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Magic: The Puzzling #3-"Any Card Will Do"

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Magic: The Puzzling #3-"Any Card Will Do"

Postby Bog Wraith » 11 Nov 2010, 23:38

Here is this weeks entry, which is a bit more difficult then the first 2. Also, there are 7 different scenarios using 7 different cards.

See what you can come up with using these 7 cards and how you would go about trying to win when you drew each one.

Here is the list of the cards in this weeks puzzle as usual, without the lands.

Durkwood Boars
Animate Dead
Hypnotic Specter
Bog Imp
Krovikan Fetish
Grapeshot Catapult
Holy Strength
Goblin Mutant
Creature Bond
Unstable Mutation
Green Ward
Lightning Bolt
Blood Lust
Enchantment Alteration
Sleight of Mind
Swords to Plowshares

Remember, all these puzzle are from the 4th edition rules timeline.

As always, the answer is in a zipped file so you don't see it until you want to check your results.

Good luck & enjoy this weeks puzzle. :)
Puzzle #3
Answer to Puzzle # 3
(705.82 KiB) Downloaded 776 times
'Twas in the bogs of Cannelbrae
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Re: Magic: The Puzzling #3-"Any Card Will Do"

Postby aww1979 » 15 Nov 2010, 08:29

The Bloodlust one was by far the hardest for me. The rest were quite simple, but for some reason I missed that one for a long time.

my solution | Open
All cases: You have UUWRR mana.

Bloodlust: Cast Bloodlust and Creature Bond on Hypnotic Specter. Use Grapeshot Catapult on Hypnotic Specter. (CB does 1 damage) Cast Lightning Bolt on opponent for the last 3. 2URR spent.

Enchantment Alteration: Cast EA to move Weakness to Durkwood Boars. Cast Unstable Mutation on Goblin Mutant. Cast Lightning Bolt on Bog Imp. Cast Green Ward on Goblin Mutant. Attack with ah 8/6 trampler and opponent has only a 2/2 to block. (Green Ward isn't even technically needed, since if the 2/3 blocks, opponent still takes 5 damage instead of 6) UURW mana spent.

Jump: Cast Jump, Creature Bond, Lightning Bolt on Durkwood Boars and then tap Grapeshot Catapult to kill Durkwood Boars. Creature Bond does 4 damage. 1UUR mana spent.

Pyroclasm: Cast Creature Bond on Hypnotic Specter. Cast Pyroclasm. (Hippie dies, Creature Bond does 2 damage) Cast Lightning Bolt on opponent for the win. 2URR mana spent.

Sleight of Mind: Cast Creature Bond and Green Ward on Durkwood Boars. Cast Sleight of Mind on Green Ward, naming Black. Animate Dead is buried and boars die. Creature Bond deals 4 damage. 1UUW spent.

Swords to Plowshares: Cast plow on Durkwood Boars; opp at 7. Cast Unstable Mutation on Goblin Mutant. Cast Creature Bond and then Lightning Bolt on Bog Imp; CB does 3 damage. Attack with 6/5 Goblin Mutant and 3/5 Grapeshot Catapult. Opponent takes 6 damage in the best case scenario. (hippie blocks Grapeshot) 1WUUR spent.

Vertigo: Cast Creature Bond and then Vertigo on Hypnotic Specter. (CB does 2 damage) Lightning Bolt the opponent for 3 more. 1URR spent.

Edit: Just looked at your solutions...

...and the one for Enchantment Alteration doesn't work, because the 3/4 Durkwood Boars will prevent a Green-Warded Goblin Mutant from attacking.

...and you have different ones than I did for Pyroclasm and Sleight of Mind and Vertigo, but they all work.
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Re: Magic: The Puzzling #3-"Any Card Will Do"

Postby Bog Wraith » 15 Nov 2010, 17:06

Just to be clear, the answers I post for these are from the same Mark Rosewater book as the puzzles, they aren't mine.

I went through the book back in the day when I bought it. I haven't had the time to redo any of these that I've posted, but I hope to during the holidays.

I'm glad your posting any discrepancies you find. Keep it up! :)
'Twas in the bogs of Cannelbrae
My mate did meet an early grave
'Twas nothing left for us to save
In the peat-filled bogs of Cannelbrae.
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Re: Magic: The Puzzling #3-"Any Card Will Do"

Postby aww1979 » 18 Nov 2010, 03:59

Fair enough. It's probably really hard to design a puzzle that is both 1) not trivially easy and 2) doesn't have multiple solutions.
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