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Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 16:08
by jatill
I've been hard at work...

New Cards:
Dread Return*
Cabal Therapy
Flame-Kin Zealot
Golgari Thug
Golgari Grave-Troll
Stinkweed Imp
Bridge From Below
Tinder Wall
Desperate Ritual

Lots of little bugs, though. Nothing major:
Flashback cards have all the same issues as other alternate cost spells, like Yawg's Will. Also, you are illegally allowed to target one of the creatures you sac with Dread Return.

Golgari Thug is not allowed to target itself, though I think it should be able to be.

Unmask crashes the game if you target yourself when paying the alternate cost.

Tinder Wall does not show as being able to produce mana for spells (like Spirit Guides). You have to sacrifice it first.

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 16:16
by Salbei
creating pics . gimme a few minutes.

rats! i forgot cabal therapy at the first upload :twisted: (fixed now)

-> signature updated (click to download pics/patch)

just played a game , looks like the dredge cards are working as intended.
therapy seems to work alright.

btw. how do i use serum powder "mulligans" ?

ridiculous 103 damage on turn 2 :lol: ->

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 17:03
by somacat
Thanks again jatill! Now maybe I can finish Super Mulligan 'fairly' (at least, as fair as Dredge gets lol!)

So now we have Flashback *and* Splice onto Arcane? Better change Kodama's Reach to Arcane (missed that when I suggested Eye to Nowhere ages ago...).

And Salbei - choose to keep the hand with Powder, after the game starts you will get another chance to mulligan.

And Tinder Wall seems out of place - mind if I ask the reason you included that one?

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 17:06
by Salbei
2 land belcher decks need Tinder Wall (legacy+vintage)
Desperate Ritual is getting played in the legacy 2 land belcher version aswell.

hmm i mulligan down to 5 with powder in my hand but didn´t get any choice to remove the cards.

just in case there are people that have been living under a rock for the past couple years -> here is a dredge list.
basicly you mulligan till you get a bazaar of baghdad.
use bazaar every turn - dredge whenever possible.
once you got 2-3 bridges in your graveyard flashback cabal therapy on a narcomoebe/ichorid (and generate a 2/2 zombie token via each bridge). repeat untill you got 3 creatures in use dread return to bring a zealot into play and go swing for lethal.

angel of despair is in there for the rare case that a permanent would stop your show (moat/propaganda).dread return into it first to clear the path.

game 1 usually goes to a dredge deck unless you run crypts maindeck/mog fanatics maindeck(and then you still got the ichorids for beatdown^^ - after sideboarding it is getting a lot harder for the deck , but this shouldn´t be an issue in this game.
Code: Select all
;4th Edition

.684   4   Golgari Grave-Troll
.678   4   Golgari Thug
.681   4   Narcomoeba
.682   4   Unmask
.711   4   Serum Powder
.398   4   Bazaar of Baghdad
.675   2   Flame-Kin Zealot
.705   4   Bridge From Below
.403   4   City of Brass
.258   4   Underground Sea
.1967   2   Life from the Loam
.691   4   Ichorid
.680   4   Stinkweed Imp
.666   4   Cabal Therapy
.700   4   Dread Return*
.1531   2   Angel of Despair
.1846   2   Duress

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 17:18
by jatill
somacat wrote:Better change Kodama's Reach to Arcane (missed that when I suggested Eye to Nowhere ages ago...).
Oops, I forgot that one. Any other Arcane spells hanging out there?

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 17:47
by somacat
Obviously I haven't been keeping up with Legacy mush, re: Tinder Wall. It's basically not even a format in my city =(

And haven't found any other Arcane spells yet, but I'll look.

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 17:58
by Salbei
i got used to the format by now.
no random wins a "i got dominated the whole match and rip off will from top and just win". i´ve stoped playing vintage regularly at the time "Flash" aera.was too ridiculous for me... "uh i´ve won the die roll - i win.wanna go eat something ?".

Legacy is a fun format once you got used to random wins ,games that actually see a turn 6 etc. and people actually use creatures beside DSC :mrgreen:

here is a 2 land legacy belcher list ->
there are no restrictions - just banned cards . leading to longer games usually.

i used to laugh at the format myself , called it "cripple magic"^^ but the format is fun after playing it a while.

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 18:21
by MalkolmX
Manaless ichorid here i go!
Jatill, are you thinking abouting adding more flashback/dredge cards? And also, since you managed creat graveyard mechanics, is there a chance for maybe Retrace mechanic in the future? Would be quite great to see Retrace added due to it's interaction with Life from the Loam.

