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Ascension Beta Testing (updated November 24th - version 0.5

A version of Gary Games' game by jatill

Moderator: CCGHQ Admins

Re: Ascension Beta Testing (updated November 24th - version

Postby gilby123 » 29 Nov 2010, 07:10

Void Initiate appears to be giving two runes. Either the text on the card is wrong or it's giving the wrong amount (says it only gives 1).

I haven't been able to replicate it yet, but in one game, the Mystic deck ran out and was still accessible. By the end of the game, it had -7 cards.
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Re: Ascension Beta Testing (updated November 24th - version

Postby jatill » 29 Nov 2010, 13:15

MarkSmith wrote:Started turn with empty discard pile. Played Temple Librarian, discarded Militia, drew Void Initiate. Played Void Initiate but wasn't given the option to banish my just-discarded militia.
Could not reproduce this. Add a save next time please.
In other news, the game goes "live" today.
Thanks for your help testing, everyone.
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Re: Ascension Beta Testing (updated November 24th - version

Postby MarkSmith » 30 Nov 2010, 04:11

Thanks for looking at that other thing I reported, if it happens again I'll try to get you a save.

New thing I found: "Redo" interacts strangely with "Twofold Askara." I started hand with Mystic, Heavy, Apprentice, Wolf Shaman, Twofold Askara. Played Shaman, drew Void initiate. Played Twofold, then decided I'd rather use it on the Heavy, so I hit "R".

The Played cards were cleared, my hand restored to Mystic, Heavy, Apprentice, Shaman, Void (no Twofold). And the action line now says "Choose an action to copy," but there are none from which to choose. As far as I can see, the game has reached an impasse.
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