appears as an enchantment but his Subtype is not distorted like Poseidon's. I'm not sure why.

Then I remembered reading TFM saying

"Despite being cleverly hidden from your sight, Planeswalkers count as Basic Snow Enchantment on the battlefield, and as Planeswalker Enchantment in all other zones. The Planeswalker card type isn't handled correctly by the game, so it needs a "backup" type for being shown outside of the battlefield, and it needs to be removed on the battlefield in order for the card not to go straight to the graveyard.

Some cards that target enchantments have been prevented from targetting Planeswalkers, but other cards would need tweaks on their own code in order to manage this approximation correctly. In the WAD you can find a tweaked Tarmogoyf that doesn't count Planeswalkers as enchantments."

So, TFM would you mind sharing your trade secret or whatnot? In Riiak's Deck Builder
Poseidon Divinity Sutype.png
Poseidon Divity shows in game but in the Deck builder it says CARD_SUBTYPE_DIVINITY.

Then I looked at Neo's Age of Dodekatheon Mod. I want to add new Subtypes like his Divinity and new keyword info exactly the same way he added info for his Blood Spill keyword.

Can someone give a quick tutorial on how to do this or give a Wad with the .LPLs and .XMLs that I can fill in?
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby RiiakShiNal » 28 May 2014, 14:18

Custom sub-types currently require a bit of work and will cause mod conflicts with any other mod that adds custom sub-types for the same card type (custom creature sub-types will conflict with mods that add custom creature sub-types) due to the SPECS requirement.

Custom sub-types require the following to be defined:
  • An entry in the SPECS file (since the example case is a creature sub-type it should be defined in CREATURE_TYPES.TXT).
  • TEXT_PERMANENT entries so it will display correctly in-game in all supported languages. It should be defined with the key CARD_SUBTYPE_<Name> so in the example case it would be CARD_SUBTYPE_DIVINITY.

These are optional pieces:
  • LOL constant entry for easy usage in scripting. This is simply so that you can refer to the type by name instead of by number (the number is defined by the SPEC file and line in the file on which your type is defined). This is highly recommended.
  • Add entries to SUBTYPEORDERINGDATA_* files if specific ordering is required (or desired) for one or more languages (this can conflict with other mods that also add these entries).
  • An entry in the Deck Builder language file (this is a local only file and allows the sub-type to show up properly in the Deck Builder). This file is not included in WADs and will only affect your install of the Deck Builder.
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 May 2014, 02:34

Thanks RiiakShiNal. I managed to get the Subtypes to show in game after so much experimenting but I guess I didn't think to ask how to make 'Power' the Supertype or at least how to make it look that way in the game similar to the Planeswalker mod. Any idea how to do it? Once I master how to add custom text to the Supertype slot and the Subtype slot I can go ahead and preview the cards I had ready.

This is how I want the card to appear in the game.
Innate Immortality.jpg
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby RiiakShiNal » 29 May 2014, 02:51

You can't add Types or Supertypes (they are hard-coded into the game engine).

You can only "Mask" a group of types to make it look like another type. By mixing 2 or more different card types the game will look for text for a "Compound Type" (such as Artifact Creature, Tribal Enchantment, etc...) which consists of all of the card types present. This has many downsides:
  • The card will have all attributes of all types that are given to it. So if "Creature" is one of the types then it will have power/toughness and summoning sickness when it enters the field and can be targeted by anything that targets creatures, etc.... Any compound type with Land in it can't be cast (it can be played and will count as playing a land), it won't stack on the battlefield, etc....
  • There are only a handful of possible combinations that don't interfere with existing magic compound types.
  • It can cause many unwanted card interactions due to the extra types.
  • Players will be unsure of how to play/use a card if it has a Type listed that is unfamiliar to them.

In most cases you should simply stick to using the types defined by MtG for both player understanding and simplicity of implementation.
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 16:58


Connect. Contribute. Give. Help. Quantify.

In anticipation of Kieran returning state-side before August 18th I'll start showing Visual Spoilers for the mod using my development method. I'll update this thread frequently with information and images as the days go by. The showcase will feature five cards of each type with the exception of creatures. There will be five of each gender displayed for both universes.


Game Guide - An in-depth reference containing an all information about the mod. Everything in this guide will be available in game.

WADs - This mod will be released in three versions.

1.The official MTG format.
2. My enhanced game design.
3. A Comic Relief version that features the X-Babies and Lil Gotham characters.


1. Audio from official sources such as Graphic Audio.
2. Video animation created using After Effects and Photoshop.

Meet the Cull Obsidian
All members of the Black Order receive significant boost if you control Thanos. The celestial Mad Titan turns each of them into 'Win More' creatures.

Black Dwarf.png

Design Theory: Black Dwarf

Corvus Glaive.png

Design Theory: Corvus Glaive

Ebony Maw.png

Design Theory: Ebony Maw

Proxima Midnight.png

Design Theory: Proxima Midnight


Design Theory: Supergiant
Last edited by Tejahn on 03 Sep 2014, 17:06, edited 25 times in total.
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 16:59


The Importance of Subtypes
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:03


The Reason for Subtypes

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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:03


This mod features 11+ new keywords.
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:04


Listed below are a collection of customized terms used throughout this mod that may be unfamiliar.

Approaching the Battlefield - This term is the equivalent of the informal word 'Summoning Sickness'. It refers to a permanent that can't participate in directly attacking during the combat phase or use activated abilities that require it to tap if it hasn't been continuously controlled by someone since the beginning of that persons most recent turn. Some creatures, such as Ebony Maw, takes full advantage of creatures that enter the battlefield this way. While others, like Black Racer, do the exact opposite and prey on creatures that enter the battlefield with Haste.
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:05

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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:07

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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:07


Accurate Archery.png

Accurate Archery

Boot the Grill.png

Boot the Grill

Business Connections.png

Business Connections

Canary Kick.png

Canary Kick

Universal Tracking.png

Universal Tracking
Last edited by Tejahn on 12 Oct 2014, 02:48, edited 11 times in total.
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:08


Change the Future.png

Change The Future

Eater of Souls.png

Eater Of Souls

Hammer Through.png

Hammer Through

Strange Whispers.png

Strange Whispers

Stretch of the Imagination.png

Stretch of the Imagination
Last edited by Tejahn on 12 Oct 2014, 04:20, edited 22 times in total.
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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:09

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Re: A preview of things to come.

Postby Tejahn » 29 Jun 2014, 17:10


Ancestral Apocalypse.png

Ancestral Apocalypse
Last edited by Tejahn on 15 Sep 2014, 01:42, edited 7 times in total.
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