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 19:08
by Systral
Great work Jatill! Another deck to add to my Vintage gauntlet :) If flashback works now I'd make a little wish list of cards to include in the future:

1) Deep Analysis
2) Recoup (if you get Gifts Ungiven to work again)
3) Chainer's Edict
4) Firebolt
5) Call of the Herd
6) Krosan Reclamation
7) Moment's Peace
8) Ancient Grudge
9) Reckless Charge
10) Seize the Day

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 19:24
by Salbei
Systral wrote:Great work Jatill! Another deck to add to my Vintage gauntlet :) If flashback works now I'd make a little wish list of cards to include in the future:

1) Deep Analysis
2) Recoup (if you get Gifts Ungiven to work again)
3) Chainer's Edict
4) Firebolt
5) Call of the Herd
6) Krosan Reclamation
7) Moment's Peace
8) Ancient Grudge
9) Reckless Charge
10) Seize the Day
yupp,i´m looking forward to these aswell.
ever tried Krosan Reclamation in an oath deck ? creatureless oath activation (or maybe1) into reclamation into yawgmoths will :mrgreen: - pretty much the only use for the card^^

the old gifts deck(recoup/timewalk/tinker/yawg will) was fun to play aswell (still missing DSC though).

i doubt Ancient Grudge will see some play (beside sealed deck). don´t get me wrong - it is a good card but usually just after siderboarding it in.can hardly think of a deck that would run em maindeck.definatly no bad card.

Moment´s Peace can become incredibly annoying (to play against)- Deep Analysis is a bit outdated but will find its place for sure.

getting the other cards in sealed deck wouldn´t be bad either.

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 19:47
by Systral
Yeah I figured if we can't get Gaea's Blessing to play around with in Oath Krosan Reclamation fills a similar function of saving you from getting decked and setting up combos. And I have a feeling we could outsmart the CPU pretty bad with Recoup added to Gifts/Intuition/Fact or Fiction pile splits...

The other cards are mostly stuff I've found myself thinking about lately when building decks (Chainer's Edict in Monoblack control, Deep Analysis in Tog etc.) and you're right about Ancient Grudge being a SB card but it's strictly better than Shatter which is in the game iirc. Plus a couple of T8 decks actually played it maindeck at this year's Vintage Champs as an answer to evil stuff like Null Rod and Time Vault :)

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 20:37
by aww1979
Sweet! One of my 'top ten' requests once was 'lots more dredge cards' so this makes me very happy! Time to do Super Mulligan, only without Contract from Below :p Actually, a dredge deck would probably own Epic, too, and that's the other one I didn't do fairly.

Can we have some more lands that would help for Land Ho next? :lol:

edit: using magic search function online, Lava Spike is also Arcane.

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 21:47
by aww1979
Hmm, every time I dredge something when AI has Goblin Lackey, he gets to play a goblin for free :p Kinda weird.

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 16 Sep 2009, 22:04
by Salbei
manamorphose is getting recognized as arcane spell which it isn´t. (desperate ritual)

dredge for epic challenge:
hmm ichorids/narcomoeba+bridges to create tokens (scare off the AI) then cast dread return as only spell ... yupp this should work.
you could theoreticly just discard a dredger on the draw (from my experience this is too slow,a LoA should provide enough speed though if it is on the starting will be a dead card most of the time - but for the epic challenge pretty much every card is dead^^) so it is usually better to start with a bazaar.just a matter of mulligan luck.(watch out with the Serum Powders not to remove too many bridges).
the good thing is that games won´t take that long with dredge,so you could start from the top without loosing too much time playing :D

i really can´t wait to get my hands on zendikar. the set looks really good from what i´ve seen so far.gonna keep a few displays unopened as a "long term investment".booster prices will go through the roof pretty fast.
the powerlevel is similar to the urza block from the spoilers...can´t believe they didn´t come up earlier with "landfall".its such a simple mechanic - you will get rewarded just for playing magic -> without having to invest mana into it... this is going to be nuts.
and jesus christ did you see the traps ? check the blue traps - this is madness ^^
they pretty much reprinted an improved Force of Will which will exile any number of spells.WTF?
this is gonna be huge - and you could play it for free if an opponent played 3 spells or more (storm strategy decks better watch out!)
you can play "Archive Trap" in every deck - doesn´t even check for islands or anything.
opponent is fetching -> activate trap for free and bye bye top 13 cards ... for FREE. ridiculous.
the planeswalker ...hmm really dunno - they look mediocore at best to me (mana investment seems too high,even though some effects look bonkers) gonna sell em asap as long as the prices are high.they really don´t look like they have an impact on vintage/legacy (unlike a great bunch of the other spoiled cards).
i´m actually considering to play some T2 with this cardpool.still can´t believe the powerlevel of the set.
if it really stays like this you can mindlesly pre-order 20+ displays at a minimum risk of financial loss.had a lot more panic during the alara block.hell,even the commons look playable.
average of 3 mythics/display +fetchlands +quite a lot of playables ,relative low "junk factor"-> it´s like they are printing 100$ banknotes and sell em for 30$ :mrgreen:

Re: Manalink Update - Sep 16th - Dredge

PostPosted: 17 Sep 2009, 01:13
by monopoman
Woot cards without a challenge!!

I am glad we are still getting updates not attached to 10 more challenges or something.

By the way the improved force of will is not force of will level at all. It is only better against combo decks that like to play solitaire.

Most decks in T2 or Extended don't cast 3+ spells a turn.

Is it just me or does Ichorid not allow you to resurrect him using his ability.