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Re: CSV errors & Legacy/Effect cards with no text

PostPosted: 01 Nov 2015, 18:03
by Aswan jaguar
Just that as a sorcery it can't be really on play so you can see the shroud while it is on hand.(or on stack)

By the way I saw your post on the bug tracker (and replied to it) about a lot of fixes/corrections you made on ct_all and scv's thanks for that.I was wondering if your corrections on your tests were only for cards that co-exist on both Shandalar and Manalink as there are still other cards with none play/activate value on ct_all beyond the ones you found.

Some of those corrections and many others were observed also by me and were send to Sonic previous summer but didn't make it to the official releases as a result of a mess with updates,mini patches and work load of Sonic among other things which was very disappointing to me as I had spend way too much time to check all those cards one by one!

[fixed/closed]Lat-Nam's Legacy has flying

PostPosted: 07 Nov 2015, 11:30
by Aswan jaguar
Lat-Nam's Legacy has flying when it is in your hand.Ct_all wrong entry.

Re: CSV errors & Legacy/Effect cards with no text

PostPosted: 07 Nov 2015, 18:12
by Korath
Yes, my test cases only run on Shandalar cards; much of the time it's impossible to tell which are applicable before porting the card.

Lat-Nam's Legacy fixed 9e82b4d.

[fixed/closed]csv play before values

PostPosted: 09 Nov 2015, 18:07
by Aswan jaguar
Some cards that have or grant haste and are set to be played by AI after combat and should be better played before combat:
- Flurry of Horns
- Igneous Pouncer
- Oni of Wild Places
- Rebellion of the Flamekin (also could be better played before or both before & after)
- Dack's Duplicate
- Marchesa's Smuggler (has no play value at all).
- Goblin Rabblemaster
- Might Makes Right

[fixed]Balduvian Dead 's tokens legacy-Shandalar bug

PostPosted: 16 Dec 2015, 18:59
by Aswan jaguar
Balduvian Dead 's tokens legacy doesn't have text or title.
Noticed in Shandalar if it makes any difference.

[duplicate]Viridian Emissary legacy effect card

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2015, 05:50
by lujo
Same for Viridian Emissary legacy effect card if it's not allready fixed. Excuse me if it is, I just clicked to see what the latest post was about and remembered I've been meaning to report that for ages. I too noticed it in Shandalar, though. Srry, I was something v. early in the morning I just clicked to see what's going on I thought I'd mention before I forget again :( Ty.

Re: CSV errors & Legacy/Effect cards with no text

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2015, 06:16
by Aswan jaguar
Well,lujo search button is also for this,if you have searched you would find that Viridian Emissary is already fixed.

Re: CSV errors & Legacy/Effect cards with no text

PostPosted: 17 Dec 2015, 08:47
by Korath
Balduvian Dead is properly a Shandalar-only bug; Manalink incorrectly makes it an ability of the token instead of an effect of Balduvian Dead. (That can only matter if something changes the token to be a copy of something else, though I can't think of anything offhand that does so past end-of-turn.) Fixed in 50552ab.

[fixed/closed]Retreat to Valakut

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2015, 19:05
by stassy
Don't know if it's intentional, it's not wrong but text style is weird for Retreat to Valakut legacy effect (can't block effect chosen) :


[not a bug]Awaken effect doesn't show how many counters on c

PostPosted: 25 Dec 2015, 19:38
by stassy
Don't know if it's too complicated or not important enough for its own thread, but as Awaken effect doesn't show how many counters are put on target land, maybe they don't need to stack...


Also debug crashed once while trying to Awaken a Diamond Valley, couldn't reproduce it afterward.

bad parameters
in_play(-1, -1)
0: 0x02427E14
1: 0x023E312B
2: 0x02048078
3: 0x02054009
4: 0x004018E0
5: 0x00435BCF
6: 0x004368C6
7: 0x023EAFA7
8: 0x0043BFAA
9: 0x004399BD
10: 0x0047902C
11: 0x004946E9
12: 0x766D337A
13: 0x77C49882
14: 0x77C49855

Re: CSV errors & Legacy/Effect cards with no text

PostPosted: 26 Dec 2015, 01:02
by Korath
Anything that looks like Retreat to Valakut merits a full bug report; it's not a problem with the effect text per se. Fixed in 1990aa8.

Awaken effects deliberately don't say how many counters; it's not part of the same effect.

[fixed/closed]Sakashima the Impostor's effect card has no te

PostPosted: 27 Dec 2015, 17:59
by Nexhro
Sakashima the Impostor's effect card has no text.

[fixed/closed]Seismic Elemental legacy has no text

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2015, 16:21
by Aswan jaguar
Seismic Elemental legacy has no text.fixed
Also it doesn't get attached to affected creatures as usually those cards do,but as a global enchantment but I guess this is a matter of personal preference.not a bug.

edit:after more testing,no can't block icon.Or that isn't implemented in Manalink.3.0 but only to shandalar?I thought it was but I cast a couple of other creatures with that ability but no icon either.

Re: CSV errors & Legacy/Effect cards with no text

PostPosted: 30 Dec 2015, 18:04
by Korath
Not attaching to those creatures isn't a matter of preference, it's how the card works - not being able to block isn't an ability (which would make it be checked when Seismic Elemental's trigger resolved), but one of those irritating "things that are just true", as the comp rules clumsily words them (so it's checked as creatures try to block). Ruling: No creature without flying will be able to block that turn, including creatures that lose flying after Seismic Elemental's ability resolves and creatures without flying that enter the battlefield after that ability resolves.

[fixed/closed]Ampryn Tactician,Consul's Lieutenant,&,

PostPosted: 07 Jan 2016, 19:22
by Aswan jaguar
Ampryn Tactician legacy says "creatures you control get +0/+0 until and of turn" instead of "creatures you control get +1/+1 until and of turn"
2016-01-06_185517ampryn tactician legacy.jpg

Consul's Lieutenant legacy also has +0/+0 instead of +1/+1.

Abbot of Keral Keep prowess legacy is empty.
2016-01-03_134741abbot of keral k legacy of prowes.jpg

Hikari, Twilight Guardian legacy is empty.